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Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2015823
Part 3 of a series about a Succubus and her mortal concubine.
Part 3 – A Calm Before the Storm

I awoke again, finally recovered from my sessions with Lillith and Ophelia and feeling well rested. Light poured in from the open balcony and illuminated the room and my body had been cleaned while I slept, a stone basin filled with steamy water and fresh towels stood next to my bed. “Wow, that was a Hell of an experience.” I stood up and stretched, yawning loudly as I looked out over the balcony from across the room, admiring the scenery of the massive planet looming over the horizon. “Lillith was... amazing last night.” I pondered aloud, wondering what awaited me today.
“Good morning, handsome.” I turned around, seeing Lillith by the door with a smile on her face. “Did you sleep well?” She walked over, placing some clothes on the bed next to me.
“I believe so, I feel much better. Thank you for asking, Mistress.” I took the simple, medieval style clothes and dressed myself. The finely woven fabric breathed extremely well and to my surprise was incredibly comfortable. “Was there something you needed of me, my Lady?” I was eager to serve her, especially after the wonderful time she treated me to the previous night.
“I was wanting you to join me in a morning walk, I can show you around the castle a bit and I could use the company.” Without waiting for a reply, she turned and walked toward the door and I followed behind her closely. “We need to make a stop before we go to the courtyard, it will only take a moment.”
“Yes, Mistress.” I politely responded and as she locked the door behind her, we continued down the torchlit hall. The dark passage seemed rather haunting, our shadows danced in the torchlight along the walls as we walked, and we soon stopped at another wooden door down the hall. Lillith knocked twice before entering, and a loud thud could be heard inside. as I stepped inside with her, I could see Ophelia kneeling to Lillith beside an unmade bed, her hair was feral and she had a groggy demeanor, and I tried to hide my laugh realizing she fell off the bed when Lillith woke her.
“How are you feeling Ophelia?” Lillith approached her while Ophelia avoided eye contact, still a bit shaken from her punishment.
“I'm feeling much better, Mistress. Are you here to finish my punishment?” My amusement was suddenly halted; I thought she had already been punished but apparently there was still more to come.
“No, that will come later. I was just checking to see how your recovery has come along. You have choirs to do so you best get about it, I let you sleep in late but nap times over now.” Lillith chuckled and nodded to me that we were leaving, and I closed the door behind me after holding it for her.
We continued down to the end of the hallway where we came across a spiral staircase separated by a hall in either direction, and we made our way downward towards ground level. My room was high above the forest canopy so making our way down took a minute or two, but we finally reached the bottom floor and began walking down another dark, torchlit pathway. We came to a thick wooden door, and as I opened it for Lillith, the sudden burst of sunlight in the dark corridor temporarily blinded me, and I followed her at a few paces behind so not to bump into her. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see a beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers, while statues and fountains were scattered throughout. There was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair watering plants and a set of gardening tools nearby. “Productive, as usual, aren't we Vanessa?” The blonde woman turned around, unaware of Lillith's presence, and put the watering bucket on the grass and lowered herself to one knee, bowing before Lillith.
“Of course, Mistress, I hope everything is to your liking.” She replied in an adorable, mousy voice.
“Everything looks fine, stand up and come closer, I need to introduce you to someone.” Vanessa approached us and awaited Lillith's command, who motioned me closer as well. “This is Vanessa Ravenheart, she was my first apprentice before I took Ophelia under my wing.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you Vanessa.” I politely bow my head courteously.
“Such good manners, a pleasure to meet you as well.” She performed an elegant curtsy, and remembering what Lillith said to me about a time when she herself was once human, I imagined Vanessa was from the Renaissance or Victorian era.
Lillith cradled Vanessa's cheek and smiled. “Keep up the hard work, tonight I'll let you get better acquainted with our new friend.”
“Of course, Mistress, I'm looking forward to it.” She smiled at me and then back to Lillith before gleefully returning to her chores of tending to the garden, excited at the notion of tonight's plans.
