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by Bs
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1977009
Vampires in
Chapter 1
Do you believe that vampires exist?well you should because I am here,lying dormant for centuries and now i have awaken.
That could only mean one thing :something bad is coming again and i have awaken in the middle of it
I have slept for five hundred years because of my vampire ability to never die while withering from the lack of blood if not feed
I couldn't remember the place,a great cathedral while on its top stood my throne of dust,I was a vampire king but now I am the king of dust
Ha ha its ironic how a god like me has to be awaken in daylight
Vampires never liked daylight,not because it could hurt them but for the fact that they couldn't fell the warmth the day and the Sun had to offer
In a way that was the only goal if you were dead and eternal ,to feel warm again,but what is already dead should stay dead
It was not of my choosing to become eternal ,it was a gift or a curse from Lilith,first human to be corrupted and given eternal life to
But now she's gone,she gave up her life to see me succeed in my revenge or perhaps she got tired of the eternity that was given to her and found a way out,a desperate fool I was but I took it anyway
One,,, thing worse then dying young is living forever,because in that time you will regret any mistake you made and eternity is a long time to think
But anyway I'm past through my human life,that's what got me here in the first place
Except my love,what was her name?you stupid fool how could you have forgotten
I didn't want to,time made me forget,life is all about you and when your loved one dies and you can't change that it turns into an eternal pain
But that was all I could remember and that should be enough
Sitting for a long time on that throne got tiresome and it was time to stand up
Standing up was easy but looking out of the window was hard,to much daylight for an old vampire like myself
It was an old gothic large window ,filled with dirt and dust from the years of abandonment and everybody seamed to have forgotten about cleaning those windows or perhaps were to high
Even with those stains the light was to strong for me
Back in the days when I was human the light was good ,peaceful but it wasn't so strong,probably the humans did something as they always do
I have to get down before night fall's because then it would be to late and I would have to wait an other day
As I approached the edge I saw that there were no steps that would lead me down there
Oh well I will just fly down,that should do it
So I jumped and saw myself falling,its not how I remembered flying should be but I could be wrong who knows what I fad forgotten in such time
It was not long before my falling was stopped by the hard surface of the wood that lay under
Before passing out I saw that the walls had angel statues with lovely faces,and the one before me was as lovely but her face looked like she was mocking me and then I lost touch with reality
Reality was better then the things my mind could imagine,things I can't remember
I was a crusader but not a templar in the middle ages fighting in the so called holy war,that's where I lost my soul
And death followed me ever since,that's where i meet him fighting besides me or against me but both ways I failed him too
He was just a shadow but I knew he wanted me badly but I failed him because I am still alive,but so is he,waiting patiently for me
Anyway we took a fortress from our enemies and the first thing was to destroy their temples,submitting them to our own rule
There I found my favorite weapon,a dagger like sword,meaning that it can be shrunk to a dagger size,that's why I loved it so much and took it for myself
Its handle was made of gold,with a small diamond on its end
But the sword itself was made of pure silver and I went home with it
On the path I meet with a woman called Lily,who was actually Lilith
With beautiful red hair and tempting lips ,she looked so young
But I had to ignore her and go back home to Paris
And that's what I did, and it worked for a while but I found her later in Paris,and I had to ignore her
If I went to the market she was there,if somewhere else she was there
And every time when I looked back she was gone,but not entirely,I could fell her watching me from somewhere
Somehow I was in bed and I was getting ready to sleep when outside two big red eyes were staring at me,whatever or whoever that thing was,he knew me
It was better to sleep then to look at those eyes
A dream began where I was on the cold hard dirty wood floor and angels were all around me,even that mocking angel
That's when I realized that the other one was a dream and this was my reality
Cold as it was it was what I had become
Something was strange,I could see a shadow,it looked like me but death was always a tricky one
But no,it was just my shadow which meant that it was night and I missed my chance to get down and who knows how long I was sleeping
That fall should have killed me now that I don't have any powers but I am still alive so my powers came back or at least some of them
I guess I have to thank God or the night for rescuing me,after all I was in one of God's house even if it was abandoned
Not having to much time to waist,I jumped again but this time I found out that I could fly
Flying was a sign of relief,an indescribable felling of freedom,and there was always the cold wind slapping you,especially in the face so it was refreshing
With the current speed I was down in no time,checked my legs if they were still there unharmed and went to the large round door opened it and went out
Outside was a black road and there were also square with round looking boxes,but they didn't look like boxes
Ah so much has changed in such a long time,now I don't even know what they were
And why does the air fell stranger then the last time I took my breath of it?
