Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1982172-Yings-Gas-Filled-First-Day-Part-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1982172
Ying has a run in with Charletta, one of the most respected and feared girls in school.
Ying finds herself stripped down to her underwear, standing in front of her assigned
locker in the girl's empty locker room. She had placed her former clothing in the locker along with her
school stuff, assuming she won't be needed them for gym. Now staring at the navy colored short shorts
recently given to her, she begins to re-clothe.
She slips her feet through the holes of the shorts and slips them up. They easily slide up her thighs and
the soft material comfortably stretches around her bottom. Just to be double sure they were up to the
task, she bends forward reaching for her toes. Miraculously, the shorts are still able to cover her meaty
Standing back upright, she moves on to putting on her long sleeved shirt. The white shirt looked to be a
small size. Ying is sure it'll fit her, but with its dense fabric she is sure it will also be snug in her chest
Without anymore hesitation she throws it on, only having a little trouble getting her head through the
small neck opening. Finally having it on, she can say she can't complain about it. The dense fabric isn't
too heavy or irritating. Looking down she sees the shirt makes her appear to be a cup size larger. Not
that that's a negative point.
Ying makes one more check to make sure all of her things were in the locker and closes the door. A black
glass touch pad then lights up, requesting a four letter code requiring both letters and numbers. Ying
inputs the code she uses for almost all her stuff that requires it, RX78. The pad flashes green before
saying "locked" and soon dims off.
Fully clothed again she tightens the laces of her shoes and heads for the door at the end of the room
that is labeled "GYM". On her way there she walks into a foul cloud of feces that overtakes the heavy
aroma of perfume, beauty products, and sweat that occupied the room. Probably remnants of a duce a
girl dropped before class.
Looking to her left Ying realizes that she's passing by the locker room's lavatories. Appearing as a small
hallway, the door less bathroom houses four stalls along the side wall, sinks on the other, and farther to
the end stands public showers, which have dividers and hard plastic doors for privacy.
The offensive smell isn't quite foul enough for Ying to desire covering her nose or even describe it as
stink. She knows most would say otherwise, saying the earthy manure recently dropped smells
horrible. Ying's life with her gas simply makes other's odors insignificant when compared she likes to
"Ugh…" KA-PLUSCH! The sound of a heavy piece of coil splashing into a toilet confirms that the source of this odor is still in
the middle of their business. The dropping of the turd is followed by a soft sight of relief.
Ying not wanting to eavesdrop on the girl's private evacuation, moves on out towards the gym. Judging
from the sound of the log dropped from the girl, Ying couldn't stop from grinning at the size it must've
been. She imagines it was around the size of any of her largest turds and just as heavy as the 'bricks'
Shiani dropped earlier.
Ying shakes the thoughts from her mind upon reaching the door. On the other side she hears the
reverberating thumping of feet and the commanding voice that she suspects belongs to her teacher.
Knowing that she's late to class again brings back the thoughts of her teacher from first hour. She hopes
that this teacher will be more forgiving. She takes one more deep breath and pushes the door open.
The first word that comes to Ying's mind when laying eyes on the gym is 'HUGE'. The gymnasium is made
up of three full sized basketball courts, each with their own set of nets. Retractable stands that reach up
to the ceiling are placed all around the room, except for one of the longer sides. That wall holds the
score boards and has doors that lead to the hallway running next to the gym. Hanging from the gym's
towering ceiling are columns and rows of industrial strength lights which light up the area.
Ying notices her class running around the outside of the room as a large group. A tall and bulky man is
standing on the side, not far from where she currently stands. Judging by the man's gym attire and
whistle around his neck she deems him to be the teacher.
Ying walks up to the man, getting a closer look of him she sees that his prime must have ended some
years ago. Sporting a beer belly and receding grey hairline, she wonders what the standards to being a
gym teacher really are.
Sensing Ying's presence next to him, Mr.Buwick turns to face her. He looks down with a stern glare. She
looks up with a questioning expression, his over 6 foot frame towers over Ying dramatically.
"Mr.Buwick?" Ying asks questionably.
"Ying?" He asks curiously.
"Yes" she responds.
"Get to running." He orders.
Ying looks at the approaching group of her classmates, coming around for another lap. She spots her
new friend Shiani in the middle of the pack. Shiani waves to her.
"Come on!" Shiani encourages.
And with that, Ying joins the class in their warm up jog. Ying pumps her legs and moves her arms in a
brisk jog. Ying keeps pace with Shiani despite her legs being shorter than her brown skinned friend. The
urges of running faster and moving up to the lead go through her mind. "Just keep the pace your at now. This is only a warm up so don't use all of your energy now." Shiani
Ying looks at her with a quizzical, look wondering how she knew she was thinking of doing that.