Lillith and I walked along a stone path throughout the garden, the setting was very romantic and was a nice contrast to our nocturnal activities. From the courtyard, I quickly realized how massive the castle actually was, it's towering walls stretched upward nearly touching the clouds, it's broad perimeter seemed to go on for miles. The castle was the size of a small city, and likely housed many succubi and their servants. “I know you have questions, feel free to ask them.” Lillith abruptly stated.
While the subject was still fresh on my mind, I asked my first question. “Yes, Mistress; You once mentioned you weren't always a succubus, what brought you to become one?”
“My sister, actually, her name was Desiree and she was a wild, ambitious woman. When I married and settled down with my husband, she became jealous and spiteful. She tried to seduce him and he refused her, and shortly afterward she left and never came back.” The news of Lillith having a Husband in life came to quite a shock, and a Sister who has connections with succubi as well. I continued to listen, intrigued by her story. “When traveling across Europe in the 14th Century to visit family, I was mortally wounded by a landslide on a mountain path. As I laid there dying, a succubus by the name of Inga Darkrose approached me and told me of Desiree's heinous plans while she was away. She had become a succubus and had her Mistress claim my husband while I traveled, and she was to receive my husband as her reward after one-hundred years of service. Inga saw the potential in me just as Desiree's Mistress hadseen in her, and she offered me a chance to make my sister jealous again, this time for all eternity. I was angry, scared and heartbroken, but I reluctantly agreed to become a succubus to spite my Sister. Desiree had taken the name Desdemona Lovespell, and when she was given my husband she tormented him for nearly half a century before she grew bored and consumed his soul.”
While listening to Lillith's story, her expression became angry and filled will hate. “Mistress, I'm so sorry, I can't begin to imagine what you went through.” I was at a loss for words, her existence as a succubus was born out of such a horrible betrayal.
She stopped and look up to the sky, her gaze brimmed with deep contemplation. “No, I apologize, it's such a nice day and here I am reminiscing on such tragic events. Unfortunately, my Sister is currently visiting the castle these next few nights, with any luck you won't have to meet her.” Her contemplation seemed broken, a worried stare had now replaced it. I remained silent, and after a moment she looked back at me sternly. “She's an evil, sadistic woman whom I hate more than anything, if you happen to meet her, do not trust anything she says.” The seriousness in her tone began to frighten me, it was the first time I had seen Lillith so put off, and I dreaded what kind of monster her sister was. “Enough on that matter, what other questions do you have for me?”
I tried to put my worry aside and continued to sate my curiosity. “Well, if you hail from the 14th Century, why haven't you found a concubine until now?” After six hundred years as a succubus, I found it odd that she only recently found a lover.
“Fact is, I've had other concubines, and I'll tell you the same thing I told them. I long for a companion who is willing to spend eternity with me. But as time went on, these men realized that eternity wasn't what they really desired and requested I end their servitude to me. I consumed their souls in a final act of courtship and they died peacefully and happy to have met me, and I again continued my search for someone who was willing to stay by my side forever. If you ever have second thoughts on our relationship, I'll do the same for you, but I hope that won't happen.” It seemed my second question only brought about more sad memories, I began to feel like a storm cloud following her on an otherwise bright day.
I dropped on one knee and bowed my head, Lillith looking to me in curiosity. “Mistress, I don't mean to make you sad. May we discuss these questions another time?”
She paused in silence, then walked up to me smiling. “That's fine, but there is something you could do to cheer me up again.” She placed her hand under my chin and lifted me up as I stood before her.
“What is it my Mis...” I'm cut short as she pulls me against her body, kissing me with furious passion. I slowly raise my arms, careful not to overstep my bounds, and I put them around her waist. She quickly undressed our clothes and forced me to the ground, climbing on top of me in the process. “Lillith, I...”. She placed her fingers across my lips, silencing me.
