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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1975410
When a young man finds a mysterious stone in front of his house, his life changes in scale
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Chapter 11

With Cheryl moaning quietly to herself whilst continuing her tasting of Abby, Mark slipped on the warm smooth skin and clawed away at the flesh to try and gain a grip to stop him falling into the vast gorge that lay between the giant mounds in front of him. Having slipped off Chery’s right breast, the tiny man found it impossible to halt his momentum and he continued to fall.

Before Mark disappeared into the valley, screaming and fighting as he went, Cheryl’s gigantic forefinger found him as it pushed onto his front. Mark was winded, but he gripped onto the ridges of Cheryl’s fingerprint as best he could but the natural grease that finely layered the digit helped him stick to the end of the finger. He felt himself lift away from her chest bone he was sliding on and what felt to him like miles in the air. From the force of movement and the fact he was winded, he wanted to be sick but instead, he turned his head and saw a location that he thought he might’ve had the luck to escape from.

Mark looked down from his terrific height and saw with his tiny eyes, that Cheryl, with her left hand, had pushed her hand into her cleavage and had now pried apart her breasts. He watched as the giantess opened her breasts further, and Mark could now clearly see into the deep depths between the woman’s bosoms and the slight twinkles of light reflecting off her hot skin.

Cheryl… No… Mark thought frantically. Taking in a deep breath so he could protest at Cheryl, he pushed out his chest but it was too much too soon and he began to cough and splutter. Quickly losing his grip, Mark fell into the air, and plunged towards the gaping cleavage once again.

“OOOF!” Once again, Mark was left winded as he collided with Cheryl’s breasts and he bounced backwards and found himself stuck somewhere. He looked around, now that the world around him had stopped spinning as he fell through the thick air, and saw in front of him a great wall of flesh, not more than a meter away from him. He looked to see what he was stuck to, and it was nothing more than the inner-side of Cheryl’s right breast. The thin layer of sweat that Cheryl was excreting had made Mark stick to her skin like glue. In front of him, was the inner-side of the left breasts and above him, the giant fingers holding her breasts apart with Cheryl’s face round face looking down upon him.

She was still smirking down at him, lightly sucking on his girlfriend. She chuckled slightly as she drooled slightly at the corner of her mouth and slurped the excess gunk that seeped from between her lips. She flicked her head back and swallowed and in that instant, Mark’s heart jumped and he felt the blood leave the surface of his skin. Cheryl looked back down at him and with a wink, she stuck out her tongue, with Abby screaming as she stuck to it, and slowly curled it back into her mouth.

“My my Mark, you have a girlfriend!” Cheryl managed to say from the corner of her mouth. “So eager to nestle between my breasts? You practically jumped at the chance didn’t you! You and Abby might be no bigger than ants, but I can feel you against my skin down there. Anyway, I hope you don’t mind, but I think it’s time to go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning lil guy…” And with glee on her face, Mark watched as the dim light from the lamp and Cheryl’s looming face slowly disappeared as the hand that was holing apart the massive mountains of flesh began to close together. Mark turned to face the wall of hot skin close in on him and he began to yell, holding out his arms to protect his tiny self. But in no time at all, Cheryl’s breast crashed into him, each other, and fell back to their normal position. Squashed together by Cheryl’s top.

Mark’s arms slammed together against his chest as Cheryl’s hot flesh slammed into him, sealing his tiny body into the skin that now pressed against him with tonnes and tonnes of pressure. Mark felt like he was suffocating in the pure darkness he was now trapped in, he tried to breathe in air where there was none, only the hot essence of Cheryl’s perfume flowed into his lungs. He felt like he was choking and began to go light headed, his ears throbbed and his eyes burned. He felt like all he could do was curl into a fetal position as his body tensed and fought against the environment he was in.

But after a short period of time, the pain subsided. He felt his body go back to normal, the throbbing of his ears and his eyes disappeared. He had forgotten for a moment that he was invincible, forgetting that he was indeed a normal person is such extreme circumstances. But he wasn’t breathing. He felt like his lungs needed a massive dosage of oxygen, but it was just a feeling. He opened his eyes to darkness, feeling his eyelashes brush against the tiny hairs on Cheryl’s skin. He tried to move, even the tiniest bit possible, but it was no luck. There was no give whatsoever. He began to push out with his arms, forcing them out from his shoulders, but they only pushed into the soft flesh that surrounded him, but he was not moving without Cheryl’s consent. He was too small, too weak and stuck with mountains of skin pressing down on him.

His hearing was muffled. He was completely sealed from the outside world, hidden in a world between Cheryl’s titanic breasts. He could only feel sound that Cheryl was making, and right now it was the thunderous thumping of her heart.


Mark could feel her beating heart bouncing deep in her body, it was vibrating through the round flesh around him and through him. So loud and hard, it was driving him insane. The hot trap he was in made him more and more claustrophobic as time ticked away. And as time went on, the beating of Cheryl’s heart grew faster and louder… And ever more threatening.

Abby… Hang in there Abby… Was all Mark could think to himself over and over again.

With Cheryl’s heart beating, booming and thundering around him, Mark continued to fight his current predicament. He tried to squirm and wiggle his way to freedom, but from being packed in such a tight space with no room whatsoever, there was no hope for him at all. He was beginning to heat up and began to sweat along with Cheryl. With no air to cool him down, he began to pant feel light-headed and his eyelids began to feel heavy.

Minutes passed. Mark wasn’t sure how long he had been stuck between Cheryl’s breasts, but he knew for sure that Abby would be feeling every second that ticked away.

Abby… Mark reminded himself. Abby! And as he thought of her, the muted sound of Cheryl swallowing behind back, behind her sternum, hearing the unimaginable amount of saliva washing down her throat and into her body only made Mark completely freak out.

Mark snapped out of his funk as images of Abby flashed in the darkness of his mind and with the rest of his energy he began to push out against the giant walls of skin but again, his hands pushed into infinite soft flesh that was getting damper from the heat that Cheryl was radiating. His hands slipped on the surface and snapped back to his body, squashed again from the immense weight and pressure than entombed him.

He screamed and wailed in sandwich he was stuck in, wriggling and fighting and panicking. But this wasn’t ignored by Cheryl. A moan hummed all around him in the dark and without further ado, he struggled as the breast sandwich pressed all around him even more. His body felt like it was being crushed. Not enough for him to scream in pain, but enough to remind him that he was still skin and bones, muscle and fluids. Any air that was left in his lungs, it was definitely squashed out of him now and he tried and tried and tried again to make at least a little room for himself, some sort of room for him to be able to get free from the hell that only knew now.

But that wasn’t the worst of it.

Not knowing the current condition of his girlfriend, whether or not she was indeed still being thrashed around like the insides of a washing machine within the deep confines of Cheryl’s mouth, or whether she had indeed been swallowed down into the deep of the stomach of the beast that had them kept under her control, Mark felt exhausted as he continued to try and squirm out of the trap he was in. But as he began to feel weak, Cheryl moaned again. The throaty bassiness of Cheryl’s moaning drove Mark mad, borderline insane even, and before he could react to her compressing her breasts around him, he felt the walls around him begin to move in opposite directions.

His tiny body began to roll between the flesh of the breasts, like rolling sausage meat in-between your hands. He felt his body twist and roll, forcing him into a fetus-like position. His legs cramped and his arms ached, his face rubbed into the hot sticky flesh. His nose squashed, pressing into the soft skin around him as he rolled and rolled around.

Cheryl moaned once again, her heart racing even more now and Mark could feel it thundering through his body more than ever. But Mark couldn’t stand it, and his panic attack returned in full-force and soon, he slipped into unconsciousness.

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Chapter 12

“We are scum, I won’t lie to you mate,” said Mark woefully. “Best stick with lasses…”

“Yes, thank you Mark.” Lauren replied bluntly. Mark smirked with a slight laugh. His eyes locked onto Abby’s and she was looking at him with a scold and a frown.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s an idiot…”


“…But he’s right, men are bastards.”

“Again.” Mark replied. “Does anybody want another drink?”

A year and half ago, Mark sat with Abby in the Strawberry at a table that he thought that was saved only for with a hint of a life. Thankfully, after meeting Abby about six months ago, his life got back into gear after having split with his ex Charlotte. Since he was introduced to Abby, he had done nothing but pester her constantly for a date. Initially, Abby rejected Mark. He was annoying, bothersome and never gave her a moments peace. But after Mark’s persistence, Abby had gotten used to Mark’s company, both on the phone and when the trio met up from time-to-time. Mark worked his awkward magic, and it wasn’t long before Abby was the one asking Mark for a night out together.

Lauren had described them as being down-to-Earth and a couple that was meant to be. And why not, Mark would say now and then. They made each other laugh, challenged each other and never got bored of their company. But above all else, they had fights. Big fights, sometimes. And even when the relationship between them seemed like it was on the verge, literally at breaking point, they managed to work it out between them. They were young adults, sure. But they knew how to handle each other like they had been together for years and thus, Mark and Abby were a solid couple indeed.

