Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1983183-Roses-are-red-Opening
Rated: E · Other · Horror/Scary · #1983183
here is an opening of my story. Please let me know if I should write more :)
Roses are red

I could see myself gasping as I took my last desperate breathe on the manic planet known as earth. I'm not really sure how this is possible but somehow I watched as my blood raced from my chest, panting the white kitchen floor and my skin turn to hard cold ice. It was as if I was watching myself from up above, but I wasn't as I could feel the intense agony within each limb of my body. I wasn't sure how I got there or what was causing this endurable pain but I knew I had a few seconds left before I reached another world.
The kitchen lights burned the back of my eyes and the room span around making me feel faint. My head felt as if it had been stuck by lightning over and over again. I closed my eyes tight trying to block out the beaming light, but some still managed to escape through the shut eye lids causing an irritating sting in the back of my eye and giving me the worst migraine I've ever had. It felt as if someone was drilling holes into the back of my skull.
There was a burning sensation within my chest. Acid like flames danced inside of me, burning my insides and setting fire to my soul. My throat was tight and it was almost impossible to breathe. I didn't know how much longer I could survive this torture but I was pretty sure it would end soon; it had to.
I wasn't sure of my surrounding but I knew I was lying on someone's kitchen floor. I tried to get up to get a glass of water to put out the flaring flames within me, but I had lost complete control of my legs. They just wouldn't work. I laid for what felt like an eternity, wishing God would take me away from this excruciating, prolonged death.
Heavy footsteps marched towards the tiny kitchen I was laying in. I didn't know whether I should have felt worried or relieved, I didn't know who these footsteps belonged to. The room became dark and there in the doorframe stood a broad shouldered, crinkled faced man. He looked like he was in his late 50s and he wore a white lab coat. I felt so relived. I thought immediately he was a doctor by the white lab coat. I knew he was here to save me from the insufferable pain.
"Rosie I need to give you this injection sweetheart." The old man said this while he pulled out a sharp needle with a milky white fluid already inside out of his briefcase. At the time all I cared about was the pain ending but what I should have been more concerned about was how did this man know my name? The old man stabbed me effortlessly into my arm. That's when I knew what death felt like and that's when I realized this man was not a doctor here to save my life but a friend of the devils trying to burn my insides and destroy me for deep within. Why was he doing this to me? I have never done anything bad in my life before. Well... one time I ate a few penny sweets without paying for them but that was a very long time ago and I don't think I deserve a punishment like this.
I could feel each and every inch of my body corroding. I howled out a roar of pain. I had to die soon surely. The torturous suffering had to end soon. It couldn't possibly get any worse could it? It felt as if my heart was being squeezed tightly and was on the urge of exploding, about to erupt blood out like a volcano. The intense burning within me got worse and I wished I would just hurry up and die. My body began to shake uncontrollably and the room grew dark. I couldn't see a thing. The old man touched my arm with his grubby hand sending a cold shiver right through me and said "it won't hurt much longer Rosie."
I opened my mouth and tried to scream out the words "I will haunt you, you fucking bastard!" but all that escaped from my mouth was a little mumble. A bright light appeared from the right of me, and that's when I left the agonizing torture. It pulled me into the magical world inside.

I don't remember going to sleep but the next thing I know I was laying on a pure white, silk sheeted bed. I sat up and absorbed in the exquisite room I was in. The walls were a glittery white with angels carefully painted upon them. Large windows with gold rims invited in the sunshine; brightening up the room. I walked towards the large heart shaped mirror. I couldn't believe the reflection I saw in front of me. There was a young adult so beautiful, looking back, and that beautiful young lady was me. I looked so different but the same if that is possible. My hair fell in little golden curls dangling below my shoulders and my cheeks had a perfect pink blush. My eyelashes were thick and long and my crystal blue eyes stood out a mile twinkling brightly. I've never seen my skin so clear. Not a single spot was in sight. I liked heaven a lot more than Earth, especially if the rooms were this ravishing and I actually looked beautiful for once. I'm a bit gutted I will never turn 18 but ide pick this world any day.

I gazed through the gold rimmed window, battling with the sunlight shining brightly in my eyes. I wanted to see what heaven looked like outside. Trees thrust out into the sky. They inclined happily in the breeze. Marshy grass covered the land and an old rusty tractor stood alone in the forest. I hadn't expected heaven to be filled with trees to be honest. I always thought heaven was filled with cotton candy clouds and a substantial, exquisite palace belonging to God.

I tiptoed down the spiral staircase, mesmerising the glorious paintings on the wall. Some paintings were of landscapes of the woodlands or the sun setting at the beach and others were paintings of angels so elegant and alluring. Each painting was in great detail and perfect to every fine aspect. I've never seen paintings like this in my life.

When I reached the bottom of the staircase my heart stopped. The old man that killed me, stood there with his back to me. He looked as if he was making something. I crept closer wanting to discover what he was doing. Am I dead after all? Is this heaven? As I tiptoed closer I could see he was pouring a red fluid into a rose flower mould.

© Copyright 2014 Lauren Cassar (laurlouise93 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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