Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1958553-Dragon-Daydreams---Diamondraskyro
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1958553
A surreal short story detailing the beginning of a Goddesses first encounter with a being.
In her eyes, the whole universe swirled in and out of existence following the rhythm of her small heart beat, the light that danced above dazzled and inspired her. The depth of her vision shattering the boundaries of what is known and what could be known. Her song a healing harmonious one that rippled across the obsidian void of tiny sparks and voiceless whispers.

And her eyes were opened and she, a goddess awoken.
The embodiment of innocence, harmony and beauty, she gazed upon something unseen and unexpected to her, a small and ragged creature
with eyes of a burning sunset and scales like the charred remains of a forest fire.
Feelings of uncertainty erupted inside but somehow where overthrown by the most unconditional love she had never known to be. At this moment a supernova of creative expression and connectedness expanded outwards and directly into the small ragged creature.
The creature was completely overwhelmed at first but slowly and steadily it started to regain it's balance now infused with the power and bonded forever with the newly awakened Goddess.

The two bodies floating in-sync downwards into an endless distance.
The young universe around them expanding and stabilising with the polar contrast the two held towards each other like two sides of a cosmic magnet.

“who are you?” echoed a serene feminine voice between the fabric of reality.
“I was named Maragana.” The ragged creature nervously replied, “The Elders told me I was born to bring balance to the universe, that it was my fate to be beside you.” He continued more confidently. The goddess shifted into a more psychical form and came up close beside Maragana, she inspected him more closely first by his psychical appearance. He was an overall dark grey colour, a reptilian like anatomy conjoined with two large wings and a barrage of spikes atop his head, four legged with three toes on each foot and small claws. His body was covered in scaled plates, a naturally grown armour, along his spine were small spikes running down his back and ending before the tail tip where a small axe like formation had taken residence.

“Who am I?” The goddess asked with child like curiosity. Maragana was entranced by her beauty and innocence, he stared fixated at her and calmly answered with “All I know, is that they called you by the name `Diamondraskyro` because you were prophesied to resemble a sky of diamonds and that you would be one half of a whole that would allow the universe to grow and evolve safely.”

with each new word and imagery to enter Diamondra's consciousness a thousand more were shown before her all at once. She shifted and morphed before Maragana, as she did so the dream like abyss around them started to take on it's own forms and colours. Countless crystal like specks manifested all around them with every colour of the rainbow but with intensified vibrancy and illumination, Diamondraskyro allowed her body to take on the form of a gentle feminine dragon-like creature equal to the size of maragana.

A moment of stillness overcome the two as their gazes locked with natural ease and focus upon each other.
“Maragana... together we are born from imperfection, and just as our creators, we will continuously grow and learn with every moment, and we start as one, in essence we are one timeless being but even timelessness remains a slave to change...” Diamondra advises delicately with what seems to be a new wave of universal wisdom.
Maragana listens intently, his eyes wide and glistening with the otherworldly colours that swirl around him and his goddess. He stares in stunned silence... feeling as if the very fabric of reality had been sown between his breath and his spirit.
Feelings, thoughts and patterns he did not fully understand began to flow through his consciousness, the very blood in his veins felt lighter somehow, imbued with the unrelenting force of love that Diamondra warped around his small being.
“It... feels like... I’m on fire... but it doesn't hurt, not even a little bit... it's agonizingly warm... but it's not a temperature, I don't understand what is happening to me.. I don't feel like myself any more... I can't see the darkness anymore...” Maragana feebly expressed in a desperate attempt to comprehend his continuing transformation.
Diamondraskyro's face gave a spilt second worried expression but quickly surrendered again to the power of the moment. “Don't try to understand Maragana, the things you are feeling are feelings to be felt, you only need to feel, you exist and there is no need to question that for existence itself is always the only answer you will find. However... I believe a few words can help ease your disposition, we are to become one, I am currently raising your frequency to match my own, but you cannot fight it, you have to surrender to this fate by choice or we cannot bond wholly.” Diamondra emphasized to him.

“I... see... If this is my true fate and meaning for existing then I surrender to your strange and beautiful ways Diamondraskyro. I promise to never leave your side if that is the only way to bring true stability to this universe and all it's inhabitants.” Maragana Nobly replied in complete acceptance.
Diamondra smiled an ethereal smile of reassurance and they both drifted deeper into dreamlike paradises and impossible geometry that followed to bring thousands of years of peace and balance throughout every level of the Adorian universe.

But timeless imperfection remains a slave to change.
© Copyright 2013 Holly Morgan-Williams (yashariel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1958553-Dragon-Daydreams---Diamondraskyro