Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041671-Worker-Bees
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Philosophy · #2041671
A passing thought on day to day lives
I think about how, for a lot of us, our lives are on auto-pilot. We get wrapped up in routines, invent distractions to keep our minds busy, careers, money, friends, family. We try not to think too much about any real meaning or purpose in our existence, objectively. Many of us just float around like worker bees, completely consumed by our daily routines until death claims us without ever questioning why. Unlike the bees, we know what's coming and we look for meaning in the end, but as far as we know, there is none. The universe just IS, the concept of 'why' doesn't even enter into it. We're all aware of this, on some level, but to consciously come face-to-face with this realization and THEN to live our lives according to the conclusion it implies is extremely difficult. It's so easy to slide back into routine, to put my blinders back on and let my eyes glaze over. The alternative is terrifying. The only thing able to determine anything resembling a purpose to my life is myself.
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