Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1975525-My-nightmare
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1975525
Bradin, a 22 year old finds himself trapped, between life and the very breath of death
  This life we take for granted every day, but it isn't until we have lost it all that we begin to truly realize that humanity and life are not to be toyed with, because once it's gone.............you no longer have anything to live for.....but your nightmares!

"Life in a small town sucks! There is nothing to do!" "Oh come on Jesse, it aint that bad." "Of all people, Bradin, you should be the one to want to bust the hell out of this town!" Davis laughed, as the other two boys began laughing to. Life in a small town was sometimes a good thing, but it was easy to get tired of. For Bradin, the truth was, he really did want to get out, but he wouldn't admit that. "What about you Jesse? Don't you really want to get out?" Bradin asked him. "Hell yea. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the town of Rodeo, I do, but it's time for a change." Jesse sighed looking down. "I mean everyone knows everything about everything around here. I can't go on a date with a girl without the whole town talking about it." Jesse continued. "Perks of being in a small town." Davis laughed again. "Yea that's the problem. I gotta get out of here, and somehow I am going to." Jesse said proudly. The small town of Rodeo Texas was known for its "small-town small-talk" Everyone had rumors, and everyone knew all the gossip, just like any other small town. Jesse like many other people in town, were not originally from Texas, like Bradin and Davis were. The three guys had met in middle school, when Jesse's family had first moved to town. They'd been friends ever since.
         Jesse, Davis and Bradin sat on the tailgate of Davis's jacked up Chevrolet. All the guys in Texas, especially Rodeo, drove jacked up trucks that always made a lot of noise and were always muddy. It was nights like this that made the guys love their small town. "Ok guys. I gotta turn in early. Work in the morning." Jesse sighed. "Jesse we all work at the same place." Davis laughed. "Yea but Jesse has to go in early to make up the last two days he missed." Bradin laughed. They all laughed then finally a few minutes later started packing up and called it a night.
         The alarm clock buzzed obnoxiously at Bradin to tell him it was now 7:30. He had to be at work at 8:30, so he hit the snooze one more time and rolled over. At 8:00 on the dot the alarm that woke him wasn't his clock, but a bucket of ice water thrown on him. "Whoa what the hell?!" Bradin yelled jumping up. He looked up at Jesse and Davis who were crying from laughing so hard. "Yawl are......."Bradin broke off, his face buried in his pillow. "Dude get up!" Davis smiled, jerking the pillow away. Just then, sirens made all the guys stop suddenly and run to the window. The guys...being guys, decided to go see what was up. When they got to where the sirens, and cop cars led, a gruesome scene was unfolding. "Hey that's Kelly's house." Jesse said suddenly. Kelly was Jesse's girlfriend since they were in high school. They ran towards the house but were stopped short by a police officer. "Whoa whoa whoa guys. You can't get through." The policemen said. "No you gotta let me through. That's my girlfriend's house! Please you gotta let me through!" Jesse pleaded. The cop finally let them through as the guys ran to the house. "Kelly?! Kelly!" Jesse yelled. As they got closer to the house, there were two paramedics putting someone into a body bag and onto a stretcher. Jesse ran up to the stretcher and looked inside. It wasn't Kelly. When he turned around Davis called him. "Jesse! Quick!" Jesse ran over to Davis and Bradin who stood on the other side of Kelly's car. Jesse was told not to come any closer but he walked around anyway. When he walked to the other side, his friends saw him fall to his knees and they came running. "Jesse!" "Jess!" Davis and Bradin yelled. They looked over his shoulder to find Kelly lying beside her car. Her neck was in pieces. Jesse crawled over and held her head and began crying. His two friends just knelt beside him. Neither said anything, but they sat with him until they were told to leave.
