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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Romance/Love · #1990369
Sari is an artist who lives in St. Lucia and faces devastating circumstances.


Castries, St. Lucia

May of 1914

Sarai Trona- Lives in Castries, St. Lucia, graduate
of Centinnial High School.

Alexander and Michaele Trona-Sarai's parents who
grew up in England and came to St. Lucia in 1915. They also live in

Sherephia Neome-Sarai's best friend from High

Steve Sole- Sherephia's boyfriend, who went to high
school with them

Carl Trona-Sarai's brother who writes crime novels.

"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and
challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure,
your faith -life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.
So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its
work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in

James 1:2-4

Sarai Trona increasingly thought of life. "How incredibly
complex." She mused aloud. She read that God even knows the
number of hairs each person has on their head...He made the
spectacular far reaches of space and time, which is fleeting...the
rhythm of the stars and planets which are taken for granted, the
tropical burning spaces interlocked with distance measuring the
clocks of the world all intrigued her. Does God genuinely care about
suffering? Is God really there for us? These questions didn't
surprise her. She had thoughts of them since she was a little girl.
Her Papa spoke of God often, saying "The complexity of our planet
points to a deliberate designer who, not only created our Universe,
but sustains life forever." Does God really hear our prayers?
Psalms 34:15 says "The eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous
and His ears are open to their cry." The Universe started when God
spoke. It was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an
inky blackness. God's spirit brooded like a bird above the watery
abyss. Speaking for all the six days of creation He said, "It is

She mused about her perception that Sherephia hightly respected
she told her often. Her compassion helping families who lived near
her with food and other needs, and even nursing some children back to
health when they became ill and the Mummies had to return to work.
She knew she had a stubborn streak, had selfish tendencies at times,
and she didn't like her Mummies' negative attitude about some
things especially herself. She also knew her faith was tested a
lot in her young age. Her Papa said she was very honest and had a
good heart. She hoped he was right as she tried very hard to be a
good example for the young children around her. Eighteen year old
Sarai wanted to study theology and art but had not quite decided
between attending Keiser University or Sir Arthur Lewis' Community
College. Both were located in Castries, St. Lucia, in the Antilles
of the Caribben Sea. She was trying to study the book of Genesis for
her theology class at Centintinial High School which seemed to be
very difficult. She glanced out the window and was reminded about
the first day God created the Heavens and the Earth. The
scintillatly light shone on the gleaming stars. The astronomers were
even known to find the smallest of planets, Mercury. The Earth was
perfectly placed so it wouldn't be burned up by the sparkling Sun
that can heat up to 27 million degrees , Fahrenheit, the scientist
recently discovered. Water, plants, and diminutive animals were
brought into being by only a whisper from His lips. Water is given
to all life. The Earth is perfectly formed so it can sustain all
creatures and foliage to produce a never ending supply of food;
beneath the Earth, through which the trapped water, streams bubble
forth. He separated the water from the earth creating a vast water
reservoir where the springs and geysers erupt from. Waves soft as a
small waterfall became enormous ones that sprinkle the universal
solvent. God created the moon that has two hemispheres with
asymmetric properties, Sea life that are incredibly tiny creatures
like the zooplankton, and those microscopic invertebrates being the
base of the food chain. Human beings and the foliage of the Earth
were created next, the largest trees and the smallest plants. The
rest of creation survives in it's own time. The people who live in
the north and south poles show true strength to continue the battle
of life despite the lowest temperatures.

Sarai reflected about her life in St. Lucia. It was originally
inhabited by the Arwak people, but in the 1600's the French claimed
it after the war with the Arwaks. Then in 1890 the isle became a
commonwealth of Britain. It changed hands between the French and
Britain fourteen times. There are two volcanoes on the southwest
coast, Gros Piton and Petit Pito. The volcanoes are one of the most
famous landmarks in the Caribbean Sea. She loved living in St.
Lucia. Sarai is the daughter of Alexander and Michaele Trona. Her
Papa is a musician who plays the piano like Sergie Rachmaninoff. One
night as she and her bruv, as her family would call him, Carl and her
were studying and she asked, "Papa please play the piano for me,
the Concerto No. 2, Opus 18, my favorite piece." "Alright, but
then you need to continue your studies. How are you doing in the
Fundamentals of Music?" he asked. "Not good. I have no ear for
music like you." Her Mummy added, "No, you have my artistic
abilities. Leave her alone Alexander. Let her creative spirit come
out with her talent for art that God gave her." Michaele
reprimanded Alexander.