As Mark got up to go to the bar, he stumbled slightly. He didn’t have much to drink but he was on somewhat of an empty stomach and the drink was affecting him more than he thought. He let out a small burp and patted his belly as he made his way to the long oakwood bar.

He put his drink down and let out a loud hiccup and slowly shook his head. Lauren, Lauren, Lauren… he thought to himself. She had put herself in it, only having herself to blame. The guy seemed like an absolute bastard when she had introduced him to Mark and Abby. Blake, he was called. Blake… Man-mountain asshole… he thought. Shaking his head again, he waved over the bartender who was reading the paper at the end of the bar. Seeing Mark, he wandered over with a smile.

“Another one, sir?” the middle-aged man asked.

“Aye, please mate. Lager, a dry white – large. Oh, and a cider and black too bud…” Mark finished.

“Right you are sir…” and the man wandered off.

Mark rubbed his forehead. It was late and was a Wednesday. Normally he wouldn’t be drinking on a week day. He just wasn’t capable of functioning with a hangover and it wasn’t a great idea with work in the morning. But with Lauren’s break-up, her calls for the trio to meet, he reasoned with himself and was ready to help his friend in need.

His head felt like it was getting lighter, his eyes swaying a little bit now. Jesus, I didn’t have that much to drink! But he kept forgetting that he hadn’t eaten at all today. I’ll grab some food on the way back home…

“…I said that would be eight-sixty sir…” Mark snapped out of his little trance and realised that the bartender had been trying to get his attention. Mark pulled a ten-note out of his back pocket and handed it to the man in waiting.

“Oh, did I ask for some crisps?”

“Ha, no sir. What will it be?”

“Ready salted bud. Keep the change too,” Mark mumbled.

“Righto, I’ll just have to nip down into the cellar to get them.” Mark nodded his head showing he understood and leant on the bar to wait.

He was eyeing up the many different spirits and whiskey lining the shelves along the pub. The range of whiskey on their own were impressive, the bartender knew what he wanted in his pub as this was no random selection. He was eyeing up a bottle of Oban before a soft voice caught his attention. He turned to see a brunette standing next to him, smiling at him as he looked at her.

“Is there anyone serving?”

“Oh, yeah, he’s just downstairs at the moment. Just fetching me some crisps…” And that reminded him that his pint was there waiting for him. He gripped the cool glass and drank his pint, taking in its refreshing qualities.

“Ah, OK. Quiet tonight isn’t it?”

“Aye,” replied Mark, oh-so casually. “Tis a Wednesday so there’s that…”

“True. Are you here with them?” Mark looked at the woman shaking her head towards his entourage and followed her meaning.

“Yeah, my friend’s having a bit of a crisis.”


“She’s going through a break-up...”

“…Ah…” the woman said nodding her head understandably. Mark lost eye contact with her as she looked on at Lauren and Abby talking, Abby gripping one of Lauren’s hands and trying to help her. Mark went back to sipping his pint.

“Who would break-up with her? I love her hair…” the woman said quietly, but openly.

“Yeah, it’s something else isn’t it? I’ve never seen curls like that before!” Mark jumped slightly as the tender had come back and put a packet of ready salted on the bar in front of him. “I only had ready salted, is that OK?”

“Yep that’s fine bud, cheers!” and Mark stuffed the crisps into his pocket and grabbed the drinks. He turned and noticed the woman again. "Nice to meet you... Erm..." Mark boggled his brain, wondering if she had indeed stated her name to him.

"Cheryl!" she said with a smile.

"Cheryl," Mark replied. He gave her one last nod before he wandered back towards his table.

He smiled as he walked back to his table. Keeping his balance, he placed the drinks onto the table and sat in his chair. Both Lauren and Abby thanked him for the drinks and he looked back at Lauren. “How’re you doing bud?”

“I’m OK I think…” Lauren replied sniffly. “Thanks you guys. I needed this…”

“You’ve been there for me buddy. I’m glad I, we, can help.”

“Of course,” said Abby. “We’re always here for you!” and she smiled that smile that Mark fell in love with.

“But, Lauren… Can I just ask…”

“Here we go…” muttered Lauren with a smile.

“Why Blake of all people? Hate to say it but he seemed like an asshole when you introduced him to us. He just didn’t seem…” Mark struggled to find the right words in his state.

“…I think what Mark is trying to say is that he wasn’t right for you. At all.” Abby said bluntly but with a hint of consideration.

“Aye, that.” Mark finished. He went back to sipping his drink. Lauren nodded her head and wiped her eyes.

“I know. I’m just… Ahh, I’m just shit when it comes to guys. I think I get on better with women.”

“Yeah, I thought that once…” Mark replied again with a chuckle. Abby nodded her head slightly with a wink.

“You don’t do too bad. And Lauren, it was just one guy. I’m sure you’d be fine in the future. He was always going to hurt you one way or another. Nice body though…"

“Thanks…” Mark muttered.

As the trio yammered on, the night got darker but the bar got quieter. Only a few people were still in the Strawberry, and even Lauren had left. Thanking Mark and Abby, she left to go home and rest after a horrible day. Mark and Abby were left to their own devices and they discussed Lauren, Blake and themselves. It ended up being a good night for both of them, with alcohol in their blood and with the bar being quiet, they were able to talk long into the hour.

“Y’know, we should do this more often.” Abby said softly, looking at Mark.

Mark was looking back at her, locking his eyes onto hers and being lost in those brown eyes all over again. But he understood her, he felt the same way. It was nice just being a couple talking about things that couples do. He felt grown up and mature and more importantly, loved.

“I was thinking the same thing. I promise that we’ll get more time, just us two together.” Mark said, now drunk (as too was Abby), but sober-enough to understand his girlfriend and communicate like a normal human being. Mark motioned to take another sip of his drink, but suddenly he lurched as he felt something soft but firm slide up the inside of his leg. He dozily looked around, but he caught the sight of Abby smiling at him, beaming at his shock.

Mark calmed down and smiled back as he felt his girlfriends foot slowly stroke its way up his inner-thigh. He’d never had a girlfriend that would do things like this, especially in public. And right there and then, he spurted out…

“Why haven’t you moved in with me yet?” Mark felt Abby’s foot stop in its tracks, resting oh-so near his awakening package. The look of shock on Abby’s face made him regret what he had just splurted out at his girlfriend. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say-“

“Did...Did you just say what I think you just said…?!”

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Chapter 13



A warm breeze wafting over him, lying on a warm beach with his eyes shut. Mark took in a deep breathe. He didn’t know how he got here and he didn’t care. He didn’t want to leave, that was for sure. Stretching his limbs, his joints clicked and clunked into place. Sighing, he rested once again. There was only peace where he lay.

But then there was a sound, a familiar sound. Slowly opening his eyes to bright lights and blurred vision, he rolled his head to the direction the sound was coming from. But he was sure that he was alone on this beach he had awoken on. He saw a hazed silhouette in the distance, definitely human. He closed his eyes again and continued his rest.

But that silhouette…

Mark opened his eyes again, rolling his head and hazily concentrating on the shape that was standing, waiting… But even in the distance, he could concentrate on the shape and he slowly began to recognise it.


But was it Abby? Why was she here? As Mark continued to focus on the silhouette, it turned on its heel and began to slowly walk away.

“Abby…” Mark muttered slowly. And then suddenly, his heart raced hard and fast.

“ABBY…!” Mark sat upright, snapping out of his dream, out from his deep slumber. He rubbed his eyes with his fists, sobering his mind and returning to the now. His body felt rough and sore, his back uncomfortable for some reason. And then it all came flooding back, everything that had happened only a few hours ago.

Being shrunk, almost being stomped and swallowed… Abby… Cheryl… It all came back to him now. Mark quickly got to his feet and opened his eyes again, trying to get a focus on his bearings. He saw the colossal bedside table to his side, which meant…He looked down to see his familiar bedding that he was now standing on. The soft and clean bed sheets provided a soft floor for him to stand on, but it was incredibly hard to walk. It was also daylight now, or at least, it was outside the shut curtains. From here, Mark could see the morning bloom beginning to shine through the hanging material. He had survived the night before. That was for certain. And as he was about to think of his next move…

“Well. Good morning, little guy!” Mark froze for a moment before he recognised the voice that breathed behind him. He slowly turned on his heels and immediately regretted the inevitable. There now Mark stood, the size of an ant in front of the woman now lying on her side, her arm rested on his soft pillows with her head rested on her hand, her other arm laying along her side, her hand dropping around her navel. Cheryl’s right breast sat squashed against the bed whilst her left pushed down on it from the force of gravity. Her black thong disappeared between her mighty legs, her puffy swollen lips wrapped around the stap and her feet were lightly playing with each other, the golden anklet being wrapped between her toes. “I didn’t know if you were going to wake up!”

“Cheryl-“ Mark began to talk but he as he looked up at her pretty eyes that were staring point-blank at him, he lost his voice in his throat. There was just not enough time in the world for any normal person to get used to the size and magnitude of a person this big, lying there in waiting. He jolted as Cheryl suddenly moved her hand. He watched as she stroked a slender finger lightly in her cleavage, but her eyes were still locked on his tiny tiny form.