         "It has been almost two weeks since the two young people were killed. Twenty-two year old Micah Frost and twenty-one year old Kelly Jordne were killed in front of Kelly's home here in Rodeo, Texas, early Saturday morning. Police say they are unsure of the exact cause for this double murder, but send their greatest condolences to the family's and loved ones." The news anchor said right before Bradin turned off the TV. They hadn't heard much from Jesse, the last two weeks. He had all but literally disappeared from everyone. Davis and Bradin decided to go see if they could try and cheer him up. "Jesse?! Jesse dude come on open up!" Davis called beating on Jesse's front door. When he still didn't come to the door, Bradin jumped off the porch and ran to the back of the house. "What are you doing?" Davis asked him. "We are getting inside." Bradin explained. A few minutes later the front door opened, and Davis just looked at Bradin. Jesse wasn't there. "I don't know of any other places he could be?" Davis sighed. "I may have one more place, but I aint sure if he would be there or not." Bradin said heading for the truck, and they headed for the lake. Sure enough, down at the water on the pier, sat Jesse. "Jesse! Dude where have you been? We have been looking everywhere for you?!" Davis called. "Nothing I am..............here." Jesse said pitifully. "Jess you have to let go dude. You can't keep beating yourself up." Bradin said sadly. "You don't understand! You don't know what it's like!" Jesse yelled shoving Bradin away. "Jesse. Dude relax." Davis called. "I do understand." Bradin said. "No! You don't! How can you possibly even relate to what I am going through?!" Jesse shoved Bradin again. Bradin stood back up slowly as Jesse stood. Bradin was trying to keep his cool, and not start a shoving fight with him, but if he kept getting shoved it wasn't going to last long. "Dude I have no one! I understand better than you think I do! I lost both of my parents when I was only a kid. A kid Jesse! I understand, but you can't drink away your pain. You have to accept that Kelly is gone. You have got to move on." Bradin yelled back. "Jesse you have to start again. You can't do this to yourself." Davis said. "Just leave me alone!" Jesse yelled as he shoved Bradin again. "Jesse she's gone! You have to pick yourself back up." Bradin said slowly trying to help Jesse understand. "Ugh!" Bradin fell face down as Jesse got ready to swing at him again. "Whoa! Jesse chill out!" Davis yelled. Jesse picked Bradin up by his neck as he threw Bradin backwards into the post. "Hugh! Jesse! Jesse stop! I'm sorry! Jesse stop! Ughugh! Aaagghh!!" Bradin yelled as he fell backwards into the lake. "Bradin!" Davis yelled as he rushed to help him out of the water. Jesse took off. Davis pulled Bradin from the water as he coughed and gaged from all the water he swallowed. "You ok?" Davis asked him. "Yea. Mmmmggghh............Ughugh!" Bradin groaned in pain. "Where's Jesse?" "He took off, look come on lets go get you some help." Davis helped Bradin get to the truck, and to the doctor.
         Over the next few days Bradin and Davis tried to get ahold of Jesse. Every time they called, they got his voicemail. "Hey it's Jesse. Leave a message." "Jesse, its Bradin. Dude I am so sorry. Please call me back dude." Bradin threw the phone down and hung his head. "Bradin!" "Yea what's up?" He asked as Davis walked in. "Have you seen the paper?" Davis handed him the morning paper. "No why?" "Four more people were found dead last night. That's thirty-four people in one year." Davis said surprised. "No way? What is going on?" "I don't know but...." Davis was cut short as the phone rang. "Hello...Yes this is he? No why? What........ yea we're on our way!" Davis hung up and quickly ran upstairs. "Dude what is going on? Who was that?" Bradin asked him curiously. "It was the hospital. Jesse's hurt bad." Davis stuttered. When they got to the hospital, the doctors met them in the hall. "I am so sorry boys. We have done everything that we can possibly do." "No." Bradin said pushing past them and running into Jesse's room. Inside on the bed, Jesse laid as if he were asleep; but he wasn't. There on his neck were bandages and tape that were soaked red. His neck was tore apart. Bradin walked over and sat beside the bed, and laid his head down on the bedside and began crying. Davis slowly walked in, and walked over to Bradin and sat beside him. They sat there, like that until they had to come take Jesse's body away. Jesse was now in the massive group of people who had mysteriously been murdered. Something major was happening.

