Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964503-Mumsys-Dreidel-Game-Day-Eight-Results
by Mumsy
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1964503
Mumsy's Dreidel Game day eight results
Game א...Aleph
Amethyst Angel🍂🧡 spun ה...(hey)
Dave Ryan spun ה...(hey)
tracker spun נ...(nun)
tracker is OUT!

Nobody’s Home spun ש...(shin)
WakeUpAndLive️~Go Forth📖 spun ג...(gimmel)
Boo spun ש...(shin)
Boo is OUT!

🪽intuey🕊️ spun ג...(gimmel)
Gaby ~ Way behind! spun ה...(hey)
Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love spun ה...(hey)
PiriPica spun נ...(nun)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ב...Bet
Storm Machine spun ה...(hey)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 spun ה...(hey)
LdyPhoenix spun ג...(gimmel)
LdyPhoenix is OUT!

LinnAnn -book writer spun נ...(nun)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ש...(shin)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ה...(hey)
Nobody’s Home spun ג...(gimmel)
Olivia's on the road spun ש...(shin)
⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites spun ש...(shin)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ג...Gimmel
Marvelous Friend spun נ...(nun)
Jay O'Toole spun ש...(shin)
Jay O'Toole is OUT!

MidnightStalker spun ש...(shin)
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun ג...(gimmel)
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson spun ה...(hey)
severed head spun נ...(nun)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ש...(shin)
Brandiwyn🎶 spun ה...(hey)
Writer_Mike spun ה...(hey)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ד...Dalet
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 spun נ...(nun)
Kit spun ג...(gimmel)
Kit has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Gaby ~ Way behind! spun ג...(gimmel)
AmyJo-"ber" months are here! spun נ...(nun)
dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG spun ג...(gimmel)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ה...(hey)
Choconut spun ג...(gimmel)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ה...(hey)
Jeff spun ה...(hey)
Jeff is OUT!
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ה...Hey
Scare-emy spun ה...(hey)
Annette in France spun נ...(nun)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
Gaby ~ Way behind! spun ה...(hey)
Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness spun ש...(shin)
Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love spun ג...(gimmel)
Kit spun ה...(hey)
Kit is OUT!

Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun נ...(nun)
Olivia's on the road spun ה...(hey)
Nobody’s Home spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ו....Vav
Dave Ryan spun ג...(gimmel)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun ה...(hey)
dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG spun ש...(shin)
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun ה...(hey)
Solace.Bring spun ג...(gimmel)
QPdoll spun ג...(gimmel)
QPdoll is OUT!

ßlueyeʐ spun נ...(nun)
ßlueyeʐ is OUT!

~SilverMoon~ spun נ...(nun)
~SilverMoon~ is OUT!

Bianca spun ש...(shin)
Bianca has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ז....Zayin
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ש...(shin)
Nobody’s Home spun ש...(shin)
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 spun ש...(shin)
Channie- Is now Sabrina spun ה...(hey)
Dragon is hiding spun ה...(hey)
Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th spun ה...(hey)
Scare-emy spun ה...(hey)
Scare-emy is OUT!

Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love spun ה...(hey)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ה...(hey)
Kit spun נ...(nun)
Kit has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*
Pot: *Coingold*

Game ח....Chet
Jay O'Toole spun נ...(nun)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun נ...(nun)
severed head spun נ...(nun)
Cubboo! spun נ...(nun)
Cubboo! has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

AmyJo-"ber" months are here! spun ג...(gimmel)
Wordsmitty ✍️ spun ה...(hey)
Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love spun ג...(gimmel)
tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! spun נ...(nun)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ה...(hey)
Bikerider spun ש...(shin)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ט....Tet
Dave Ryan spun ש...(shin)
Dave Ryan is OUT!

StoneHeart spun ג...(gimmel)
SeptemberBee spun ה...(hey)
SeptemberBee is OUT!

Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ spun ג...(gimmel)
Kit spun ש...(shin)
Kit is OUT!

Cubboo! spun נ...(nun)
Cubboo! has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Amethyst Angel🍂🧡 spun ג...(gimmel)
tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! spun ש...(shin)
LeJenD' spun ג...(gimmel)
LeJenD' has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Beholden spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game י....Yud
StoneHeart spun ה...(hey)
tracker spun נ...(nun)
tracker is OUT!

GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun נ...(nun)
Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun ה...(hey)
🌞GeminiGem 🌻 spun ג...(gimmel)
Dave Ryan spun ש...(shin)
InkSpout spun נ...(nun)
InkSpout is OUT!

the last cicada spun ג...(gimmel)
Boo spun ה...(hey)
Boo is OUT!

Princess Morticia Megan Rose spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game כ....Kaf
Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun נ...(nun)
Bikerider spun ג...(gimmel)
🌞GeminiGem 🌻 spun ש...(shin)
Lornda ~ Away ~ spun ג...(gimmel)
Jtpete 1986 spun ג...(gimmel)
Jtpete 1986 is OUT!

