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Rated: E · Draft · Other · #2011403
I am drafting a new text.
Who are you? Me? In which mind? Yours or mine? I am you? Have you thought of this text? If not, how do you know? It's in your mind now. Was it never there before? Are you sure about that? Can you find a way to prove that this text is not from yourself?

Meanwhile when we trying to find proof of my mind not being yours I will tell a story.

Chapter 1

Losing magic

My bare feet was walking across the floor. The wood was trying to say it was cold. I ignored it. As I walked there came hollow sounds and creaking noise from my determent path across it. The Aloe Vera plant in its big pot on the floor did not smell. It had stopped smelling for a while now, and what was the reason why? Winter was coming. Maybe that's why.

It was time to become nostalgic. And it is not something I choose, it just happens in life of events and many of them are cyclic.

The fireplace was burning. There was a slight smell of forest burning in the room. Not much, but enough to remind me about the cyclic environment of carbon, oxygen and sunlight. And of course water. This would not do without the glass of water I had brought from my kitchen and the fact that the universe was very responsible for this event due to the fact that hydrogen, the most abundant element was a major part of this, and most of everything else too. Hydrogen that reacted with oxygen taste pretty refreshing, though without any particular taste, like the rest of my spit, a necessity- Happy to swallow it without any particular judgment.

Sometime in life, magic is not what it was. We have all been there. Santa Claus isn't the same today as when we where children, right?

What if this happens with EVERYTHING in your life? This is what this chapter is about. The dullness of everything.

The fire in the fireplace was burning, and quantum mechanics and cosmology said that the universe has the sum of zero, it's made of nothing. If you add all the energies in the universe it adds up to null. Comes from nothing, and will go back to nothing in the end.

If you go deeply into psychology, everything else has a reason too. Like mechanic robots the minds are. And so am I.

Chapter 2


I took a look at the window on the wall next to the fireplace, and tried to imagine what it looked like from outside, in the nice forest that had overgrown without my say-so. As being completely night, watching into my windows from the forest at absolute night, might seem like a dream.

The glass window has a certain transparency to a given wavelengths of light. The glass is transparent to the glow of the fire, and the shadows I make on the cold floor. But to deeper infra-red light, the windows are as transparent as a plate of steel. Completely black. Likewise, steel is transparent on other wavelengths and same are my body. In shorter wavelengths like X-rays other things are transparent. It depends on the material and the wave wavelengths, or frequency.

But there is a deeper sense of transparency. It has to do with honesty. And understanding. When a system is transparent, you can see every part that works. If you want to understand it, you can. Because there is no mystery. There is no hidden moving parts.

We humans feel good with transparency, because there is nothing to worry about, and we can relate to it and it feels safe and honest. But when something is hidden, we feel secrecy, the need to keep secrets or the need to tell them. Like a magician showing me something I can't understand, since it is hidden.. What happens to magic when I see the trick explained? Transparency happens, and magic fades. I am like an X-ray machine that suddenly sees what was missed before.

Understanding the universe is just making things more transparent, and also taking some magic away in the same step.

If I understand everything in the universe means that everything is transparent.

But is this always the case? Maybe, but this is what this book is going to explore with me, since this book is about me and not the author writing it.

I will have to come with a disclaimer after the second chapter: This book is going to take me on a journey where I have to hold on my hat and my sanity, because I WILL lose one of them!

Chapter 3

The realities

It starts with the 5 realities.

The first reality is the physical. This reality I will notice very much when I fall on a bicycle. Oh, the pain! Everything dealing with direct input on the senses is in the physical reality.

The second reality is the intellectual. This is more abstract than the physical. Although some people live within it as was as real as physical realities, like lawyers, politicians and CEO's and such. The world of the intellectual is about orienting ones mind with paragraphs in law books, company statements, government papers and lofty political statements.

The third reality is symbolism and has everything to do with what we define as symbolic, like tattoos and saluting a flag. When I see a logo of a well known soda-brand on a sign and feel associations, I am in the symbolic reality.

The fourth reality is emotions like happiness and sadness. The concepts of love, melancholia, spirituality and anger is in the emotional reality, among a lot of other emotions.

The fifth reality is attention. This reality is hard to understand fully. Understanding this concept is the portal to getting mind-blown into psychosis. It seems innocent to begin with, as it has to do with what we pay attention to, like reading my words. Attention also seems to be the master over the other four realities, like the reality of attention is the one that chooses if I am supposed to see things symbolic or intellectual, or if I should feel some sadness about the pain in my arm. Did I try to avoid thinking about black cats? Oh, no matter how hard I try not to go down the path of cat-like black furs I cannot avoid the attention-reality behind it all, where is the black cat? Oh, there! Yes, I see it now.
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