                   ..............................................One year later.......................................................

         Bradin woke up earlier than usual, swung his legs to the side of the bed and sat up. "Mmmmggghh........" he fought the urge to lay back down. He had to get up, he had to go to work. A lot had changed since last year. He and Davis had got their own house that they shared. Davis occasionally brought a girl, never the same one.  They still worked at the Rodeo Saloon bar. Bradin didn't bring anyone home, partly because he was hardly ever home. He was always going somewhere or doing something. He didn't have time to relax, then again he chose to always be busy. He hung his head and groaned. He had to be at work early to set things up, and they didn't open until about nine that night. That's what he got for working in an extra popular bar in Texas. He finally got up and walked to the bathroom. As he stepped out of the shower he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. "Davis?! You home?! Davis!" Bradin yelled but got no reply. When he walked into the hallway a girl stepped out of his room, with one of his shirts on. "Who the hell are you?" Bradin asked confused. "Oh. I'm Kyran. Sorry about your shirt, I needed something to put on and Davis was already gone. He texted me and told me to check your closet for an old shirt." She smiled shyly. Bradin laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Well I think I may have some clothes that fit you better." Bradin smiled walking into his bedroom. He walked to his closet but when he turned around she was gone. "Kyran?" He called, and looked around his room and the hallway. Then in the blink of an eye she was behind him. When he turned around, he jumped. "Holy......" Bradin laughed nervously. "Didn't mean to scare you." She smiled a seductive smile at him. He looked at her questioningly. "What are you doing?" He asked, trying to back away from her. He backed up all the way to the wall as she moved even closer. "Hey whoa, you were with Davis." Bradin said slowly. "We aint together, and I see something I want more." She had a smile that was drawing him in somehow, every time he looked at her. She slowly put her hands on his bare chest. The simple touch sent chills up his spine and he closed his eyes in sheer pleasure. When he leaned down to kiss her, she moved suddenly. "Not so fast." She laughed evilly. She walked away from him, towards his bed, never taking her eyes from him. Without even realizing, he was already beside her. He laid down keeping his eyes locked on her. She slowly ran her hands all over his chest and shoulders, sending goose bumps all up his arms. She leaned down and kissed his lips, then his cheek, finally his neck. When her lips touched the skin on his neck, his eyes suddenly closed. He couldn't explain the feeling that had just washed over him. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She smiled. "Yes." Was all he could make out. "You're weak to me. You cower to easy. You humans always do." She smirked. "What are you...?" "Shhhhh...." She stopped him before he could finish. "Just relax. Breathe." She smiled again. He suddenly blinked. He felt so tired all of a sudden, but he had to go to work, he had to get up. "I can't. I have to go..." Bradin tried to explain. She straddled him and took off his shirt. She sat on his lap in nothing but a bra and shorts. He was lost in her. She bent down and kissed him, this time she rubbed her hands down his chest and her kiss was hotter. It had more passion than before. He slowly let out a soft moan. When she kissed him again, this time she bit his lip, and his moans only got louder and deeper. "You can't fight it." She laughed evilly. "Please..." Bradin pleaded. She leaned down to his neck and gently kissed it, then quickly pulled away. "What..." Bradin started to ask. "Shhhhh...close your eyes." He did as he was told. She smiled down at him as unhuman fangs formed where regular teeth were only seconds before. Her eyes turned a bright red color and she let out a low hum. She bent back down to his neck as her fangs slowly pierced his skin and sank deep inside. He cried out in pain. "Aaagghh! Mmmmggghh.....Ughugh! Ugh........." Bradin's eyes closed suddenly as her fangs retracted and she sat up. "Death isn't for you, but I have something so much better for you." She said as she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

         "Mmmmggghh........" Bradin slowly opened his eyes. His room was pitch black. He tried to get up but found he was too weak. He started coughing and couldn't stop. When he finally caught his breath he all but crawled to the bathroom. His phone was on the sink. He had twenty-six missed calls. Half from work, half from Davis. As he turned to leave the bathroom, he got so dizzy and collapsed to the floor. He fell into a deep darkness, and finally drifted off.

         "Bradin you here?! Bradin?!" Davis called from downstairs. "Bradin dude I know you're here, your trucks outside!" Davis yelled again. When he still wasn't getting any replies, he headed upstairs. When he got up the stairs and looked towards the bathroom, he saw Bradin. "Oh my God! Bradin!!" Davis ran over to him and picked up his head and knelt beside him. "What did you take?! Bradin wake up!" Davis yelled. "She....did.......something...." Bradin said slowly. "What?! Who?! Bradin talk to me!!" Davis pleaded. "Kyran. Ughugh!" Bradin suddenly went limp, and fell back unconscious. Davis half carried, half dragged Bradin to his room, and laid him down on his bed.
This life we take for granted every day, but it isn't until we have lost it all that we begin to truly realize that humanity and life are not to be toyed with, because once it's gone.............you no longer have anything to live for.....but your nightmares!