“I’m sorry, I forgot all about you and I fell asleep! I guess you’re feeling a little sore, even for me my breasts are a little on the heavy-side. I just…”

“Cheryl…” Mark tried to start once again, this time his voice croaking.

“…I just can’t believe how small you are! I don’t know how I can hear you as well as I can but I think the magic of that… Stone, whatever it is, has something to do with it. No complaints, I like you this small. I’d say pocket-sized but I think that would be over-compensating your… Situation…” Mark scowled as she smiled and slowly bit on her bottom lip and slowly closed her eyes and sighed quietly. Mark began to walk slowly towards Cheryl as she opened her eyes again, and they instantly locked eyes with each other. I could barely feel you between my tits. Barely. But I definitely felt you rolling in between them and I can tell you, I wouldn’t mind keeping you there for the rest of your little life!”

“Cheryl, where is she?” Mark asked sternly, having enough of Cheryl’s attitude after the events of last night and this early in the morning. Cheryl laughed a little, but it was enough that Mark lost his balance and ended up falling onto his rear.

“She? Who do you mean?” Cheryl asked back at Mark with a widening smile.

“Abby, Cheryl. Where is she?” Mark asked again more forcefully and demanding. Mark patiently watched Cheryl roll her eyes and bit her lip again.

“Abby? Do you mean the little lady that had shrunk with you? Oh yes! Abby! Sorry, I thought you meant my little sweet. She certainly tasted better than I thought she would!” Cheryl said with a hint of glee and malice. “I’m sorry Mark, I swallowed her. Didn’t you hear her screaming from where you were? She was quite the screamer all night…” She laughed again and slowly, with her free hand, she rubbed her tummy under her top.

Mark felt like he was going to be sick. He felt faint and lost, his eyes began to water from the oncoming storm of dread and pain he was about to go through.

“Ugh, I was only joking you little idiot. I wouldn’t swallow you guys, that’s… Disgusting. No, I have better ideas what to do with you little guys!” Mark didn’t even bother to reply to her. He knew all she was doing was toying with him. He was on the brink of breaking down and crying, but he had to pull himself together. He didn’t want to be played with like Cheryl intended, but being this small and exposed, he knew it would be a hard game to play. He had to keep strong. “No, I put her somewhere before I fell asleep. She’s safe. I think… But let’s talk about you, shall we? Lauren isn’t awake yet so we have some time! I never said thanks for letting us sleep here for the night. So, thank you. And I never thanked you guys for an amazing night we had. And that’s only the beginning too!”

Mark felt his soul sting at this comment. He looked up at Cheryl who was still staring at him, smiling as she did, and now her free hand fondled lightly with her thong. He felt disgusted at the sight of her. Sure she was beautiful and who wouldn’t be somewhat turned on by the sheer sight of what he was seeing now, but she was nothing more than evil. A disguised evil, but evil nonetheless.

“Cheryl… For the last time. Where is she?”

Mark waited for her to reply, his heart racing as he dreaded what her answer could be.

“Well, if you really want to know…” And Mark suddenly jumped to his feet as Cheryl heaved herself off her hand, and was now sat on her feet, her legs wrapped under her large soft bottom. He watched her yawn and stretch her arms with her shoulders crunching as she went. She shook her head, wafting her hair that bounced off her shoulders and cascaded down her back and front. Mark walked back as she opened her eyes onto him again and laughed. “She’s been in there all night, I was afraid that I would swallow her in the night, I’ve done that before with chewing gum!”

As Mark was about to demand her to tell him once again, he gasped as he watched Cheryl elevate high into the hair as she lifted herself off her feet, and now she was balanced on her knees. He had forgotten just how big one could look when they towered above him, and even now Cheryl was only on her knees. Cheryl moaned once again, lightly and softly, hardly able to keep her eyes open on Mark. But Mark however, was ready to brace himself as Cheryl slowly dabbed the tip of her finger with her tongue and reached toward him.

He knew there was no point in running as the fingertip approached. His tiny legs wouldn’t be able to cover any distance in a good amount of time, so now, he waited. He turned so he now showed his back to the giantess and soon, he felt the heat of the spit radiating from the finger before he fell forward onto his front. Falling on his chest, he felt the soft tip press down onto him, pushing him into the soft bed and before he could get a grip onto the bed sheet, he was lifted away and into the air. Spinning in the air, he was now facing Cheryl’s face above him, but her eyes went looking downwards towards her legs.

“I think this stone that you found, it was probably the best thing ever that happened to us… You and Abby, so tiny and helpless. And I get you two to keep forever! In a way, I’m kind of jealous. I wish I had a goddess to look after me…” Cheryl laughed slyly and Mark felt his stomach lurch as she moved as Cheryl began to move her finger. Mark closed his eyes, he wanted to faint, he wanted to just… Disappear. How would he ever get himself out of this situation, and Abby too. The stone, Cheryl… All of it… There was no hope.

It was like he had fainted or fallen asleep again. He didn’t know how much time had passed as he felt the finger stop moving. Opening his eyes, his back tried to snap into an upright position, but he was firmly stuck to the finger that had been coated with Cheryl’s warm spit.

He was now looking upwards, the only direction he could. But he was now looking at a deep dark pink cave which walls were rippled and lined with a coating that glistened with the light from the bedroom. The wet coat drooled and there were strands that dripped and glued around the walls. Mark had a hard time trying to figure out exactly what he was looking at, but his eyes wandered to a pair of Cheryl’s fingers holding open the wet cave, with a large amount of soft and floppy skin wrapped around them and when the smell finally hit Mark…

Oh no…! Mark was beginning to panic when Cheryl spoke once again.

“Can you see her? No? Here…” and Mark felt his body lurch again as he was brought closer to the cave. As he was brought closer and closer, he could feel the intense heat radiate from her and if wafted over his body and even he now began to feel like he was sweating. As he was burning up, he was now just inside the deep cave himself, slowly going in deeper and deeper in the dark cave. He could see now that the walls that circled around him bobbed and rippled, undulating from Cheryl’s nerves and cautious excitement. But then he stopped. Stuck to the end of Cheryl’s forefinger, he looked at the wall in front of him…

And there she was.

“ABBY!” Mark shouted for her. There she was, stuck naked to the pink wall and completely coated in Cheryl’s natural juice. She was stuck tight, and she was moved with the wall as it undulated and flinched. He watched his girlfriend slowly open her eyes to him and concentrated through her temporary blindness.

“Mark…!” he heard her say in pure exhaustion and fatigue, and she raised an arm out for him. Mark pushed against the fingertip as hard as he could, but he was stuck tight. He too stuck his arm out for her, reaching as hard as he could, but before long, he and the finger began to leave the cave and Abby screamed out for him, as he did for her.

He was still looking up as he was withdrawn slowly from Cheryl’s gaping vagina holding his girlfriend captive. Still yelling for her, he could do nothing as Cheryl slowly pushed her one of her fingers that held open her cave up along the walls where Abby was, and pushed in deeper and deeper.

“CHERYL, NO!” and in no time, when Cheryl’s finger was buried up to her knuckle, Cheryl slowly withdrew her fingers. As they slid out from within, the skin of her fingers were coated heavily in her fluids and they too glistened in the light. Mark thought that he could hear Abby screaming, but she was hard to distinguish from the slow, sickening slurping noise that the fingers were making as they withdrew from Cheryl’s cave.

Before Mark could call out for Abby one last time, Cheryl’s fingertips slowly slipped away from her folds completely and the giant wet cave closed up, sealing Abby once again into the deep dark inside, between Cheryl’s legs.

Mark was still and aghast as he watched Cheryl’s lips fold over themselves, the deep black disappearing behind the soft excess skin.

“So, did you find her? How was she?” Cheryl laughed, and Mark could only watch from the hovering fingertip as she pulled up her thong in front of him. He watched the giant thong snap into place, hiding the entrance to Cheryl’s behind a wall of soft black material.

--- --- ---

Chapter 14

“Poor Abby. I might’ve played with her a bit too long, she seemed tired when I pulled her out of my mouth…” Cheryl chuckled whilst sliding her fat tongue across her top lip.

Mark was still stuck-tight to her digit, straining to break free from Cheryl’s saliva that had glued him to her skin. All he could do willingly was to watch Cheryl talk to him as he hovered in the air. Even though he was eye level with her now, it felt like Cheryl was talking down to him. Like he was nothing more than a living speck, than a once real human being.

After Cheryl had sealed Abby within her, after putting back her thong and snapping it back into place, Mark at first felt his blood run cold. From all the events that had happened throughout the night, the impossible becoming possible, and the unimaginable imagined and happened, this was by far the worst that Mark had seen. The fact that he was stuck to Cheryl’s finger and the love of his life was lost deep within her and that there was nothing he could do, he contemplated suicide but it didn’t take long for him to remember that he couldn’t die. Hanging his head in defeat, he was lifted upwards for what seemed like miles and miles. Lifting his head up, he tensed up as Cheryl’s eyes were locked fast onto him.

It was uncomfortable to say the least, looking into those giant brown eyes that flittered to and fro as they scanned his tiny body. He wanted to look away but an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach told him otherwise. Each time the giantess blinked, a waft of air waved over him and her thick eyelashes battered against each other. In real life, this would happen in an instant but from Mark’s perspective, it seemed slow and malicious.

