Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023176-Christmas-Short-Story
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2023176
Here is my attempt at the community Christmas short story competition

One not so very special day in a small city, little Johnny Hawkins opened his eyes for the first time in 22 months. He gasped as his eyes blinked several times trying to focus and adjust to the harsh lighting. The beams of light coming in through a nearby window felt near blinding it burned along his optic nerves blazing a stream of fire through to his brain.
As his eyes came into focus, other things became evident. The strange sensation that he had been ignoring returned to his nostrils. When he reached up with fingers that felt numb and arm muscles that felt weak with atrophy. He felt two clear plastic tubes, one feeding into each.

Confused and starting to panic, he searched the remaining space around him. He was dressed in a funny, scratchy dress-like thing, his legs were covered with a warm woolen blanket and he was lying in a strange bed, in a bright white room with pale blue curtains and many more machines, with another pipe that led into his arm. Dazed and disorientated he pulled at the tube leading into his arm.
"Whoa, there little fella''
Johnny turned to see a portly woman bouncing her way across the room to stop his hand. Gently but firmly she replaced the tube and peered at him.

Her eyes were a rich chocolate brown lending her a warm aura.
"I'm nurse Chevonne. Do you know your name?"
"Jo-Johnny" His voice was scratchy and hoarse.
"Oh, you must be thirsty. Here let me get you some water and page a doctor" Helping him first to sit up and then helping him to drink after he proved he was still too weak to do it himself.
"All right Johnny. I'm just going to ask you a few questions. First off are you in any pain at all?"
He shook his head.
"Do you know where you are Johnny? Or how you got here?"
"You're in the hospital"
"Do you know where you live?"
He croaked a reply which seemed to pacify her some.
"Good. That"s very good. Oh, here's Doctor Anderson."
"Hello Johnny"
Dr Anderson was a tall man. Slowly and in great detail he explained that Johnny just came out of a coma after a traumatic accident.
"We've spoken to your parents, they will be here soon. Any questions so far Johnny?"
After the numerous tests Johnny was taken back to his room where his parents sat waiting for him. Strangely enough he felt completely drained after the day ended.

The next day was one of the worst of his life. During the physical tests Johnny was asked first to sit up straight. He had trouble getting upright and he just couldn't swing his legs over the side of the bed. When he was told to stand up he tried till his face flushed but nothing happened.
Back in his room Dr. Anderson concluded.
"Johnny, when we pinched your toes and massaged your muscles you showed no response. We still have to do further testing to be sure, but in my opinion you have lost feeling and ability in the lower half of your body. I'm so sorry."
He couldn't help it the disappointment settled over him like a thick layer of slime. All Johnny could think of was that he wouldn't be able to walk again, ride his bike. Nothing.
"Well I guess the ski trip down south is off then"
Johnny said half joking and half sarcasm.
"Oh Johnny, I completely forgot about that. You were so looking forward to that trip weren't you?"
They had been saving up for the trip it was Johnny's one wish to see real snow.
"When is Christmas guys? What month are we in?"
"It's December Johnny. Christmas is in three weeks."
Johnny's face dropped. Later Jenny Hawkins said.
"I'm worried for him Glen"
"I am too, but what can we do?"
"He seems so down, I want to cheer him up. That trip was all he could think about for months. I wish there was something we could do"
Her tone felt so forlorn it broke his heart and suddenly Glen Hawkins had an idea.
"Maybe there is"
"What do you mean?"

In the weeks that followed Glen and Jenny Hawkins proceeded with their plan and on Christmas Eve, as they turned in for the night Glen turned to his wife and gave her a smile. Everything was set for the big day and he could barely keep together his excitement. They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

December 25th arrived and the air was filled with a joyous cheer, though Johnny didn't feel the least bit cheerful. He sat in his room waiting on his parents, they said it would be a wonderful day, despite the fact they would be spending it in the hospital. Consumed with his own thoughts Johnny barely noticed when the nurse came to collect him. She wheeled him out onto the roof of the hospital and for a second he was speechless.

There on the roof of the hospital waited a winter wonderland, an icy paradise. In the center stood a mobile ice rink with kids with skate shoes swirling in the slick surface. There were walls of ice erected for a snowball challenge. A few of the younger patients all tightly bundled in warm winter gear were all building snowmen with their parents or friends. And through it all the gigantic machine in the corner sat blowing out little white fluffs. Reaching out Johnny tried to catch one. It instantly melted in the palm of his hand but he had no doubt to what it was.
He said in wonder. It was snowing. In December.
"I know you said you always wanted to see the snow."
Johnny turned to see his dad smiling.
"We just thought, since you wouldn't make it to go skiing. We would just bring the snow to you"
Johnny's mom said.
"Merry Christmas Johnny"
"Wow, thanks mom" His breath puffed out of his mouth and he could see the mist it was so cold.
"But how did you do all this? Both of you?"
"We had a little help"
Johnny's dad said mysteriously.
"Do you like it?"
"Like it? Its perfect! I don't know what to say."
"A thank you will do"
"Thank you. Thank you guys so much. This is brilliant."
The day was just as it should be. Perfect. As Johnny got into bed he smiled at nurse Chevonne and wished her a Merry Christmas.
"Merry Christmas to you too"
"Was it all you hoped it would be?"
He watched her turn out the lights and retreat back out the door. He laid his head on his pillow exhausted with the day.
He thought back on it and realized, just as his eyes were drooping, the real meaning of Christmas. It is a time for sharing. For laughter, joy. A time for forgiveness. For family. And for happiness.

And for Johnny he definitely felt very very happy. It was also a time for miracles for opportunity and in the coming year, Johnny new he would do all that he could to seize every opportunity, to reach every goal. To laugh when he failed and keep trying, and to never give up.
He knew for sure there were countless opportunities and for him the opportunity to walk again was one he would pursue relentlessly.

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