"I can see it in how you're running." She grins. "You'll have plenty of chances to show everyone you can
do when we get to the activities."
"And here I thought you were reading my mind." Ying says.
"Heh I wish. I would love to know what people were thinking."
"Why's that? So you can gossip people's secrets with your friends?" Ying says half jokingly.
Shiani laughs a little from Ying's assumption, defusing that idea. "No, I wouldn't use it to gossip. I'm not
into that. I would use it for more useful things…" she says, as she goes off into her thoughts about mind
The scream of Mr.Buwick's whistle suddenly grabs everyone's attention.
"Alright everyone, form a circle in the middle of the room! It's time for stretches!" he commands.
Everyone begins moving towards the center of the gym and begin forming a large circle together. Shiani
decides to sit next to a boy around her age. She doesn't know him, but she notices that he is looking
very intently at something near her. She realizes Ying is the subject of his attention and with a look
around the gym she notices that most, if not all the guys are checking Ying out.
As Ying sits down cross-legged next to her, she leans over.
"The guys seem to be really interested in you." She says.
Ying leans back and sets her hands behind her to hold herself upright.
"Yeah I know, I've been getting looks all day." She shrugs.
"Have you talked to any of them?" Shiani sounding like she wants her response to be yes.
"Nope, not interested" Ying says, Shiani could feel the coldness in her.
"Aw, you're not even giving them a chance." Shiani giving her the puppy dog pout.
Before Ying can return a comment to Shiani's last remark, the door to the girl's locker room slams shut.
The echoing boom captures everyone's attention, exactly how the girl entering likes it.
She approaches the class with her signature strut. Slow, with a generous swing of her curvaceous hips to
get the boys drooling. Her elegantly kept hair flows angelically behind her. The shine of each platinum
blonde strand is illuminated by the lights in the room. Her ebony short shorts cradle her athletic assets
and show off her finely toned legs. A form fitting crimson T-shirt defines her charming D's. Shiani's eyes widen once she recognizes who approaches. Ying becomes curious to who the girl is,
noticing everyone's fixed attention on her. Ying scooches over to Shiani and nudges her with her knee.
"Uh… who's that?" she whispers.
"That is, miss class idol… Charletta Nobell" Shiani mutters resentfully.
Ying raises an eyebrow, "Class Idol?"
"She is the girl all the guys want, all the girls want to be, and goes around acting like she runs the place."
"You don't seem to like her."
"I don't like her, I hate how great she believes she is and how people look at her like she's better than
everyone else… at everything."
Shiani hears Ying sigh after her brief explanation, clearly she wasn't seeing what is so great about
"Charletta has brains, brawn and beauty. She always looks perfect. Get's A's in all of her classes and B's
in the classes where no one can even reach a C. She's been class pres' every year since the 6th grade.
Leader of the cheer team and quarterback for the girl's football team. And she ALWAYS wins."
A small smile appears on the side of her mouth, Shiani notices and asks, "What?"
"It's just funny that she and I have something in common… I never lose." As Ying says that her slight
smile turns into a full grin. Shiani sits looking at her quizzically before turning her attention to Charletta
who's just entering the circle the class created.
"Good afternoon Mr.Buwick!" Charletta greets, using her 'sweet' voice.
"Ms.Noble. What a delight knowing you're joining us today." Mr.Buwick returns.
Ying nudges Shiani again, "You said her last name was 'No-bell'."
"It is, she just tells everyone to pronounce it as 'Noble', just another way to boost her giant ego."
"Mr.Buwick," Charletta continues, "you're looking pretty fatigued."
"Yeah, the first day back after a break is always the longest." He grumbles.
"Well you know I'm going to be Captain of the GJV football team next year. I can take over the class for
you while you take a much needed break. The experience of running things would really help me out
too." She suggests, giving him her perfect smile.
Mr.Buwick doesn't even think longer than 2 seconds before handing his clip board to her and heading
for the nearest door. "No, no don't go! Don't leave us in her control! You've doomed us all!" Shiani screams in her mind as she
groans in protest.
The moment Mr.Buwick's presence exits the gym Charletta affirms her power to the class.
"50 pushups now!" her bark echoes through the room. She drops to her hands and stretches her legs
out behind her and leads the class in the exercise.
Immediately everyone takes their positions and start on their own 50. It takes Ying a moment to start,
partially stunned at how easily Charletta took over the class. Shiani on the other hand, began at the
same time as Charletta, matching her for every pushup.
