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Write on!!!! ~~~~ Important Vocabulary Words to hone our writer's craft!!! Learn with me, and dig deep into your well!!!!!! Face the fear of being not a shallow, but a writer full of substance, and many colorful fun words!! Learning vocab is fun!! (Watched Writing documentary. Lady writer said it takes literally 10,000 hours to be an expert at anything, including Writing, and a niche and a knack, according to me. Well, I am putting in my 10,000 hours as much as I can every single day, even with note-book paper!!! Please learn with me. Rich, powerful, creative English vocabulary words!!!! Write on!!! Picayune- Unimportant- trifle, petty. Scathing- Bitterly severe, or biting, or critical. "Your scathing remarks at the meeting today upset everyone." Apathy- Lack of emotion or indifference. Culpable. - blame-worthy, accountable for wrong-doing or error Elucidate-- to make clear, clarify., explain Note-Listening to Baroque music in background, on Word-Master CD, helps with learning skills. you can master these words. (Baroque music helps learning skills, especially with learning how to WRITE BETTER!! Prognosis- careful prediction based on real knowledge what will happen if you make a certain decision? ask other people. prediction is different. Aspire- to have an earnest desire or ambition Assimilate- to take in , absorb, to take in as one's own. Dichotomy- pairs, or sets, a division into two contrasting heads or sets Impetus- any motivating source, stimulus or incentive, "an impetus to make my father proud" Latent- not developed or active, not apparent. "his latent anger sometimes burst out when he's under pressure." "dormant." Muse- consider slowly and carefully. Your stead is your rightful place and only you can bestow it on someone else. 'your place in the sun." you respect and value her work, and your work. quality-to do and write things right with quality and , effort, in everything you do, make certain you get your money's worth. think of learning vocab words, the more effort and investment you put into it, will bring more satisfaction to you and your audience of reading. It is the turtles of writing, the ones who struggle the most, are the most authentic ones, so the writing is not shallow at all. Invest time with vocab words, and spend time and effort, into learning the craft and art of the writing skill. Many are too afraid to go inside their well (heard on writing documentary about it.) Face your fears, and it is a work in progress. more vocab. Vista- far view seen by narrow expanse. Wane-decrease in size or degree, "use or lose cause skill wane without practice (as with writing skills too, speaking for myself too.)" Atone- to make up for past failings or wrong-doings Caper- A wild prank, an antic, (listening to C.D, called Word-Master I got at Barnes N Nobles, has Baroque music in background. Need to build vocab, people!! Study, study study, and put effort into your writing talent and skills!! ostracize- to exclude or isolate from the group Prone-inclined to, likely, pre-disposed Unwieldy- difficult to move or manage because of size , shape, or weight, awkward, "Getting the unwieldy mattress in was a task." Clumsy Vacillate- To waver in mind or opinion. "Don't vacillate." "See a plan of action and see it through." To be unsure Apogee-highest point, climax, peak, "the Apogee of his career." Unit 27 Ardent- intense, passionate. "her ardent desire to be a writer, propelled her into her career." Austere-severely simple, unadorned. Caprice- a sudden change of mind or action without apparent motive, whim. confound- confuse, amaze or bewilder, to puzzle, (as in a chess game) cynical, - pessimistic, distrusting of virtue in others, sarcastic You can master these words!!!!!!! To be a better, more creative writer!! I can too! Effects- movable goods, belongings, personal property, Effectual- effective , capable of producing a desired result. Naughty-mischievous, bad, disobedient, or inproper Prelusory - introductory Revel- to take great pleasure or delight in something. Confound- confuse, amaze, trick, - conveys all at once. Caper-skip or leap about in a playful frolic. or seasoning, homographs, English is a rich and powerful language. Learn all we writing community on Writing.Com community can!! Emaciated-so thin as to look ill, starved Opulent- Wealthy