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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2014761
On the run, but now has to go back home.

"Can you see me that I wish you could see? Will you love me when you see that me? Always and forever in love...with me."

Sometime around night time, when the moon is at its highest, a strange mocha complexioned female wearing all black, and her right eye hidden behind her hip length straight blondish hair with light pink tips and hands covered with red laced fishnet gloves is seen wandering through the La'Breau forest. She explores deeper into the mysterious La'Breau forest, stepping on old twigs and leaves, where she herself knows that it's unsafe. Unsafe, due to the rumors about 2 high school students a few weeks ago that wandered into the same forest and never came out. Then 2 days ago, a teacher went into the La'Breau forest to continue the search for the 2 students after the search had been called off within the first 48 hours of the students gone missing. And that teacher was never seen again as well. But, for some reason she wasn't the least bit scared, like most students and teacher would be or have been. Feeling a very odd motion; a presence; is there with her in the mysterious La'Breau forest, waiting for her. She then hears a voice, a voice of a boy calling her name. She looks around as calm as she always is, for the voice but it seems as though the voice is coming from all directions. Ignoring the voice of the boy, she steps deeper into the forest until she comes upon a small and dark hut. Smiling, she ambles towards the small hut but abruptly stops in her tracks when she sees a park of a lighter on the right side of the hut.

"So . . . this is where you go . . . to hide and be alone from the world."

Her breath caught in her throat and her lips parts as if she wants to answer, but she does not say anything. "I know you can talk. You talk to everyone else, Amethyst." He draws smoke from the lit cigarette as he leans on the side of the hut, his piercing red eyes baring into her own emerald green eyes.

Still speechless, she freezes up, looking at the moon high in the sky and at its fullest. Then back at the figure that's now blowing smoke halos in the air. He starts examining the cigarette as if it's now nasty. He takes another draw from the cigarette then starts coughing. Flicking the cigarette he continues to lean against the hut.

"I see why you like it out here. No one to bother you. No one to answer to. Just alone with your own thoughts." He crosses his arms across his chest and looks up at the moon as well.

Her lips curls, "Expect for you being here." She snaps at him.

He tilts his head to the right and Amethyst can see his hair spilling from over his shoulder, continuing as if she had never interrupted him. "The Soothing sound of the lake . . . beautiful. Simply beautiful." His eyes glide over to her for a split second then goes back to staring at the moon. Shifting his weight, he says, "You don't like me very much, do you?"

"What does it matter to you if I like you or not? Or if I talk to everyone else but you?" She snaps again making some of her hair fall into her face.

He hovers over to her and comes within inches of her face, almost close enough to kiss her. She could smell the cigarette smoke that still lingered on his clothes and his breath, making her a little nauseous. Her heart beating fast, he says with an attractive yet sinister smirk, "You should be very careful with whom you osculate with. Remember who helped you the most, little girl." With that he flicks her bottom lip which causes her to blink. Upon opening her eyes, he was gone without a trace.


She knew that she could not stay in her hut now that he knew where she is, where her place of solitude is. She would have to go back home for a while, which is the very thing that she dreaded. Frustration settling in, she kicks the door of the hut causing it to swing open. She enters the small hut to see that nothing has been disturbed or taken. Walking through the hut towards her room in the back of the hut, she makes sure that nothing at all has been taken or disturbed throughout the rest of the hut. Once satisfied that all is okay and nothing is amiss, she goes into her room, and pulls a medium sized, faded black roller suitcase from under her bed and throws it on top of the bed making the flap flop open. Going through her drawers, she pulls out her clothes and neatly puts them in the suitcase. The same with her shoes, toiletries, and underwear. After no more than 5 minutes of packing what she needs, she steps into her closet and reaches on the top shelf. She pulls a small shoebox from the shelf then sits on her bed. She opens it, revealing over a dozen passports. Sighing, she shuffles through them, checking each one until she finally finds her own at the very bottom of the box. Flipping to her picture, she smiles and places the shoebox under her bed and zips up her suitcase. Then puts it on the floor and rolls it to the front door of the hut. Shaking her head and frowning deeply at the hut that has kept her from the world and its warm homeliness, she is going to miss it. Closing her eyes, she grips the door handle and steps outside. As she closes the door of the hut, the hut immediately goes up in flames, destroying everything. This is the final chapter of her life of independence.


Amethyst flinches as the plane bangs sharply as it flies a little more steadily through the night skies. Finding an airport that had an immediate flight to where she needed to go was quite a journey. Even more of the journey since no taxi companies ran at midnight. But, she made it within 9 minutes of this plane getting ready for take-off by calling for any last minute flight people. Pressing her face against the glass of the plane's window. It's still a shock to her that she is on her way home, the very place she left from. Her eyebrows knitting in anger, she rips her face from the window and is greeted by a stewardess shifting uncomfortably in her uniform and carefully pushing a cart full of possible high priced snacks. "Would you like anything?" She asks with a tired smile.

Amethyst shakes her head and the stewardess then asks the male that's sitting next to Amethyst. A strong sudden smell of onions fill her nose making her scrunch up her face and look to see what the male had gotten. Onion chips and a diet cola. She looks at his stomach; Hmm, beer gut. Cheating on your idea won't make that go away. She thought as nausea settlings in her stomach due to the overpowering smell of the onion chips. She wishes that she had gotten a Sprite or Ginger Ale, but she knows that the stewardess would not be back for a while. Amethyst lays her head on the cool window of the plane and curls up in a ball in her seat, she closes her eyes. For some strange reason, her mind shifts to the last thing her mother, her own mother had said to her before leaving her at the entrance of Erebus, an high security boarding school for supposed Ne'er do wells.