As kids begin to reach the 20th pushup mark some begin to struggle, Ying being one of them. Then she
notices Shiani still going strong and ahead of her. She was truly athletic, in more ways than her strong
meaty legs show. This motivates Ying to push harder and go on until the end.
Before Ying, as well as most of the class reaches 50, Charletta finishes and jumps up to her feet.
"Next, 50 jumping jacks!" she commands.
Ying can't help struggling on her last five pushups. Her arms shake on the verge a buckling, but
eventually she gets them done. As she stands to begin her jumping jacks, her stomach rumbles with the
gas that's been building since lunch.
She ignores the gurgling coming from within her bowels as begins her jumping jacks. She has no need to
worry about letting out another fart in the front of her class. Her butt is likely the strongest part of her
body and she has more than enough control of it. A blast doesn't leave her ass without her say so.
Jumping jacks come easy for Ying. Just letting her arms relax and flow through the air like a pair of limp
noodles. Gas is but a distant thought in the back of her mind, her attention is focused on Charletta.
Charletta's jumping jacks are in perfect form. Not breaking a sweat even after the 50 pushups which she
completed in under a minute. Ying can't help but check out her bouncing chest. From the looks of it her
athletic bra was getting a workout like the rest of the class. Even though built for containing and
controlling breasts of her caliber, the weight and momentum forces them to bounce considerably.
Then again, Ying's bra is completely helpless. Despite her only being a C cup, her bra is nothing but a
simple bra, allowing her own chest to bounce even more vigorously than Charletta's. If it wasn't for the
tight heavy shirt she's wearing her chest may have been bursting out from it.
Then something happens. Ying didn't plan for it or even expect it to happen, but it did. Her eyes and
Charletta's meet. A splinter of surprise pricks her chest, but she doesn't avert her eyes. She stays locked
in a stare down with Charletta.
Charletta stares at Ying quizzically, both from not recognizing her and not understanding the reason why
she's staring back. Her quizzical expression soon turns to a smug grin, giving Ying the impression that she's grinning because she's impressed by Charletta. In retaliation Ying gives Charletta her signature
glare. It's simply Ying's face in a relaxed state but her eyes only slightly narrowed. But something about
Ying's glare speaks a thousand words. Each one of those words having something to do with the phrase,
"don't mess with me."
Charletta's grin quickly disappears. She doesn't take notice of it, but it is almost like some outside force
made her avert her stare on Ying. Ying's glare morphs into her own smug grin, happy with the small
victory she gained.
Before she knew it Charletta was barking more commands.
"50 crunches now!"
Four kids were actually done with their jumping jacks and ready to begin the crunches, Shiani being one
of them. Two kids were just starting on the jumping jacks after collapsing several times from the
pushups. The rest are still on the 2nd exercise, Ying included.
Ying finishes her jacks as fast as possible so she can get started on her crunches. As she sits down
"uuooooooooorrrrp" a 4 second airy belch comes from her mouth unexpectedly. Luckily she caught it
soon enough to keep the volume to a minimum. Shiani doesn't even notice it.
As Ying gets to doing her crunches her bowels growl and rumble, complaining through each sit up. She
still keeps her cheeks clenched, frankly a very simple task for her. The crunches themselves pose a more
difficult challenge for her. She'd hate to admit it, but her abs muscles are non-existent, or just
completely soft.
In the middle of her crunches she notices someone approaching her from her left side. As she sits up
again she sees that it's Charletta and her eyes are fixed on her. Ying didn't even notice Charletta walking
around, instead of leading the class in the exercise like the rest. She continues doing her crunches as
usual, having a hard time forcing her elbows to touch her knees. Also having a considerable amount of
gas bloating in her bowels doesn't make it easier either.
The wave of relief in Ying's abdomen returns, as she falls back after another painful crunch. She has only
done 18 of them, but her abs scream for her to stop. That's when Charletta appears at her side.
"Are you alright?" Charletta asks. Her voice strains behind the kind tone she used.
"Yeah I'm fine." Ying says, trying to force herself from breathing so heavily. "Are you alright?"
"Oh don't worry about me, I'm always feeling great."
Charletta appears like an Amazon to Ying. With Charletta being a half a foot taller than her, she would
only come up to chest. With Ying being on her back and Charletta standing over her, it only adds to the
towering effect she has on her.
"You must be the new girl kids are talking about." Charletta says. "I might be… What have you heard?" Ying says, attempting to sound just as cocky as she does.
"Word around the school is you're the new girl who comes late, has no friends, and has no control over
busting ass in class." She says, looking down at Ying more intensely with her shiny turquoise eyes.