rich, affluent, "he copulates an opulent image vagrant- an idol wanderer, abase- to humble, to demean, or humiliate someone Imminent- about to happen. Impending. "the weather says Florida is imminent with a hurricane." likely to happen without delay. or threatening. You can master these words!! Unit 30 Malign- to speak evil of, slander, , Ordeal- a severe trial, a very trying experience, "that exam was a terrible ordeal" Upbraid- to scold or reproach for some wrong-doing Vacuous- empty, vacant, lacking thought, senseless Absolve- to wipe out blame or debt, pardon, excuse, "my creditors agreed to absolve half my debt" imminent- soon to occur, "that war in Persian Gulf is imminent." " a sneeze isn't imminent, unless joking around, wry humor. Let's move on, Unit 31, Debonair- sophisticated and charming Enigma- perplexing, a riddle. a baffling statement or person. haughty, - proud, arrogant, showing contempt for others. "the haughty professor always looked down on slow students." overt- obvious, unconcealed, open to view Pious- devout, reverent, religious, Blasé -bored with life, unimpressed, indifferent , weary dauntless- bold, fearless, courageous, intrepid review all our words, over and over, till you work on them enough to memorize meanings. affable -easy to approach, polite if you can't master them right away, go back to this, and that is okay, it is a work in progress. prognosis- any prediction or forecast, "doc said optimistic prognosis on her health" throttle- to silence, stop, or suppress as by choking, "if you start gossiping, I'm going to throttle you." Flagrant- openly disgraceful or wicked, outrageous jostle- to push or shove roughly or as to shake up, "Some excited fans jostled my wife today at the game" "shake up" penchant a strong liking or inclination for something, (as with learning the art of writing on this writing.com site. ) Write on!! review your words, throttle to suppress, flagrant, openly disgraceful or wicked, jostle, - to push or shove roughly as to shake up. penchant- a strong liking for something. Unit 22- Apathy- lack of emotion or indifference, "voter apathy" culpable- blameworthy or wrong-doing. accountable for error or wrong-doing Elucidate- to make clear, explain, clarify, "please elucidate, I said, when my son came home late." Picayune- unimportant- trifling, petty. Review of some words Scathing- bitterly severe or critical , biting. Superficial- lacking in depth or thoroughness, shallow, Drivel- something said in a foolish manner, idol silly talk, nonsense Stead- place of another person or thing, to be useful in a critical situation. Affinity- a natural liking "An affinity between two romantic partners." Altercation- a noisy, heated quarrel, more likely to be physical than a dispute. review the words, superficial-shallowness, drivel- nonsense, silly talk, stead, - place of another person or thing to be useful in critical situation, affinity- a natural liking, (as to the hobby or career of writing.) you can master these words to make our writing better!!! aspire- to have an earnest desire, "aspire to greatness and you might achieve a national bestseller or story or book!" assimilate- to take in and incorporate as one's own, to absorb dichotomy- a division into two contrasting heads or sets. impetus,- any motivating force or incentive- "the coach provided the impetus to win the game". latent- not developed or active, or active, dormant, (much of our newbies, including me, have latent talent in writing. cheer us on please!!) review words, aspire, - earnest desire, assimilate,- take in, absorb, dichotomy - a division into 2 contrasting heads or sets, impetus,- any motivating force or incentive (I and we must repeat over and over, and study these words, so I am using the Freedom of Speech here, and continuing mine and our review, if I am you are serious about writing, you may want to read and memorize these VOCAB WORDS!! Thank you for reading on, and studying on!! It will help me nonetheless, because I will refer to it as often as possible, and use them in my new stories. KEEP LEARNING AND DON'T GIVE UP~~~!!! I WON'T!! WANE- TO DECREASE IN SIZE OR DEGREE ATONE- TO MAKE UP FOR PAST THINGS ( I sent a dozen roses to atone for hurting my girl-friend") CAPER - A WILD PRANK, AN ANTIC Forum- a place or situation set up for discussion. "Town meetings are a forum for public debate" Review your