The Tronas lived on Gros Islet. Her Mummy is a retired artist and
her Papa is a musician for the Philharmonic in the capital city of
Castries. Her family came over from England in 1914. Carl writes
novels about crime and justice. He has published a few articles in
different magazines and he takes his writing very seriously. The
famous writers, Ralph Waldo Emerson, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Robert
Frost give him much inspiration. Sarais' Mummy had been employed
as a curator of London's most famous museum, The Museum of Art but
was now retired. Sarai thought endlessly about following in her
Mummy's footsteps and had wanted to get a Bachelors degree in Art
History. She was found dabbling with oils and textures since she was
a young teenager. Her Mummy criticized her lack of tone and
creativity, but Agnes de Mille quoted "The artist never entirely
knows-we guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the

Finally the day came when she graduated from Centinnial High
School. "We are so proud of you!" her Papa exclaimed. "Well,
I guess I wasn't a daft cow after all!" she exclaimed! Her
Mummy added "Don't be fagged, you are always interrupted by
thoughts that say you aren't good enough." Sarai looked in her
Mummy eyes knowing that she put all those negative thoughts and
apprehensions Sarai was constantly hearing her Mummy's derogatory
statements. After the graduation ceremony she was invited to go to a
gala at Philmore House. She was very nervous yet excited
about going with her best friend Sherephia Neome. Her Mummy had sown
a gorgeous dress for her to wear, so she couldn't wait to get ready
for the party. She and Sherephia arrived and noticed many friends,
especially Jon Wright and Steve Sole whom Sarai had known since she
was a little girl. Steve lived on the isle of Barbados but they did
no have a high school there so he continued his education at
Centinnial High School with Sarai. All four of them had spent a lot
of time together. The Fabulous Foursome, they liked to call
themselves; they seemed to always get into trouble, but were still
able to keep their grades high. Steve was the valedictorian with
high honors and she was also able to achieve high honors too. Steve
was handsome and admired by so many students and faculty. She also
admired his tenacity which he showed in many areas of his life. He
worked hard at home and saved his money.

Sarai had wished since her junior year, that Steve would notice
her feelings for him had changed. She now hoped that he would court
her but to no avail. He seemed to be more interested in Sherephia.
So Sarai watched in silence as her best friend became enamored with
Steve in their senior year. Now that they would be off to college,
she secretly waited for Steve to decide which college he would be
attending so that she could apply there also. She was hoping she
could find a gallery to work at during her time in college. "I'm
so frustrated that I can't find seem to keep my mind on studying."
she told Sherephia as they were entering Philmore House for
the dance. "Don't worry, Sarai, you will find college to be an
interesting diversion. Let's not talk of school and such
especially not our studies. Now is a time for fun! Have you seen
Steve? "He said he was coming with Jon." "By the way I love
your dress." "Thanks. Mummy made it for me. It's really
great that she can sew so perfectly, but she was always too busy
working to make our clothes. I guess money hasn't always been the
issue, although I think it is now. I just wish she would be kinder
to me. She can be so argumentative so much of the time. I hate her
negative attitude when she sees my work on canvas."

Sherephia saw Steve. "There they are and they are coming our
way." "How do you do you gorgeous beauties?" Steve put on his
charming smile and said to Sarai, "Would you like to dance?"
"Yes." she whispered with her eyes cast down to the floor. He
was making her nervous. She brought her head up and noticed he was
staring at her with the most interesting grin. She knew that grin.
He was flirting with her. "I do want you to spend the evening
dancing tonight. Do you have anyone on your dance card after me?
Unfortunately, I may not be available to dance with you too often; I
don't want to hurt Sherephia's feelings. She gets jealous too
easily." he said softly in her ear. "Well, do you mind
terribly, Sherephia?" "No, go ahead. Jon, how about we go for a
spin on the dance floor?" she said with great humor. "Great!"
he replied. Steve added, "Sherephia, I will be watching you while
I'm gone. Don't get any ideas about dancing with too many guys!"
"Why not? This is the time for having fun, not worrying about
your ego!" she replied with a cheeky grin. They spent the rest of
the evening dancing and singing to their favorite songs. What a
marvelous time they each had together. It was always that way.
Their friendship was the best part of Sarais' life! Later Sarai
said that she needed to go home. "Sarai, I will drive you home in
my new Invicta that my Father got me for graduation. You'll love
it!" Steve said. She thought for a moment and looked over at
Sherephia and she nodded with a questioning grin. "We will all
take you home." she said "Yes, I would appreciate that Steve.
Thank you." When they arrived home she thanked them and ran
towards the door and Steve shouted "I hope to see you before I
leave for Keiser University in July to finish one of the classes. I
missed the final exam so they want me to take it and take more
classes during the summer session." She blushed and replied, "Yes,
that would be grand. Goodbye Sherephia and Jon!" Sherephia
replied "Goodbye Sarai. I'll see you on Friday and we will go

