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it is what we forget we see and believe as children and is follows the life of Lizzy&Izzy |
Hello thanks for reading this. i will warn you it was written three years ago and probably has a lot of mistakes. but please bear with it. It was based off a story that my friends told me and i needed a project for class so i wrote this and fell in love with it. like i said before it was written three years ago and i really haven't changed a thing about it hope you like it! :) Lizzy and Izzy The cast list Lizzy and Izzy the script Act one (The curtains open up to Lizzy and Izzy in the hallway next to the bathroom door) Lizzy "Care-bear are you ok?" Izzy "does it hurt?" Mom "What are you doing talking to the bathroom door?" Lizzy "Care-bear is going potty." Izzy "Care-bear's been in there for twelve hours" Mom "But you've only been up for twelve minuets" Lizzy "No, twelve hours!" Mom "Twelve minutes!" Izzy "Twelve hours!!" Mom "Twelve minutes!" Lizzy "No, twelve hours!" Mom "Twelve minutes!" Izzy "Twelve hours!!" Mom "Anyway, time for school" Lizzy and Izzy "Okay" (The curtains close and then open up when the next scene is ready. Miss Igneous is talking to the kids while Lizzy is sitting in the corner Thinking) Miss Dowling "Now class settle down you can all have your snack...'later' " Everyone "give me that!" "that's mine" (random rambling) Lizzy "Miss Peanut butter?" Miss Dowling "Yes Lizzy?" Lizzy "I have to go bathroom." Miss Dowling "Well you're going to have to wait." Lizzy "But I have to go NOW!!!!!!!!" Izzy "She does you know you don't want her to go bathroom in her pants. It smells " Miss Dowling "Fine go here are the bathroom key." Lizzy "Thank you" (runs off stage the noise maker slams a door and then five minutes a flush) Miss Dowling "Now class it is time for history. Now who knows what the word history means?" Antoinette "I do, I do" Miss Dowling "Anyone?" Antoinette "PICK ME PICK ME!!" Miss Dowling "Yes Antoinette?" (Antoinette stands up and goes to center stage and then says her line) Antoinette "History means the branch of Knowledge dealing with past events." Izzy (saying very loud!!) "SHOE OAF!!!!" Everyone "Ha, ha..." Izzy "What she is" Everyone "Ha, Ha, Ha..." Izzy "but she is a shoe oaf" Antoinette "its show off not shoe oaf" Izzy "b-b-b Oh just shut up!!" Principal (walks on from stage right) "Time for lunch" (And then exit on stage left) Izzy "What did you get for lunch?" Billyan "Oh a sandwich, and jello, and milk..." Izzy (Izzy interrupts billyan after she says jello.) "JELLO!"(Izzy tries to grab the jello but billyan moves it away from her and then loads the spoon with jello to fling in Mrs. Perks face.) Mrs. perks "BILLY!!" Billyan "its Billyan not Billy!!!!!!" Mrs. Perks "Billy!!!" Billyan "its Billyan not Billy!!!!!!" Mrs. perks "GO TO THE OFFICE" Billyan "b-b-b-but" Mrs. perks "NOW!!!!!" (Billyan and Mrs. Perks walk off stage left then the curtains close to get ready for the next scene which is the principal's office) Mrs. Perks "She flung jello in my face!" "JELLO!" "She should at least have detention!" Principle "Now Mrs. Perks she's only three years old..." Billyan "Four actually." Principle "I am sorry four, but still she is in preschool, I do not think that it is an appropriate punishment. At least either send a letter to her parents or take her snack away." Izzy "Mister Principle" Principle "Yes Izzy?" Izzy "I was the one who flung the jello" "I was trying to fling jello in the turtle's tank so he can eat it and not be hungry." Billyan "no it was me!" Izzy "no me!" Billyan "no me!" (Continue for five minutes.) Principle "no one is in trouble, Izzy I can tell that you were trying to take the blame for Billyan, And that's okay but no one is in trouble" "Okay" Izzy "Okay" Principle "now both of you go back to your class. Oh!! And here" (and then gives Billyan and Izzy two lollypops) Izzy and Billyan "Thank you mister principle" (Izzy and Billyan say at the same time." (Curtains close while Izzy and Billyan exit on stage right) (The curtains open up to a scene in the classroom and everyone is napping) (Random Whispering) "So the chemical reaction of Iron and Polonium leads to an Explosion (Random Whispering) and then I will have the newest nuclear bomb" Miss Dowling "Antoinette what are you doing?" Antoinette "Nothing" Miss Dowling "Okay now go back to sleep Antoinette. Okay?" (The curtains close. to get ready for the scene of the art room when ready