words, say each word and pause. Vista- A far view seen through a narrow expanse. Wane- To decrease in size or degree Atone- to make up for past failings or wrong-doings, Caper, (say each word out loud and definition)- a wild prank. Forum, a place set up for discussion. (if it's hard to master words, it's okay, you can go back, and you can master these words,)! Ostracize- to exclude or isolate from the group, prone-inclined to, "if you have self-confidence, You are prone to succeed at writing your books!!" unwieldy - difficult to move, awkward, or clumsy. vacillate- to waver in mind or opinion. "don't vacillate!! See a course of action and see it through!!" vacillate also means to be unsure Apogee - highest climax or peak, "the apogee of his career." "We reached the apogee of the mountain." The triumphant finishing touch of someone's career, but be careful using this word, because people might want to continue their career. let's keep pushing (paraphrased) unit 27 ardent- intense-passionate, devoted, " Her ardent desire to be a writer helped her be a journalist." Caprice- a sudden change of mind without apparent motive, (like the weather) or action , whim. confound- to confuse, amaze, or bewilder, or to puzzle, "like a chess game confounded his opponents." cynical- distrusting of virtue in others, sarcastic, "don't let cynical people destroy your dreams or confidence or desire to be a writer!!!!" IT WOULD HELP, IF I AND YOU WRITERS OUT THERE, PRINT OUT THESE VOCAB WORDS, AND PUT THEM ON YOUR FRIDGE OR UP ON YOUR WALL. no pain, no gain!!!!! Effectual- effective, capable of producing a desired result. (And when we are reading, we will understand more words!!) Prelusory- introductory revel- to take great delight in something, "I personally, take great pleasure and revel in learning English vocab. words!" Review words, and say out loud, I, Scary Terri, Will print out this page, and study, study study. because I will not have shallow writing. you can master these words with practice, words with rich , multiple meanings. Will make mine and your writing more rich and POWERFUL. Caper- leap in a playful frolic "like children in a playground" (has 2 different meanings;.) homophones (sound the same) unit 29 emaciated- so thin, as to look ill or starved. "she looked emaciated after hunger strike." I am continuing to review these words, repetition,.. is the key to memorization, vagrant. - an idol wanderer, a vagabond , abase- to humble, to demean, or humiliate someone, "The sales manager abased his reps in front of the customers." imminent.- about to happen, likely to happen without delay, impending, or threatening. unit 30 malign- to speak evil of, gossip, slander "she never maligned her lazy workers, although she had ample reason to." repeat of words ordeal- a severe trial, a very trying experience, "like boot-camp" vacuous - empty, vacant, lacking thought, senseless, "like a political debate" Absolve- to wipe out blame or debt, pardon, excuse. Debonair- sophisticated and charming, suave, non-chalant Enigma- a baffling statement, or person, riddle. "the Enigma of Amelia Earhart's fate will always remain." Haughty- proud, arrogant, showing contempt. "The spoiled child was haughty towards others". Overt- Obvious, unconcealed, "The teacher's overt favoritism towards her pet student angered the class." Pious,- Devout, religious, reverent. blog note, I have the TV on now, for some entertainment, and I am loving writing these English vocab words down, to study, always wanted to increase my vocabulary so I can become a better writer, and I hope you do too. Please review if you have liked this, and I hope it helps you as much as it helps me. unit 32. Plunder- to rob a person or place by place or by fraud. Settee- a seat for two or 3 people, a small sofa Affable- easy to approach, accessible, polite, "her affable manner put everyone at ease." , gracious Blasé- weary or bored with life, indifferent, unimpressed. "His blasé attitude did not wear off when he learned he was being laid off". Dauntless- bold, fearless, courageous, intrepid, "Dauntless sports player broke the record in baseball". (All is paraphrased. ) contrition- sadness or remorse over past wrong actions, sincere regret Impudent - offensively bold, insulting, rude, presumptious Indolent- aversion to exertion, or work, lazy. "My indolent nephew never lifts a finger to help