Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1989520-A-Lonley-World-incomplete
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1989520
A newly turned vampire trying to find his place in the world
Alex glanced up at the full moon, blood dripping from his lips and murmured "just you and me again old friend" he returned his gaze back to the woman on the ground. she looked about twenty years old, with flowing brown hair and with two tiny dots on her neck. He sunk his fangs back into his victim and sighed. "O positive my favorite" he thought pleasurably. Alex tried not to drain her completely dry, he did not want to be a murderer. He forced himself away from his meal and gazed into her subdued eyes. "you never saw me, you just wanted to get away from it all for a while. He said. The woman repeated his words sleepily and fell onto the pillow with a small plop.
Alex gathered his bloodied clothes, shoved them into a small bag and headed out the door.
"Hey you!"a man called after him. "You need to finish paying for that room!" Alex lazily looked over his shoulder at the man and reached into his pocket. he pulled out a small wad of cash and tossed it at the man "keep the change" he called and continued walking out the door.
It was a bright day, a few clouds drifting lazily by. The sunlight never really bothered him as portrayed in the cheesy movies. he trotted down the sidewalk to his apartment. It was a hidden place, not many people knew about this place unless they were looking for it. It was in between an old book store and a bakery. He walked up to the door and pushed it open. He walked into his small little 'cave', it was dark but cozy. He had been here about a month now, ever sense he had turned, just trying to get a hold on his new life. He tossed his bag of bloodied clothes into a small corner and flung himself onto his bed. The bed was more for show and a sense of familiarity. "What am i going to do with myself?" He sighed "i have no sense of direction." Alex groaned as shoved his face into his pillow. At moments like this he would fall asleep trying to forget the world, now he could only pretend.sleep was one of the things he missed even immortality, as did everything, had a price.

When he rose from his sleepless slumber, it was pitch black outside, the streetlamps flicking on and humming quietly. The night people had come out to play. It was a Saturday night and everyone was heading to their nightly party whether it was a bar or club. Alex personally was a club person, easier to hunt and feed. Alex trudged off to his favorite club, he never bothered to learn its name. Being only a month old he did not know very much for his new 'lifestyle choice' if one could call it that, the only thing he knew is he had a thirst for blood.
He arrived at the nameless club and laughed at the sight of it. There was a line that wrapped around the building like the arms of a lover. Alex walked straight to the door of the club and peered into eyes the bouncer. The bouncer was one of those typical 'I'm to tough and to good for everyone'. Alex cracked a smile "Evening Derrick" The large man only nodded as Alex strolled by. He had gotten to know the man very well in the month he was in town. The club was loud as it should have been, the walls were vibrating and the lights were an epileptics nightmare. Alex was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a black button down shirt, He did not want to draw to much attention to himself. He wandered over to the bar and ordered a little glass of white after all he is a classy vampire. Alex gazed at the dance floor looking for his next meal when he noticed something, no someone that he had not seen since he had turned. Dancing among the crowd was his old best friend and his girlfriend. As far everyone in Alex's old life knew he was dead. He wanted to go back to them the minute he had turned but something held him back, a fear... a fear that they would hate him, call him an abomination, a murderer... He snapped his attention back to reality, his best friend still dancing the night away unaware of who was watching him....
Alex melded into the shadows deciding that his friend may be able to handle is return to the land of the living even thought he himself was considered living impaired. He darted in and out of people towards his target. He appeared behind the dancing boy. "May I have this dance?" Alex whispered into his friends ear. The boy spun on his heels and as pale as a full moon. He came face to face with his 'dead' best friend. "Hello Za...." was all Alex could get could get out before a fist connected with his jaw. The boy had bronze hair and had a skinny build but looks can be deceiving. The boy grabbed his girlfriends hand and hastily left the club with absolutely no explanation for his 'dead' friend who was now picking himself off the floor. "damn bastard" Alex thought "Even being a vampire I still get knocked on my ass by him... I guess things never change." He sighed and chased after them.
The boy walked at a furious pace towing his girlfriend behind him. "Where are we going Zach?" she questioned him." I'm taking you home" he replied. "But... I don't want to....." she whined. Zach turned slowly to look at his girlfriend. "its for your own safety. He said sternly. Alex hopped from rooftop to rooftop following his friend. "I thought he would have been overjoyed to see me again..." he thought sadly. He stopped on the rooftop of a fast food joint. It had a perfect vantage point to watch the couple. They hugged and parted. Alex watch his friend depart the girls home, walking hastily towards an unknown destination. "Where are you off to Zach..." Alex thought to himself. He began jumping from rooftop to rooftop again trying to keep up with his friend. He felt free for a moment, following his friend, flying through the air, like he had no responsibilities. The boy ended up stopping at an abandoned warehouse on the sea front. Alex knew this area quite well, he would often come here and swim with the abundant sea life to try to relax. Zach hesitated for a moment deciding if he should go into the building, you could feel how tense the boy was by just looking at him. He took a deep breath and entered the run down building.
Alex Watched the boy enter the run down building and cursed quietly to himself. He scanned the side of the warehouse for a good entry point that would not draw a lot of attention to himself. He spotted such a widow, it looked like some kids took turns throwing rocks at it until it was all busted out, it was perfect. He jumped from the building he was watching from with a small audible crunch of the pavement. He ran towards to side of the warehouse and slipped into the broken window. Alex could see Zach walking to the center of the building where an eerie light shown bright. Alex tilted his head slightly. "What is this?" he questioned to himself. He did not have to wait long for an answer, men in dark coats and dark sunglasses stepped out of the shadows towards Zach. "What news do you have for the council?" One of the men questioned. Zach, as if ashamed to give news, hung his head slightly and murmured "He is alive, I don't know how but he is. Its either a blessing or a curse." "This is grave news indeed" One of the men replied "You have done the task we have asked of you, we shall take it from here." The men sent a chill down Alex's back. "Who were they? What did they want? What task? Whats going on?" His head swam in a sea of questions. While among his thoughts he was fiddling with some lever that was next to him not paying any attention and accidentally flipped it. The warehouse lights suddenly flickered on illuminating the places that still had intact light bulbs. "What was that!?" One of the men hissed. The men's eyes darted everywhere looking for the cause of the problem. "Fan out" one of the men screamed "find the intruder!!" "Shit" he thought to himself "Im in trouble now" He looked everywhere for a possible escape, trying not to get discovered. The men had fanned out looking at every crook and small space. He was running out of time, they drew closer and closer to him. Without thinking he bolted from where he was hiding, pushing everyone in his way, and fled out the front door.