“But she was scrumptious…” Cheryl continued. At this point, it was impossible for Mark to measure just how much he hated her, after everything that had happened and everything that will happen from now on. “You are a lucky man Mark, but I suppose I’m luckier! I’ve never had pets before, but now I can see the appeal…” Before Mark could say anything, he was brought closer to her beading eyes, straining to focus his eyes to see more than the finer details and complexions of her skin and the veins in her eyes.

But he could see that Cheryl was really looking at him now, taking in his own tiny details. “Oh! Do I… Have we met before?”

“I doubt it,” Mark replied quietly, forcefully. “I would have killed you by now…”

“The Strawberry…” Cheryl said softly, lost in thought. Mark’s attention perked as she said his used-to-be regular pubs name.

“…What did you say?” Mark said to her, anxious now to understand more between Cheryl and himself.

“The Strawberry… A while ago… You were standing at the bar, you were with Lauren and… And Abby… Lauren broke up with… Fuck, I can’t remember his name!” Mark followed her in conversation, almost regretting talking to her in the first place.

“Blake?” he suggested.

“Yes! You were being such a good friend to her that night. You were a bit drunk though, but you and I – we talked a little bit while you were being served!”

Mark closed his eyes, trying to remember that night as much as he could. He strained but he could only remember being at the table with his girls and little bits here and there but he couldn’t remember Cheryl at all, nor actually ordering any drinks or food.

“I’m not surprised you can’t remember me, you were barely keeping yourself upright at the bar… You looked cute when I met you… You’re much cuter now if you don’t mind me saying!” Mark was lurched in the air as Cheryl took him away from her eyes, so that they could now both see each other without straining their eyes.

“Cheryl… Let Abby go… Please…” Mark didn’t mean to sound weak but he was a tiny man that was spent. Down on his energy and felt utterly defeated. But he knew that all he wanted was Abby’s safety.

“Let Abby go?” Cheryl echoed him and Mark felt his skin prickle as her warm breath washed over him once again, an all too familiar feeling that he could never get used to. Mark waited for her to continue, but Cheryl slowly closed her eyes and sighed. Biting her bottom lip again, Mark knew exactly why she was getting her “feelings”. When Cheryl opened her eyes, Mark was still staring intensely on her. “Let Abby go… Hmm, I don’t think so Mark!”

“Cheryl, you must let us go and get help, we can’t be small forever! We-“

“If I let you and Abby go and you did get returned to your… Normal height… What’s to say that you wouldn’t tell someone what I did to you? What’s to say you wouldn’t come back for a little revenge?”

Mark was stunned. How could Cheryl’s warped mind work like this? “But… Abby…”

“Forget it Mark. You are both my little toys for me to play with. But I will be honest with you here, I would end you right now if I could. The fact you are somewhat invincible means that I can’t get rid of you easily. I was thinking of just burying you outside into the ground in your garden, but I think you’d probably find your way back to us, or someone else. No, I think I will have to keep you. So I know where you are at all times. Also, if it wasn’t for Abby swearing her life to me last night for your safety, I think I’d be breaking a promise and I couldn’t do that to my own little pets could I? I mean, you are cute. But I like the ladies better than men. There are exceptions of course…”

He closed his eyes in complete disbelief from what he was hearing. It just couldn’t be possible! How could it be? What could have created the stone that allowed things like this to happen? Mark was living a normal day-to-day life before the events of last night, but now he was nothing more than a speck that was destined to be used and abused.

Mark suddenly felt like he was flying in the air but he could still feel the glue on his body that stuck his body to the fingertip of this evil woman. Once the motions had stopped and his head stopped spinning, he could now see that Cheryl was back to lying on his own bed. With her back against the headboard and sat upright, he realised that he was about to be wiped onto the bedding.

He braced himself as he saw the bed coming closer and closer, the sheets he was about to slam into growing larger and larger in front of his eyes. He was winded as he was pushed into the bed and scraped off the skin of her finger, and in no time he felt the finger release him. Mark was finally free from being stuck and the bed felt incredibly comforting. He breathed in the smell of the detergent that he washed his bedding with, filling his lungs with something normal for once.

But then the bed moved. And he rolled slightly from side to side. Rolling onto his back, he sat up to see Cheryl making herself more comfortable. He was lying just underneath her thigh that hung from her femur. He looked up at watched it hover over him, and down her leg he could see her round bottom squashed under her weight. Mark didn’t hesitate to run to the side of her, getting himself out of harms way. He looked at her now from the side, looking up at the giant woman and feeling his own legs give way. She put the thick pillows behind her back, and shuffled her feet and readjusted her breasts. When she finished, Mark was ready for her as she looked down upon him.

“Now, I think it’s time to wake Lauren up. Don’t you think?” And with that, Cheryl produced her phone from the bedside table and began to tap away at the phone. He began to panic. Lauren was Mark and Abby’s only hope for freedom. Mark wondered whether Cheryl would save her from the same fate as they had endured… Or whether Cheryl would actually forcefully shrink her. Which meant that they were all in trouble.

“CHER-“ As Mark began to shout for her, Cheryl moaned a little louder than last time. He watched her close her eyes and the insane height and weight of Cheryl moved as she crossed her left leg over her right and tensed.

All Mark could do was wait.

--- --- ---

Chapter 15

With the feeling of hopelessness now overwhelming the tiny speck, Mark collapsed onto his rear and sunk ever so slightly into his soft bedding that he once knew fitted a double bed. It was more like an endless field of quilt that hosted his captor that had made herself quite comfortable indeed. He couldn’t bare to look at her, the situation of Cheryl having Abby trapped deep inside her made him feel physically sick and instead he resorted to holding his head in his hands and closing his eyes, breathing deeply and slowly to prevent him fainting on the spot.

As he held his head, Mark could smell Cheryl’s perfume scented all over his body, which made him think of his moments between the giantess’ breasts, trapped in darkness with no will to move or literally the ability to do anything at all. Thinking about it more he guessed that in any other guys shoes they would think that it would be a dream come true, but the reality was far different and unimaginable. He shook his head slightly with a small huff. Funny in a way, he thought, that finally he had managed to get to a point in his life where he was truly happy and now it was taken away in an instant by an object that he simply found and by a woman he had simply just met. Sure he was a young adult with his life ahead of him, but meeting Abby and having his own spot he could call home was truly a blessing and now, he had nothing. Not even Abby by his side.

“Abby…” he muttered. He pictured his giant girlfriend that he had witnessed mere hours before now, holding him in her soft hands and how comforted he felt. He was scared, without a doubt and any reasonable man would be, but he knew Abby would never let harm come to him. But the stone… That pearly white stone… Something told Mark in the back of his thoughts that the stone wasn’t finished with him yet, that feeling in the pit of his stomach made him think it was a certainty.

He didn’t really know how long he was alone in his thoughts, and he lifted his head from his hands and looked up at Cheryl was eyeing him from high above with a small smirk and radiating satisfaction. How much, Mark wondered, would he enjoy driving a knife into her if he could and watch her suffer.

“I think your girlfriend is enjoying herself, she just won’t quit squirming in there! I’m surprised how much I can feel her, considering how small she is…” and she bit her bottom lip softly, with a hum. “…And how deep inside me she is!” Mark could feel his blood boil, his body began to shake.

“Just… Just let her out… Cheryl please, just get her out of there…” He spoke through gritted teeth, his jaw tight and strong.

“But she likes it! I know she does, I mean, how couldn’t she! I bet you’d like it in there too! It’s just too bad I don’t like boys huh!” From where Mark sat, he could see her hand crawl down her torso, and between her legs. “She’s making me wet again, she knows how to treat a woman!” Cheryl stifled a giggle as she withdrew her forefinger from her thick legs and it glistened in the dim morning light with her juice.

With this Mark stood up and just as Mark was about to hurl abuse and completely lose his temper, Cheryl spoke first. “Oh just be quiet will you…” And before he could react, Cheryl curled her finger on her thumb and quickly closed the gap between her and Mark. He was too slow to brace himself as the wet finger flicked towards him and with a quick smack to his head, he was knocked out cold.


“… what happe…”

A sickly feeling, pain...

“…ot sure, I found them like th…”


“…an’t do this Cheryl, we can’t get away with it…”



Opening his eyes quickly, Mark was blinded and blurred, his head spinning and his head throbbed. He groaned and curled into a ball.

“Mark…? Oh Mark!”

That voice… It was the voice… Of an angel…

“A… Abby?” Mark managed to groan and as soon as he spoke, he felt warmth wrap around him in an embrace, the familiar touch of skin flared his senses. He rubbed his eyes with his fists and opened his eyes, focusing on the blur that was hugging him tightly, the small sound of sobbing floated around in his head.

“I thought I’d never see you again… Are you OK?”

As Mark regained his vision ever so slowly, Abby came back into focus and her small brown eyes looked deeply into his and he had never felt so happy to see her in his life.

“Abby! Jesus, Abby!” And he in return hugged her back tightly. “Jesus… Am I OK? Are you OK?! Are you hurt?”