himself" Interloper - one who intrudes into the affairs of others, meddle, Milieu- surroundings, environment. review the words we have learned. Odious- hateful, offensive, repulsive Repast- a meal, especially for a specific occasion Ascribe- To assign or attribute as to a cause. Remember, you can master these words and better our writing, WRITING.COM COMMUNITY WHO IS WELCOMING AND A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT, THE MORE WE LEARN VOCAB WORDS, THE BETTER OUR WRITING. HIGH VOCABULARY ENVIRONMENT, more intellectual novels and stories for us. Ousp promising success, "Take advantage of this post on writing.com to make our success at writing more promising. " Glare- To stare with an angry frown or glare. Guile- cunning trickery, deceit, "Behold, an honest man, to which there is no guile." Mastic- glue, adhesive, sticky resin. "The mastic in this can is so hardened. Throw it out." Solicit,- to ask for earnestly, to seek, to petition. " I solicit myself to work on my vocab skills so I can work on my favorite hobby of writing. A hopeful career as all of us want on here." I will go back to this, and review, and master these words. Vigilant- Keenly watchful, wary, alert. Voracious- having an insatiable appetite for a pursuit. " I have a voracious appetite to become a better writer and more comprehensible reader, and literate." Archaic- old-fashioned, ancient, outdated, " Impetuous- Tending to act on sudden impulse, hasty, rash. Writing.com community and we can master these words. It's a shame how a lot of illiteracy is out there, but we are determined to WRITE ON!! keep going!! Don't ever give up!! I won't. Love- verb- to value or look for good. If you love someone, you look for good in them. Give it away. The act of loving. LOVE- TO LOVE SOMEONE, IS TO LOVE SOMEONE TO HIS VALUES AND NEEDS WITHOUT JUDGING, TO VOICE APPROVAL ON REGULAR BASIS, AND TO SHOW BY ACTION, TO BE THERE FOR THAT PERSON, TO SACRIFICE AND GO EXTRA MILE TO SHOW INTEREST. TO BE A BEST FRIEND, OR OTHER RELATIONSHIPS, OR BETWEEN PARENTS AND CHILDREN, (which I am an 44 year old adult, involved, with a guy best friend, but have to work on my relationships in group therapy that I go for , for Bipolar disorder, note. back to vocab. Obdurate- stubborn, hard-headed, Parody- like-state, equivalence, equality, or degree Paucity- scarcity. smallness of number, Transgress- to go beyond the limits, to violate a law or transgress. Travail- strenuous physical or mental labor, anguish, labor note-bipolar is known in circles to let the person have a bright mind, though there is stigma, but getting involved in a writing craft helps me. reviewing of words, transgress- go beyond limits, transgress, Travail- strenuous labor, if we keep repeating and writing them down, it will get into our subconscious mind, and it's always good to dig in and study, always. Wan- colorless, of a sickly hue, commiserate- to share in another's sorrow or disappointment. "personal note- I get to commiserate with the kind people in my group therapy about our struggles, and it is a struggle to be a writer too. so I commiserate with all of you too." keep on moving!! derogate- to put down, "how dare you make statements that derogate my reputation??" to belittle. discern- to perceive as with sight or mind, " a sociopath cannot discern between right or wrong." to distinguish. Obdurate- stubborn, hard-headed, unbending- obduracy- the state of being stubborn. Transgress- to go beyond limits, Transgression- a violation of law or command. Contravene- to go against contravention- a violation, an act of disobedience. Derogate- to put down, to detract. "your derogation of me won't be tolerated." Discernment- The ability to perceive or distinguish. "ex- of right personalities, helped her hire right person." ponderous- having great weight, shiftless- showing lack of energy or ambition, lazy, or irresponsible, "like a lazy family who refuses to work." amity- friendship, peaceful relationships, or harmony. "I have great amity with my boyfriend." Germane- relevant. related to what is pertinent. related to what is being considered. Jibe- to utter jeers , to mock, ridicule, "The cruel girl jibed the girl who would be a national bestselling author someday, and have money to show for it." Review- ponderous.