open up the curtains) Lizzy "That was fun" Izzy "What did you make Billyan?" Billyan "Well I don't know I was trying to make a cow but it turned into a turkey" (Billyan holds it up for the crowd to see but makes it look like she was inspecting it) Izzy "Oh? What did you make sissy?" Lizzy "Mr. Turtle getting swished in jello What did you make Sissy?" Izzy "Well I made Care-bear" (She says while holding it up and then hugging it) Lizzy "Cool" Mrs. Alice "Now class your assignment is to tell me what you learned today and then I will dismiss you" (Everyone raises their hands) Mrs. Alice "Lizzy" Lizzy "I learned about fluffy ghost rabbits" Mrs. Alice "Izzy" Izzy "I learned that Care-bears can use the bathroom for a very long time" Mrs. Alice "Billy" Billyan "MY NAME ISNT BILLY ITS Billyan!!! Anyway I learned to try not to flick jello from a spoon to the turtle tank" Mrs. Alice "you are all dismissed" (The curtains open up to the living room scene in Lizzy and Izzy house (it is a split stage with the bathroom set) (Lizzy and Izzy run on stage from center stage) Lizzy "Care-bear are you okay?" (Lizzy and Izzy) Mom "Uh Lizzy, Izzy?" (Lizzy and Izzy) "What?" Mom "He's stuck in the toilet" (Lizzy runs into the bathroom with Izzy right behind her) Lizzy "Care-bear?" Izzy "let's pull her out" (Izzy reaches into the toilet and grabs the stuffed cat's arms) Care-bear "Help me" Lizzy "let's use a plunger" (Izzy grabs the plunger and sticks it in the toilet and the "cat" flies across the room Lizzy picks it up and smells it) Lizzy "You need a bath" (she sticks it back in the toilet) (The curtains close to get ready for the next scene which is Billyan in her room) Billyan "Mister Fifi" Fifi "yes Billyan?" Billyan "Why does everyone call me Billy?" Fifi "because Billyan you're older brother is named Billy and you look like him" Billyan "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE MY BROTHER!!!!!!!! (And then she throws a pillow at Fifi but Fifi ducks and the pillow hits Billyan's mom's face that just walked in.) (Billyan's) Mom "BILLYAN!!!" Billyan "yes Ma?" (Billyan's) Mom "go in the corner of the kitchen!" Billyan "b-b-but..." (Billyan's) Mom "NOW!!!" Billyan "FINE!!!" (Then stomps off stage right) (The curtains close while Fifi dose his happy dance) (The curtains open up to the dining room everyone is at the table eating dinner while billyan is in the corner forgotten) (Billyan's) Father "pass the peas please" Billy "Okay" "can you pass the spaghetti noodles?" (Billyan's) Father "sure" "here" (The curtains close to get ready for the next scene which is a split stage one side is Susie's bedroom and on the other side is the dining room where Billyan is sleeping in the corner) Susie "where Be-bo? Mommy? Where Be-bo?" (Billyan's) Mother "Oh she's in bed just like you" Susie "I WANT BE-BO!!!" (She says and then throws a temper tantrum) (Billyan's) Mother "BILLYAN!!" Billyan "WHAT?" (BILLYAN'S) Mother "where are you?" Billyan "In the corner" (Billyan's mother runs to the dining room) (Billyan's) Mother "Why aren't you in bed? Young lady you're grounded!!!" Billyan "yay!!!" (Billyan's) Mother "Why are you happy?" Billyan "Because I can sleep in my bed now" (Billyan runs off stage right) (Billyan's) Mother "I am confused now" "Oh well" (She leaves the dining room to Susie's room and sings her to sleep the curtains then close) (Lizzy and Izzy are at their house in the living room with the dad, the mom, and Timmy their younger brother packing for the family reunion) Lizzy "But I don't want to go" Mom "Come on Lizzy you have to finish packing" Dad "your mother's right and you know that" Mom "you have no room to talk you haven't even started packing" Dad "Because I am working so we can go to the family reunion" Mom "you mean playing solitaire on your computer all day long" Dad "No" "designing video games" Mom "Aka playing them" Dad "ya I play them because I have to test them it is a very long process" Mom Lizzy and Izzy's Pet Lizards can make and test one In less than five minutes""Oh and you're not bringing your laptop to the family reunion" (Lizzy and Izzy step in between their mom and dad) Lizzy "no fighting mommy no fighting" Izzy "Ya No fighting daddy no fighting" (Timmy starts throwing random stuff in the suitcases including the dad's laptop) Timmy "I pack I pack" "mommy we pack we pack" Mom "Timmy we weren't fighting we were just having a debate there's a difference you know" Timmy "No You Fighting" (The dad pulls out his broken