Ying shrugs, "Well that can't be me. I haven't missed anything IN my classes. I already have several
friends. And I do have control over my ass gas." Ying counters confidently.
"Oh really? Cus' I'm sure that it was you I've heard about. I'm never wrong." Charletta tilts her head
Charletta suddenly lays a foot on top of Ying's lower abdomen. Ying's face scrunches up for a moment
from the unexpected discomfort.
"I believe you still have crunches to do." Charletta's tone suggests her expecting Ying to do what she
Ying defiantly doesn't continue. The pressure under Charletta's foot intensifies. Eventually Ying
continues her abdomen scorching crunches.
After five Ying feels like she can't do anymore. Yet Charletta continues to add pressure with her foot.
Ggggggrrrruuurrggle! Goes Ying's bowels. The rumble is strong enough for Charletta to feel through her
leg. In response… she presses down harder.
"Come on, you're not done yet, I think you still have 40 more to do. What the matter? You told me you
we're fine. Did you lie to me? Are you a liar?" Charletta begins tormenting her with words too, any way
to further express her power over her.
Eventually the pressure becomes too much for Ying to hold back. The pressure of half Charletta's body
weight digging down into her lower abdomen overpowers the strength of her clenched butt cheeks.
A violently moist, multi toned explosion of noisy snaps and pops echoes throughout the Gym. For nearly
10 seconds the disturbing fart resounds in the classes ears. The kids closest to Ying, especially Charletta
and Shiani, feel the blast vibrate the wooden floor.
All the kids nearby begin running away from the foul smell of rotten eggs, cabbage, and sweat. Even kids
on the other end of the circle move away from the area despite being unaffected. Soon the collective
groans, coughs and moans of disgust fill the gym.
Charletta somehow still stands proudly next to Ying, apparently unaffected by the stench. She has taken
her foot off of Ying's stomach, but her eyes continue to glare down at her.
"You're disgusting." Charletta says grimly, before walking away.
Ying is the only one that really knows, but if Charletta hadn't lifted her foot off of her when she did that fart would've gone on longer, much longer. Besides the minimal amount of relief she felt after her fart,
Ying had another unknown feeling sitting in her chest. She's never had ANYONE force a fart out of her
when she didn't want them to.
She felt like lying there forever. Trying to ignore the other kids expressions of being disgusted by her.
But the noise kept growing in her ears. She couldn't move her limbs, what could she do that wouldn't
make the rest think less of her?

After a few minutes of contemplating if what she really felt moments ago was embarrassment and
laying in her stink which still lingered. Shiani helps Ying up to her feet. By now Charletta is leading the
class out of the gym to go out to the football field. Ying didn't realize till Shiani told her on their way out,
but they were all about to go play some football.
As they walk down the hallway towards the exit, Shiani notices the troubled look Ying has. She places a
reassuring hand on Ying's shoulder before saying, "Hey, you're alright. Don't let Charletta get to you."
Ying takes a deep breath, releasing all the negative feelings and thoughts she had plaguing her mind.
"Thanks Shiani. And I'm not gona' let her get to me. I won't let her win."
If feels good to Shiani to hear the confidence in Ying's voice, but the last bit she didn't quite understand.
"You won't let her win what?"
"I won't let her win me," Ying shakes her head after realizing what she tried to say came out wrong. "I
won't let her beat me into submission. Back there in the gym, she was trying to make me believe that I
was weaker than her. Looking down on me because she thinks she can control me too…" Ying expresses.
"That's the sprit!" Shiani says, backing her up.
"I'm going to show her who I am and prove what I can do. I don't care how highly everyone thinks of her.
I'll knock her off her high horse and show everyone that she's not so great. I'll be better than her, I am
better than her!" Ying begins raising both her voice and fist into the air, overcome with motivation and
Shiani was about to cheer Ying on, until a foul odor wafts into her nose. The smell has many similarities
to the fart Ying released in the gym.
"Ying, did you fart again?"
Ying then lowers her arm and grins at Shiani, "Heh yeah, I've actually been crop dusting the hall since
you placed your hand on my shoulder." They then hear the scuffling of kids in the hallway behind them, who chose to come out of their classes
at the wrong time. Catching the stronger concentration of Ying's SBD, the kids begin to gag and
complain, covering their mouths and noses with whatever they can as they evacuate the hall.
"Wow, it really didn't smell that bad to me." Shiani says puzzled.
"It's probably really bad back there. That fart came out pretty damn hot." Ying says, as she waves her
hand behind her butt.
Shiani shakes her head, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, the office isn't going to be happy when you give their cloths back.
You know they're only temporary."

