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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Writing · #2046406
white girl problems : a big butt!
My first real girlfriend, Tiffany was a white girl with dirty blonde hair of average length that she usually tied back in a scrunchy so it fell down her back ,bangs, average height, B cup breasts, and an ass that was both wide and long. She had the thighs but her butt also stuck out. You could tell she had a big butt from the front. I remember Tiffany was known for “plumbers pants”. She actually caught my eye when I would on an almost daily basis see a couple inches of her creamy white moon and crack sticking out over whatever underwear she was wearing. I remember before we got together she would normally just wear white or black cotton panties, and when she ran out she had to wear her older prints( flowers, butterflies). I would see them over her pants regularly. I first noticed Tiffany in my English class and although I did not get into a relationship with her right away I had my eye on her. I remember being able to sit behind her and to the side somewhat and having a good view of the crack and underwear which were also visible on lunch break over her “low rider” as she called them jeans. Her “Roxy” ,“Vans”, Pop-Punk Band T-shirts never covered her lower back when she sat down and the outlines of her bra were always there. In addition to this because of her butt her pants were always tight and her jeans would always give her some form of panty lines even if they had pockets. On occasion she would wear this tight black pair of dress pants to school that would give off some of the most noticeable lines I have seen in my life.

Before we dated I was able to somewhat get to know her panties simply from them being exposed. When I first saw her in English class she would either wear white cotton “Hanes her way” panties that said “Hanes Her Way” on the bumpy round topped waist band, or white fruit of the loom panties that said “fruit of the loom” on the waist band and had prints of girly things like butterflies and flowers on them. She would also sometimes wear light pink underwear that said “fruit of the loom” on the waistband. I also remember on two occasions seeing her wearing a pair of “Winnie the Pooh” panties. Later on I noticed she started to more regularly wear solid black or white panties with a straight waist band and sometimes the white “Hanes her Way” ones, and on rare occasions the prints. She had gotten new ones.

Tiffany got into dance, and cheer, she was quite good at both and was on our school team performing. She was ambitious and wanted to be a flyer(girl who is thrown up in the air) for our cheer team but no matter what she was never selected for the position. This was a direct result of her derriere, as she was always too heavy to be the part. She was physically fit and she actually trained for it with running the last two years on the team but it was always given to a girl who was petite and lacked a tushy like hers. She would also cycle around, often to my house in which her underwear and buttcrack would always show as she rode her bicycle. In addition to this she ate very health though would like to have sweet deserts every so often. She had also always loved ice skating and would go to an ice rink somewhat close to my area to skate, she was good enough to make an ice skating team too that existed outside of school. Even when she was running , cycling, and ice skating she was never able to be a flyer on the cheer squad as a result of her naturally thick thighs and butt. She would often complain about being a better dancer than the girls who were selected for the position in which she arguably was. In addition to this she never got the flyer positions for the dance team either as those positions were given to very petite girls who did not have a thick derriere.

I remember by the time we started to date she had some thongs, some solid pink and light blue panties, the black and white cotton panties she had before, and her prints that would barely ever get worn now. She was moving onto thongs being in dance and cheer and not wanting any lines. I remember for the first year or so that I knew Tiffany she would have a panty line EVERY day. She slowly transitioned into the “thong riding up the bum “plumbers pants” girl. She told me she preferred wearing thongs because it was like not wearing underwear and because they did not show any lines. The first time I explored that wonderful realm of her underwear drawer I was amazed with what I found. Small brown stains on the back of her thongs and panties. She had period stains as well. In the very bottom of her drawer I found the pair of “Winnie the pooh” underwear that were absolutely riddled with holes and stains. She had a pair of “Disney Princess” ones in the very bottom in even worse condition and I wondered when the last time she had worn them was. Her panties were a size 4, except for her older Disney and flower print ones which were a size 14 in girl’s size. Some of them had holes at the sides or around the seams of the panty. After two years of being involved with dance and cheer, Tiffany had thrown out all of her panties and was a full on thong wearer regularly displaying a whale tail with some crack. At this time I first started to make small adjustments to some of her underwear.

Her very first thongs were some simple cotton thongs,in black and white. She then got some of different solid colors like pink, light green, and light blue with spaghetti waist bands. After this she took herself to Victoria Secret and got several thongs from there, some solid color and some with prints. She tended to get smaller and thinner thongs in different color combos with different prints sometimes. I started to make small holes in some of her thongs when I could. Some around the crotch, others around the back strap, and others around the seams. I always made the holes small and let her do most of the wearing on her own underwear. I noticed that once I made the holes they would grow quite quickly, and after a while the ones I did not make holes in would get small holes. Needless to say Tiffany went through quite a lot of underwear, it was always interesting to see what new ones she would get. I would love it when the holes in her thongs would show over her tight low rise jeans. It was also interesting to examine how long the crotch area would stay in tact and when the seams of the thongs would start to split. She would normally get cotton ones but would occasionally wear polyester or lace ones that would wear out ridiculously quickly. Her thongs were also a size 4.

In our last year of high school Tiffany made the Dance and Cheer team once again but was unable and had been unable to be a flyer for either even though she made both teams each year. After this she stopped her daily running as training to be a flyer but continued to be a member of both teams. She also stopped her regular dieting around this time. As a result of her no longer running or consistently eating healthy she slowly gained some weight which all went to her thighs and bottom. This was a very slow process but I was able to notice it. Her butt pushed out against her pants anyway and as a result of this she tended to after a while naturally get holes in her jeans around the back pockets. After she gained some weight in the butt her butt would push more so on the butt of her jeans causing them to get holes more frequent and quickly showing off a combination of part of her thong and her creamy white skin. I also noticed towards the end of school that her thongs were taking a beating from her butt slowly getting a bit bigger too. A few of them tended to get holes in the sides on her hips and the holes under the waist band and around the seams became bigger and more common. In addition to this her thongs began to show signs of stretching out which aided the holes getting bigger. A little bit before graduation she bought herself a variety of 12 new thongs(I counted), these thongs were a size 5 instead of a size 4. Some of these thongs had a spaghetti strap waist band and some with a slightly wider waist band.