“No, no I’m OK…”

“Are you sure? Are…”

“Mark! I’m OK, really. I’m here, I’m alive… I’m OK.” Mark laughed in true happiness and he felt weepy as he brushed her hair through his fingers, holding her face finding it hard to believe that she was really there, really alive and well. She was naked and obviously shaken, but she did look like she was OK.
“I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you girl!” He leaned in for a kiss but Abby hesitated, holding him back. Mark looked confusedly back at her. “Abby… What’s wrong?”

He saw he hesitate again as she looked at him. And she slowly whispered; “We have company…”

“Company?” Mark turned his head and noticed a large white curved wall in front of him, with a pinkish-reddish smudge on the top and something that looked like a handle. And Mark realised that it was indeed a coffee cup. Looking down, he could see that he and Abby were sat on a glass surface making it easy to see down to the light brown carpet floor below, which quickly confirmed to Mark that they were no longer in their house. “Abby…” he said turning towards her. “Where the hell are we?”

“We’re in Cheryl’s living room, she took us over here after…” and Mark could see her welling up and hesitate to continue.

“After… What?” Mark asked, he knew he would hate what she was going to say next.

Abby bowed her head and looked down at her legs whilst holding Mark’s hands in hers. “Lauren… She… She came in and… They had… Quite a morning… With me trapped…”

“In Cheryl…” Mark finished and Abby nodded softly, sniffling.

“Mark… She had no idea… Cheryl didn’t tell her we had been shrunk… She still doesn’t know… Oh God Mark, I was so frightened! I was nearly crushed to death!”
Mark simply couldn’t imagine what she had been through, and he assumed that right now would not be a delicate time to delve into her adventures of this morning.
As Abby went quiet, something struck a chord within Mark’s mind. “Abby… Did I hear… Two voices just before?”

“You did…” Abby confirmed, again nodding her head. “Cheryl and…”

“Her mother…” An unfamiliar voice boomed far above the tiny couple, and Mark shot to his feet and spun around, looking up at the giant woman leaning over the table staring down upon them…

--- --- ---

Chapter 16

His feet and legs went numb, hands twitching and back up straight with his mouth hung open. He felt goose bumps all over his arms and his hairs were on end, as the tiny man looked up at the towering goddess in front of him.

Mark was staring up at a woman in her early forties that was sitting on her legs, getting a better look at the tiny couple naked and helpless. He stared into her dark brown eyes that was accented by the thick eye liner inked around her eye. She was pretty, with a pair of soft lips and wrinkles where the lips curled in her naturally tanned, lightly freckled skin. Her dark brown wavy hair was tied back in a loose ponytail. She was wearing a dark blue robe that hung on her Amazonia like body type. She wasn’t fat nor chubby, but naturally a broad built woman. Because of the woman’s robe, Mark couldn’t tell the size of the woman’s chest but he didn’t have time to worry about that. But there was no doubt in Mark’s mind that she was indeed Cheryl’s mother. But more beautiful.

He shuddered as he felt Abby hug his legs, having crawled up to Mark as he’d been staring at the woman, Cheryl’s mom, and wrapped her cold arms around him and whimpered. Coughing Mark quickly cupped his crotch and continued to stare at up at…

“…Emily.” She finished. She lightly laughed as she watched the tiny man cup his crotch that she could barely see anyway, her dimples as she smiled were cute. “Pleasure to meet you Mark, Cheryl has told me all about you. How are you coping so far?” she softly asked.

Mark was stunned and it was only when Abby poked him that he shook his head and uttered his reply. “… C-coping…”

“I see…” replied Emily even softer than before. “Is it true that nobody knows you’re… Well… Like this?”
“All of this started last night, I need to get hold of my parents or… Or someone that can help us!” Mark pleaded to the Amazonian giantess looming in front of him.

“I see…” she said again. Mark noticed that she was eyeing him up with a questioning look on her face, one of her thin eyebrows raised. As Mark was about to talk back, a blood-curdling scream burned through his ears and he turned his head down to see Abby’s arms vanish from his legs. He turned to see Abby screaming as she was pulled away by Cheryl’s enormous thumb and finger that had snuck up behind her.

“ABBY, NO!” Mark yelled as he watched her rise up into the sky and up to Cheryl’s face as she stood up and staring down at the tiny woman in her fingers with a wide smile. She was wearing black sports pants and a salmon-pink top that accented her already-large breasts.

“You’re coming with me, angel. You’ve seen you’re boyfriend, now we can go. But where should I put you, little lady…”

“Cheryl, what do you think you are doing?” Emily snapped at Cheryl. Cheryl looked at her mom as she held on to Abby.

“She’s my little toy now mom! I can do whatever I want with her. We had a bit of a ride last night,” Cheryl looked back at Abby, “Didn’t we, baby! And this morning!” Abby just continued to scream and plead to be let go and to go back to Mark.

“Cheryl, you cannot do this! Put her back down this instant!”

Cheryl turned back to her mum, and all Mark could do was watch from the table, the two gigantic women arguing over the fate of the tiny couple.

“You can do whatever you like with him Mom, but I’m keeping Abby forever as my little pet! With that Cheryl turned back to Abby with a smile. “Now, say goodbye Abby! Who knows when it will be the next time you’ll see Markie again!” She laughed as Abby screamed for him. From far below on the surface of the table, Mark yelled for his girlfriend as Cheryl pried open her breasts with her free hand and brought Abby over it. “You’ll be nice and snug in there, I also sprayed a little extra perfume in there for you!” and she again giggled. Mark could only watch as he saw his girlfriend drop from Cheryl’s fingers and disappear between the soft mountains of flesh high, high above him. Abby wailed as she fell and when Cheryl freed her breasts and Mark watched them collapse on each other, the screaming instantly muted and Abby was gone.

He could only watch as Cheryl pressed her breasts together slowly with a pathetic little giggle, looking down at her cleavage and then back to him. “Right, I’m going to meet up with some friends. I’ll see you later Mom. And as for you little Markie, who knows when the next we meet will be! As for your tiny girlfriend, you’ll probably never see her again.” Mark was feeling the rage as Cheryl wandered to the glass table he was standing on, and she bent over at the hips, pushing out her breasts for him to clearly see. He was looking up at her hanging breasts way above him, understanding exactly what Abby was going through. Mark’s attention was taken as Cheryl began to giggle again, and he looked up at her soft brown eyes. “But that doesn’t matter anymore, your Mom’s little problem now! God, I can feel her squirming in there haha! Honestly Mom, this feels… Fantastic!” Mark turned to look back at Emily, knelt at the table, her mouth dropped in shock at her daughter’s actions. He looked back at Cheryl, who was now standing up and turning to walk away. “Oh and one more thing Mom,” she said as she headed for front door and opened it, Mark felt the cool draft that swooped in. “He’s indestructible… Or something… Anyway, I’ll text you later…”

“CHERYL! ABBY, NO!” Mark yelled for the giant woman that was now Abby’s captor as she walked out of the door, and closed it behind her, the door closing with a simple click. Mark stood silently, his heart racing as he stared at the door, listening to Cheryl walk away and get in her car. She was in there for at least three or four minutes before she started the car, and drove away.

Stunned, Mark turned on his heels, and looked up at Emily who was look down upon him, her mouth had since closed. He didn’t say anything, but just stared up at her and waited for her to make her move. Finally, the stunned giantess took in a quick deep breath, before she spoke.

“So… You’re indestructible?” she asked down at him.

“…Yes.” Mark spoke with a defeated and broken voice. He looked down at his feet in defeat, but also being able to look through the glass table to the floor far below. He sighed.

“Uh-huh…” she muttered. “So, you’re now tiny, indestructible, naked with no one but your girlfriend who is in the same situation as you but is now jammed between my daughter’s breasts. Is that right?” she asked softly down to him. Mark nodded his head. “Well then, it’s a good job it’s the weekend isn’t it?” Mark hadn’t quite heard what she said. He was staring through the glass at the floor in a kind of daydream. He was thinking about Abby, how it may be true that he would never see her again. It was strange to think that no matter what Cheryl was going to do with Abby, she was going to be OK no matter the outcome. But the horror of what she will have to go through, that was the real nightmare of their story, he knew.

His mind slowly focused back to the present situation he himself was in, and he jolted as he saw a reflection in the glass. He quickly turned around and immediately fell onto his rear in shock and gasping, he was looking at Emily’s hand open and her long fingers stretching for him, the cracks and lines in her palm stretched and pulled as her hand came closer. Mark shivered as he closed his eyes and bent his head down and in a matter of mere seconds, he jump as his body shuffled around and soon he was squeezed on both sides of his body. He huffed as the air in his lungs was forced from him. Mark looked up along the inside of the giant fingers and thumb that Emily had trapped around him and further up to the inside of her palm. The tiny guy didn’t realise that he was even being lifted up into until the light and shadows inside her hand changed and he felt his head lightly bob. The thick skin of the thumb and forefinger pressed on his arms, holding him in place. He looked at the skin squashed around him, in awe of the fingerprints that waved and circled around him.