After a lengthy walk out in the midday light, the class arrives to one of the school's two full sized football
fields. The field Charletta chose is surrounded by a six lane track and field course with three sets of
bleachers on each side. This particular field is for the younger teams.
As Ying steps foot upon the grassy white striped field, she notices its artificial texture. Looking down
closely at the grass, she sees that the ground is all made up of black rubber, ground up and spread
throughout the field to protect anyone from injuries due to a fall. She enjoys the springy feeling it give
beneath her feet.
Two boys at the head of the group, who were following close behind Charletta, stop and place the boxes
they carried on her command.
"Alright! Everyone kneel and listen up!" Charletta yells over the small talk among the students.
Everyone obediently quiet down and kneel before Charletta. Ying refuses to kneel at first, until Shiani
gives her a forceful tug on her shorts. Ying rolls her eyes and reluctantly takes a knee next to her.
Once Charletta is certain that everyone's attention is fixed on her, she begins explaining how they will
play her game of football.
"I will split you up into two teams, red and blue. You will wear a blue or red armband corresponding to
your team." She reaches down into one of the boxes that were brought out and takes a red armband. As
she rolls the band up her right arm she continues, "I am captain of the red team. Scoring will be regular
football scoring, 6 per touchdown 3 per field goal."
A hand in the group shoots up in the air. Charletta looks to the boy and acknowledges his question.
"Is tackling going to be aloud?" he asks. "Of course it is. What kind of question is that? Unless you have a question that requires an IQ higher
than 150 to answer, don't ask me shit." Charletta snaps at the boy. He averts his eyes to the ground
"What the hell? That was a legit question." Ying says just loud enough for only Shiani to hear.
"That's just her personality… Bitch." Shiani whispers.
"Tackling rules go as followed. Boys can tackle boys. Girls can tackle girls. Girls can tackle boys. Boys
have to two hand touch girls for a tackle. If any guy one the blue team places their hands on me they'll
have to have their hands reattached." Charletta's bitter glare sends a chill through the bones of all of the
With all of the rules out of the way, Charletta divides the class into two teams, which she picks
personally. Shiani and Ying are thankful that they are on the blue team together. Only made possible by
Charletta choosing the kids she wanted and whoever she didn't pick were left on the blue team.
Finally the game is about to begin. Ying's heart already pumps strongly with excitement. She's never
played a sport outside of a videogame, so this is an exciting new experience for her. Only thing she can
really think of is all the ways she can take out Charletta.
As they walk to their team's respective side of the field Shiani says to Ying, "You have nice legs."
Ying nearly stumbles from Shiani's comment that came out of left field. She can only respond with a
highly confused expression.
Shiani giggles realizing how Ying took her compliment. She explains further.
"I'm saying you have strong legs, they look athletic. I'm going to count on you in making our plays work
and if luck is on our side, hopefully we'll win the game too."
"Of course we'll win. We're only going up against Charletta." Ying says naively.
Shiani suddenly stops and grabs Ying's shoulder, turning her to observe the red team. She then points to
three exceptionally tall girls, standing together not far from Charletta.
"The two brunettes are on the football team with Charletta. Judging by how buff they look I believe
they're linebackers."
She then focuses her finger on the redhead towering over the other two girls. She doesn't appear to
have a lot of muscle, but her fat places her over the 200 pound mark. The two brunettes are close to six
feet tall, the red head can easily see over the top of their heads.
"She's obviously the biggest in the class. I don't think she'll be much of a problem, but don't let her get
close to you."
"Why? She could fall and crush me?" Ying asks in a joking tone. "I'd be more worried about her eating you actually." Shiani returns a grin. But with all joking aside, she
continues. "Aside from them three girls, Charletta has picked most of the older and athletic boys and
girls in the class. But we aren't completely skunked."
"Sorry, it was perfect timing." Ying apologies.
Shiani wafts the sulfuric odor away from her nose and starts walking again before she goes on.
"The kids on our team don't all suck. Some guys are in decent shape and we'll really have to count on
them to get everything moving in the right direction-don't fart again."
"I could've, but I didn't. I'm seriously listening to you now." Ying assures her.
"Now we don't really have a coach, but when things get going, I'll try to move into that position.
Whenever we need to kick the ball, I'll do it."
"Why you?" Ying knows Shiani has strong legs, shown by their meatiness. But she wasn't sure why she
would take sole responsibility for kicking the ball.
"I am captain of the girl's soccer team for a reason ya'know." She winks.
Ying always felt Shiani had sort'uv a coaching persona to her attitude when it came to leading. She now
see's where she got it from.
