Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1982165-Mornings-with-Ying
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1982165
This is a story about two young twins, Ying and Yuki. Featuring Ying's gassy talents.
Universal Century 0101
Side 6

"We're taking massive casualties! Zeon forces are overrunning us in all sectors!" yells over the comms.

"Where is our relief fleet?"

"They're gone sir… no one's coming for us. It's all over!"

As the last bit of hope drains from the battered federation forces a, voice of a young girl comes through the radio.

"It's not over yet" she says confidently.

"Who… who is that?" a soldier asks. Looking out a window off in the distance, he sees it. Shooting out from the darkness like a mechanized devil, a Gundam appears… queuing the epic background music.

"This is high officer Ying, the best ace pilot of the federation," she boasts as she brings her beam rifle to bear. "It's ass kickin' ti…"

"Ying! Wake up Ying!"

"Damn it…"

Ying is awakened from her Gundam cockpit and brought back to her bed at home. Thanks to her twin sister, Yuki. Ying and Yuki are both 13 years of age separated by just 7 minutes, Yuki being the oldest. They get along for the most part, except they don't always see eye to eye with Yuki being the mature responsible type and Ying being the BrraAPPP!

"Ack!" Yuki yelps as the short but loud fart comes from Ying. She instantly ceases shaking Ying anymore. Even though the smell seemed to be sealed by Ying's bed sheets Yuki takes a step back and covers her nose.

"You didn't have to do that!" Yuki says from under her hands.

Ying cuddles up more in her covers so only silky black hair is peeking out the top. She lets out a soft groan, "Hey it's not my fault." Broooommmpt. Another 'involuntary' release made its way out. Quieter than the first but this one had a low rumbling sound that vibrated her cheeks.

Yuki cringes a little from the sound. She dislikes farting, despite getting used to it from being around Ying. Her sister is the gassiest person she knows.

"Can you pleeeeeeeeeease stop farting and get up?" Yuki asks on the verge of begging.

"I'll get up when I want to. And sure I'll stop farting… when I'm out of fuel. It's morning gas" Ying says grinning under the covers.

Yuki stops protecting her lungs and places her hand on her hips. "Ying get up" she says in a more serious tone, "I'm not leaving till you get up."

Up until now Ying had simply had her asshole relaxed and letting her gas flow out naturally. With the last bit she feels in her lower gut she would add a little force. Ying shuffles slightly in her bed getting her butt in a more comfortable position. She pushes just slightly and…

PoooRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, The fart starts with a soft but winded poof the grew a little wet creating a zipper sound, at the 5 second mark it changed to a low rumble resembling her second release then grows into a louder deep bass noise that Yuki can feel vibrating through the floor and keeps going. The seemingly never ending fart gives Yuki enough time to say "What's wrong with you!?" Ying barely hears her sister's voice over the bass resounding from her ass. The fart approaches the 20 second point and isn't showing signs of losing power. A few seconds later Ying forces the rest of her morning gas out with a more forceful push. OOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPTT!!!

The fart ended in a blast that could be felt through the second floor of their house and heard from some places on the first floor as well. With Yuki being so close to the bomb the final blast slightly hurt her ears. She even saw the heavy bed sheets bulge out from around Ying's butt too. Luckily the fart didn't blow them or her away. Ying's farting abilities aren't super human but they are far above the average person.

"Ahhhhhhh." The sigh of blissful relief comes from Ying. Yuki cautiously sniffs the air. Miraculously it still smells clean. She's amazed that Ying's special bed covers really do contain the smell. She asked their parents years ago to get them so they wouldn't find her suffocated by her sister's gas… she claims it's that bad.

"Well thank goodness I can't smell it."

With Yuki speaking to soon, Ying suddenly brings her arm out from under the covers and grabs hold of them. And just as fast rips the sheets off the bed releasing her funk to the room. Almost instantly Yuki's nose and throat are attacked by a horrific stench cloud that can be best described as left over rotten meat and cabbage that is so thick she can taste it. Yuki goes on a half choking half heaving fit as she bolts out the room, running down the hall and down the stairs for water, fresh air, and possibly somewhere to puke.

Ying slowly sits up in her bed raises her arms over her head reaching for the ceiling. She takes a deep whiff of her gas that enveloped the room and laughs a little to herself.

"Damn, that was a good one." She says proudly. "Smells like dinner."

In the sister's bathroom that is right next to the girl's bedroom, Ying finishes up brushing her teeth. After she puts away her tooth brush she looks at her reflection in the mirror. Her dark silky hair goes down to her shoulders. She brushes her hair with her hands and lets it fall naturally around her face. She moves away a few stray hairs from covering her deep sapphire eyes.