Soon, Mark watched the palm tilt away and now he was looking straight at Emily’s face, her sharp brown eyes scanning his tiny bare body. “I have nothing to do all weekend…” she spoke softly, Mark breathed slowly and tried to stay calm as her warm breath tingled his senses. “And I suppose you’re single now, Cheryl seems to be pretty sure of that. Ha, I guess we get to see what her fuss was all about little man. What do you think?”

As Mark was pinned between the soft fingertips squeezing him on both sides, he decided once more to plead for help. He looked into her massive eyes and dared. “I-I think… You should help Abby and I return to normal… Let us go and we’ll never speak of this again!” He continued to glaze into her beautiful eyes until Emily blinked and sighed.

“Cheryl did tell me about the stone. Marvellous little thing isn’t it? But I have no idea how to return your size. Nor do I know where it is! I assume Cheryl has to somewhere about her. Plus,” Mark noticed he was being brought closer to her enormous face as her eyes squinted slightly and she began to grin, something that Mark couldn’t see as her lips were below him at this moment. “…I wouldn’t have a little man-toy to play with, would I? Hehe!” she giggled lightly sending sparks of fear deep within Mar’s heart and soul. His skin went white and he froze.

“E-Emily! Please! You have-“

“Now not another word Mark, I mean it! You must accept your situation. My little toy, my pet. If what Cheryl has said is true, then you and I will get deeply acquainted! And who knows…” Mark started to wriggle a little as Emily continued to bring him closer and closer still to her eyes. “Maybe I’ll keep you on me all the time, everywhere I go! I could tie you to my anklet, sew you to my panties…And better yet, if I put you deep inside me…” Her giant eyes began to rise above him as he was being lowered now, her fine nose now in view and in detail. He could see her small pored and her layer of make up in striking detail. He began to hyperventilate as he knew what was coming. Emily’s plush lips now came into view and Mark could now see her grin, her right side of the mouth twisted in a curl with a canny dimple. The cracks in the skin of the lips were much more noticeable than Cheryl’s but he guessed that was because she was a fourty-year old woman. But Emily’s lips were still plush and full of blood. “…You might never come out again!”

The tiny guy wasn’t sure whether or not he heard her correctly, if at all. He was too busy staring at the dark pink abyss behind her lips as she spoke to him, her hot breath washing over him again which was quite sweet in scent, thankfully. “Won’t that be something, Mark?” She lightly giggled again, but this time more breathily.

The thought of Abby, Cheryl, Emily and himself, all their lives now bound by this mysterious stone that he had found on his doorstep the previous night completely wiped from his mind. Now, all his thought and concentration were on one thing.

Tensing his arms, he tried to push into the thick but soft skin that clamped on him to try and free him space that was big enough for him to drop through, but it was no luck, he was going nowhere. Mark looked back at Emily’s lips as they puckered and plumped and coming towards him. With his arms pinned to this sides, he could do nothing but close his eyes and brace himself. The soft skin of her warm lips pushed into him and it wasn’t long before he was completely smothered in her top lip, his feet barely touching the curve of her bottom lip.

Still, the pressure built with Emily continuing to push her lips into him with the tiny man’s face pushing into the skin further still and he was sure he was becoming stiff but it was hard to tell, considering the circumstances. The warmth from her soft lips radiated through his body, and as the giantess hummed behind those closed doors, Mark’s body vibrated in his tight confinement.

He slowly began to struggle as he was suffocating but soon he was pulled away from Emily’s bouncy lips and watched as they curled back into a grin.

“I want to try something…” Emily whispered, Mark still flabbergasted at the sight of the unimaginable lips in front of him. He gulped as Emily curled her fingers in a grip, trapping Mark in her hand. There was light in the tunnel of her fingers, and Mark could just peer out through the light to the living room, but it didn’t matter anyway as Emily stood up and began to walk. Mark could tell the woman was trying not to move her hand around too much as she held her grip just below her breasts.

With the swaying motion of Emily’s hand and the flashing light of rooms and things passing by, Mark felt motion sick and he tried to yell at Emily but she either ignored him or simply didn’t hear him as she just kept walking, ascending a staircase at some point, the loud booming of her feet as she walked changed when she walked onto the second floor.

--- --- ---

Chapter 17

It was an odd sensation, being trapped within a giant person’s hand. Even odder however was the continuous bobbing and an odd booming sound accompanying that bobbing action of the hand. To Mark, obviously he knew that it was just Emily taking a step, but it was another thing entirely when you’re cocooned into a fist. As the plush skin of Emily’s palm was bunched up and squashed all around Mark, he tried to wriggle free as much as possible, but the giant fingers that held him tight were relentless. They didn’t even twitch as Mark punched and kicked into the fingers trying to break free. Worse still was that he knew Emily would be able to feel every little movement that he was doing.

It was starting to get hot too, the sweat started to appear from the surface of the skin, and Mark could even feel his own body beginning to cook. He looked out the small hole that was at the end of Emily’s wrapped hand, still seeing flashes of colour of the world outside blur past him with every step of the giant woman.

Just as he began to feel like he was about to pass out, the giant hand opened slowly around him, with light bearing down on his tiny body as he rolled around on the outstretched palm before finally resting on his back, giving him a clear view of the 40-something brunette looking down on him.

He had a moment to his thoughts and all he could think about was how stunning the woman was, considering the circumstances. He could see her freckles where the sun had caught her, the natural tan giving her skin a healthy golden-brown glow. She was obviously a woman who looked after her body a little better than Cheryl does. Her smile revealed only a small glimpse of the white teeth hiding behind the soft lips, but her dimples were definitely noticeable and incredibly charming. And it wasn’t long before Mark found out why Emily was smiling, save for the fact she had a tiny man in lying on her palm in her hand.

“Well, now that is a surprise!” Emily said softly, with a stifling giggle at the end. Mark looked confusedly at her, and then down at himself and he immediately noticed his erection was just there, out in the open. He swore at himself as he reached for his crotch and covered himself. “Don’t worry, I’ve seen bigger.” The woman said with a wink and a light giggle. Even Mark had to stifle a laugh that nearly escaped his lips, but it wasn’t long before he forgot the remark was even spoken. “You are extraordinary aren’t you? I never would have thought that something like THIS was going to happen today, especially this morning so soon after getting up. Mark, was it?” Mark swallowed and found his courage.
“Ye-yeah. I’m Mark Har-“

“Yes, OK, that’ll do.” Emily said quickly, interrupting him. “Mark will be fine.”

Will be? Mark thought to himself frantically.

“I’d rather not know where you come from, family I mean. Not if I’m going to keep you-“

“KEEP ME?!” Mark shouted back at her.

“Yes dear, keep you. I love my daughter but good Lord, she can be a completely selfish. I can’t let you go because I can’t risk you telling the authorities what’s happened to you and… Abby, was it? What happened to you and Abby, it was unfortunate…” Mark couldn’t believe was he was hearing. What was this woman talking about? He was a human being, how could THIS woman be so selfish after putting her daughter down like that. “…but under the circumstances, my daughter cannot go to jail, I just won’t allow it. And seeing as you can’t die,” And Mark nearly shit himself right there as Emily leaned her head down towards him with a big grin, her giant face even more gigantic than ever bearing close to him and her warm breath waft over him like a comforting blanket, “although I’d like to try that fact,” she said with a small laugh. “I might as well keep you and nobody needs to know. Just you and me and nobody else. Of course Cheryl and Abby and possibly Lauren, but they’re not talking. That’s for sure. So, little guy. I said I wanted to try something…”

And Mark was lost for words. Frightened and alone and afraid, he begged in his soul for Abby that she would be OK. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what she had been though…

- - -

The Previous Night

“Cheryl! This is ridiculous! Just-“

“I know!” They watched as Cheryl lifted her hands and slammed them onto the bed behind them, Mark and Abby were now looking up at Cheryl lowering her body towards the bed in front of them, with her eyes locked on them without blinking whatsoever. Her eyebrows curled and she was again biting her bottom lip. But soon their attention turned to the giant round breasts that swung in front of them, swelling from her increasing pace of breathing. Abby screamed and she ran, and as Mark thought to do the same, they both were swooped into Cheryl’s gigantic hand once again and rolling onto her soft palm as she lifted them up to her face. Mark knew he was never going to get used to the sight of anything this enormous, such as this beautiful but terrifying womans’ face and subconsciously, he felt infinitely sorry for ants and what they had to go through on a day-to-day basis.

“Now Mark…” Cheryl began to talk softly, but her hot minty breath blasted at them and almost blowing them off the hand altogether. “…I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like a moment with Abby if you please…” And all of a sudden, Cheryl’s giant thumb pinned Mark down to the soft flesh of the giant palm, only leaving Mark’s head exposed to the world. Cheryl’s wasn’t pushing hard upon the tiny man, but it was enough that Mark couldn’t move at all, save the ability to turn his head.

“CHERYL!” he yelled and Abby screamed as she pushed and shoved and beat against the thick skin holding Mark down, but Mark could only watch as Cheryl slowly lowered her towards them.

