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On drawing clear distinction between individualistic and collective approach. |
I AND WE The two words ' I ' and ' We ' have got a great deal of difference, grammatically as well as literally. But, going a bit deeper and analyzing the significance of the two we can reach the conclusion that ' I ' represents individuality whereas ' We ' stands for the society. The inherent idea proves itself more realistic when, we hear a man saying --- " Don't bother Sir ! I will manage or I'm sorry, Sir ! I can't handle this job. " Both types of sentences spoken above by the man tell nothing but the strength of individuality in him. In fact, it may be said that the word ' I ' when used in a sentence becomes a device to observe the will power of an individual. Whether a man can tackle a particular problem or not , can be judged by the degree of emphasis, he makes, over the word ' I '. No doubt, a man emphasizing more on himself may, sometimes, fail to take up a job but it is very rare and can be taken as an exception. It is generally admitted that a strong will is the only road to success.That is why, one is always advised by the persons of high intellect and thinking to develop will-power, that is strength of individuality. This will-force and self-confidence of spirituality as well. But, there is the great danger in the emergence of Ego (Ahamkar) which creeps slowly but stealthily in the heart of the strong-willed ' I ' and makes its solid basement leading to disastrous results in worldly as well as spiritual progress. I would like to concentrate on the worldly aspect of the progress only as it would be difficult, rather impossible for me to dwell on the latter aspect. It was egotism which brought the end of Napoleon.It was Ahamkar which led to the end of British Empire in India. So, though we should make ourselves strong-willed yet at the same time we must check the entry of this omnipresent demon- The Ego or Ahamkar. This can be achieved only by starting every bit of work in humble gratitude keeping in view that it is not me which is completing the work but the Great Merciful who has given the will and strength to do the job. The moment He takes away all His Mercy, every sort of sorrow, grief and calamity is sure to come. This type of creative thinking will develop an altogether different and unusual personality in the individual with a combination well-developed ' I ' that is the will power and the glittering jewel of humility. It was strong individuality with a tinge of humility that made Gandhi a Mahatma.It was the same excellent personality in Lincoln which itself offered him the opportunity to serve his country. Martin Luther King, Florence Nightingale and so many others have been called great only due to their humility and strong will. It is the feeling of self that wages war against a country and the result is a disaster.It is the same feeling that develops jealousy, which makes people more materialistic, bringing tension, restlessness and in most cases the events of gruesome murders - which is again a kind of destruction on the part of individuals. Name it either mental tension, frustration or anything else but it is not going to solve our problem in any way. Tension! Destruction!! Disaster !!!.......Why all this ? Why do we always talk of destruction ? Why do we always try our level best to indulge in power competition?....And all this reveals that we have lost the significance of the word ' We' . 'We' --- which is the emblem of amity, an extension of the word ' I '. We is the word which always comprises of more than one individual. It is the word, which never finds difference between individuals whether they are strong or weak-willed. The concept of 'We' makes us lead a corporate life where the strong can help the weak and the latter can make his own little contribution to social progress.The story of the blind and the lame is too well known to illustrate the idea of mutual co- operation when they crossed the road with the eyes of the lame and the feet of the bind, the latter carrying the former on his shoulders. The above example gives a vivid picture of the fact that unity and cooperation strengthens individuality. Unity is more creative. The only condition it needs to flourish is the existence of sound individuals--- sound, not only with respect to money and strength but more so in their thinking and actions. But the question arises, can we make everyone sound in thinking? The solution which apparently seems a hard nut to crack is easily got as soon as the phenomenon well balanced and properly guided harmony characterizes the lives of individuals. Reeds of piano when pressed and released in a particular guided way, produce melodious music.Thus we see that harmony can only be developed when the whole society is tied with a strong, elastic and unbreakable fiber of proper guidance and love.Luckily the human race in majority believes in the concept humanity,social justice,good citizenship and supremacy of the All Intelligent, All Mighty, Omniscient INFINITE whose Divine Love breaks all the barriers and reaches everyone of us in plenty. Time is calling us to wake up and work more cooperatively, plunging ourselves into action for the uplift of the humanity irrespective of the caste, creed or nation keeping in mind the glory of the INFINITE and in this way attaining His blissful Love. Let us (Wes) work like humble servants of the Supreme Father in working out the ideals of ' Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man'. This way lies peace and prosperity. May the INFINITE grant us will,strength and love for the same. ---Lonefellow ' |