“Shh, not another word.” She grinned playfully as she took me inside her, and I let out a soft moan as she began to straddle me. I looked up at her, her smiling face awash in ecstasy as she happily used my body to pleasure herself. She wasted no time with pleasantries as she increased her speed, and I could feel my body rapidly being forced to it's limit in a short amount of time.
“Mistress... I...” Before I could collect my thoughts, I was brought to a massive orgasm.
Her forceful attack was quick and straight to the point, the encounter didn't even last a full minute. After her quick fix, she held me tightly for a while longer, savoring the moment of my release. “Mmm, I'd say that makes up for it, don't you?”
“Maybe.” I chuckled, playfully teasing her about the sudden act of sexual aggression.
She kissed me, laughing at my campy humor. “Clean yourself up in the nearby fountain and put your clothes back on, you'll need your strength for tonight.” I wearily climbed to my feet, trying not to fall over and make a fool of myself. After cleaning myself and drying off the best I could, I put my pants back on as Lillith aproached from behind. kissing me on the shoulder before assisting me with the button down shirt. After I buttoned the shirt, she put her arms around my stomach and rested her head on my back, and I cupped my hands over hers and we spread our fingers, interlocking them while we stood there together. “What would you like to do today?” She asked me.
“It's entirely up to Mistress, I just want you to be happy.” I rubbed my thumb across the top of her hand in a comforting fashion while our hands were still entangled together.
“Don't tempt me, you know full well what I want, but we need to hold off until tonight.” She pouted, pestered by her temptations as evening was still quite a ways away. “I promised my servants that I'd treat them to you tonight, I'd hate to wear you out before they are even done with their choirs.”
“I know, I feel the same way. I'd rather not have you break your promise, though the desire taunts me as well.” I look up at the sky, half covered by the looming planet overhead, bringing me to my next question. “Do these worlds have a name?”
“The moon we're on is called Serenity, while the host planet is called Tranquility. They're quite beautiful aren't they?” She holds me tighter as we both look up at Tranquility. “This world inspires so much awe and wonder, which reminds me, there's a special place I'd like to take you, but that will have to wait until another night.”
“What sort of place, Mistress?” She piqued my curiosity, and I wanted to know more about this place and why it was special.
She giggled as she playfully bit the back of my neck. “You're just going to have to wait and see, I won't spoil it for you by describing it.”
“Lillith I... don't forget your promise.” that warm sensation began to creep in through my neck as she continued to nibble the tender tissue, seductively kissing and sucking. I began to drop my restraints again which only tempted her more, and she opened her mouth wide, creating a suction with her lips as her tongue teased my flesh. In a brief moment of clarity I pulled away, and I turned around with my back to the fountain shocked at what I had just done. “I... Mistress, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to...” My sudden guilt was met with fear and shame, and Lillith raised her hand and wagged her finger for me to approach her, her powers of telekinesis slowly pulling me forward. In a sudden burst of force, I was thrown into her arms, expecting her to punish me with a brutal feeding session. Instead, she just held me and I put my arms around her to comfort her.
“You're fine, you were just looking out for me and the promise I made to my cohorts.” We were both conflicted, she had told me the night that we had met that there would be no restraints on our inhibitions and no denials, but there were. It seemed strange to me that a powerful Demon such as her showed signs of emotional conflict, but remembering the story of her origin, I had an idea what might be eating away at her. Becoming a succubus had corrupted her, compelled her to indulge in acts of lust and although I believed she enjoyed such acts, she didn't want to abandon her desire to find love and share her life with someone, even if that life was now eternal. I thought she had her urges under control, but apparently not as much as I first believed. It seemed we were both slaves, I to her and her to her dark temptations.
I grew concerned and tightened my embrace around her as I came to better understand her own desires and why I was chosen over so many others. I wanted to be there for her, to comfort her in her times of need and doubt, sharing the burden together. “Mistress Lillith, don't be sad, I'm here and I'm not going to let you go. We'll always be together.”
