Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2021432-Dragon-whispers
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2021432
A little girl's dragon comes to life
Mary lay down in bed as her mother tucked her in.

"Night night, Mommy! Don't forget Toothless!" she said, leaning up for one last hug and kiss.

"Mary, you're too old for this," her mother sighed as she obligingly placed the stuffed dragon toy next to Mary's pillow.

The eight year old girl pouted, then reached, grabbed her Toothless dragon and snuggled him to her chest as her mother turned out the lights.

"I love you, Mommy." she called out.

"I love you, Toothless." she whispered, holding the stuffed toy close to her chest. Burying her forehead into Toothless's head and closing her eyes, she heard a faint I love you too, Mary. Mary's eyes flew open.

"You can TALK?!" She gasped, staring at the dragon.

Mary's mom walked past the door and turned on the light. Her mom looked at her, and asked, "Was that you?"

Mary frowned. "Was what me?"

"I thought I heard you say something."

Mary shook her head, brown waves of hair bouncing across her face. "No, I didn't say anything." She sat up and hugged Toothless tightly. "Will you tuck me in again, though?" she asked innocently.

"Mary, stop delaying your bedtime" Her mom reluctantly moved in to tuck her in.

"Kiss?" requested Mary.

Her mom looked at her "What did I just say?"

"Fine." Mary pouted and slipped back underneath the covers, snuggling in with Toothless again. As a test, she tentatively placed her forehead against Toothless's head once more. Nothing. Maybe I was dreaming? she thought to herself. When Mary's mom left the room, satisfied that her daughter wouldn't be talking again, a small voice in Mary's head started to speak.

You weren't dreaming. I was talking to you. In your mind.

"So you can hear me?" she whispered softly, caressing his tail.

I've always been able to hear you, Mary.

"B-but, how?"

We're connected. As long as you believe, you'll always hear me. But once you stop, you lose me forever.

She frowned. "I don't get it."

You brought me to life when you put the heart in my body in the store.

She thought hard, "...at Cousin Megan's Build-A-Bear party?" she recalled the party from three weeks prior.

Toothless gave a slow nod as Mary gasped.

Shhh, your mama will come back in if she hears you. I can hear your thoughts too. Toothless gently prodded her face with his nose.

Why'd you wait 'til today to tell me? she thought to Toothless.

I could tell you felt sad. You wanted to talk with someone, but it's your bedtime, and you should be asleep, so you couldn't.

She mumbled softly, "I feel like Mommy doesn't love me sometimes."

Shhh, that's silly, Mary. Your mama loves you very much.

"No it's not silly." she whimpered, tears threatening to leak out of her eyes. "She doesn't like tucking me in any more. And she doesn't hug me like she used to. Now I have to ask for hugs, and they're not as nice if I have to ask."

Shhh, it's okay, Mary. You don't have to cry. Your mama thinks her little girl is growing up, and doesn't need her as much as she did before, that's all. Toothless nudged her face.


Toothless dipped his head in a slow nod again,

But I'm not growing up! If that's the case, I don't want to grow up! she mentally exclaimed.

Every little girl has to grow up. Your mama had to grow up so she could take care of you, and so you have to grow up and maybe be a mama someday.

Mary giggled a bit. "Can you fly?" she breathed in wonderment.

I'll answer that another night, Mary. Tonight, you need to get your sleep. You're still a little girl and little girls need their sleep. His eyes twinkled as he snuggled back into Mary's chest. As her breathing slowly evened out, Toothless whispered, Sweet dreams, my dear Mary.

Being submitted to Scribendi  . Wish me luck!
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