laptop) Dad "honey I don't think I'll be bring the laptop" Mom "why? Oh well we will buy you a new one after the family reunion" Lizzy "Mommy?" "Do I have to pack?" Mom "yes lizzy" Lizzy "Do I have to pack?" Lizzy "Okay" Mom "yes lizzy you do" (They start packing again when they hear a Knock at the door Billyan comes in skipping in from stage right with Fifi) Billyan "hi a how's it going?" Izzy "it's going good" Dad "what is that?" Billyan "he's a giraffe" Dad "I don't think he will fit in the car" Billyan "don't worry mister he can shrink" Fifi "shrink!!" Billyan "you're too small" Fifi "okay grow" Billyan "you're way too big" Fifi "fine I'll shrink shrink" Billyan "perfect" Dad "ok everyone load into the car" (Everyone exits on stage right Billyan gives dad her bag he heaves under the immense weight and almost falls over the curtains close)(The curtains open up to the R.V scene) Mom "Who wants popcorn?" (Billyan, lizzy, Izzy, and Timmy say) "I do I do" Mom "ok, Ok settle down" Timmy "popcorn, popcorn me want popcorn" Mom "you can each have your own bowl" Timmy "that's mine" (Timmy says while grabbing the biggest bowl that was filled with popcorn he slaps the side of the bowl and the popcorn goes everywhere) Mom "TIMMY!!!" "CORNER" "NOW" (The curtains close for Intermission) (The curtains open up to the family reunion scene) Fifi "Get off of me!!" Timmy "Me want ride!!" "Me want ride!!" Fifi "Well you're not going to get a ride because if you do I am going to drag you in the forest and leave you there" Timmy "Mommy he means" Mommy he means" "whaaaaaaaaaaaa..." (He cries until the mom talks to him) Fifi "Be quiet you little..." Billyan "Bad Fifi bad you be nice to him" "okay?" Fifi "Fine I will try" Timmy "You bad girl Fifi" "you bad girl" Fifi "I AM NOT A GIRL I AM A BOY!!!" (Susie pops out of Billyan's suit-case) Mom "Ahh!!!..." Susie "Be-bo!!" Billyan "Susie what are you doing here you need to go back home!" Susie "No I stay here" "me don't want to go home" "me stay here!" Billyan "No you have to go home" Dad "She can stay we will have to tell your parents though" (The Dad pulls out a cell phone and talks into it) Dad "Your parents said it was okay to stay) Susie "Who are you?" Timmy "I named Timmy" (The curtains close to get ready for the food fight scene the curtains open when ready) Billyan "Fifi""remember what I said be nice" Timmy "I'll try" (Lizzy runs in from the audience chasing Mimi the lizard) Lizzy "Mimi get back in the bag!" Mimi "NO!!!!!!" Lizzy "Fine then you can stay here out in the cold" Mimi "I will then" (Mimi runs every ware she then jumps on the stage and throws a pie at Lizzy's face but she ducks and hits the grandpa in the face) Grandpa Joe "Ah you little vermin" (he picks up a pie and starts to throw it but it lands at his feet because he fell asleep) Lola "Grandpa this is how you throw a pie" (She gives the now awake grandpa Joe the Pie and he shoves it in her face) Lola "You know what!"(She throws the pie at Grandpa Joe but he ducks and it hits Lola's mom in the face) (Everyone keeps throwing pie at each other) Timmy "Whaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Susie "Whaaaaaaaaaaaa..." (The curtains close)(The curtains open up to the Mom cleaning the pie off of the kids faces while the dad is just sitting there eating pie) Mom "Lizzy and Izzy next time don't bring your lizards" "okay" Lizzy and Izzy "Okay" Dad "Mmmmmmmmm" "this is good pie!" Mom "Get yourself cleaned up" Dad "I will" "I will" "after I eat these pies" (he says and then points to a whole mountain of pies) Mom "I am not going to say anything" Dad "What??" "Someone has to eat them!" Mom "Sigh" "never mind" Mom "Everyone load up" (The curtains close) (The curtains open up to the living room being all messed up) Care-bear "Oh" "uh" "Moooo!!!" "Mooo?" "Uh" "meow?" "Meow!!!" (Mom screams and then faints) Dad "Holy macaroni and meatballs!!" Lizzy "Care-Bear??!!" Izzy "Care-Bear??!!" (The curtains close and then open to a clean living room) Mom "I don't think we can keep the cat" Dad "Neither do I" Lizzy "Mommy? Do we have to get rid of Care-bear?" Izzy "Can we please keep her daddy?" Care-bear "Please Pretty Please" (The cat goes up to the dad) Dad "Uh" "you can talk????" Care-bear "No!!" "Uh" "meow??" Timmy "Please daddy Please?" (Lizzy, Izzy, Timmy, And Care-bear give the dad the puppy dog eyes) Dad "Fine we will keep him but next time we go on a trip were bringing him" (Curtains close and open to the actors take their bows) |