Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011352-A-man-named-Jason-Sanders
by Joseph
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #2011352
A story about a young man who decides to join the marine corps.
A story about a young man named “Jason Sanders” decides to join, the United States Marine Corps.
Jason is in for the surprise of his life, if he only knew what was to come about.

Monday, March 15, 2011 a young boy, named Jason Sanders is enlisting into the Marine Corps.
“Welcome to Marine Corps. Recruiting depot, I’m your worst damn nightmare! You’ll be back
Friday for the real fun, I hope you like to be treated like shit! That’s what I’m going to treat you
Like. ”

“I don’t hear you saying I-Sir or Sir Yes Sir! “ Jason thought to himself “Oh, I think I made a mistake which I can’t take back. I’m screwed “Jason, handing the Enlistment papers to the Recruiter walks out in doubt.
Jason is heading to his car, when his phone rings he continues walking. His hand reaching into his pocket
To get his phone, clasps his phone, answers it “Hello”, “Hi, it’s Angelica. I was wondering do you want to get lunch with me today.”

Jason replies:” Yeah, sure I just finished enlisting in the Marines, where do you want to get lunch at?”
“Well, I was thinking Subway? You’re going to be a Marine?” Jason replies “yes, I’m going to be
A Marine, I think Subway is perfect.” Clenching on to the handle of his car “Okay, well see you
At Subway around 12:30, bye.” Jason replies: “bye Angelica.” Angelica had already hung up.

Jason opens the car door sits down and puts his seat belt on. Reaches for the stereo and plugs-in
His I-pod, starts playing “Chariot”, By Gavin Degraw. Jason arrives at Subway not a minute late.
Angelica is sitting at a table in the far left corner; by the view of angry ugly pedestrians outside.
Not the best sight when you’re going eat a delicious Subway sandwich. Not even a good sight
At all to, be honest. Jason says “hey what a beautiful view” smiling and chuckling at Angelica.

Angelica replies “I think we should move there is a table available, in the front corner. That’s only
If you want to move that is?” Jason with a confident attitude replies “I don’t want to move, I’m only looking at the view across from me, which is very beautiful. Smiling and reaching for Angelica’s hand.”
Angelica smiling and stretching her arm out to meet Jason’s hand; she replies “I like my view too,
I’m glad we could have lunch together today.” Staring in each other’s eyes both realizing their
Futures intertwine together.

Jason and Angelica both, leaning into each other their lips meet, Jason feels a sudden rush
That runs through his stomach. As Angelica feels her heart beating, and hears Jason’s heart
And they suddenly stop kissing. Jason gets up and asks” what do you want? “Angelica
Replies” I want a smoked turkey sandwich, with sourdough bread and jalapeños on the
Side” Jason replies” I will try and remember all that. “Jason approaches the counter and
He is ready to order, the cashier says “welcome to Subway what would you like? “
Jason replies” I would like one ham and cheese with French bread, and one smoked turkey
Sandwich with sourdough bread and a side of Jalapeños” “your total is
$15.95, would you like anything else? Replied the cashier” Jason looks at the menu shakes
His head “No that would be it “Jason walks over to Angelica and sits down, pulls out his
Phone and shows her a picture of his father who died last month.

Jason’s father was driving home when an oncoming drunk driver hit William Sander’s (Jason’s father.)
The car flipped in the air 3 times; sliding 200 feet the car was totaled. William Sander’s was thrown 15ft
That night, his body was mangled there was nothing left, but some skin around his face and neck.
Everything else was bone and the only reason Jason’s family found out was because of the dental records.
Jason was very close to his father; his father always wanted him to join the Marines. When Jason was only 13 years old, His father helped him learn how to skateboard. His father used to skate when he was younger, so he gave Jason a few tips on how to skateboard. Jason became very good at skating, eventually got out of skating and went to writing where, he discovered how talented and passionate he is about writing. At 17 years old he told his father, he is going to be a Marine and his father smiled and told him, that He is proud of him and that he loves him. A year later, Jason decides to finally enlist into the Marines.
He wishes his father were here to see it all happen, but sadly his father was killed by a senseless drunk driver.

Angelica grabs his hand and says “you love your dad, he’s gone physically, but he is still with you spiritually. You’re a great guy, very handsome, funny and I like you. So do your best I’m always here for some reason I have this strange connection with you I feel something between us.” Jason replies “I love him to death I wish I would have joined sooner, so he could see me succeed and so he could see me with the most beautiful woman on this planet. I feel something to its strong I know we met 6 months ago, but I would love it if we talk more and not lost contact.” Angelica smiling and nodding her head “I really love what you just said, but I’m really hungry and our food is ready.” Jason stands up walks over and gets the food and replies” me too this looks so delicious , I need to take my time eating this kind of food; because next week is when I leave for boot-camp.” Angelica stuffing her face replies” Oh my God next week, that’s too soon; well can we spend the whole week together before you go? “Jason replies “of course we can, so did you ever get that internship?” Angelica replies “yes, that’s why I lost contact with you. I lost my phone in New York and got it back last week.” Jason replies “well I’m glad we are here now and I really want to see you when I get back.” Angelica’s response “I will be the first person you see I promise, also I am stuffed and I need to go home and babysit. Yes, I know I’m 18 and still babysitting.” Stands up and grabs Jason’s hand and walks out side, gives him a kiss goodbye and drives off.

