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required and bonus

Tuesday, Oct. 14

Required: Freestyle Brainstorm ▼

Spend at least fifteen minutes writing whatever ideas come to you about your plot, characters and setting.

Describe the night looking for the right branch

         Sarah readies Matilda for a comfortable night, but it might become a long one. It was time for her to find the perfect branch to channel her powers through. Two years of learning spell casting, rituals, and sisterhood from Willow is paying off after dawn breaks. She would be inducted into the sisterhood. She was going to be honored with a staffing. 

         Sarah dressed in her ceremonial black dress, and dressed Matilda to match. This ritual is usually performed alone, but Matilda had been interactive in the training right along the side of her mother.

         She fills the tiny black bag with snacks of berries for her toddler. Sarah and Matilda walk the hidden path toward the ritual grounds where they can search for the tree with the most power from Mother Earth.

         Upon reaching the area, Matilda gathers sticks and twigs. She put as many as she could in her skirt. She knew that all rituals begins with a fire and ends in holy ash. Sarah smiles with proud that her young daughter is so wise. Sometimes she could feel the power radiating from her tiny body as she lays her to sleep at night. Sarah was truly ecstatic to have Matilda to share this with.

         The moon is full. Sarah doesn’t need the flames for light. The flames carry power of their own there under the watchful eyes of so many birch trees.  The birch trees are said to have watched over witches for centuries, and if they are respected they lend power of their strength, nurture, and most of all their sight.

         Sarah lays Matilda down to sleep on the sacred alter to sleep the night away. She need to be able to hone into the power of the trees. If Matilda was close, Sarah may confuse her daughter’s abilities with that of the Might Birch.

         Sarah slowly walks around the trees. She goes from one to another.

Bonus: Extended Brainstorm ▼

Describe the ceremony and spell cast upon the wand

         Sarah gathers her daughter.  “Moma,”

         “Yes, Matilda.”

         “Did you get a powerful branch?”

         “Yes, the big tree nearest where you slept has loaned me a limb and a little of her power.” Sarah explains to her young daughter as she reaches the girl some berries to eat on their way home.

         The path was brighter as they walked the mile or so home. The grasses and branches reaching out were damp with dew. The power of the early morning was felt by both.

         “Momma, does the dew die as the sun rises and heats the earth.”

         “No my daughter,” Sarah stepping faster than she means to. She bends over and picks Matilda up to carry her for a quicker journey. The dew waters the earth at night. It gives the creatures of the night drink. The sun dries the earth so that the fields of the day can bloom with color. The creatures of the day can see to flee from harm. The two work together to care for the earth. In return, she gives them her life and serves them with her power.” Sarah is at pace that is nearly running. “It won’t be long until the sun is up. We must make it to Willow for the Staffing before the sun truly wakes up.”

         Upon arrival at Willow’s cottage, Sarah sits Matilda back to her own feet so that the two can walk in together. Willow was dressed in a black plain dress with her hair pulled back in a bun. This was modest apparel for Willow. She ushers Sarah and her child into the middle of the living room. There the laid the branch on a table covered with white and black candles. When the branch was laid down, Willow takes Sarah by the hand. “Close your eyes my daughter,” She tells Sarah. “It is time that you become your own witch.”

         Sarah obeys her, and closes her eyes. Willow seems to reach into Sarah’s mind. For over ten minutes the two are linked hand in hand. Then Willow runs her hand over the branch.

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