"Most importantly Ying, we have you." Shiani says giving Ying a thumbs up.
"Ha, well I know I'm pretty awesome but… how do you know that? We met a half hour ago."
"You are our wildcard. You have spirit, drive, and something special about you. I can feel it in your aura."
Ying felt happier hearing that from Shiani, but the 'aura' part sounded a little farfetched to her to
believe. Maybe she just didn't know it yet…

As the game goes on, Charletta urges her players to play more and more aggressively. Motivating them
to tackle and even hit the players on the blue team. Making this friendly game of football appear more
like a rugby match.
Nearing the end of the game the blue team finds themselves 5 players down. Their teammates lying on
the side of the field holding packs of ice to sooth their injuries. The score is now 21-18, red team's lead.
"We just need a touchdown to win." Shiani says in a huddle made up of herself and Ying.
"It's their ball and they're already on our half of the field."
"We have to stop them from scoring. If they do, we won't have enough time to score enough points
before class ends. We have to make an interception. But to do it, it has to be a perfect play. Whoever
gets the ball has to make it past their entire team and across 70 yards to score. We may not have
enough time for another play."
Ying grins, before Shiani can say more, "I can make it."
"I know you can…" Shiani says with full confidence in her, but seemed like there was something else.
"I know we know I can… but?"
"But" Shiani sighs, "Charletta will have to pass it to the receiver your blocking to intercept. There's no
guarantee of that. Plus with five guys down, we can't cover all of their receivers."
"Or we can't cover all of their blockers." Ying suggests.
"You're saying take guys off the line to make up for the wide receivers?"
Ying nods her head to affirm her idea.
"If we do that and you get the ball, that's five free blockers that can stop you."
Ying looks at Shiani with unwavering determination. There's no way she would fail this. Even if she
missed her chance to take down Charletta this game, she wasn't going to let her or her team lose either.
"Look there's 20 kids on their team and 15 on ours. They know the game is almost over and are barely
trying. Charletta is making them believe this game is theirs. This play is more even than you think, in fact, it's probably in our favor." Ying says.
Shiani suddenly finds a newfound hope. Seems this time, she was getting the pep talk.
"So just leave it to you?" Shiani asks.
"Just leave it to me."
"Alright, if I can I'll cover you. If I can do anymore than that, I'll be giving you a clear path to the goal."
Ying nods, the duo then clap their hands together and smile at each other. The sound of a small motor
can soon be heard behind Ying. It quickly grows louder and louder seemingly never ending. As the
reoccurring smell reaches Shiani's nose, it becomes very apparent that Ying is ripping a truly long fart.
Shiani stands covering her nose while smiling at Ying's nearly straight face. The only expression of effort
forcing out the fart can barely be seen in Ying's slightly furled brow.
Ying believes nearly 40 seconds go by as this fart easies its way out into her shorts and then into the air,
holding its low buzzing round with a few slight fluctuations throughout. But finally it ends with a
satisfying pop, followed by a very relieving sigh from Ying.
"Wow… I thought you'd never run out of gas." A very impressed Shiani says.
Ying rubs the tingling feeling left by her fart that vibrated her round butt cheeks for so long before
admitting, "I really don't run out of gas actually."
Shiani's eyes grow wide in astonishment.
"Yeah, I already have another build up at my ass right now. "Ying laughs a little from Shiani's reaction.
Brrrrrruuupptptpt! Brrrttt! Ying squeezes out to prove her statement.
Seeing all the kids starting to set up one last time Ying claps her hands before leading the way back to
the field.
Ying takes position on the far back left side of the field and bens forward placing her hands on her thighs
for support. She sees Shiani on the opposite side of the field in the similar position. When the two make
eye contact, they give each other the thumbs up.
"PINK 69! PINK69!" Charletta calls.
A moment of silence falls upon the field as the tension rises between the two teams, waiting anxiously
for Charletta's word. Until finally…
The ball is heard being pasted and then caught by Charletta's hands. The clash of the lines signals the
real start of the play. Ying's eyes scan her side of the field. Two boys not much bigger than her, sprint in
her direction. She sees that they aren't going for her, but going for creating a clear line for them to catch the ball. Ying begins running backwards with them.
One boy stops a few yards ahead of Ying and starts swinging his arms in the air and yelling 'he's open',
while the other continues to sprint right by her. She has a choice of which to block. Who will Charletta
throw for? What about receivers on the other side? She can see one of the brunettes and the tall red
head standing by Charletta, making sure no one got to her. But she still held the ball.
Ying makes a choice, she runs for the boy jumping up and down in front of her. In a few seconds Ying
appears in front of the boy. Upon her unexpected arrival he stops calling 'I'm open' and turns his
attention on Ying's rotund backside.