And why are there buildings reaching higher then even the cathedral I was in?
I can't even recognize this city anymore, I don't know who the stranger is,me or the city
As I was walking ahead on some side of the road,it was like a side because it was different then the black road,I saw people staying behind glasses,I watched them for a while but they never moved,not even when I waved
Whoever they were they were strange,but never gave a sign of live
Moving forward nothing interesting has happened except felling watched and more people in glasses
Walking is more tiresome then I can remember,I need blood and I need it fast
I got to a street where pillars with light on top of them were placed,a little dizziness occurred but not for long as my eyes adjusted to them
When I was close to the last pillar I saw a shadow,not mine of course
It couldn't have been mine since I was in the light at that time and not only that it was to far away to have come from me
After a minute or two I was out of the pillar area and my vampire instincts kicked in
I could sense a heat signature behind me and he wasn't coming on the ground that much I was sure of
He was very warm,humans don't usually look so warm and have more blood but this one had none and was to warm
I was sure that I am dealing with something I didn't see before,some new enemy of mine perhaps
I ran towards the nearest point of shadow where I could become one with the dark,vampires act best in dark,and wanted to observe that new creature
He was after me that much was sure since he came to that spot and lost me in the shadows
He waited for me to make a mistake and show myself but eventually got tired of waiting and went somewhere else instead,but I knew he had to still be in the area somewhere because nobody gives up so easily
He was a strange guy,imbibing the shortness of a dwarf with some ugly looking wings,but the wings had no feathers only what looked like some dried skin
But the color of his skin was strangely red,everywhere red,that would explain his warmth but not the lack of blood but maybe he was such a little creature so he didn't need any
As soon as I stepped out he grabbed me from behind and tried to bit me but failed because his strength didn't match my own,he was strong enough for a little guy and even more
He started laughing and more of those little guy's joined him,now they were an army of small guy's
His voice sounded like some scream from a horror movie,it was everything except a laugh but he was laughing
Like one of them wasn't enough ah well more blood for me
I summoned my sword just by calling it and I have waited.....
But the sword never came and they were laughing again,but this time instead of others coming they were attacking
I dodged then hit,dodged and hit with my claws until they stopped attacking me
By the time it was over half of them had scratch marks,their sweet blood pouring out of those wounds
Even more I caught a mouth of blood,but soon as I drank something was wrong
Whatever was in that blood was poisoning me,and poison meant the loss of all the powers,including regenerative powers as well
And while I was getting dizzy they attacked again and caught me off guard
Each one of them was holding a body part,except for my arms which were held tightly by more then two
The free one however decided that I was tasty and took a bite
That great pain,I never felt something so strong since I lost her.