“Abby, my little chew toy…” Mark stared in pure fear for his girlfriend as Cheryl’s lips hovered just above her hand, her breath washing over them more than ever as she deliberately breathed on them as she spoke. Abby screamed in pure agonising fear as Cheryl’s giant drool soaked tongue flopped with a splat onto her hand, and slowly slid across the skin towards her, but there was nowhere for Abby to run, unless she dived high into the air from the hand. And invincible or not, it was an impossible option for Abby.

But before Abby could even think of another way out, some way of escaping her predicament and at the same time rescuing her boyfriend, she felt warmth radiating onto her back and just as she was about to scream for Mark, her whole back, her behind and her legs were slapped by a wall of hot rubbery flesh that was lumpy and disgustingly drenched with sticky drool and she stuck on like a fly to sticky paper. Abby’s feet left the comfort of Cheryl’s palm and the fat wet tongue curled under her feet and rolled upwards, sending Abby rolling backwards along the length of the tongue, back into the deep, dark confines of Cheryl’s mouth.

As the meaty monster slithered back into the mouth with its familiar prisoner, Abby slid down to a quarter way down the tongue. Sliding down the lumpy muscle with the waves of spit that washed over her was not enough for her to try and clamber back to the opening of Cheryl’s mouth, the oval of light was closing before her and there was no way Cheryl was about to give her up. Abby finally managed to find her footing, even if she couldn’t actually stand up. She crawled as best as she could on the undulating tongue, rippling and waving silently with every movement she made.

And all through this, she was crying hard. As her hands sunk into the pink muscle and her feet scraped the taste buds as she continued to push forward, she sobbed and sobbed, mumbling for Mark and for Cheryl to let her free. And as she looked to the world outside, she could see the many strings of spit dripping down from the roof of her captor’s mouth and even some of it dripped on her head, soaking into her already soaked hair. She finally cracked and screamed her loudest scream, just as Cheryl snapped her lips shut and sealing her in.

This is Abby’s Night.

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Chapter 18: Part I

The hair that was now thick and heavy with sludgy drool blew over Abby’s head as the air in Cheryl’s mouth rushed out like a gale, almost even sending Abby completely in flight for a moment, as the gigantic oval closed before her, the last glimmer of light glistening like stars all around the wet mouth and the thick strands hanging from the roof. But all that beauty within the pink cave was gone before long, and Abby was back on familiar ground.

Abby instantly stopped screaming as her world went dark, but she still continued to sob. Her throat hurt as well as her chest, her body had never been under such emotional stress and if she still had the ability to die, she might have died from a heart attack some time ago. Within the dark, Abby slowly sat onto her heels, knelt on the wet tongue undulating all around her like a waterbed made of muscle with a conscience. Abby struggled to maintain her balance on her rump, using her hands and fingers to grip onto the taste buds around her, but that in itself was little help. Cheryl’s drool was like an oily lubricant that had soaked right into her skin and it was all around her, everywhere.

There was a twitch. A slight twitch. And that slight twitch was enough to send Abby falling face first into the monster that she couldn’t even see. And all of this happened within a space of a few seconds.

With a splat, Abby’s face slapped the tongue, her breasts pushed into the soft meat and she slid forward a couple of feet as the tongue that was light in infinite carpet to the tiny woman dipped in reaction to her fall. Abby’s nipples rubbed along the buds and ignited her nerves but she hardly had time to notice as she was nearly completely deafened by the insanely loud humming noise Cheryl was making from the back of the mouth, down her throat and beyond.

“Mmmmmm, she is so tasty…!” Cheryl quietly moaned, keeping her lips pretty much sealed save for the gap at the corner so she could talk. The insanely intense hot breath as Cheryl spoke blew all around Abby as she rolled around on the rousing tongue. The small lick of light that beamed through the small gap between the giantess’ lips was enough for Abby to see that she was near the front of the mouth now and just as Abby gripped onto the very tip of the tongue as best as she could, the monster rose up and up and rammed Abby into the palate above.

The wind was knocked out of her stomach as the tip of the tongue pushed into her gut as she slammed into the roof of Cheryl’s mouth. In the dark, she coughed and spluttered only to get a mouthful of Cheryl’s hot spit. She could feel the top of the tongue feeling her out, forcing her legs to open and her breasts to squash against the floor of flesh. Between her legs, she could feel the hot drool soak on her thighs and further still to her now swollen, sensitive lips. It washed over her again and again, adding more and more pressure on her body as she was sandwiched between all the elements. The heat, the small and the general environment Abby was trapped in was unforgiving, as too was the squelching and the sucking noises Cheryl was quite happily making. The tiny woman’s ears thrummed every time she made a noise, it was like a jet plane flying through her head. Abby also struggled to breathe, every now and then choking on the lack of air getting to her lungs, but she had been through this before, she knew she could make it.

Abby had little idea what Cheryl had planned for Mark, but the way Cheryl had been looking at her since finding the tiny woman tiny, Abby knew that she was in for ten times worse than what Mark would go through. Not that it made Mark’s situation any worse, in fact it was the opposite. If Cheryl didn’t want Mark, what then would happen to him? A blur of thoughts and images flared through her mind as she frantically tried to get a grip on the real reality they were now in, and what would come from this evening.

But for now, Abby’s immediate problem was the tip of the tongue wrestling her as she continued to be pinned to the roof of the mouth. The palate was ribbed and hard, but just the outer layer was barely noticeably soft, especially with the rest of the chaos that was ensuing all around her. Just as Abby was fighting for air, gasping and for air that she just couldn’t get to, the whale-sized tongue bobbed only slightly but it was enough for Abby to push herself from the hold she was in and slid down the length of the tongue once again.

She was sliding backwards, on her front, down the middle of the tongue where it started to form a U shape around Abby. The tiny woman yelled in the squelching darkness as more and more drool seemed to be washing all around her and it didn’t take long to work out the Cheryl must be enjoying the taste of her. And true those thoughts were, as Cheryl let out another moan, which drowned out Abby’s screaming and wailing as her skin rubbed along the taste buds that felt her out. Abby’s pussy was sore and sensitive as the hot thick saliva washed and even entered her lips, burning her from the inside. Her nerves were on fire and even though she was being sliding around on the giantess’ tongue, her back and legs twitched and pulsed as her head was on fire from all these mixed pleasures and worries as well as her own wellbeing.

She wasn’t sure which her head was pointing now, the tongue that continued to abuse her had swirled her around and pressed into her so much that she was now completely disorientated. It was only when Cheryl lulled her bottom jaw open to let some light into the mouth that Abby suddenly stopped crying and her body froze, as did the tongue that was curved in the middle around the tiny woman, the light from her own bedside lamp illuminated the gigantic uvula that hung over the gaping throat below.

It bobbed and twitched, much like the rest of Cheryl’s mouth, sending a lick of spit down into the dark abyss below and Abby’s eyes followed it as it disappeared behind the horizon the enormous tongue. Before Abby could make another move, Cheryl’s tongue lifted once again and smashed Abby face first into the palate above and compressing her. Abby had the wind knocked out of her, her face completely buried into the roof of the mouth and thick pulsing flesh of the tongue pressing all around her.
Soon, her ears nearly blew out completely. Her head banged as Cheryl gulped, taking the gallons and gallons of drool down her throat and the pressure in the mouth changed considerably. When Cheryl’s tongue released Abby again, she could see that the lips were closed once again as the familiar darkness returned.

But when Cheryl had swallowed, Abby insides were crushed from the pressure that changed and in a flash, she was out for the count.

She woke up in a daze. Her eyelids hung heavy and her eyes swirled in her head. Her body hurt in a pain that was familiar to the day after an intensive day at the gym. She felt weak and she was in mild pain but all over her body. And there was a thick, booming noise coming from somewhere. Somewhere in the dark.

But this was different, she was now very familiar to Cheryl’s mouth, but this was different, but overly the same. The first thing that hit Abby’s sense was the smell. Then it was the dark. The sludge that was on her whole body. And then it was the cocoon of rippling flesh surrounding around her entire body. Even her face was buried into whatever was holding her in place. She wasn’t sure which way was up or down, left or right. And it didn’t help that whatever was holding her in place, was twitching all around her as she also realised there was another booming noise coming from the dark. It was heartbeat.

As Abby started to regain her conscious and recollect her thoughts, light beamed right into her line of sight and dazed her. Keeping her eyes tightly shut, she waited a few seconds before attempting to look into the light.

Her eyes were adjusting slowly and she tried to rub her eyes, but her arms hurt too much to move. Abby felt air rush to her lungs as whatever was pressing on her back lifted off her and finally she had room. Then, she heard a voice.

A man’s voice.

Mark’s voice. And it was getting louder. And then the light began to dim again, giving her a clear view ahead. It took her a couple of seconds before she realised what she was looking at. And when she did, she wept and very slowly and very weakly, she attempted to raise her arm and reach out.

