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A 12 page screen play excerpt/beginning |
FADE IN: EXT. OPEN FIELD/NEVADA - NIGHT MILITARY MEN, LOCAL COPS and S.W.A.T. TEAMS crowd around a huge metal object on the dead brown grass of the field. Whispers of speculation drift through the air. A hush falls over the field as SERGENT JOHNATHAN JESSUP (mid 40s), a stern looking large man with graying hair and a beer gut, walks toward the front line of men. SERGENT JONATHAN JESSUP Well boys, what are you waiting for? Open her up! S.W.A.T. TEAM CAPATAIN You heard the man. Let's go! Move! Move! Move! The field came alive with men rushing about in different directions. They took their posts behind heavy looking guns all pointing at the twisted metal object they'd brought down from the sky. S.W.A.T. TEAM CAPATAIN leads a small group of EIGHT MEN towards the space craft. S.W.A.T. TEAM CAPTAIN Open fire! Bullets ripped through the air clinking and ricocheting off the foreign object. A large SNAP and a release of pressure echoed as the bullets ceased. S.W.A.T. CAPTAIN motioned his men forward with the wave of his hand. The men peered inside to see bodies strewn about the cabin. The CAPTAIN was no medical doctor but the bodies inside looked severely injured at best. Whatever brought this ship down they did it without mercy. S.W.A.T. CAPTAIN (Shouting across the field) Sargent! They're human! SARGENT JOHNATHAN JESSUP Put 'em with the others, boys! (To the CAPTAIN) I know. ACT ONE INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY MRS. FULTON (30s), the chemistry professor with a wiry frame and thick glasses, lectured in front of the chalkboard to a group of board looking students. MRS. FULTON Mr. Jessup? Mr. Jessup do you have an answer? JASON JESSUP Huh, uh forty two? CLASS (Various laughter) MRS. FULTON Perhaps if we were discussing the meaning of life I would find your answer amusing. However this is chemistry and you would do well to pay attention in my class. Mr. Jessup. (To the rest of the class) Now can anyone tell me who found electrons using the cathode ray method? GIRL #1 Thompson. RIIINNNGGG. The school bell echoes through the classroom as students rush out of their seats and into the halls. HUNTER BENNET Jace! Jason! Dude wait up. HUNTER BENNET, (16) the best friend of Jason, runs to catch up with JASON in the hallway. JASON stops and waits for HUNTER. HUNTER What's up with you? JASON Nothing just tired. HUNTER So what time did he get in last night? Must have been late, right? JASON I don't even know it was sometime around three, I think. HUNTER So he was there then? At the meteor crash I mean? They were talking about it on the news this morning. JASON I don't know, but I don't think it was a meteor. HUNTER Come on, not this again. Your dad is just part of the military not some secret alien cover up team. Next you're going to tell me he accidently revealed the secret location of Area 51 to you. JASON Hunter, you sound like an idiot. Everyone knows area 51 one is a joke. HUNTER (Very loudly) Oh so you're the kid who believes in aliens and somehow I'm the idiot? You're logic is crazy man. JASON Look, I've never actually said aliens alright but- HUNTER (cutting him off) But I know it's what you're thinking. JASON Whatever, I know what I heard. HUNTER (sighs) What did you hear? JASON I overheard him on the phone with someone. He was describing the object in the field. It wasn't a rock but some kind of metal structure or whatever. HUNTER So maybe it was just a piece of falling space junk or a satellite. JASON Yeah, but then he said something weird. He said "there were more onboard". Tell me why would there be people or others onboard a piece of space junk? HUNTER So naturally your first conclusion is aliens. JASON Could you just maybe accept the possibility that I'm not far from the truth? HUNTER Do you even hear yourself? You're talking about aliens like you're crazy. HUNTER and JASON walk out of the school and into the parking lot crowded with kids trying to leave. JASON I'm not though. HUNTER Well that's still up for debate if you ask me. JASON What if I proved it? HUNTER Oh yeah, and how exactly do you think you're going to do that? JASON We'll head out to the edge of the Dawson Farm where it