         "Life in a small town sucks! There is nothing to do!" "Oh come on Jesse, it aint that bad." "Of all people, Bradin, you should be the one to want to bust the hell out of this town!" Davis laughed, as the other two boys began laughing to. Life in a small town was sometimes a good thing, but it was easy to get tired of. For Bradin, the truth was, he really did want to get out, but he wouldn't admit that. "What about you Jesse? Don't you really want to get out?" Bradin asked him. "Hell yea. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the town of Rodeo, I do, but it's time for a change." Jesse sighed looking down. "I mean everyone knows everything about everything around here. I can't go on a date with a girl without the whole town talking about it." Jesse continued. "Perks of being in a small town." Davis laughed again. "Yea that's the problem. I gotta get out of here, and somehow I am going to." Jesse said proudly. The small town of Rodeo Texas was known for its "small-town small-talk" Everyone had rumors, and everyone knew all the gossip, just like any other small town. Jesse like many other people in town, were not originally from Texas, like Bradin and Davis were. The three guys had met in middle school, when Jesse's family had first moved to town. They'd been friends ever since.
         Jesse, Davis and Bradin sat on the tailgate of Davis's jacked up Chevrolet. All the guys in Texas, especially Rodeo, drove jacked up trucks that always made a lot of noise and were always muddy. It was nights like this that made the guys love their small town. "Ok guys. I gotta turn in early. Work in the morning." Jesse sighed. "Jesse we all work at the same place." Davis laughed. "Yea but Jesse has to go in early to make up the last two days he missed." Bradin laughed. They all laughed then finally a few minutes later started packing up and called it a night.
         The alarm clock buzzed obnoxiously at Bradin to tell him it was now 7:30. He had to be at work at 8:30, so he hit the snooze one more time and rolled over. At 8:00 on the dot the alarm that woke him wasn't his clock, but a bucket of ice water thrown on him. "Whoa what the hell?!" Bradin yelled jumping up. He looked up at Jesse and Davis who were crying from laughing so hard. "Yawl are......."Bradin broke off, his face buried in his pillow. "Dude get up!" Davis smiled, jerking the pillow away. Just then, sirens made all the guys stop suddenly and run to the window. The guys...being guys, decided to go see what was up. When they got to where the sirens, and cop cars led, a gruesome scene was unfolding. "Hey that's Kelly's house." Jesse said suddenly. Kelly was Jesse's girlfriend since they were in high school. They ran towards the house but were stopped short by a police officer. "Whoa whoa whoa guys. You can't get through." The policemen said. "No you gotta let me through. That's my girlfriend's house! Please you gotta let me through!" Jesse pleaded. The cop finally let them through as the guys ran to the house. "Kelly?! Kelly!" Jesse yelled. As they got closer to the house, there were two paramedics putting someone into a body bag and onto a stretcher. Jesse ran up to the stretcher and looked inside. It wasn't Kelly. When he turned around Davis called him. "Jesse! Quick!" Jesse ran over to Davis and Bradin who stood on the other side of Kelly's car. Jesse was told not to come any closer but he walked around anyway. When he walked to the other side, his friends saw him fall to his knees and they came running. "Jesse!" "Jess!" Davis and Bradin yelled. They looked over his shoulder to find Kelly lying beside her car. Her neck was in pieces. Jesse crawled over and held her head and began crying. His two friends just knelt beside him. Neither said anything, but they sat with him until they were told to leave.