“Thank you, I'm glad you're coming to realize what I'm looking for. It's rare for me to have these fleeting moments of humanity, such things are hard to let go of and it's quite a gift to have these emotions again, even if they are only for a brief moment.” We clung together as if some unseen foe were trying to tear us apart, our embrace seemed to be a lifeline to which we both desperately needed.
“You asked me what I wanted a moment ago; I want us to hold each other like this and fall asleep in each others arms. No sex, just this peaceful and quiet time together, is that alright with you?”
“Of course, we'll go back to the bedroom and take the day to relax and enjoy each others company.” She took her arms from around me as we headed back up to the bedroom, spending the rest of the day with simple pleasures. We laid in bed holding one another and talked for awhile before drifting to sleep.

“It's time, my Love, let's get started with your welcoming party.” Lillith whispered as I awoke during the night. She was still in bed with me, her arms around me in a loving embrace. As I turned to look at her, I could see Vanessa and Ophelia standing by the bed. They were nude and smiled deviously, anxious to have their way with me and my stomach began to flutter in nervousness.
I didn't think myself to be thrown in the fray as soon as I woke, but I had no choice in the matter, this is what Lillith wanted and I wasn't going to argue. “Yes, Mistress, how will we begin?” She kissed me, the light, subtle feel of her lips on mine helped to calm me a little.
“Sit down in that chair over there, there's going to be a little show for you before we get started.” I did as Lillith commanded and took a seat, the chair was only a few feet away from the bed and facing towards it. “Ophelia, it's time you pay off that debt you owe me. Lay down on the bed and be still.”
Ophelia was stunned, she had no idea that her final punishment was about to begin in here of all places. “Y-Yes, Mistress.” She cautiously climbed onto the bed and laid down, appearing even more nervous than I was. Vanessa walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, smiling at me, then turned her attention to Ophelia and Lillith as she bit her lower lip in anticipation.
Lillith crawled onto the bed with Ophelia, placing her arms under her legs and around her thighs as she started to stimulate Ophelia orally. “I don't understand, Mistress, this feels really good.” Ophelia was puzzled, it seemed she was being rewarded rather than punished.
Lillith looked up at her, rubbing her hands on Ophelia's thighs and stomach. “It does, doesn't it? Let's see what other sensations we can conjure out of you.”
“Other sensa...?” Lillith began to stimulate her again, but with a furious lust. Ophelia arched her back in ecstasy, gripping the sheets as Lillith began to display to her what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a succubus' feast. “Mis...Mistress... plea- ahh!” Her pleas were only greeted with a rush of stimulation, silencing her from finishing her sentence. She screamed as Lillith tormented her, and while Lillith worked her powers on Ophelia, she gave Vanessa a subtle glance with a glow in her eyes signaling her to join them. Vanessa climbed into bed with them and gave Ophelia a sinister smirk before standing directly over her, her amber colored eyes becoming a bright yellow glow which appeared quite frightful. “Vanessa... What are you...?” Ophelia desperately tried to endure the punishment, questioning Vanessa's motives, but was silenced for the final time as Vanessa lowered herself on her face. Vanessa grabbed a tuft of Ophelia's hair and forced her face in between her thighs, her muffled cries escalating as Lillith became even more aggressive. Despite me becoming more trustful of Lillith, the site of her and Vanessa feeding from the perspective of a third person was terrifying. Their eyes glowed very brightly with a sinister aura while their facial expressions exuded an animalistic lust bordering on insanity. The image was reminiscent of two lioness' feeding on a carcass in the dead of night, their glow like eye shine as they wallowed in their gluttony, it chilled me to the bone and left me frozen in fear. The two of them seemed completely different, and I began to have doubts as I watched them feast in a way that could only be described as Demonic. After a few minutes, Ophelia's body goes limp, nearly devoid of life save for the occasional twitch of a finger or limb, and the two of them turned their gaze toward me in unison.