Alex did not stop for anything, he shoved people out of the way trying to get home to his safe haven. Questions flew in his head about everything he had saw. He reached the door of his home and practically threw himself inside. Tears started to form in his eyes. He felt hurt and betrayed. Why would his former best friend do this to him? He was beginning to become hysterical and out of control, sadness slowly become replaced with anger. "Was i nothing to him? Did being friends with him mean nothing" He said out loud. Alex began pacing furiously, his heightened emotions were not helping at all, It only made him hungry. A dull thumping sound snapped his attention to the window, it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life. Without thinking he opened his window and leapt out of it, following the dull sound. He ran down the pitch black street and rounded the corner to find a mugger and a man. The man looked at him wide eyed showing his distress and pleading for help from the stranger. The mugger only turned and pointed his knife at Alex. "Get out of here if you know whats good for you!" He yelled. Alex didn't so much as blink he was focused on the two racing heart rates in front of him. "Didn't you hear me? I said scram!" The attacker waved his knife menacingly through the air. This did not sit well with Alex, He was not himself, he seemed almost feral. There seemed to be nothing left indicating the kind soul that had once dwelled inside. Alex lunged at the neck of the mugger knocking the knife to the ground with a clatter. The attacker had not seen it coming the only thing he managed to do was let out a blood curtailing wet scream that quickly turned into a quiet feast. Alex drank and drank ignoring the begging and pleading to stop from his head. He dropped to the man with a thud and turned his gaze to the paralyzed man on the wall. "Take my mon-..." was all he got out before he too turned into a meal for the hungry vampire.
It was many hours before Alex regained himself. He was laying on the ground in an unfamiliar place. He bolted up feeling oddly content, that was until he caught sight of the two bodies that laid before him. The vampire nearly jumped out of his skin before breaking down into sobs. "what have i done?!" he cried out. He felt only sorrow as he dragged himself over to one of the bodies and reached a shaky hand out to the neck. There was no pulse and the body was growing cold in the night. His heart sank and glanced over at the body with a knife next to it. That one was in even worse condition than this one. He was to afraid to even go check that one. Alex held himself and fell against the wall of the alley unable and unwilling to face the world.

Zach had heard the choking scream from where he was wandering around the street. He froze on the spot, he knew muggings were frequent in the area but this scream was different. This scream was one that made your skin crawl, that made you want to run in the opposite direction as fast as you could. This was a scream of utter terror. He glanced at the direction of the scream. "Don't go. Don't do it" he thought to himself. He pushed his feet forward reluctantly to investigate. He approached the corner slowly and peeked his head around. The sight was something out of a horror film, There was blood everywhere and what was left of two bodies. He wanted to be sick, he had never seen so much blood at once. He nearly turned and ran the other but noticed a weeping form. "A survivor?" He thought. Upon closer inspection he realized who it was, it was his born again vampire best friend. He had never seen so much pain or sadness emanating from one 'person'. "A-Alex" He called out. "I-Is that you?" His heart was racing. He did not know if his friend was still the person he knew.

Write later
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1989520-A-Lonley-World-incomplete