reportedly crashed. HUNTER And how are we going to get close enough. They have the thing under surveillance. JASON I'll think of something. But just answer me one question. If it's just a piece of rock why are they guarding it? HUNTER Probably because they don't want idiots like you to try to go exploring and wind up injured causing some big legal debate. JASON If you say so, I'll see you at nine. HUNTER climbs into his car and drives out of the parking lot while JASON walks towards the other end of the school and heads home. FADE IN: INT/EXT. BENNET HOUSE - NIGHT HUNTER glances at the clock and it blinks 8:55 p.m. and then abruptly gets up from the table. HUNTER Crap, I'm late. Sorry mom got to go. MRS. BENNET And where on earth do you think you're going? HUNTER (Tugging his shoes on) Jason and I were going to go study. He's failing Algebra 2. I'll be back before curfew. MRS. BENNET You better be. MRS. BENNET gets up from the table and heads upstairs passing MAYA (15), HUNTER'S younger sister, as she heads downstairs. MAYA Alright, cut the act where are you really going? HUNTER (Reaching for his keys) Like I told mom, I'm going to study. MAYA Please, don't feed me any of that rehearsed BS. Last I checked Jason was a crazy math whiz and you didn't even know the definition of study. Where are you really going? HUNTER It's none of your business. MAYA I overheard you and Jason talking before you got in the car. You're going to look at the meteor aren't you? HUNTER So? Why do you even car if we are? HUNTER closes the coat closet door to reveal MAYA standing against the frame with a smirk on her lips. MAYA I want to see it. HUNTER Not a chance, sis. HUNTER walks out the front door and tries to close it in MAYA's face. She blocks it with her hand and follows him outside. MAYA If you don't take me I'll tell mom where you're really going. I'll even show her the grades you've been getting as proof that you've never once studied. HUNTER You wouldn't dare. MAYA That's the thing, Bro, I totally would. HUNTER You are a brat, you know that. Why do you even care about some stupid rock anyway? MAYA You have your reasons for going and I've got mine. Just let me come. I swear I'll leave you and your dork friends alone. HUNTER opens the car door and climbs inside. HUNTER Get in. MAYA climbs into the passenger seat and HUNTER backs out of the driveway heading towards the DAWSON FARM. MAYA sits texting in the passenger seat. HUNTER What are you doing? MAYA I'm texting that friend of yours, Annabelle. I'm telling her and her sister to meet us there. HUNTER (Angrily) Why would you do that? MAYA Because, we were talking about it today at lunch and Emma and I decided we want to see it. HUNTER Text her back tell her you're not going any more. MAYA No. HUNTER Just know that Jason is going to kill you. MAYA I'll take my chances. ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. ABOARD GENESIS - DAY A seemingly average day aboard the spaceship Genesis as CAPTAIN COLTON ROSCOE (20s), a young captain who took control of the mission after his uncle the original captain for the mission died suddenly aboard, prepares the crew for the landing that will take place within the next few hours. CAPTAIN COLTON ROSCOE We plan to be landing on earth within the next few hours. Jax, Lottie how's the landing gear look? JAX and LOTTIE, siblings with dark features and the youngest members aboard the GENESIS, sit behind a row of important looking computers. LOTTIE (To ROSCOE) Everything is running smoothly. Estimated time of arrival on the planet Earth is around six hours. ROSCOE Alright you heard Lottie. We've got a little less than six hours before our real mission begins. By order of the Intergalactic Colonization Policy we are not to stay long. Enter ROSCOE'S second in command, COMANDER NICKLAUS REGLIN (30s) a loyal friend to ROSCOE who accompanied his uncle upon numerous voyages. REGLIN Get in, solve the problem and get back out again. That is our job, does everyone understand. CREW (A chorus of "yeses" and head nods.) REGLIN Good, we're looking for answers. A few months ago we lost contact with THE SERAPH that was sent to bring relief and updates from home to the colonists. Minutes before the craft was scheduled to land it went offline. |