Even though Ying is still at the beginning of her teenage years her body had already changed her into an attractive young woman. Her breasts are already a low C cup. Her black and white tank top which is loose around her waist is somewhat stretched around her maturing chest. Satisfied with herself from the front she turns around in place and checks out her main weapon. Along with her breasts she is also blessed with having an ass that's developing so nicely.

Her butt is, according to her family, BIG. It's not large enough to look out of proportion of the rest of her figure but it is defiantly larger than most girls her age standing at an even 5 feet tall. Her shapely rear end is currently having a tasty meal of her matching panties. If these panties were on her sister they would have no problem covering her smaller round cheeks. Ying brings her hands down to her backside and grabs a cheek in each hand, her palms not large enough to grab a whole cheek. She likes the feel of the squishiness of her butt, and glad it is just firm enough to keep its beautiful shape.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuggggggg! Her stomach rumbles.

She reaches for her panties, which barely cover half of her bottom, and pulls the wedgie out from her crack. She begins to rub her abdomen with one hand and thinks to herself "hmm, hunger or gas?"

With her other hand on her right butt cheek she spreads it to the side and pushes. Prrrrt, pffft, brrrapt, rrruuugg.

She releases 3 quick, quiet and airy farts through the fabric of her panties into the bathroom, her stomach rumbles again soon after. Her mouth forms a slight grin as she says, "heh, I believe it's both."

Ying soon makes her way downstairs after making a quick stop in her bedroom to put on some basketball shorts. The odor from her 'morning gas still lingered heavily in the air despite being 10 minutes later. After making her way downstairs she heads for the kitchen where she assumes her twin is ready to make breakfast for them.

During the day the girls are home alone. They live with their mother and father, at least whenever he is able to be home. Being an important figure in the Earth Federation he doesn't have time to spend at home with his girls. The sisters also don't have any friends, being home schooled have them at an educational level of a student 3 years older than them but without friends to hang out with. Over the year's at home together they aren't just twin sisters, they are each other's best friend.

With their father's bank breaking salary they could live in a mansion or even have several estates of grand proportions to live in. But they're parents prefer a normal, more family home life. Their house is a standard two story side 6 colony home, in a beautiful friendly neighborhood.

As Ying enters the kitchen she sees Yuki at the flat top stove cooking pancakes in a skillet. Yuki's normally long flowing hair is now wrapped up in a bun. She's wearing a white shirt that has detached sleeves. On the back of the shirt is a cute logo of a famous pop singer from earth they really like. Yuki is also wearing a pair of tight blue jeans which Ying thinks makes her perky little butt look cute.

Being twins they have many similarities, with many differences as well. They're faces are nearly identical but Ying's appears a little rounder, Yuki's eyes are Indigo instead of Ying's sapphire, and Yuki keeps her hair long where Ying keeps hers short. They're figures on the other hand are much more different. They both began maturing at the same time, but Ying clearly shows more… progress.

When comparing the two girls, Yuki has a low B cup which doesn't stand to Ying's C. Yuki body overall is slimmer than Ying's in fact. Not that Ying is fat or even considered chubby. Ying just has a nice layer of fat over her body making her shapelier than her twin, especially in her ass region. That's the difference of 18 pounds, Ying being 120 and Yuki 102.

As Ying walks past her sister she bumps her butt against hers.

"Hey, don't touch me with that thing Ying." She says with a giggle.

Ignoring her sister's comment, more interested in food, Ying asks. "Are the pancakes for me?"

"They are for us. I'm just making them before I cook everything else. What would you like?" she asks cheerfully. She looks at Ying for her answer. She see's Ying butt jiggle in her shorts as she walks over to the kitchen table before she sits down. Upon sitting down Ying lifts one of her shapely legs and rests it on the table. She begins scratching an itch on her thigh.

"Well pancakes definitely sound good." She says and continues thinking of what see wants to eat.

"I'm guessing you want 3?" Yuki assumes.

"Yeah, and cook me some sausage patties with eggs."

"How many?"

"7 sausage and 3 eggs."

"Okiedokie, can you get the milk out for me?"

Ying gets up from the chair and goes to get the milk out from the fridge. Her footsteps thump heavily on the tiled floor. At the refrigerator Ying gives the door a gentle touch and the door slides open automatically. Ying grabs the milk along with the sausage that are soon to be cooked.

"Ying I need 4 eggs" Yuki tells her.

