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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1985368
1/11 - Epic novel from a fantasy setting. Please Enjoy
Our tale concerns the life of Sir Cantos, a skeletal magic-wielder, who had been hardened to his militaristic state by years of hardship and experience. When his journey first began, he had joined up with a group of similarly strange visitors from other worlds called the Codswaldian Adventurers in order to help their king deal with problems, and along that course, they had many wonderful adventures. However, it was becoming clearly evident that Sir Cantos was become dissident to his compatriots and after losing the first Codswaldian Elections in centuries, he resigned to a hatred of his allies and began building his own kingdom on top of an icy slope. That wasn’t enough for the clearly broken mind of their skeletal ex-ally. At the end of this chapter in their lives, Sir Cantos unleashed a massive onslaught campaign against the countries ruled by his former friends, and after killing off everyone except for Link and himself. He had successfully infiltrated Codswald and murdered himself and Link in a fiery final showdown.
The world rested dormant for several more centuries before a new Adventuring
Group arose from Codswald and began their first grand adventure collecting the Cantos Crystals and Cantos Artifacts to prevent them from being brought together, but after the second escape attempt, Sir Cantos had dispatched the adventurers mercilessly after being resurrected into this new world. Afterwards, he restarted his old kingdom which had luckily been reborn into this new continent and found his right hand man in a rogue named Douglas Rodriguez who proved himself to the skeleton many a-time while he spent his time on political actions, determining military strikes and general desk work while Douglas handled all the actual fighting and implementation.
Unfortunately, for the vile duo…things were going to change.