         "It has been almost two weeks since the two young people were killed. Twenty-two year old Micah Frost and twenty-one year old Kelly Jordne were killed in front of Kelly's home here in Rodeo, Texas, early Saturday morning. Police say they are unsure of the exact cause for this double murder, but send their greatest condolences to the family's and loved ones." The news anchor said right before Bradin turned off the TV. They hadn't heard much from Jesse, the last two weeks. He had all but literally disappeared from everyone. Davis and Bradin decided to go see if they could try and cheer him up. "Jesse?! Jesse dude come on open up!" Davis called beating on Jesse's front door. When he still didn't come to the door, Bradin jumped off the porch and ran to the back of the house. "What are you doing?" Davis asked him. "We are getting inside." Bradin explained. A few minutes later the front door opened, and Davis just looked at Bradin. Jesse wasn't there. "I don't know of any other places he could be?" Davis sighed. "I may have one more place, but I aint sure if he would be there or not." Bradin said heading for the truck, and they headed for the lake. Sure enough, down at the water on the pier, sat Jesse. "Jesse! Dude where have you been? We have been looking everywhere for you?!" Davis called. "Nothing I am..............here." Jesse said pitifully. "Jess you have to let go dude. You can't keep beating yourself up." Bradin said sadly. "You don't understand! You don't know what it's like!" Jesse yelled shoving Bradin away. "Jesse. Dude relax." Davis called. "I do understand." Bradin said. "No! You don't! How can you possibly even relate to what I am going through?!" Jesse shoved Bradin again. Bradin stood back up slowly as Jesse stood. Bradin was trying to keep his cool, and not start a shoving fight with him, but if he kept getting shoved it wasn't going to last long. "Dude I have no one! I understand better than you think I do! I lost both of my parents when I was only a kid. A kid Jesse! I understand, but you can't drink away your pain. You have to accept that Kelly is gone. You have got to move on." Bradin yelled back. "Jesse you have to start again. You can't do this to yourself." Davis said. "Just leave me alone!" Jesse yelled as he shoved Bradin again. "Jesse she's gone! You have to pick yourself back up." Bradin said slowly trying to help Jesse understand. "Ugh!" Bradin fell face down as Jesse got ready to swing at him again. "Whoa! Jesse chill out!" Davis yelled. Jesse picked Bradin up by his neck as he threw Bradin backwards into the post. "Hugh! Jesse! Jesse stop! I'm sorry! Jesse stop! Ughugh! Aaagghh!!" Bradin yelled as he fell backwards into the lake. "Bradin!" Davis yelled as he rushed to help him out of the water. Jesse took off. Davis pulled Bradin from the water as he coughed and gaged from all the water he swallowed. "You ok?" Davis asked him. "Yea. Mmmmggghh............Ughugh!" Bradin groaned in pain. "Where's Jesse?" "He took off, look come on lets go get you some help." Davis helped Bradin get to the truck, and to the doctor.
         Over the next few days Bradin and Davis tried to get ahold of Jesse. Every time they called, they got his voicemail. "Hey it's Jesse. Leave a message." "Jesse, its Bradin. Dude I am so sorry. Please call me back dude." Bradin threw the phone down and hung his head. "Bradin!" "Yea what's up?" He asked as Davis walked in. "Have you seen the paper?" Davis handed him the morning paper. "No why?" "Four more people were found dead last night. That's thirty-four people in one year." Davis said surprised. "No way? What is going on?" "I don't know but...." Davis was cut short as the phone rang. "Hello...Yes this is he? No why? What........ yea we're on our way!" Davis hung up and quickly ran upstairs. "Dude what is going on? Who was that?" Bradin asked him curiously. "It was the hospital. Jesse's hurt bad." Davis stuttered. When they got to the hospital, the doctors met them in the hall. "I am so sorry boys. We have done everything that we can possibly do." "No." Bradin said pushing past them and running into Jesse's room. Inside on the bed, Jesse laid as if he were asleep; but he wasn't. There on his neck were bandages and tape that were soaked red. His neck was tore apart. Bradin walked over and sat beside the bed, and laid his head down on the bedside and began crying. Davis slowly walked in, and walked over to Bradin and sat beside him. They sat there, like that until they had to come take Jesse's body away. Jesse was now in the massive group of people who had mysteriously been murdered. Something major was happening.

