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Rated: E · Article · Religious · #1997148
Church is not the structure but the body of Jesus that has many people as his members.

His Church

Gigantic buildings in the name of
church are springing up around us today in different places. There
are many with smaller structures while many are only striving to
exist as mushroom churches. No matter how big or small, churches are
built with a sole purpose of gathering brethren to fellowship with
God in a cooperate manner.

However, when people are absent in
the church, it becomes an ordinary building (a structure with roof
and wall) like the houses, the shops or the offices where we work.

One thing is certain, people makes up
the church not the structure.

Unlike in the days of the Apostles,
churches today are built under different denominations. In fact,
there are million denominations of churches around the globe with
different kinds of teaching and doctrine; yet, one bible, one Jesus,
one Lord and one Saviour of all.

Some are tagged Pentecostal churches
while many are tagged orthodox but there is only one church
recognised in heaven, the body of Jesus Christ.

In Matthew
, Jesus declared, "and
upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it"

What does Jesus referred to as His

Is it the structure, or the people?

Scrutinizing this statement, we need
to dissect and diagnose every word that makes up the sentence in
order to get the full gist of what the master was saying.

Rock, according to the scripture is a
symbol of solid foundation.

Church as stated in this sentence
totally belongs to Christ as His body, and its building or growth is
absolutely dependent on Him.

Gate represents a stronghold that may
allow or deny ones access to a city, street or a house.

Hell is a symbol of punishment as a
result of disobedience.

Breaking down this statement however,
we arrived at something like this;
and upon
this solid foundation, my body shall be built and no stronghold of
punishment to disobedience can deny his manifestation.

Now, it is so clear the church is a
living entity, it is not a monument.

Jesus said He will build His church
and even defend him from every punishment allotted to him as a result
of disobedience. Even when a structure can be built, there is never a
need for anybody to defend it from being punished neither can it
disobey for it is not a man.

We therefore conclude that the church
is simply referred to as the people of God.

Peter confessed
that Jesus is the son of God and the Master said; on this solid
foundation, my body shall be built and become extremely large for
with this confession, all will be forgiven and every stronghold of
punishment to disobedience shall be redeemed. 

Every man from the beginning has lost
it but as many that receive Him, to them the access is given to be
joined to that body of Christ without any further punishment to sin.

It is good to build wonderful
structures in the name of church but God is more interested in
building His body by adding more members on daily basis.

Have you received Him into your life?

The opportunity is still there today,
your sin is already paid for provided you receive Him and believe
that He is the son of God.

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