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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2010870
story that i am making
The car door opened, the driver shouted to you "Get in the car, Quick!" My body shifted into the virchal. I look though the rear view mirror to see a large giant woman attacking the city where I live and work. The driver started talking about a Giantess saying it was surreal. My mind just fuzzy I couldn't concentrate. I look round to see everyone driving like holiagans as we drove though and out of the city.
Car accidents, people screaming, shouting... This shit is real. the guy next to me driving asking if I was alright, I stay slient next I know He Swar as we crash in a lorry. My eyes, my vision my mind blank.

Chapter One

"Aaron Aaron!!" someone called

"Wait, wait I am just getting the camera" he replied, as he pick up his camera. Walking outside filming his wife and his in laws.

Aaron is the camera necessary? I mean it as we be away for two weeks" his wife smiled

"I think so, Your going to New york for two weeks without me for your sister wedding which we haven't seen for six years"Arron said as he zoom in towards your wife face.

"No time for games help me get my stuff in the back of the Taxi" she requested

Aaron puts the camera down and give his wife a hand "Ellen your going to be okay in new york?"

"Of course with my parents and my sister we be fine... you worry wart plus Sarah not going so she could keep up entertain" Aaron worryingly "I am just nervous about the business meeting next week, with you know the promotion and all I want to know if I get it.
Ellen "You work hard, you'll be fine, I promise." they kissed and Aaron started to feel better.

Ellen called for Sarah to give her a hug before she leaves. "Look after Aaron for me"

Sarah "He capable looking after himself..."

Ellen smiled and see everything is set for the airport, " I am going to miss you two I love you"

Both Aaron and Sarah said "I love you too". Everyone waves and say there good bye and The taxi starts up and pull out the drive and heads towards the airport. Aaron and Sarah left standing on the drive.

Aaron looks toward Sarah "Two week without parents, you going to have a party?"
I am consistently broke all the time"

Aaron "If you're free tonight maybe we go to the Cinema or grab a bite to eat"

Sarah "I am flatted and all but I Haven't..." Aaron stop her mid sentence "I like to go plus I got the party on Friday, I just want to forget about it"

"You'll be great, and thanks I will be ready for seven. Dancing with the Devils Daughter is a smash hit". she sounded excited

Aaron "Sound like a horror, I see you at seven"

Aaron got into his car and turn to see Sarah heading towards the front door she turn and smiled at him and went in. Aaron turn the car on and pull out the drive and went home.

Chapter two

Aaron closes the car door and walks toward the in Laws front door *knock knock* He can hear Sarah running down the stairs to open the door and let me in
"I am nearly ready you could wait in the living room for five minutes" she smiles. "Yes sure" Normally Ellen father use to sit on the sofa watching TV when me and Ellen started dating, Just feel weird sitting here on my own, looking back seeing the photos of Ellen Family, She get two sisters Sarah and Claire. Claire moved to New york to study then got a full time job there as a stock manager, and their Sarah twenty years old finished her University last year she studied Mathematics and Law, also noticeable taller out of the three, six foot one to my six feet two. While Ellen just five foot seven. And I can't forget Ellen she is my Wife we been Married for seven years, when we was twenty two. She a lovely Brunette, Who gorgeous Works part time in a Newsagent she Funny and full of character but bossy so it will be a peaceful two weeks.

Aaron looks at the clock noticing they're going to be late, He ask Sarah if she okay. next was the sound of foot steps going down. Sarah said "Ready" Aaron saw she was in a pair of jeans, checked short sleeve shirt and boots. "How do I look?" she asked I couldn't help but stare around her chest as they stuck out noticeably Diffidently a C at least, "You look great, shell we get into the car I don't like missing the communal"

Into the Cinema

Row J seat eleven and twelve
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