Prologue: Upheaval

One day, after Douglas had returned from his mission to kill all the Gruul warlords that had authority over the region of Gash Kel, he was ordered to return to Snowyland by Cantos, who had an unusual voice change from what he knew before. He did as told and returned to the mother country that he was employed by the government. When he was trekking through the town part of this city on his way to the castle, Douglas noticed a considerable disdain among the twelve people that resided on this icy mountainside. Douglas decided to shrug off the slightly ominous feeling and return to Cantos Castle so he could receive his next mission, but again the employees at the castle were showing the same or even more disdain that he had sensed from the citizenry. He walked into the main office of Sir Cantos to encounter it dustier than usual with a cloud settled toward the ceiling, yet thick enough that he had to blow and wipe it away from himself. When he got to the desk in that office, he saw that Sir Cantos had turned away from him to look out the big window on the back wall to see the citizenry. Cantos asked if the mission was successful, like he had to ask. However, again he heard the discrepancy of his voice from previous memories. He sat down and started with a slight caution to answer that the Gruul region had been united under your authority and that all the marks have been eliminated. He agrees completely and informs Douglas that he has no current missions for him to go complete, so he could hang around the village until he had a mission for him.
Douglas was still cautious of this change in Cantos and why he had not shown his face to him, even when we were talking. He accuses Cantos of hiding something and forcibly turns his chair to face him. Douglas was as surprised as ever at what he saw when the chair turned to face him, in the chair of the leader of Snowyland mountain was a different skeleton, this one was entirely colored metallic blue and his bone had been mysteriously turned to a strange metal with his eyes being a piercing, sharp yellow glow that stared angrily at the assassin in his office. The clothes he was wearing even had that strange covering of blue on it, even though it was made of metal, all of the clothing still acted like it was made of cloth. The figure asked if he was surprised to see an old friend. Douglas has no idea what this skeleton was asking of him. The figure proceeds to introduce his story to the confused assassin as the figure got out of his chair and slowly walked toward Douglas menacingly. When Douglas was backed into a corner, the man stopped and asked if he was recognizable. Douglas asked him what he had done with Sir Cantos, the figure chuckled and threw a pile of stuff at his former right hand man. What he could see in the pile were some bone fragments covered in dust and some bits of tattered clothing and one crystal. There’s your former boss.
I suppose your wondering who I still am and how I came to be this way. I am Shadow Cantos, or formerly him. Predictably, Douglas asked how this was possible and Shadow proceeded to tell him what had happened after the last time he was seen. Shadow reminded Douglas that Shadow Cantos was called into duty along with you and Sir Cantos to go out and fight Rick the Firestorm, when they went out to fight him, he evolved into Rick the Firelord, an even more menacing fire elemental covered with magmatic armor. The first punch he threw was just to show off his immense power by snuffing me out under his flaming foot. Like anyone, I thought I had died, but instead I had been teleported to an afterlife plane just for fire elementals. About ten minutes later, a strange man had also been teleported alongside me in that dimension, he told me that he had evolved again into this humanoid form and that his new name was Rickya Varius. I instantly knew that you two had defeated him and now we were both stuck in this plane of post-existence. I got depressed, then my depression turned to insanity and afterward, about two months in your time, I began to regain my sanity just as a wondrous event happened. Some strange race of evil had breached the dimensional walls of my prison and began to invade this world and took it over. The invaders found me in my recently sane mind and took me in shackles to become part of their army. During their evaluation of my skills, I wiped the board of my competitors in The Pit, and became lieutenant of a brigade of war arsonists, wielding some corrupt fire magic. After my first campaign of arson and destruction, which I received high marks for my overkill attitude toward my brigade and warfare. That’s when they decided to honor me with this new form of “awakening.”
The leaders of the war division of this race brought me to an obscure door with no identification or reason of being there behind an upgrade shop in a dark alley, when they brought me inside, they took vials of chemicals from a nearby closet, then the other leader, a seven foot robot that was covered in black metal and had only one brown eye, creepy because I think he took it off someone he killed, he wielded a black metal machete on his back. The other leader that brought me in had a serious hunch over and appeared insect-like in appearance because his mouth and hands were both pincers, but he had prehensile arms coming out of his back that helped him move a lot of things during this procedure, he was wearing dark, dark blue robe during the procedure. The burly robot hit me in the head with a medium rock and knocked me out cold, next thing I knew, when I came to was that I had been strapped to a large slab and the robed insect finished mixing a brew of some sort and started to pour it on my body, I could feel that I was paralyzed in my own body and couldn’t move. It felt that to move, I would have to break out of my own skin while he took a serrated buck knife from his table and began to scrawl strange symbols on the fresh metal that turned bright red during the inscription, there was so much strange feelings of pain bombarding my mind that I passed out again being unable to cope with the unknown levels of pain that were inflicted on my person. When I woke up, I looked upwards through the shroud of fogginess that had set over my eyes and on the other side of the room, set up on a different slab…I saw me. After realizing that there was no mirror, my captors had introduced me to an incredibly similar looking entity based off of my terrifying abilities, entirely crusted in blue metal and they’d amplified it with additional strength and coordination beyond normal capacity, the robed insect informed me that it had become Phyrexian entirely and now have the ability to transcend dimensions to go invade other places and enslave their races.
Shortly after I broke through my restraints and used my cross-Multiverse teleporting ability, Shadow Cantos had easily escaped and returned to the Fire Dimension while I came here and confronted Sir Cantos, the man who ruined my life! He was quickly destroyed and that pile was all that was left. This city is now run by me, Phrexian Cantos, leave now or be destroyed! Douglas, seeing the level of destruction that Phyrexian Cantos could inflict, ran and left the city, going far into the tundra region with what’s left of Sir Cantos with Phyrexian Cantos laughing at him from afar.
Douglas had been walking through the tundra behind Snowyland Mountain for about a couple days and was started to feel absolute exhaustion. He fell into the snow face-first from the lack of energy…Douglas started to feel something poking him on the back of the head and he slowly got out from his icy bed to find an old woman dressed in a simple, dark green dress, covered slightly in dirt. She asked why you were face first in the snow. Douglas informed her of Phyrexian Cantos’ takeover of Snowyland, where he was just fired and now not knows where he is going to go from here and his boss has been reduced to this pile of bones and cloth. She asked if she could see the pile, Douglas hands over the pile of Sir Cantos. She nods and beckons Douglas to follow her, he does as told.
The old lady led her arctic friend to another city located in front of a different mountain range. She introduces you to Cryosis and she is the only druid within a hundred miles of this arctic region. She takes the Sir Cantos pile and throws it into her oversized cauldron along with a vial of pink stuff, some herbs and a dead cat. She stirs it up and pours it onto the floor, the liquid starts to solidify and form the body of Sir Cantos, who starts to move and find out what happened. Douglas told Sir Cantos that Phyrexian Cantos came in and destroyed you easily. Cantos remembers and says that this strange blue skeleton burst into my office wanting to find me, I told them who I was and he just stuck his arm into my chest and now I’m here on this floor. Douglas says that Phyrexian Cantos must’ve just burst your body into small bits when that happened.
Sir Cantos jumps up into the air and declares that they need to find a new city to conquer so we can regain our political standing and be a corrupt leader. Douglas thinks for a minute and remembers something on his last mission. The city of New Thalia who doesn’t understand the majority of our crime-based everyday; Douglas suggests it to Cantos and he fully agrees on this city to conquer, so they thanked the druid and headed out to the glimmering city of New Thalia.
They came into New Thalia and saw the completely righteous city with glimmering marble buildings everywhere, they immediately agreed on this city and Douglas started looking for the current leader of this city, he was in his office looking over some religious legislation he had to be serious in considering. Douglas just shot a poison dart into his neck and threw Sir Cantos into the office, declaring him the new leader of New Thalia. When people started to question his newfound leadership, the public began to notice publicized disappearances in their newspapers, the questions soon began to cease and he now ruled this city with an iron fist, but indirectly as Douglas was keeping the peace, and by keeping the peace, he usually went out to “disappear” the political dissidents and questioners of his authority. The pair later drank to congratulate themselves on successfully finding a new city to rule the world from.

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