As she entered the house she saw her Mummy sitting in her chair
by the fire reading a book. Her eyes sparkled in the red and orange
flames. Sarai couldn't tell if she was angry or pleased. Her
moods were always difficult to read. She said "Hello Mummy."
"How was the graduation gala?" her Mummy asked with an annoying
voice. Sarai told her all about their evening together. Michaele
had known for awhile how Sarai felt about Steve. "We only have two
months left before we all go on to college. That makes me very
sorrowful." "Well, you should accept it. You know I don't
think you should continue to see Steve over the summer. I don't
want you to be fraternizing with him. You know how I have been
observing him for years now. He's a ladies' man and he will
break your heart." Sarai said softly, "One never knows what
secrets are hidden in other's heart." She tried to hold in her
fuming response, but she couldn't keep the threatening voice
hidden. "You just don't understand. I'm, going to my room.
So don't wait up for me anymore now that I'm 18!" "Now
Sarai, don't get infuriated with me! You should learn to hold your
tongue!" Sarai was immediately sorry that she brought Steve's
name to her Mummy's attention. Her Mummy could be so insensitive
about Sarai's feeling. "Yes Mummy. I'm sorry. I just...oh I
don't know. Goodnight." "Goodnight. Be sure and decide soon
what college you want to apply to soon." "I will. I may be
going to Keiser University in the summer to catch up on some of my
classes I didn't' take in the spring semester." "Oh. Good
choice, Sarai."

Sarais' life changed tremendously that summer. Together with
Jon, Steve and Sherephia they would spend several afternoons floating
along the coast of St. Lucia on Steve's large sailboat, The
, going to Pigeon Island and walking through the silent
forest, sitting on the uninhabited beaches, and wandering amongst the
walls of the 18th century British Fort Rodney.

They spoke of the future and what they hoped it would be. She
thought that Steve's attention towards her was unusual for him and
Sherephia kept talking about Jon. How strange that emotions could be
transformed so quickly. Before graduation Steve and Sherephia would
always speak to each other with such devotion. Is it possible that
they were beginning to separate their feelings about each other since
Sherephia was going to college at Georgetown University in Washington

One afternoon Steve came by to pick up Sarai without Sherephia.
As she walked out the door, she heard her Mummy yell at her "You
better be careful if he starts acting in an unmannerly fashion,
Sarai. You come right home. Do you hear me? Men can be so
aggressive." "Steve is not that way Mummy. Just leave me
alone!" she shouted at her as she ran out the door. "Where are
Jon and Sherephia, Steve?" "I didn't ask them to come with us
today." How mysterious. The four of them always went together
wherever they went. She had an inkling that somehow their
relationship was changing. She hoped that Steve would tell her what
college he planned on attending. When they arrived at Cape Point he
guided The Adrienne to a deserted beach. "Let's stop here
Sarai." "Yes, let's. Are you alright Steve?" "I just
wanted to speak to you privately without any interruptions today. It
is getting close to my departure. Only two weeks and I will be off
to Keiser University." So he had decided to attend Keiser
University. "That is honorable for you to stay close. Your Mummy
must be thrilled. Are you going to continue working for your Papa on
the sugar plantation?" "Yes. I have learned quite a lot over
the past two summers and I am quite surprised how I find it to be
stimulating work. I know Papa is exhilarated about my staying on
while I continue my education." He hesitated, "You have been
unusually quiet today. Why?" "I'm confused." "Don't be
confused, Sarai." "I'm wondering why you didn't invite Jon
and Sherephia to join us today." She waited for his answer which
came quickly. "Oh Sarai, it is you that I adore not Sherephia. I
have watched you from afar all these years and I never felt that you
returned any sentiment for me." She gasped and replied. "I
always thought you were only teasing me, trying to get me riled up
and laughing about our relationship. I never dreamed you had any
feelings for me." "No one has ever touched my heart as you have,
Sarai." He embraced her lightly and questioned her about her true
heart towards him. She replied, "We have always had a kindred
spirit, you and I. I have a tremendous respect for you and you
always seem to want to protect me. But my feelings have changed."
He lowered his head knowing that she probably didn't share his
love. "Steve, I have loved you for so long. Just hold me now."
"Oh Sarai, you please me so. Your declaration to me has been only
from God above. I was such a fool not to see it sooner. We only
have two weeks to be together. I do love you." "I was waiting
for you to decide where to go to school and I was going to follow
you. I know that I was reacting like a fool, knowing how you felt
about Sherephia, but I know I can trust you now. I always have in so
many other ways." He looked surprised as he looked into her blue
eyes and stroked her auburn hair. His gaze melted her heart. They
kissed again and he murmured "We better go. I can't control
myself." "Neither can I." He hugged her again after they
stood up and he held her hand as they reached The Adrienne.