When her eyes adjusted, Abby looked up to see Mark naked and covered in a fluid… And he was stuck fast on the end of Cheryl’s forefinger. He was yelling for her, but she was so tired to shout back, not that it stopped her from trying, but she barely could breathe as it was. Their eyes locked onto each other’s and even though they were both filled with dread and despair, it was comforting to know that they were both going to be OK. For now…


Chapter 18: Part 2

Abby just managed to squawk Mark’s name as she continued to reach out for him in a useless effort of comfort. She could see her man struggling against the goo that glued him to the tip of the titanic finger that continued to hover within the long space between the giantess’ legs but he struggled and struggled and when Abby realised that he would never be able to free himself, the finger started to withdraw along with Mark.

She could only watch as more and more light continued to bloom in the cave, and the tiny woman could see the walls that circled around her continued for some distance to the exit, where the finger and Mark vanished from sight. And then, when Abby saw Cheryl’s thick legs moving from the sides of the wide hole, she realised that she was now captive deep within Cheryl’s vagina.

Her heart stopped and she felt blood run cold through her body, even though the immense heat was making her sweat heavily as well as struggling to breathe in the first place. As the reality was sinking in, she looked around the pulsing cave that entombed her. The walls were a different shade of pink to the woman’s mouth she was oh so used to now and all the walls around her were rippled and folded, with tiny lumps and dips and all of it pulsed with the thumping heartbeat coming from way back in the dark. Abby’s tiny body was almost accustomed to it now but the walls pulsed with her too and she was able to not notice it until now.

Before she even knew how to react or how to even comprehend her situation, everything started to go dark again and Abby had to pull her hair from her eyes to see another finger, without Mark, rushing towards her. She opened her mouth to scream, but the tip of the finger slammed into her and grinded her into the soft clenching walls and pushed her further and further into the wet pulsing darkness.

Now dazed, the tiny woman tried to breathe slowly, trying not to throw up and trying not to pass out. She could barely remember what happened, but her whole body felt battered and winded. Opening her eyes, she gazed up to see the finger vanishing once again down the now even longer flesh tunnel, sliding along the walls and making the heart beat faster, making the walls pulse harder and more frequent.

Abby saw light again as the finger slid out and away from eye sight, and she could now see onto her own bed and Cheryl’s legs spread out before her. Then, she heard Cheryl giggle and then in an instant, there was darkness as Cheryl closed her folds and squeezed her thighs together.

From what Abby could see moment earlier, she was deep within Cheryl by quite some margin. There was no way she would be able to escape without the help of the woman who now kept her prisoner of her vagina. Just as Abby felt her stomach churn and felt herself begin to gag from the sickening predicament she was in, she was crushed from all sides, from all fronts, from everywhere. The soft flesh pushed onto her and squeezed on her body forcing Abby’s and legs to straighten, her face was now buried into the throbbing walls, suffocating under the copious amounts of grool that seeped through her mouth. Her breasts were pushed into her chest and rolled around with every beat of the strong heart that could be heard and felt more clearly now as she was so deep within the giant woman. Her own lips were on fire, seeping her own fluid as the intense heat, the musk and all the other elements were so intense. And there was no escape.

The tiny woman began to kick at the soft walls that pushed on her from all around, as well as forcing her arms to push against the walls that continued to close in on her tiny form, groaning and grunting weepily as she did. Trapped deep in the wet dark between her friend’s girlfriend legs certainly was a frightening thought to Abby, but the reality was so much worse, and as Abby sobbed into the twitching flesh, she could hear Cheryl’s voice boom around her. It was muffled, but the bass of her voice vibrated all around her. Then she heard a snap somewhere from the front of this twitching hell hole.

There was a few seconds or so where Abby, tight in her prison, still had a small amount of room lift her head and move her arms and legs and more importantly, breathe. But all of this was robbed from her. She hadn’t even a moment to even notice what happened, and in an instant, she was crushed from all directions. Pinned from everywhere, Abby tried to scream but her lungs were crushed. She tried to flail and wriggle, but against her wishes, she was restrained in the vagina of a crazy lesbian. All of this was happening because Cheryl has slipped her tight thong back on and was now crossing her legs, concentrating on squeezing her new lover. And as the tiny woman tried desperately to improve her situation, Cheryl’s flesh felt every movement and the walls reacted, squeezing harder on her and twitching and throbbing more violently. It wasn’t long before Abby’s body was beginning to wash in the juices of the giant woman.

It was getting in her ears, making Abby twitch her head this way and that as she couldn’t move her arms to flush them out. Through the pulsing flesh, Abby’s could hear and feel Cheryl’s heart beginning to beat harder and more firmly. The tiny Abby decided not to move, but to continue sobbing and be lifeless as possible. And as she did, she thought of Mark and her family, light and being normal. She wondered whether she would ever come to terms with what was happening to her and her boyfriend. How was she ever going to get out of this mess? The only person she could count on now was Lauren, but she was completely unaware of what was happening and the fact that while she was under Cheryl’s absolute control, there was no way Cheryl would never let Abby out of her sight again. She was sure of it. And what would come of Mark? She was sure Cheryl would have no interest in him seeing as he is a guy and Abby felt her stomach drop even further with dread. Considering the fact Abby was confined to a prison within the vagina of a mad woman, she knew Mark was possibly in a worse situation. Whatever would happen to Abby, she knew Cheryl would at least look after her to some degree. Mark could be flushed down a toilet or God forbid something worse.

Abby would have to get adjusted to the passing of time. She had no idea how long she had been lying in the darkness, alone with her thoughts and Cheryl’s tunnel of love. One thing was for sure, Cheryl’s heartbeat was almost like a clock, ticking away and becoming part of the slurping, gultching ambience that Abby had not yet become accustomed to. One thing was for sure, things were stirring up.

The tiny woman jumped at the booming voice of Cheryl, snapping her out of her daydream. And as Abby sniffled and tried to calm herself, the darkness that squeezed and pulsed all around her began to move, folding over itself and shifting and twisting. Abby gripped on tight to the wet flesh to secure herself. Cheryl was moving out there, maybe only very slightly but to Abby, it felt like the whole word around her was mutating. Cheryl was obviously talking to someone, her booming voice pausing at the end of her sentences, waiting for a reply. It didn’t take Abby long to figure out that Cheryl would be either talking to Mark… Or indeed her good and close friend Lauren. And if… If it was Lauren…

“Oh God…. No….!” Abby mumbled in panic, her own heart beginning to race, as too was Cheryl’s. Without her knowing, Abby’s heart began to synchronise with Cheryl’s own thudding beat. Abby was not unaware of Lauren and Cheryl’s hyper-relationship. Lauren often spoke of how good the sex was between the two, and how often they would do it… And what they would do. To Abby being completely straight, it was interesting but very weird. But Lauren was such a good friend, she felt fairly comfortable to be able to talk to Lauren about her gay relationship. And now, she knew that she would be getting a front row seat of the whole event, including a guest pass into the unknown…

Desperately trying to find some form of escape, Abby tried as hard as she possibly could, mustering up all of her strength that she had left, to move her arms and legs. And she did, ever so slightly on her own will, whilst Cheryl’s throbbing cave had other ideas. Upon feeling Abby’s movement’s the walls became more and more wet, as well as throbbing and pulsing and wobbling so much more. She panted as she spent her energy, and now all she could do is wait for the inevitable. And incidentally, she didn’t have to wait for long.

A giant moan hummed all around her, and after a quick tight grip by Cheryl, Abby felt the walls release her slightly and for the first time for a while, she could breathe again. This was something Abby would also have to get used to, her life was potentially infinite. She gasped the hot humid air and filled her lungs of the little oxygen that was available, whilst being able to move her arms and legs. Quickly, she dived in the direction she was facing and began to crawl and kick, dive and jump her way as fast as she could, whilst she could. She had no idea if she was even heading in the right direction, but it was worth a try.

She didn’t care where this burst of energy came from, but she used it to her advantage and made good distance in the dark confines of the long womanhood. Whenever Cheryl moaned, the walls would grip too and squeezing Abby whilst she was struggling through the goopy hell. But then they would relax, sometime even for just a moment, and the tiny woman used that to time to dive ahead in the rippling darkness. Whatever Lauren was doing to Cheryl, it was giving Abby the time to hopefully head to her escape!

The tiny woman was rocked as Cheryl shifted her entire body yet again. Abby once again gripped onto the walls in a petrified trance and waited for the movements to stop. It was weird though, she though, as her right hand gripped sometime a little more firm, or even something smooth. Abby squeezed her right hand and Cheryl moaned yet again, the walls of the soaking vagina gripping on her for a little longer and harder this time. Abby released her right hand as the tunnel seemed to be straightening out, Cheryl was now lying on her back. After a minute, the mini brunette was able to make a move again. She could not comprehend that she had just squeezed Cheryl’s G-spot. She was sure the giantess would thank her for that one later, and with that thought alone, she pushed on even harder.

A few minute went by as Abby continued into the wet dark, not knowing whether she was even going to the front. The fact she had even seen Mark less than half an hour ago appearing in the light, the dark continuously played tricks on her as well as the horrible, dank conditions of the Cheryl’s abusive vagina anyway. She pleaded and pleaded to whoever may be listening to let her make it out of here safely… And strangely enough, the waters were calm. And she had just noticed. Cheryl was either calming down… Or anticipating something…

She didn’t have to wait long to find out.
© Copyright 2014 NickNack (nicknack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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