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required character profile willow

Mental Attributes:

She is strong, confident, and a happy-loving leader of the coven.

What is this characters IQ:

She is knowledgeable in book education. She is a fourth generation witch with powers passed through the family line.

Personality Traits:

Happy, a leader, wise, a negotiator


Creates an electric disturbance when she is upset or excited

She becomes too trusting of Mercy.




Creating the since of belonging with the women of the coven



What does s/he like about him/herself?

Her connection with mother earth.

What does s/he dislike about him/herself?

Hidden Loneliness due to not having a mate

Favorite Foods:

Fish eyes and black peas

Least Favorite Foods:


What is his place in his community or tribe?

Leader of the coven

What is his back story?

Her ancestors were the witches of Salem. Each generation of women lived longer than the generation before her. Willow’s grandmother lived to be 120 years old, her mother lived to be 151 years old, and Willow believes that a spell and a natural lifestyle would carry her life and youth well past 200 years old.

Physical appearance:

She was fit.. 5’6” tall.. tan skin.. bright brown eyes.. black wavy hair.

Strange or unique physical attributes:

Her hair was down to her knees. She wove flowers and stones into it every day.

Favorite clothing style/outfit:

She loves to dress in black accents of jewels or stone jewelry.

Defining gestures/movements (i.e., curling his or her lip when he or she speaks, always keeping his or her eyes on the ground, etc.):

Smiles.. when she needs to have someone to convert to her side of things, she would whisper. Her whisper gained their attention.

Speaking style (fast, talkative, monotone, etc.):

She speaks softly

Pet peeves:

Stories about “Halloween” or “Mc cob” stereotypes of witch.

Fondest memory:

Making friends with Anna. She was happy to have another person to keep company. She was happy to have a baby living in her home.

This character is highly opinionated about:

Not hiding who she is, and supporting who others are.

Family (describe):

Willow and her mother lived alone on a farm. They practiced spells and rituals alone.

Deepest, darkest secret:

The fact that she and her mother was a witch.

Reason he or she kept this secret for so long:

Her mother was afraid of what other people would do to Willow if it was public.

Other people’s opinions of this character (What do people like about this character?

No one has ever seen her without a smile.

What do they dislike about this character?):

Christians taught their children to fear because of being a witch.

Religion/philosophy of life:

She practices witchcraft openly.

Description of his or her house:

She has removed all doors home. The only door covers are the bead curtains as you enter the front and back of the house.

Description of his or her bedroom:

Willow removed her bedroom door to symbolize that she has no secrets from the coven family. She had an alter made of birch wood where she place candles and craft stones. She also had red light bulbs in her bedroom to cast a hue of fire in shadows.

Any pets?

Willow’s land was a farm. She raised cows, pigs, horses, goats, and domestic cats, dogs, birds, and wolves form the surround hillside.

Best thing that has ever happened to this character:

She was the most happy when she opened her land, home, and religion to wayward women.

Worst thing that has ever happened to this character:

Hiding her powers and beliefs while her mother was alive.


She believes that hiding your craft, you are may take witches back to the time of burning

Three words to describe this character:

Charming, smart, open

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