The next few days went by so slowly. Like a turtle trying
to catch up with the hare. Her thoughts were unceasingly about
Steve. Her mind kept wondering about him as she did housework or
read. She was trying to find a job too. The doorbell rang and she
hoped it was Steve. As she opened the door she realized it was a
messenger bringing her good news about her job at the Pigeon Island
Museum. She was thrilled! What a marvelous day. Maybe she would
hear something from Steve today. The day went by without a word from
him. The colors of the garden and the blue sky were dulled to a flat
shine that affected every aspect of her being. She didn't dare
mention anything to her mother. The next day she received another
message. "Who could this be from?" She mused aloud. She slowly
opened the telegram and saw that it indeed was from Steve. She read
it very slowly letting the words sink into her jumbled up mind and
her heart so open to his tender words that reached to the marrows of
her bones. He wrote:

"Dearest Sarai, as I write these words I think of you
affectionately. Remember I told you that my parents own a sugar
plantation in Barbados? Our plantation has been attacked by the
Germans and I can't get to you for awhile. Please pray for us that
our General Lerwick can overcome their advances. This will be my
last communication to you until the war ends. Your spirit is in me
and I pray mine is in you. Please write back if you find the time.
I don't think they would invade St. Lucia. All my love to you,

Her tears were unstoppable. Dear Lord, she thought to herself.
Please keep Steve and his family from harm. Her mother was by her
side when she received the telegram. "Oh, my dear we must pray
for his family but you know it's for the best, Sara. You really
mustn't get involved with him. I've told you before he wasn't
good enough for you." "Be quiet Mummy. I don't need you to
tell me such things. Bugger off!" She fled to her room sobbing
uncontrollably. Papa came up to see if he could console her but
nothing seemed to work. She wouldn't eat and couldn't stop the
tears from cascading down her face. She wrote to Steve and told her
of her fears and that she was praying for him and his family. Her
Papa tried to talk to her but all she could think of was seeing Steve
and his family if they were taken prisoners. Her papa came up one
afternoon four days later and said, "You must stop now. We may
have a problem that is encompassing our town. Mt. Gros Piton is
smoldering more than usual." The spewing had been going on for
months. The clouds were high above the rim and the fear mounted
extremely among the townsfolk. She prayed to God that they all would
be safe. She thought about the chances of making it to Barbados to
be with Steve but now it was unthinkable. Realty had hit her smack
dab in the face; she had to stay with her parents. No amount of
praying would stop the uncontrollable perils they all faced now.
Even Carl assured her that God protects those who pray without
ceasing. But she also knew that God could wave his outstretched
hands and it all would be over. Why was he not answering her
prayers? She got to the point of doubting that God was even
listening to her. She knew that there were some people who thought
religion was corrupted and she had gotten to that point. She opened
her bible and spoke these words to herself.

"Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie
down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters. He
restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His
name sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod
and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in
the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup
runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Psalms 23.