With one hand Ying grabs an egg and tosses it over her shoulder across the room. Yuki gets a slight tingle in her mind and catches the egg with her free hand. They repeat this difficult trick 3 more times and casually go back to what they were focusing on like it was an everyday thing. The two don't do this every morning for breakfast but during the day they do perform some impressive and synchronized feats that people would find amazing or impossible. They say it's just their twin connection they have, but what they don't know is its more than just that.

Ying brings the milk and eggs to Yuki at the stove top counter. She then grabs a bowl and a box of her favorite cereal. Standing at the end of the counter she pours herself a bowl and adds milk, she takes a swig of the milk before putting it down.

"Really? You're going to eat that too? Everything will be ready in a few minutes." Yuki says.

"Uurp! Yeah" Ying says after a short belch.

As Yuki cooks their breakfast Ying sits at the kitchen table drinking her cereal from the bowl. In between sips she plays a holographic game off of the table top. The amusing little game is where you launch Haro's from a catapult and try to take out all the chibi Zaku's before sunning out of Haro's and to get the highest score.

"Food's ready!" Yuki announces.

Ying pauses the game and slides her hand across the table sending the holographic screen to the edge where it disappears. Yuki comes over to the table and sets their plates on the table. Yuki takes a seat next to her sister and picks up her fork, she pauses as she compares their meals. On her plate she has her 2 pancakes, 2 sausages and an egg. All easily fit on a single plate. Ying on the other hand has two plates for her meal. One for her sausage n' eggs and the other for her three large pancakes. Yuki doesn't know where Ying puts it all, sure she's a growing girl but she eats like a growing boy in her opinion. She worries about her sis sometimes because she knows her eating habits will catch up to her. But at least Ying seems healthy now.

The girls happily dig into their breakfast, they have 'Fly Gundam!' playing in the background from the home music player. Yuki eats nice and politely, taking small bites and taking a napkin to her mouth every once in awhile. Ying, though not scarfing down her food, is going at it in a much less ladylike manner. Taking some scrambled egg on the fork and stabbing a sausage patty then eating it all in one to two bites. She lets her mouth get so full that her cheeks look like a chipmunk's before she swallows.

Yuki finishes her smaller meal before her twin. Ying is halfway through her large syrup soaked pancakes. Yuki takes her empty plate and glass to the sink and begins washing. As she washes she looks out the window in front of her. Today the weather station decided to have a couple of inches of snow fall for the kids on winter break. Children around her age and younger are enjoying the weather by throwing snowballs and making snow forts up and down their street.

Urp! A small belch comes from Ying who is struggling to get the gas in her stomach out.

Yuki is lost in her day dream of imagining if they were friend with the kids out side, if they could play along and have fun with them.


She often wondered what life would be like with friends outside of her sister. Not that they can't go out there and be friends with the other kids. It's that after so many years of really only talking to each other or the short conversations with the people at the store or game shop, Yuki developed a shyness to meeting people to the point of becoming friends. It always stirs her nerves. And Ying…


She doesn't really care to meet people.


Yuki nearly jumps into the air startled from Ying's manly belch. A young boy that happened to be standing in their yard right in front of the window apparently heard it as he now stares up at Yuki in the window. As Yuki and the boy's eyes make contact she makes the connection of Yings burp and the boy's wide eyed reaction. Yuki's face turns crimson and quickly moves from the window. The snowball the boy is holding falls to the ground just before a thrown snowball hits him in the side of the head.

"Ah! There it is." Ying says, satisfied with getting her burp out she pats her now full and slightly distended belly.

"Ying!" Yuki says with her face still red from being unintentionally embarrassed by her sister.
"Do you know how long it took to get that out?" Ying asks not really seeking for an answer, "Finally!"

Yuki shakes her head at her disgusting sister. Sure her manners were nonexistent but at least she has hygiene for the most part. Showering about every other day and brushing her teeth like she should.

"Well at least you won't be farting till later." Yuki says thankfully.
"Nope I got some now." Ying counters.

Ying leans to the side and lifts her left cheek off the seat and lets it rip. BBBrrrraaaaaaaaPPPPTTT!!

The fart lasts 3 seconds. Starting loud, getting lower in the middle and ending louder. The sound seemed to pop against the wooden chair and was amplified by it, making a splattering sound. Easily could be heard in the next room.

Ying smiles, "Eggs give me gas so fast."

"Are you sure it's not the milk?" Yuki asks in a playful manner.

Ying lowers her head towards her crotch and sniffs, after careful analyzation.

"Yeah, it's the eggs."
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