An other bite would have occurred if my sword didn't land in his throat and end his life instantly,his head falling first and then the rest of him
Then the sword slipped in my hands and with it cut my way through,hands falling behind
With a quick move I turned around and slashed the remaining parts
In my wake only bodies remained and sweet,oh so sweet blood but highly toxic to me,its a shame really
I moved away from the area but not before staring at one of the dwarfs head and realized that it was familiar
Anyway I had to get away from this place before I get tempted to drink blood which would be bad
As I was a few meters away from there I fainted again,maybe there was more poison in that blood then I had anticipated
Once more i was in a dream like state but this time i remembered an other story of my life
After some time spent in France I got sick,possibly from something from the crusade
I got into a hospital and there was a beautiful lady,she was no lady but a simple woman but I fell in love with her nevertheless
She was the one taking care of the sick,but there was not much she could do for me
She was a young brunette,with brown eyes,a lovely smile and there was something about her that made me fall in love with her every time I saw her
It wasn't her beauty that I liked so much it must have been her personality,the way she acted,she always had a smile upon her face,nice to everyone and always trying to be helpful
I have no idea if she ever loved me,but for me it was more real then my life and that was my only precious thing but the love I felt for her was something else,far more important then my life
Anyway it was the best good thing that has ever happened to me and i will remember it for an eternity
My sickness got worse and she felt sorry for me,I saw her lose a few of her silver tears,if those weren't from an angel then heaven never existed in the first place,she was my angel,real or not
Before my time to die came because nothing could have saved me,there she was as always
But somebody new came,it was Lily who's offer still stood,eternal life for basically nothing,but it was more to that I should have known
I accepted,who wouldn't and the deal was sealed with a kiss,because that's how it works when dealing with unnatural creatures,at least with some of them
Then she bit me and when I was getting low on my own blood she cut her hand and allowed me to drink from hers
However she failed to mention that I will drink all of her blood and she will die ,I thought that this worked somehow else
Anyway I was still alive and I got to see her,so whatever happened I got to see her,I guess the consequences were well worth it
A day has passed and I was felling hungry like I never was before,such hunger like I never felt before
I was craving for something more,something that I never tasted before ,something that had some iron in it
I tried eating everything that had an iron taste in it but nothing could remove my hunger
By accident while I was walking on the street I saw some guy cutting meat and he managed to cut his finger,what a fool
Before he saw it a good percentage of his blood was on that piece of meat and I felt attracted to it,like we were one
I had to buy that piece and that's what I did,but the meat had nothing interesting except for the blood in it
Strangely I started licking that meat almost without control,my mind telling me its wrong,but hunger is almost a parasite that can manipulate the strongest and the most intelligent part of a human,its brain
After I was done with it ,only the meat remained and I didn't need it,and then again there was a poor guy begging for money
You could tell how poor he was just by looking at his clothes,a hole in here and other in there ,he was barefoot because shoes where expensive only the rich could afford them,and they had more then they could possibly wear,but no,they didn't want too help,and the worst part is that the rich were responsible for their hunger,their sickness
Being rich didn't' mean that you were a positive character,and that attitude was the only way you could describe them
I gave the man the meat and he was so happy that his face smiled,even his eyes shined in amazement,he thanked me in a way that nobody ever did ,the poor guy was more courteous then any other rich men I meet ,and I meet quite a few
I felt sorry for him , but there was nothing else I could do to help him and the rest, after all he was not the only one who shared the same fate as the others
I had to take my mind off from things like that because the more your involved the worst it will be for you, because the chances of something changing in this society was almost close to zero ,and the more you will fight the more disappointed you will be
Anyway I had other things that required my attention, I can't really remember anything urgent, who am I lying too? nothing requires my attention
I was at the market and I saw a flower shop selling beautiful flowers, some were more amazing then the others
My favorite were the roses, because they were more beautiful then the rest, also filled with such emotions and purity above all
I got myself a rose, but I didn't’t buy it for myself, it was for her
It was a red rose with its spikes and leaf’s as well ,it was the most beautiful type of rose I ever saw, but this type was somehow special, I never saw this breed before
With the rose in one hand and my pride in the other I went to the hospital I was in, a simple house really but it was large and people were there for various reasons but most of them never got to go home because the doctors could not do to much for them ,and not because they didn't want to but didn't have the means to do so
I was searching for her ,tried finding her among the hospital's staff but she wasn't there
In fact she was nowhere to be found and I was losing my hope,maybe she was home and I had to come back an other day or something bad has happened to her


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