She knew now that God had to make the decisions despite human

Then one day it happened. Woodrow Wilson was heard on the radio
that WWI was finally over on Nov. 11th, 1918. The German
and the Russians were defeated. Sarai praised God for his
sovereignty and protection. She mused aloud "Now I can go to
Steve's side." She thought she had saved enough money and hoped
the transport to Barbados wouldn't cost her too much. But in the
end she did not need to go to him. She received the long awaited

"Dear Sarai, we are waiting for the Germans to pull out of
Barbados then I will come to you. It has been a long wait and I pray
you haven't given your heart to someone else. All my love, Steve."

She looked at her auburn hair which fell past her shoulders with
curls so light. She couldn't wait to hold Steve again as she
caressed her tresses. She would buy a new gown with the money she had
saved and fix her hair in a sensual manner as to enlighten his eyes.
Silly of him to think she would find someone else!

As she worked through the days for Steve's arrival, she knew it
would be awhile as his last correspondence indicated he had to stay
and get the sugar plantation running again after the war had ravished
the fields. Her thoughts were of his strong arms and sense of humor.
He always made her smile! She wouldn't listen to her Mummy's
words as they crept into her mind. 'You will never be happy with
him. He'll never marry you'. What horrible words to tell a
young lady that she could never be happy with the one that has caught
her heart in her enamored soul. She cringed at her Mummy's words.
"Don't ever let him have you intimately. You mustn't get your
heart broken." She had told her over and over. Her mind was made
up. Her Papa had always told her she had a very stubborn streak and
an unwavering will to get what she wanted. She knew that he was her
knight in shining armor, as her Mummy used to tell her, would someday
come when least expected.

The worst day was when her Mummy told her straight out not to
give into her womanly desires before marriage, if she hadn't
already. "You could get in a family way and no one would ever
marry you then." She warned. She cried for days after her Mummy's
allegations. Sarai could tell by the sinister grin on her face that
she was making assumptions she had no right to make. Thank God for
her Papa who adored Steve and praised her choice of a suitor. She
tried to ease her thoughts as she couldn't take her Mummy's
negative attitude anymore.

Then catastrophe came upon the citizens of Castries and the whole
island. Gros Piton Volcano was bubbling over and the scientists were
convinced that eruption would be eminent. Sarai and her family had
to think of a way to get off the island. Sarai prayed that word had
gotten to Barbados of the news. She finally got a telegram within
twenty-four hours from Steve.

"Dearly Beloved, I heard about the possibility of eruption by
Gros Piton Volcano. I knew it was a possibility, when we were
imprisoned so I thought of nothing else but to bring you to safety in
case the worst happened. I will come to you and your family and
bring you safely to Barbados. Remember God won't give you more
than you can handle. I will send you another telegram as soon as I
have a plan. In my loving arms I hold your heart. Steve."

She didn't know they had been in prison. He was protecting her
from the fears that lurked in her heart. One day later she received
the next telegram:

"I have my sailboat to bring you and your family to safety
tomorrow at 10a.m. Meet me at Vieux Fort on the waterfront near Pier
7. Your faithful knight, Steve."

To think he and his family were imprisoned made her weep. She ran
into the kitchen to tell her Mummy. "Mummy, Steve and his family
were imprisoned, while the Germans were there. He just told me
yesterday. He is using his sail boat and now he is going to rescue
all of us! We must pack quickly and remember not to bring very much
of our belongings." she yelled at her. She would tell her Papa of
Steve's plan when he came home from work. She tried to remain calm
and remember only the essentials that she would need. She saw her
Mummy put all kinds of things in two bags hoping could keep as much
as she could. She had always valued money more than ethics and
character. She was so grateful that Steve was a carpenter as well as
a farmer. Her Mummy was finally seeing the traits in Steve that
broke her heart for the horrible things she had said about him.
"Praise be to the Lord!" she cried. Tears fell out of her eyes
like a child knowing regret and repentance. "Please, Sarai,
forgive me for what I've said about Steve and how I have treated
you over the years." she proclaimed. "Mummy I forgive you.
Please hurry and pack." "I don't know what to bring." She
replied in a terrified manner. "Just fill up one bag." Sarai
prayed all night and couldn't sleep. She trusted Steve and the
Lord despite her doubts. She heard Gros Piton finally exploding and
she looked out the window at six the next morning. She trembled at
the thought of people perishing from this disaster.