                   ..............................................One year later.......................................................

         Bradin woke up earlier than usual, swung his legs to the side of the bed and sat up. "Mmmmggghh........" he fought the urge to lay back down. He had to get up, he had to go to work. A lot had changed since last year. He and Davis had got their own house that they shared. Davis occasionally brought a girl, never the same one.  They still worked at the Rodeo Saloon bar. Bradin didn't bring anyone home, partly because he was hardly ever home. He was always going somewhere or doing something. He didn't have time to relax, then again he chose to always be busy. He hung his head and groaned. He had to be at work early to set things up, and they didn't open until about nine that night. That's what he got for working in an extra popular bar in Texas. He finally got up and walked to the bathroom. As he stepped out of the shower he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. "Davis?! You home?! Davis!" Bradin yelled but got no reply. When he walked into the hallway a girl stepped out of his room, with one of his shirts on. "Who the hell are you?" Bradin asked confused. "Oh. I'm Kyran. Sorry about your shirt, I needed something to put on and Davis was already gone. He texted me and told me to check your closet for an old shirt." She smiled shyly. Bradin laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Well I think I may have some clothes that fit you better." Bradin smiled walking into his bedroom. He walked to his closet but when he turned around she was gone. "Kyran?" He called, and looked around his room and the hallway. Then in the blink of an eye she was behind him. When he turned around, he jumped. "Holy......" Bradin laughed nervously. "Didn't mean to scare you." She smiled a seductive smile at him. He looked at her questioningly. "What are you doing?" He asked, trying to back away from her. He backed up all the way to the wall as she moved even closer. "Hey whoa, you were with Davis." Bradin said slowly. "We aint together, and I see something I want more." She had a smile that was drawing him in somehow, every time he looked at her. She slowly put her hands on his bare chest. The simple touch sent chills up his spine and he closed his eyes in sheer pleasure. When he leaned down to kiss her, she moved suddenly. "Not so fast." She laughed evilly. She walked away from him, towards his bed, never taking her eyes from him. Without even realizing, he was already beside her. He laid down keeping his eyes locked on her. She slowly ran her hands all over his chest and shoulders, sending goose bumps all up his arms. She leaned down and kissed his lips, then his cheek, finally his neck. When her lips touched the skin on his neck, his eyes suddenly closed. He couldn't explain the feeling that had just washed over him. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She smiled. "Yes." Was all he could make out. "You're weak to me. You cower to easy. You humans always do." She smirked. "What are you...?" "Shhhhh...." She stopped him before he could finish. "Just relax. Breathe." She smiled again. He suddenly blinked. He felt so tired all of a sudden, but he had to go to work, he had to get up. "I can't. I have to go..." Bradin tried to explain. She straddled him and took off his shirt. She sat on his lap in nothing but a bra and shorts. He was lost in her. She bent down and kissed him, this time she rubbed her hands down his chest and her kiss was hotter. It had more passion than before. He slowly let out a soft moan. When she kissed him again, this time she bit his lip, and his moans only got louder and deeper. "You can't fight it." She laughed evilly. "Please..." Bradin pleaded. She leaned down to his neck and gently kissed it, then quickly pulled away. "What..." Bradin started to ask. "Shhhhh...close your eyes." He did as he was told. She smiled down at him as unhuman fangs formed where regular teeth were only seconds before. Her eyes turned a bright red color and she let out a low hum. She bent back down to his neck as her fangs slowly pierced his skin and sank deep inside. He cried out in pain. "Aaagghh! Mmmmggghh.....Ughugh! Ugh........." Bradin's eyes closed suddenly as her fangs retracted and she sat up. "Death isn't for you, but I have something so much better for you." She said as she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

         "Mmmmggghh........" Bradin slowly opened his eyes. His room was pitch black. He tried to get up but found he was too weak. He started coughing and couldn't stop. When he finally caught his breath he all but crawled to the bathroom. His phone was on the sink. He had twenty-six missed calls. Half from work, half from Davis. As he turned to leave the bathroom, he got so dizzy and collapsed to the floor. He fell into a deep darkness, and finally drifted off.

         "Bradin you here?! Bradin?!" Davis called from downstairs. "Bradin dude I know you're here, your trucks outside!" Davis yelled again. When he still wasn't getting any replies, he headed upstairs. When he got up the stairs and looked towards the bathroom, he saw Bradin. "Oh my God! Bradin!!" Davis ran over to him and picked up his head and knelt beside him. "What did you take?! Bradin wake up!" Davis yelled. "She....did.......something...." Bradin said slowly. "What?! Who?! Bradin talk to me!!" Davis pleaded. "Kyran. Ughugh!" Bradin suddenly went limp, and fell back unconscious. Davis half carried, half dragged Bradin to his room, and laid him down on his bed.

© Copyright 2014 Deerhuntr (haybug3223 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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