"You are just too much for me to handle. Between you, your 2 sisters, and your brother, I just believe that this would be easier for both of us if you stayed here for a while."

Name: Allysaune St.Thomas

Age: 17 years old

Hair: Burnette shoulder length

Eyes: Brown

Complexion: A light peach color

Amethyst beings to hear muffle sounds of the pilot over the intercom, shouting and yelling, "We are experiencing some major turbulence! Please remain seated and fasten your seat belts! Thank you."

Opening her eyes, Amethyst sees the panic and fear corrupting the passengers as the plane shakes violently, lights flicker, and the oxygen masks descend. Everyone in complete disarray grabs for the oxygen masks. Amethyst grips the arm rest of the chair. Suddenly, a male passenger turns to Amethyst, he strongly resembles the figure that was at Amethyst's hut. "Amethyst, you have got to calm down or you will kill everyone and possibly yourself as well. You have to breathe!"

Amethyst begins to take medium sized breaths, calming her heart rate down and clearing her mind of her mother's words. While her heart rate calms so does the turbulence of the plane. The male smiles at Amethyst, "Good, you are doing great. Your aura is changing as well. Just keep breathing easy. It's going to be alright."

Beads of sweat rolls down Amethyst's forehead and cheeks as the turbulence of the plane finally stop. Amethyst looks around at the passengers starting to calm down. Then back at the male passenger whom has vanished. The voice of the pilot sounding shaken and still on edge comes back on, "Due to the turbulence, we will be landing in the next city, which is Haven Winter. We will be arriving in Haven Winter in 10 minutes or less. Thank you for your cooperation and patience."

Amethyst say there not believing that just happened. Watching some of the passengers gather their bags and things, Amethyst really begins to ponder if going back home is the best choice for her and her sanity. Sitting back, the pilot announces that the plane is now landing and seat belts should be fastened. As the plane descends on the runway, Amethyst tends to keep her cool on rather seeing her family would be best right now. She didn't want to start something worse than turbulence. The plane comes to a complete stop and the passengers gather their bags and file off the plane. Amethyst being in the middle of the ling is in a hurry to get off the plane but that rush soon fell so flat because she didn't have any reason to be excited.

"Thank you for flying with Graviton Planes. Have a nice day." The pilot announces.

Hobbling off the plane and into the buzzing and busy airport lobby, she goes to the baggage claims area and waits for her suitcase to come tumbling out along with a few other people waiting.

"The weather here is going to be awesome for this whole month." Says an middle aged female to an young girl, possibly her daughter. "So, while I am at work, you and your father can go and have fun."

The young girl sighs, hanging her head as well, "But, I wanted to spend time with you. For us to do something."

The conversation sounds so familiar to Amethyst, her mind stuck on the conversation, the baggage claims' spinner starts to spin a little faster than usual. The bags spin off the spinner and flying into mid-air causing the people in the lobby to run and duck for cover. Air-port security officers come running, ducking, and weaving tow3ards the baggage claims area and checking on the people that have been hit. Amethyst runs and takes refuge behind a square beam. She can hear people screaming and footsteps running for cover. While the security tries to get in contact with the baggage control room with no success. Amethyst slides down the beam on to the floor and closes her eyes, taking in huge calming breaths. Reminding herself that it's going to be okay, as tears form in her closed eyes. She hears the spinner wire down to its natural speed and the bags stop flying. Amethyst peeks around the corner of the beam to see a few people coming from their hiding spots, others attending to people that have been injured, and some still running out of the lobby in fear.

The blur of ambulances sirens cause her to flinch and stand up. She comes from behind her own hiding spot. An EMT runs up to her, "Ma'am, are you okay?"

Amethyst nods then answers, "Yes, I am fine."

The EMT eyes Amethyst then nods and runs over to a male leaning upright against the information desk, holding his head and making a lot of non-sense groaning noise. She definitely needs to be more careful in really controlling her temper. However, she begins now ponder why her powers are so out of whack. That left her mind when she saw her suitcase tumble down. She pulls it from the spinner then strolls out of the airport lobby and into the cool evening breeze of Monte, Haven Winter.

Cars moving in and out of the airport's roads and loading zone, people holding cabs while some of the baggage holders help them place their bags in the trunks, and others hug their family and friends as they pull up at the loading zone. She reaches into her pocket of her cool grey dress and pulls out her wallet. Opening it, she looks at how much money she has. Nodding, she extends her hand out to haul a cab. A cab stops and she gets in the back, setting her suitcase next to her.

"Where to miss?" The female cab driver asks looking at her from her rearview mirror. The cab smells of strawberries and some other strong citrus fruit. The conflicting smells burns the inside of Amethyst's nostrils causing her eyes to water. Opening her wallet again, she takes out a small, folded piece of paper and hands it to the driver. The driver takes it and opens it. "Can you get me to that address?" Amethyst asks.

Reading the address, the driver nods, "Oh yeah. It's not that far from here." the driver looks at Amethyst confused.

Amethyst scrunches up her nose, "Mind taking the back roads?" She figured that things have changed since last she's been here.

The driver looks as if no one has ever asked her that before. "Sure." She pulls out of the loading zone carefully, then out of the airport and onto the main street. Amethyst sits back and relaxes, her mind still swirling of not being so sure if she should go back home just yet. She knew that she wouldn't be able to avoid it. It would also be an absolute surprise to her mother if she were to come home.

Considering the last thing her mother has heard about Amethyst was that she escaped from Erebus in the dead of night in the middle of winter along with 15 other students. That was it, all except that the search had been called off for Amethyst and a few other students. However, 6 of 15 students including Amethyst were not found.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew, the cab driver is gently shaking her. "We are here, Miss."

© Copyright 2014 Jonoah Amber (ajah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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