Jason standing in the parking lot shocked of how fast she left; he gets in his car and heads home. Jason arrives at his apartment and plops his butt down on the couch. Jason then turns on the TV, gets on the computer and checks his Facebook. Jason thinking to him-self “Only one notification and 3 messages, I feel unloved” Clicks on messages the first message is from: Aaron Valdez “hey man what’s up how’re you since your dad passed away?” Jason replies “nothing much just enlisted in the Marines; it’s been really hard without my dad. I know he is here in my heart. How’re you?” the second message was blank and from someone anonymous. The third message was from: Erica Knight, Jason gets up to get some Pepsi and sits back down to read the message. The message read “hey good looking whatcha up to, I’m so fed up with life; hope you can come save me before slice my wrists and over dose. P.s I miss us . . . “Jason replies “what’s wrong where do you live at now? Is it the same place on Cactus Stone St.?” Erica replies “yes, please I’m scared I need you back. Please hurry! “Jason shuts the computer and grabs his keys, walks out the door, gets in his car and drives off to help Erica.

Erica has the knife to her wrist she’s about to cut. The bottle of oxy- cotton sits on the counter the lid is off, Jason knocks on the door; Erica answers the door falls into Jason’s arms looks up at his Dark blue eyes and kisses his lips. He starts to kiss back Erica takes of his shirt pulls him inside and slams the door. Jason pulls away from Erica; Jason grabs her and looks deeply into her Exotic deep blue eyes, runs his fingers at the back off her neck pulling her wavy blonde hair. Erica tells Jason that she loves him and wants him back; Jason looked at her and told her that he is going away for boot-camp in one week. Erica replies “one week? Hmmm… we’ve got to make it a good one then.” Jason replied “hell yeah we do, let’s go into your room or we can do it on the kitchen counter?” Erica grabs Jason and pulls Jason by his belt buckle into the kitchen; Jason slams her back onto the counter she slowly takes off his pants. Jason is naked, he goes down on Erica to take her panties off with his teeth; Jason starts slowly penetrating the walls of Erica’s vagina.
Erica is moaning Jason’s name saying “harder uhh, uhh, Ahh, Jason! Harder!! Ahh! “The door front door opens and it’s Erica’s parents. They both are shocked and can’t believe what they just witnessed, Erica’s mom passed out. Erica’s dad says to both Erica and Jason “What the hell are you to having sex on my counter for? There is a bedroom for that. Nice to see you Jason it’s been awhile I’m going to take my wife into our room and try to sleep, goodnight” Jason yells “Sorry Mr. Knight, goodnight.” Turns to Erica and says “What you still living with your parents I thought you they moved to Arizona? Erica replies “they did, but they came back two months ago I totally spaced out well we can continue this in my room or we can go get something to eat?” rubbing Jason’s shoulders, Jason turns around and says” no I’m going home you can come with me I’m very tired.” Erica gets up and throws on her panties runs up stairs grabs her: brush, pants, shoes, make up and an old picture of Jason and her. Jason is outside waiting in the car with the music blasting Erica runs down stairs and gets in the car. They arrive at Jason’s apartment and they both lie down and watch One Tree Hill season 5, episode 20.

Jason and Erica met when they were 14 years old, they didn’t like each other at first. Jason was a skater and was a player, while Erica was a goody to shoes; Jason bullied Erica at first then he found a note after Erica left class one day. The note read “I’m getting bullied and called ugly I don’t like living like this I want to kill myself , Erica is in another class while Jason is reading this he waits for the bell to ring to go find her and talk to her. Jason finds Erica and pulls her aside and tells her that he is sorry for calling her ugly, he tells her she is very beautiful and wants her to hang-out with him at the skate-park tonight. Erica tells Jason yes, I’ll go let me ask my parents first, Erica’s parents say yes. Erica then walks to the skate park and meets Jason there, Erica walks up to Jason and Jason pulls out a box of chocolates and a rose for Erica. Erica looks at Jason and gives him a hug, “Thank you, this is very sweet” Says Erica; Jason says thank you and asks her if she wants to learn how to skate. Erica says yes and they spent the whole night together, Jason taught Erica how to Ollie and ride the board without falling. Jason’s bully comes up to him and punches him in the face, pulls his underwear over his shoulders and spits in his face, then he snaps Jason’s skate board. The bully said “you’re a faggot and you’re never going to beat me wimp. Jason gets up and grabs Erica’s hand and walks away to the front entrance waiting for his mom to pick him up; Erica says I’ll just walk home I live right down the street, don’t worry about that guy you were the bigger person. By walking away and not saying anything he left; I’ll see you tomorrow. Days, weeks, months kept passing by and each moment Erica and Jason fell in love. Years and years passed by, Jason was going to propose to Erica and he found out she cheated on him. He never forgave or spoke with her till now.

Jason wakes up to the buzzing of his phone, it’s a text from Angelica “hey you good morning, I’ll be at your apartment in 30 minutes I’ll see you then.” Jason jumps up and tells Erica she has to go I’ll give her a ride home right now. “Uhmm. Why do I have to go home right now? Because the girl I really like is coming over and you’re here, so it’s awkward. “Well so what, I’m the one you want” Fiddling with her hair, Jason replies with a prideful attitude and gesture “No, you want me I used to want you, but we’re done! I really like this girl she’s beautiful and strong willed and strong headed.” Erica slaps Jason in the face and replies to Jason’s true feelings “Excuse you, you- you just had sex with me there is some kind of feelings there, bye- bye Jason “Jason stands in a statue like figure, Erica slams the door and walks down the stairs. Angelica is heading up stairs while fixing her hair and adjusting her shirt and pushing her boobs up; to make them look bigger. Angelica knocks on Jason’s door and Jason answers the door; “hey come on in, make yourself at home; I was hopping in the shower before you knocked. I’ll be out in 5 minutes 10 at the most. “can I hop in there with you” biting her lips and anticipating an answer

© Copyright 2014 Joseph (jharris316 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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