At 6a.m. they finally boarded a coach to the pier which was packed
with friends. They arrived at Pier 7 and at 9a.m. and she looked up
again at the volcano and saw the lava flowing down from the rim and
felt shear terror. Her bruv and Papa were praying out loud. "I
must go to the dock and see if his ship is here." she wailed to her
family. Then she looked up again and the magma was halfway down the
mountain. The pier was filled with mobs of people but she saw Steve
out in the bay yelling at her. "Oh thank God!" She ran back to
her family and told them she saw Steve. "I'm fearful of the lava
moving so quickly to the bay. We must swim to his boat." "No!"
cried her Mummy. "I can't move that fast, and I can't even
swim!" her Mummy exclaimed with an engulfing terror she had never
felt before. "I will help you Michaele. Just hold onto me!"
Alexander shouted!

They jumped into the frigid water leaving their bags on the dock.
Sarai swam as hard as she could, water flowing in and out of her
small mouth, choking her at every stroke. The panic was just too
much for her and her stinging legs were burning as hot as the lava
flowing closer and closer to the towns edge. Sarai and Carl looked
over at their Mummy and they could see their Papa trying to pull her
forward. He struggled with her until they saw her let go of his
hand. Carl tried to reach her to no avail. Her head was bobbing up
and down and the seawater was swallowing her quickly. Sarai also
tried to grab her arm and couldn't reach her. She watched her
Mummy go down farther and farther. The light on the sea and the
tears in her eyes were making it so hard to continue to look. But,
as she went down into the waters of the freezing bay, she watched her
become even more frightened. Drowning in the sea of creatures that
ate the cadavers of those who sunk to the bottom of the frigid water
must be one of the worst of all of the perils of this life. Sarai
stopped and saw here Mummy's eyes with horror. She yelled at her
Mummy then prayed aloud that the Lord would save her as she continued
to watch. Papa cried with emotions she had never heard. Carl
screamed "Mummy!" There was no rescuing her.

Tears streamed down her reddened cheeks mixed with the saltwater
spray on her face. But she finally continued on toward Steve. They
arrived to the boat packed with people. Steve helped her up into the
safety of the boat with his outstretched arms. Both her Papa and
Carl climbed into the boat with the assistance of many men. Sarai
looked back to the town of Castries watching thousands of people
perish. Steve held her close as she sobbed into his shoulder.
"Mummy died in the sea, Steve. What a horrible death!" "You
are safe now my love. God took her home with him and now she knows
all the answers to our questions. Think of her with affection. You
will always have some joyful memories of her." "Yes I know my
darling Steve. She asked for forgiveness at the house yesterday. I
know she is with the angels now."

When they arrived in Bridgetown Barbados, she was excruciatingly
sore and frightful for her friends and those that died with them.
Steve brought her, Papa and Carl to his home. She loved Steve even
more for rescuing all those people. There must have been at least
fifty to seventy-five human beings that he saved from peril. After
two weeks Papa finally said to Sarai, I must find a job. I can't
continue to grieve over your Mummy. I must bring music to our ears."
He found several students and watched their enlightened eyes as they
learned how to open up their talents. Carl found a job at the
Bridgetown Daily Chronicle. Sarai found a position a month later at
the Maritime Museum as an assistant to the curator.

Three months passed. It seemed to take forever for the grief to
lessen about her Mummy but she was so thrilled to be in Steve's
arms and to feel his fascinating kisses. She finally saw the light at
the end of the tunnel when Steve took her to the Calabaza Resturant
on the west coast. The town of Long Bay held marvelous views of the
sea with vistas of extreme wonder. As they sipped their wine, Steve
suddenly descended to his one knee and she gasped. "Dear Sarai, I
have loved you from the moment I saw you but I was too scared you
didn't share my affections. Would you do me the honor of becoming
my wife?" "Did you speak to my Papa?" she answered with awe.
"Of course. He laughed and said 'I never doubted you loved my
daughter'." He brought out a beautiful marquee diamond and sang
Beautiful Dreamer with a violin and cello accompaniment.
"Then yes, yes, I would be delighted and amazed everyday to be your
wife!" God had nearly taken her dream and joy away from her. She
would never doubt him again. "Thank you dear Lord." He kissed
her and he reached for her hand to put the ring on her trembling
finger. "You woke regret this decision." "Take me home and
let's tell Carl and Papa!" "I am sure Carl already knows!"
"Yes and so does Mummy!"

"Likewise the spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do
not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself
makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered."

Romans 8:26

Linda Mieir


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