I knew that I must have had a look of terror and dread on my face as they stepped off the bed and slowly walked towards me in predatory fashion. “Mistress, what... what is this? You're frightening me...” I slumped in the chair with my eyes wide in fright as they approached. Suddenly they stopped, Lillith raising her arm between Vanessa and I, and she continued towards me as her eyes burned more brightly than ever before, her expression void of emotion. As she reached out for me, she gave me a hug and held me against her body.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to punish you as well, forgive me.” I quickly put my arms around her in relief.
“You seemed so different, like it wasn't even you any more.” While holding her, I looked over to Vanessa who appeared to share our Mistress' sympathy, then to Ophelia. Her body laid motionless and her face showing the fear she experienced. Her mouth hung open, drool running down her cheek while her eyes were rolled in the back of her head. “Is she dead?” I asked Lillith.
“No, but she's very weak and it will take a few days for her to fully recover.” Lillith looked back to Vanessa. “Take Ophelia to her quarters and meet me back here.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Vanessa raised Ophelia's form into the air, both of them dispersing into dark, shadowy tendrils as they vanished from the room.
“I'm sorry, I knew you were looking forward to tonight and now I feel like I crashed the party. I... I've just never seen you like that before, even on the night I met you, I didn't know what to make of it.”
“I know, there's no need to apologize.” She continued to hold me as my body was still shaken up by what I had witnessed. “Come, join me on the bed.”
I stood up and came to bed with her, and we laid together for a few minutes before Vanessa returned. “What do you need of me now, Mistress?” she asked
“I want you to keep our friend company tonight. You may feed but be gentle, I want him to be comfortable and if he is otherwise, there will be Hell to pay.” Lillith stood up and leaned over me. “Vanessa will watch over you tonight, you don't need to fear her. If there's anything you need, just let her know, good night my Love.” She kissed me one last time before exiting the room, and Vanessa joined me on the bed.
“Are you alright?” She massaged my shoulder as she watched over me, making sure I was comfortable.
“I'm fine now, thank you for asking.” I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.
“Do you need a few minutes before we begin?” Vanessa seemed so concerned with my well being, and I didn't believe it was because of Lillith's orders, she seemed to be a much kinder person than Ophelia, and perhaps Lillith as well.
“I only need a moment, then we can begin.” I closed my eyes and laid my head on the pillow, focusing on Vanessa's hands as they massage my shoulders. After a brief moment, she takes her hands of my shoulders and climbs over me. “Let's begin, shall we?” As she placed me inside her, I was greeted with a gentle flow of euphoric energy. It felt wonderful, it didn't feel agonizing at all and it made me feel safe. “How's that?”
“Strangely comforting, actually. You seemed so Demonic a moment ago, but now you seem Angelic instead.” I laughed as she stimulated me, and she kissed me slowly as she worked her hips.
“I'm glad you like it, a more delicate touch can do grand things when done with finesse.” Her words couldn't have been more accurate, every little touch seemed to stimulate my senses in such enchanting ways. “This is how I prefer to feed, much more soothing than Ophelia's sloppy skills.”
“I'd have to disagree, Ophelia just needs a better teacher.” A voice came from the corner, a shadowy figure could barely be scene as it hid.
“Who are...” Before she could finish her sentence, Vanessa was flung against the wall and pinned, her feet dangled as she tried to fight back.
“Vanessa!” I tried to get up to help her, but was pinned down as well, and I turned my eye to the shadowy figure. A feint blue aura came to where the figures eyes were, and grew in intensity until they appeared to radiate a blue flame-like light as the figure stepped forward. Her pale skin and long, black hair seemed all to familiar to me, and that same sense of dread came over me when I had witnessed Ophelia's punishment. The woman who stood before me with madness in her eyes could only be one person, Desdemona Lovespell, Lillith's Sister.
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