Choconut spun נ...(nun)
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 spun נ...(nun)
Solace.Bring spun נ...(nun)
Solace.Bring is OUT!

Ray Scrivener spun ה...(hey)
Jay O'Toole spun נ...(nun)
Jay O'Toole is OUT!
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ך....Khaf
Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun ה...(hey)
Paul spun ה...(hey)
Paul has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Cubboo! spun ה...(hey)
Cubboo! has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Beholden spun ה...(hey)
Beholden is OUT!

tracker spun ש...(shin)
tracker has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Mousethyme spun נ...(nun)
H❀pe spun ש...(shin)
H❀pe is OUT!

Olivia's on the road spun נ...(nun)
ßlueyeʐ spun ש...(shin)
ßlueyeʐ is OUT!

Waltz en France spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ל....Lamed
Mr. Fill spun נ...(nun)
Gaby ~ Way behind! spun נ...(nun)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ש...(shin)
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun נ...(nun)
Channie- Is now Sabrina spun ה...(hey)
Kit spun ש...(shin)
Kit has *Coingold**Coingold*

Alex Morgan spun ג...(gimmel)
Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun ג...(gimmel)
tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! spun ש...(shin)
LeJenD' spun ה...(hey)
LeJenD' is OUT!
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game מ....Mem
the last cicada spun נ...(nun)
Richard ~ Typing Left Handed spun ה...(hey)
Choconut spun ש...(shin)
Jeff spun נ...(nun)
Jeff is OUT!

Annette in France spun ג...(gimmel)
Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love spun ג...(gimmel)
~ Brian K Compton ~ shhh spun ש...(shin)
severed head spun נ...(nun)
❀Leger❀ spun ש...(shin)
Nobody’s Home spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game נ....Nun
Storm Machine spun ש...(shin)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ש...(shin)
Azreal2915 spun נ...(nun)
LdyPhoenix spun ה...(hey)
LinnAnn -book writer spun ש...(shin)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ש...(shin)
Nobody’s Home spun ש...(shin)
Olivia's on the road spun ה...(hey)
⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites spun ג...(gimmel)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ס....Samech
Marvelous Friend spun ש...(shin)
Kell Willsen spun נ...(nun)
Kell Willsen is OUT!

Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
Jay O'Toole spun ש...(shin)
Brandiwyn🎶 spun ג...(gimmel)
Elycia Lee ☮ spun ג...(gimmel)
MidnightStalker spun ש...(shin)
severed head spun ש...(shin)
severed head is OUT!

Azreal2915 spun ג...(gimmel)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ש...(shin)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ע....Ayin
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun ש...(shin)
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson spun ג...(gimmel)
ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM spun ה...(hey)
Azreal2915 spun ה...(hey)
Nobody’s Home spun ג...(gimmel)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ש...(shin)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun נ...(nun)
Emma spun ג...(gimmel)
Emma has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Chrys O'Shea spun ג...(gimmel)
Chrys O'Shea is OUT!

Knox spun ג...(gimmel)
Knox has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game פּ....Peh
Writer_Mike spun נ...(nun)
Mousethyme spun ש...(shin)
Mousethyme is OUT!

Starling spun ה...(hey)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ש...(shin)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ה...(hey)
severed head spun ג...(gimmel)
severed head is OUT!

Tiggy in Antigua spun ש...(shin)
WakeUpAndLive️~Go Forth📖 spun ג...(gimmel)
Azreal2915 spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game פ....Feh
Storm Machine spun ש...(shin)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ה...(hey)
Azreal2915 spun ה...(hey)
LdyPhoenix spun ג...(gimmel)
LinnAnn -book writer spun נ...(nun)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ה...(hey)
Nobody’s Home spun ה...(hey)
Olivia's on the road spun ש...(shin)
⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites spun נ...(nun)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ש...(shin)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game צ....Tzadik
Marvelous Friend spun ה...(hey)
Kell Willsen spun ה...(hey)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
Jay O'Toole spun ג...(gimmel)
Brandiwyn🎶 spun ש...(shin)
Elycia Lee ☮ spun ה...(hey)
MidnightStalker spun נ...(nun)
severed head spun ש...(shin)
severed head is OUT!

Azreal2915 spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ק....Kof
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun ג...(gimmel)
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson spun נ...(nun)
ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM spun ה...(hey)
Azreal2915 spun ג...(gimmel)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Nobody’s Home spun ה...(hey)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ש...(shin)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ש...(shin)
Emma spun ש...(shin)
Emma has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Chrys O'Shea spun ש...(shin)
Chrys O'Shea is OUT!

Knox spun ג...(gimmel)
Knox is OUT!
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ר....Resh
Writer_Mike spun ה...(hey)
Mousethyme spun ה...(hey)
Mousethyme is OUT!

