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by E
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2002962
contains naga, teenagers and vore
Back when I was still in High School I saw on the notice - board a leaflet about one of the field - trips that was coming up soon...
... 'out to some place called, Felarya'. And I just thought aloud for a moment, "What the hell... one fieldtrip won't kill me."
When I signed - up my name.
Finally the day of the trip had arrived, everyone there on the bus simply, chatting away or reading a book to pass the time. I myself was trying to catch - up on my sleep.
As hours late, we finally got there and we were all stretching our legs, when someone shouted over, "Hey, look its the 'MEGA FATTY TABITHA..." as all she did was start crying and eating, just as almost everyone else started to laugh away at her discontent.
It wasn't long after when the role was called, just to make sure everyone who is supposed to be here was.
Not long afterwards the fieldtrip had begun.
Hours later I noticed that Tabitha had started her own private - trip deeper and deeper into the forest. As just then I started running - out after her, the further she went...
... 'I swore she actually knew this place, better than she knew her own body.'
When I eventually caught up with her... me, tired and covered in sweat her not doing much better, 'most - likely the extra tonnage.'
Tabitha not exactly your regular fat - chick, making the word gargantuan seem small. Though it was spread around very - nicely. With a 'Fantastic Ass and Huge Tits' on her, the main problem was always getting 'close' to her... thanks to the huge belly she had managed to create for herself.

"Why'd you come after me, exactly...?" she suddenly just yelled at me. As she turned around to face me.
When I was just about to answer the two of us heard an incredibly loud '*SNAP...' a little bit across from us.
When Tabitha just grabbed me suddenly and held me in close in a hug, as we were coming close to being scared to death.
Just as the source of the snap, revealed itself...
... or at least its top - half from the waist up.
We had good reason to be scared, and on top of that a bit turned - on from our current situation.
As Tabitha was about to start talking to this giant - creature, it butted - in... "... Hiya," as we weren't as scared of it when she first arrived. While she came - out from the bushes, and she was all woman : Shoulder length long blonde hair, a fantastic set of tits with a tight stomach...
... or at least that was her down to the waist anyway, as from the waistdown she was an enormous snake. And for when I was finally able to stop staring at her, my vision went up to her face and she looked hungry.
When she reached down and grabbed hold of us, one in each hand.
As all that she could think of saying was, Mmmmmmm... lunch..."
... as all she did then was lift Tabitha high above her head at full arms length, directly over her now wide - open mouth. Deciding to tease her next - meal a little before she dropped Tabitha into her mouth, and was now holding me and placing me down on a branch so high that I could see down her throat.
As with a single '*GULP...' Tabitha was nothing except a lump sliding down this creatures throat. Eventually landing down in her stomach, and still hungry.
When all she said was, "My name's Crisis, What's yours...?" as she was just staring at me with genuine interest...
"Does it matter anymore? Is telling you my name, going to save me from that cavern you call a stomach...!"
"Couldn't hurt..." as I merely stood there with my lips sealed.

When Crisis made a grab for me at that moment, and decided to play a quick - game of catch. By tossing me high - up into the air, and trying to catch me in her mouth.
As I landed it was wet and slippery, as I simply slid down the length of her tongue...
... staring out at was most likely the last ever glimpse of sunlight that I was ever going to get. When I heard and felt a near deafening '*GULP...' as Crisis swallowed me alive without a single care or worry about the 2 of us.
As I was sliding straight down her throat nearly being crushed to a bloody - lump of flesh as I started down her oesophagus...
... when I came to a sudden stop, as just then I felt something opening up and I fell down into Crisis' stomach. Seeing Tabitha leaning up against one of the stomach - walls I crawled over to her, placed a hand on her belly as I attempted to comfort her.
Even though I was just as scared at this moment, when Tabitha grabbed me and pulled me in close to her, as she started moving herself and sat down on top of my lap.
Engulfing me under what must've of been at least 500lbs. of fat. And was still pulling me in closer and closer.

Moments later Crisis started to digest, and simply let nature take its course. As me and Tabitha were digested alive, awake, and very slowly as we were kicking, screaming and begging for our lives at one - point.
Though Crisis couldn't care less, coiled up on a tree - branch and had a little nap.
When she eventually woke up...
... all she managed to say was. "I'm hungry..." when she heard a noise, and peered her head - over so she could see how many their were.
© Copyright 2014 E (snayluk69 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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