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Rated: 18+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1982031
a short giantess story
It had been one year since a group of 4 giant women came to earth on a giant spaceship. There planet had been destroyed and they were the only 4 survivors. They had been searching for another planet to live on, when they came across earth they taught it was perfect, they used special cameras to zoom in and they saw city and people, they looked up info on earth and discovered the people were humans and that they looked the same as they did, they taught what were the odds that there was another planet with a spices that looked exactly like them. They headed toward earth.

They landed in the countryside near a big city. When they got out they realized there was one major difference between them and the humans, humans were much smaller, on earth they were 200 ft tall. Nearly all the skyscrapers in the city center were over 200 ft, they stood outside looking up at all the tall buildings and looking down, when they looked down they saw cars and people. They realized that all the humans were frightened of them and most were running away in panic. They were gentle and wanted to make a home on earth and live in peace with the humans, they had no intention on harming humans.

After a few weeks they were living in the countryside away from the big city. They transformed their spaceship into a house (if needed it could be transformed back into a spaceship, it still looked a lot like a spaceship on the outside)

They tuned their tv to get all the humans tv channels and they enjoyed watching movies and all different sorts of tv shows. They even made friends with some humans although a lot of humans still didn't want anything to do with them and never went near the spaceship. They were ok with that and knew that many still found them scary, mainly because of their size.

(1 year later) In one of the skyscrapers there was a group of 6 college students working on a project. There were 4 girls and 2 guys, they were good friends and were doing well in college, they worked hard but also enjoyed going out to nightclubs, hanging out with friends, going on holidays during summer etc. They were all 20 except for 2 of the girls who had turned 21 recently within a few weeks of each other, The two guys had only turned 20 a 2 weeks and 6 weeks before. It was there 1st year of college and they had met and become friends at the start of the year, except for the two guys, they had known each other since secondary school (Middle/High school) and they were close best friends. They had great personalities and were well liked, they made friends easily enough and became good friends with the 4 girls easily enough. They all didn't want anything to do with the giants, they were all scared of them because of their huge size, 200 ft, the 6 friends were all under 6 ft, the size difference was very scary to them and the 2 guys still didn't 100% trust the giantesses.

One of the giantesses decided to take a walk through the city. They would often take walks through the city but would always wait until the cars and humans had gone off the streets they walked down (the 2 main streets that went right through the city from one end to the other) The street emptied of cars and people fast enough and as she walked along cars and people came back on the streets behind her, this had become a normal part of life in the city. She stopped outside the building that the 6 friends were in and no one could have guessed what happened next, there was no reason at all for it. She looked in at the 6 friends, they saw her and backed up a bit when she easily put her hand through the window and wall. Everyone on the street and in the skyscrapers were watching in shock as the giantesses had never and said they were would never destroy any buildings or harm humans. News helicopters started filming as well.

The friends were terrified and tried to run but the giantesses hand grabbed them and she pulled them out onto her other hand, everyone was even more shocked when they saw her pull the 6 friends out and whet happened next shocked and horrified everyone.

She picked up the 4 girls in one hand and held the 2 guys in the other, they were all really terrified and begging and pleading to her to put them back, she lifted the 4 girls to her mouth, they were screaming and begging her not to harm them, everyone could only watch helplessly and in horror at what she did next. She opened her mouth and threw the 4 girls in and the 2 guys who are close best friends who were in her other hand watched in horror as she swallowed their friends whole right in front of them, the 2 guys were crying and screaming no as they helplessly watched their friends get eaten, she looked at them on her hand huddled together crying, it was at this point the other 3 giants (back in the spaceship/house) switched on the tv and saw that a braking news story was on and they were horrified at what they saw. The giantess then lifted the 2 guys to her mouth, they were begging and pleading for mercy (the news helicopters cameras were zoomed right in on the 2 guys so the 3 other giantesses and all the humans watching tv at home saw up close and heard everything that was happening and what happened next).

The giantess opened her mouth and held the 2 guys over it, the 2 guys hugged tightly as she let them go and they fell right into her mouth, they were still crying and begging for her not to do it but she took no notice and rolled them around in her mouth, the 2 guys tried their best to avoid being swallowed but they couldn't stop it from happening, they huddled together tightly, terrified and crying as the giantess had lifted her head up and gulped them down. Everyone including the other 3 giants were shocked and horrified and couldn't believe what had just happened.

The giantess smiled and then just walked on through the streets heading back towards the countryside, without harming any other humans, crushing any cars or damaging any other buildings. All the humans were terrified and in shock and all trusting the giantesses stopped. This was the same giantess who had never harmed any human or animal or caused any damage before and now just damaged a building and eaten 6 innocent, good and well liked young people and tortured the 2 guys who were close best friends, making them watch as she swallowed the 4 girls ( who they were good friends with), teasing them both before she put them inside her mouth and while inside her mouth before swallowing them. The other 3 giantesses watched as the news began to show pictures of the 6 friends and talked about them and their personalities and talked to devastated family and friends.

They couldn't believe what the other giantess (their friend) had done, after finding the perfect planet to live on and gaining the trust of most of the humans, making loads of friends who were humans, saving and helping humans and animals when they needed saving and helping. They had built up a good and happy/enjoyable life here on earth and then their friend suddenly goes and does this horrible and extremely cruel thing, it made them very upset and angry at her and wondering why she did it and what would happen now, they knew the humans were all terrified of them again (and not just because of size) and that all trust and friendship with the humans would now be gone/broken.
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