Starling spun ש...(shin)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun נ...(nun)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
severed head spun נ...(nun)
Tiggy in Antigua spun ה...(hey)
WakeUpAndLive️~Go Forth📖 spun ה...(hey)
Azreal2915 spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ....Shin
Storm Machine spun ג...(gimmel)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 spun ש...(shin)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

LdyPhoenix spun ג...(gimmel)
LinnAnn -book writer spun ה...(hey)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ג...(gimmel)
Nobody’s Home spun ש...(shin)
Olivia's on the road spun ג...(gimmel)
⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites spun ג...(gimmel)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ש...(shin)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ....Sin
Marvelous Friend spun ה...(hey)
Kell Willsen spun ה...(hey)
Kell Willsen is OUT!

Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
Jay O'Toole spun נ...(nun)
Brandiwyn🎶 spun ג...(gimmel)
Elycia Lee ☮ spun נ...(nun)
MidnightStalker spun ש...(shin)
severed head spun ש...(shin)
severed head is OUT!

Azreal2915 spun ש...(shin)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun נ...(nun)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game ת....Tav
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun ה...(hey)
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson spun נ...(nun)
ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM spun ש...(shin)
Azreal2915 spun ה...(hey)
Nobody’s Home spun נ...(nun)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ה...(hey)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ה...(hey)
Emma spun נ...(nun)
Emma has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Chrys O'Shea spun נ...(nun)
Knox spun ג...(gimmel)
Knox has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game אא....AlephAleph
Writer_Mike spun נ...(nun)
Writer_Mike is OUT!

Mousethyme spun ה...(hey)
Starling spun ה...(hey)
Starling is OUT!

🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ש...(shin)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
severed head spun ה...(hey)
Tiggy in Antigua spun ג...(gimmel)
WakeUpAndLive️~Go Forth📖 spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 spun ג...(gimmel)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game בא....Aleph Bet
StoneHeart spun ה...(hey)
StoneHeart is OUT!

the last cicada spun ה...(hey)
🪽intuey🕊️ spun ה...(hey)
PiriPica spun נ...(nun)
PiriPica is OUT!

QPdoll spun ה...(hey)
QPdoll has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

~SilverMoon~ spun נ...(nun)
Bianca spun ג...(gimmel)
Bianca has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Dragon is hiding spun נ...(nun)
Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th spun ה...(hey)
Wordsmitty ✍️ spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game גא....Aleph Gimmel
Storm Machine spun ג...(gimmel)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ה...(hey)
Azreal2915 spun ה...(hey)
LdyPhoenix spun ה...(hey)
LdyPhoenix is OUT!

LinnAnn -book writer spun נ...(nun)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ג...(gimmel)
Nobody’s Home spun נ...(nun)
Olivia's on the road spun ג...(gimmel)
⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites spun ג...(gimmel)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun נ...(nun)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game אד...Aleph Dalet
Marvelous Friend spun ה...(hey)
Kell Willsen spun ה...(hey)
Kell Willsen is OUT!

Schnujo's in Alabama spun ה...(hey)
Jay O'Toole spun ש...(shin)
Brandiwyn🎶 spun נ...(nun)
Elycia Lee ☮ spun ש...(shin)
MidnightStalker spun ש...(shin)
severed head spun ה...(hey)
Azreal2915 spun ג...(gimmel)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ש...(shin)
Pot: *Coingold*

Game אה...Aleph Hey
GhostlyPotato welcomes October spun נ...(nun)
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson spun ש...(shin)
ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 spun ג...(gimmel)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Nobody’s Home spun ש...(shin)
Angelica Weatherby-2DaystilOct spun ה...(hey)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun נ...(nun)
Emma spun נ...(nun)
Emma has *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Chrys O'Shea spun ג...(gimmel)
Knox spun נ...(nun)
Knox is OUT!
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game או...Aleph Vav
Writer_Mike spun נ...(nun)
Mousethyme spun נ...(nun)
Starling spun ג...(gimmel)
🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace spun ש...(shin)
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
severed head spun נ...(nun)
severed head is OUT!

Tiggy in Antigua spun ש...(shin)
WakeUpAndLive️~Go Forth📖 spun ג...(gimmel)
Azreal2915 spun נ...(nun)
Azreal2915 is OUT!

Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun ה...(hey)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

Game אז...Aleph Zayin
Schnujo's in Alabama spun ג...(gimmel)
THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24 spun ג...(gimmel)
Showering Dutchessbarbie. spun נ...(nun)
Nobody’s Home spun ה...(hey)
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 spun נ...(nun)
Brandiwyn🎶 spun ש...(shin)
Elycia Lee ☮ spun ש...(shin)
Writer_Mike spun ה...(hey)
Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness spun ה...(hey)
Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 spun ג...(gimmel)
Pot: *Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold**Coingold*

© Copyright 2013 Mumsy (amygdalia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964503-Mumsys-Dreidel-Game-Day-Eight-Results