"Hey um… You name's Ling right?" the boy nervously asks.
Ying rolls her eyes at the boy's failed recalling of her name, before angrily correcting him.
"My name is Y to the ING, Ying. Get it right." she says, shooting a stern glare at him.
Charletta still holds the ball as chaos ensues on the field. Less than 30 seconds have passed since the
call, but Ying has grown tired. Suddenly she yells over the collection of battling kids.
"HEY BITCH! THROW THE BALL ALREADY!!!" and just as she planned, Charletta turns her total focus on
the one who dared speak to her like that.
Their eyes meet. Ying sports a devious grin. Charletta's blood boils turning her flawless white face to a
shade of red nearly matching her armband. She cocks her arm back behind her head, ready to hurl a
professional speed ball directly at Ying.
The boy Ying is blocking sees it as Charletta throwing to him. (Oh how near sighted he is). The ball is
then sent into the air, spinning like in a quarterbacks dream and headed straight for Ying.
"I got it! I got it!" the boy yells as he moves forward, not realizing that his crotch just met up with Ying's
loaded cannon.
Ying seizes the opportunity and Grunts forcefully.
Four consecutive rumbling blasts shake the boy's entire body, each blast growing wetter than the last.
He feels the clear vibrations of the soft ass cheeks he was staring so intently at just seconds ago. It was
as sensational a feeling as he could ever imagine, before the horrid smell assaults his senses. The smell
of spoiled vegetables mixed with rotten eggs is quickly identified by his smelling senses, but along with
that joined a deathly stench of onions, which causes a burning sensation in his eyes.
He brings his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes for futile relief.
"Oh my god! My eyes! This is horrible!" He screams, "You're disgusting!!!" "And you're intercepted!!!" Ying yells, as she catches the football in her hands and begins her mad dash
for the goal.
As she sprints with all she has, with ball tucked tightly under her arm, her first obstacle comes at her.
The redhead. Following close behind the redhead is one of the red team's boy linebackers. He would
only have to get two hands on her and this play would be over before it got started.
As the redhead charges for Ying with arms wide open, Ying looks for some way to get around her. She's
already at the edge of the field, she can't go left. If she ran right she would be open for the boy following
behind her. Then something unexpected happens. The massive momentum powered redhead trips, just
feet in front of Ying. Ying stays the collision course she has with the girl, but suddenly leaps into the air.
With the redhead in mid-fall Ying places a foot on her arched back and jumps again, going clear over the
boy behind her.
The boy stares in awe of Ying's maneuver, he then mutters, "She used her as a damn spring board..."
Ying lands with both feet planted on the ground, continuing on with her sprint. Charletta stands
perplexed where she stands. As Ying passes her and the rest of her team, she shakes her hand and
commands the two Brunettes.
Ying reaches the 50 yard line, then the 40. She sprints like mad up the center of the field, but the sound
of fast approaching footsteps increase her anxiety. Suddenly that familiar tingling in her mind comes
again. Ying instinctually plants her feet, skidding to a stop and squats down. The brunette tag team
collides with each other above Ying, in a failed pincer tackle attempt.
As they crash to the ground together, Ying leaps over them continuing her now home free run to the
goal. But out of the corner of her eye, she sees someone she never expected to see catch up to her.
Way out to her right Charletta runs after her. Ying expected that Charletta would be fast, but clad in her
crimson shirt plus her incredible speed, she's like a red comet.
With 30 yards to go, Ying is forced to make a fateful decision. Will she go for the goal, betting that
Charletta won't reach her before she scores? Or go for Charletta and take the slim chance she has of
taking her out? Running the risk of losing the game for her team.
In the middle of the field Shiani also runs for Ying, but to protect her. Shiani is nearly as fast as Charletta
but with the head start Charletta already has on Shiani, there's no way she can stop her in time. She
believes Ying may actually be safe and make it to the goal, but Ying suddenly changes course, turning 90
degrees and charges full speed at Charletta.
"What is she doing!?" Shiani yells in her mind.
The showdown… Ying and Charletta. The time in this game has come. The two girls charge at each other
with unstoppable speed and focus. Charletta with blind anger and Ying with sheer determination. The distance between the girls vanishes and it comes down to the final blow. Charletta brings her right arm
back, clearly not for a tackle but to deliver a high speed right punch to Ying's face.