- Having great weight, say out loud, shiftless- lazy, amenity- peaceful relations, Germane- pertinent. Jibe- to mock, ridicule note- I use these new words in my stories to make them better, and hand them over to my editor. who Is my best guy friend. it is so rewarding. (even a simple writing exercise, like a journal, or any writing exercise, like this one, would help me and anyone out there.) morbid- preoccupation with unwholesome matters, like "hypochondriacs, or his morbid obsession with death." predilection- a special liking , preference, or bias. review= itinerant- travelling from place to place. It is important that I and you learn and be more literate if you are to be taken seriously as a writer. so, deal with me, and my post. I personally, will go back, and re-read, and re-read. and I will not give up. thank god for writing.com as a platform to do this. it's been a lot of words so far, and I hope I am helping others too. pugnacious- prone to quarrels or fights. "good for lawyer but bad for a salesperson. ( a pugnacious style) rectitude- uprightness, high moral character (which is what I have or try to have) rococo- overelaborate style, fancy. aficionado- enthusiast, admirer. " if you want an aficionado of your writings, and books, you might want to learn more powerful words." cede- to give up, or surrender something. Parry- to ward off, to turn aside, to evade. Propriety- behavior conforming to accepted standards Remiss- slack or careless in matters, negligent. Acrid- sharp or biting to taste or smell- The acrid smoke of fire filled the room. Say each word out loud and try to remember. Parry- to ward off Propriety- appropriateness Remiss- careless in matters requiring attention. Acrid- if you can't remember words, refer back to this site, as I will - words open up a whole new world. Disparate-all-together dissimilar, essentially different pecuniary- consisting of or relating to money proviso - a restriction or limitation within an agreement stigma- a sign of disgrace. or status. like "bankruptcy or even mental illness, unfortunately. but we are winners too. terse- short, to the point, concise.- Unit 59 Torrid- burning hot, scorching "Their torrid love affair interfered with their professional relationship" Truncate- to cut short , to abbreviate. Vapid- lacking life or spirit, dull. "His superficial response was so vapid." Abstemious- consuming food and drink in moderation. Capitulate- to surrender, give up. to surrender on stipulated terms. Review the words,.......go back and re-read, and memorize as a work in progress. I will. To understand more intelligent readings, and writings, and novels, we might want to Master these words. and spread literacy. ! fetid- having a foul odor, stinking Flaccid- liking in firmness, limp. " I need to firm up my flaccid figure." flabby, limp. Gourmand- one who takes hearty pleasure in eating. "My best friend is a gourmand." nefarious- extremely wicked, corrupt, vile. subvert- to over-throw, to undermine, to corrupt, "Don't subvert your own credibility by being inconsistent, and that means with exercising too, and doing what you will say you will do, unless of course, you change your mind for a good enough reason." Review words, for myself mostly. I am lucky to have these C'ds', and the Baroque music helps a lot. But, I am trying to educate other writers on this site too, mostly myself, to write in a more educated way, and more creative, flowing way. Vapid- colorless and dead. (strong word ! watch out!!! if you want to render a negative judgment, you can use it. ------------- Flacid, means limp, flabby and weak. unit 61- Tantamount- equal. Daunt- to dishearten, intimidate, or frighten. "Learning all these words can be daunting, but it is a good thing." Effrontery- Impudent.-shameless boldness, audacity. Indigent- needy, poor, lacking funds, "At Mozart's death, he was indigent." Mesmerize- to hypnotize, to charm, "I am mesmerized by this vocabulary tape." Review your words- Tantamount. -- Equivalent to in all meaningful respects, Daunt- to dishearten, to frighten. Say out loud Effrontery,- audacity. Indigent- needy, poor. Mesmerize- to fascinate!!!! Peevish- ill-tempered, irritable, cross, Prodigy- person, or child who is remarkably gifted, "If we learn these words, we can be our own prodigies in the writing craft. salubrious- good for your health, wholesome "Exercise is salubrious." Tenent- a belief , a principal. ex, like the customer is always right. |