Then Ying does what no one sees coming or expected…
Ying at the last moment drives her foot into the ground and jumps into the air. She adds a spin to her
leap, turning her entire body one hundred eighty degrees in midair. The next thing Charletta sees is
Ying's behind planting itself in her face. Ying even bent herself forward to stretch her cheeks, just to
make sure her ass was covering Charletta's pretty face. Time seems to stand still for everyone. As if fate
demanded that a mental picture of this event was to be taken by the entire class.
Ying ends her midair, 180, butt slam with a powerful Gunshot fart. Even though muffled by Charletta's
'perfect' face, it could still be heard by everyone and the fart's echo is able to ricochet off of the school
wall, which is easily another field away.
Ying's feet and Charletta's body hit the ground simultaneously. Ying takes only a quick glance at
Charletta, her unconscious gaze assured her she was ok and she bolts for the goal.
Approaching the goal, now only 15 yards away, Ying feels nothing can go wrong. Until a sneaky player
from the red team comes at her for one final attempt at stopping her. He's already primed for a perfect
two hand tackle, his arms reaching out for Ying only inches away. Ying was out of tricks and her
momentum keeping her on a straight line with no way to escape.
With a picture perfect side tackle, Shiani comes in rescuing her wild card player!
"GO!" She yells. But by that time Ying has reached the goal making the touchdown!
The blue team all together jump in the air cheering! Feeling like they had just won the super bowl. Even
some kids from the red team join in the cheering and clapping. Mostly in awe of the awe-inspiring
performance of the impossible play by Ying. Ying also jumps into the air with arms raised, and then
slams the ball into the ground next to her. She then breaks into an impressive assortment of dance
moves which succeeds in further impressing the class.
Shiani getting back on her feet has a toothy grin on her face which couldn't get any bigger. After Ying
finishes her little dance celebration, ending with an amusing booty shake, Shiani approaches her. Ying
turns around and sees Shiani coming with a hand primed for a high five. Ying still overjoyed with
excitement, jumps up and gives Shiani the winning high five of the game.
"I have to admit, you… are… amazing!" Shiani says as she embraces Ying in a tight bear hug.
"I told you we had this. Well we got it." Ying says.
Shiani puts her down then goes on, "No, no, no. YOU got it. You won the game and took down Charletta!
No one has ever, EVER, tackled Charletta! Or knocked her out for that matter!" She says with a laugh. "Knocked out?… You… little…" the cold chill of Charletta's voice freezes Shiani's spine.
Ying looks behind Shiani and see's the crimson angel herself. But now her hair doesn't look nearly as nice
as before and her makeup could use a touchup. Ying isn't sure what caused the trickle of blood from
Charletta's nose. Was it from the forceful connection of her ass to Charletta's face or was it the defining
fart she ripped in her face. (We may never know)
Charletta stops next to Shiani looking like an angry mess. She then points to the football lying a few feet
behind Ying.
"Give me the ball…" She growls.
Ying looks back spotting the ball, then walks over to it and points to it with a smug grin on her face.
"This ball?" She asks.
"Yes… that DAMN ball! You insignificant little wretch!" Charletta becoming more angered.
"Heh, oh… you don't want this ball." Ying says sounding so sure.
"YES I DO! There's enough time in class for us to play and for me to run your reeking ass to the ground!"
Ying then places her hands on her hips, "Ha! Right… well to things. One! You don't have enough time to
score again. We have enough time for Shiani here to make another field goal to put us even further in
the lead. But no time for you… and second," Ying then hooks her thumbs on the inside of her short's
waistband. "I do say again…" She then turns around and exposes her ass to the world.
"You don't want this ball." She takes a seat on the (luckily) already brown football.
A violently soaking fart rips from Ying's ass, splattering whatever disgusting poo juice over one of the
school's signature signed footballs. Ying sits there for a moment admiring her smell, then smiles
confidently at Charletta.
Charletta storms off in disgust of Ying's flatulent expression, trying her best in hiding her face from the
other students. After she leaves ear sight, Shiani lets go a breath of relief.
"Man… I thought she was going to kill yo- are you ok?" Shiani questions Ying, seeing the 'I'm really not
sure' expression written on her face. Ying looks up at Shiani, still with that look.
"…I didn't shit myself… but that was reallllllllllly wet."
Shiani nods her head in agreement.
"I would pull my shorts up and go but… I really need to wipe…" "I'll go get some tissues." Shiani offers.
Ying mouths the words 'thank you', genuinely thankful for Shiani being there for her. As she sits there,
she looks back on the day. She feels good about how her first day turned out overall. And she's definitely
proud of what she's done, mostly to Charletta.
But what Ying will soon realize is that this day was the first spark of a war which will become the most
legendary battle in SSIE's history...
© Copyright 2014 TheDrifter91 (thedrifter91 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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