After graduation Cheer and Dance classes ended, In addition to this once she graduated she was given a car so she no longer had to cycle around everywhere. As a result of this she continued to slowly gain weight which went to her thighs and butt. Her jeans continued to take the most of the damage around the back pockets and thighs. I remember one day I was playfully wrestling with her, we were struggling against each other as she moved into a bent position. I remember hearing a tearing noise as her jeans which already had a hole in one thigh and one back pocket showing part of her thong and or bare bum split down the back center. Throughout the first year after graduation she got herself more thongs, these thongs tended to in general be a bit more casual and were a size 5. Her butt was slowly getting bigger throughout this time so after a while these thongs would begin to stretch out as her size 4 ones did. When she was down to wearing her remain way too small and tattered size 4 thongs at this point the waist band tended to twist as it was stretched out. Over some time her size 5 thongs got more and more stretched, out tattered and holey due to a combination of her butt getting bigger and me making small holes myself. After a while she had an underwear collection of thongs more ratty than any she ever had with every single pare having holes. As a response to this Tiffany decided she was going to stop wearing underwear completely.
Tiffany’s plan to stop wearing underwear completely was only a half way plan. When it was that time of the month she would put on one of her tattered mangled thongs that still had some material and the crotch and wear it. The rest of the time she did go commando showing off the upper part of her bare butt and crack every time she sat down. After a few months of this she gave it up pretty much and purchased herself some new underwear in two different sets. Casual cotton thongs that were not a spaghetti strap waist band. I remember shortly after she bought these I casually when I had a chance opened her laundry basket to examine one closer. The tag at the back read “size 6 (M)” which I discovered was on the tag of all of these new thongs.

Throughout this time we would have sexual intercourse quite frequently. Tiffany much preferred to have sex without a condom but this could not be done safely all too often so she decided she would start to take birth control. As a result of this she continued to gain more weight which went to her butt and her thighs. Her size 6 thongs slowly started to ride up her butt and gain faster signs of wearing out due to this and small modifications by me. After a while they fit her smaller than her old size 5 ones would and would ride up her butt every day. I would sometimes notice the strap on the waist band of these new thongs curl over. At this point her butt had gone from a toned butt to a bubble butt as it had slowly gotten bigger. The back strap of her thong would disappear completely into the deep canyon of her buttcrack making it mostly invisible.

After a while because of her too small thongs riding up and being out of place Tiffany ended up getting yeast infections. At first she simply decided to grow back some of her pubic hair as she was clean shaven before figuring this would help. She ended up getting another yeast infection a bit later and as a result of this she completely switched from wearing thongs to panties in brief or bikini style. The days of the pantyline were back! She had gotten some full panties from Macy’s. Some were in casual colors and some had print like designs on them. She had picked up about 15 different pairs in a few brands. I would notice the tag on these panties read “Size 6 M”. She also would frequently get the plumbers pants look of the butt crack showing over the top of these panties which would show over her jeans when she sat down. I would notice her adjust these panties often. She had been wearing thong underwear all the time for years and had to get used to wearing panties again. This whole time her bottom continued to get slowly bigger. It got bigger to the point she was actually cut from the ice skating team she had been on for a while for being too heavy. Gaining weight in her butt would also make her panties ride up the sides of her now bubbly creamy white ass. I noticed she would regularly adjust the sides as they would ride up her butt. Tiffany slowly did find the way to fix this problem.

The next time Tiffany got new underwear she went to Victoria Secret as she had done before. This time though she was buying panties, not thongs and her choice was interesting. The panties she bought were seven pairs of simple black Victoria Secret briefs that said “Victoria Secret” on the waist band. I noticed she would wear these particular underwear whenever she had a pair clean as she found them comfortable and they did not ride up the sides of her butt so much. I remember checking the tag of these underwear when I could and noticed the tag read “size 7, L, large”. I wondered if her choice to buy simple black briefs instead of her usual bright colors or prints was a sign of lack of confidence, and reaction to realizing how big and bubbly her butt had gotten to the point she needed a size large. This was confirmed to a higher level the next time she bought new panties. The next time she bought new panties she expressed the ultimate lack of confidence a girl can while buying new underwear. She went to JC-Penny and purchased quite a few pairs of simple underwear mostly in white and a few black. These panties were cheap “Hanes her way” underwear that said “Hanes her way” on the straight waist band. I remember checking the tag of these panties and seeing the size “Size 8 XLG”.

There were multiple occasions during this time period where her pantylines were obvious and people pointed them out to her. She decided she would wear thongs again on occasion with certain outfits and decided she could as long as the thongs did not ride up her butt and fit properly. She bought herself some thongs, only five to wear on occasion. These were all simple white cotton thongs that she had purchased. Of course when I had a chance to examine these new white thongs I took a look at the tag to see the size “Size 10 XXLG”. Tucked in the back of her underwear drawer I was able to find a few of her older size 6 thong underwear she used to wear and was amazed at how her new undies dwarfed her old undies even while her old ones had stretched out. At this point her once round, toned butt had turned into a bubble butt that would jiggle. In addition to this her bra size had gone from a 34B to a 36C, love handles, and a bit of a muffin top. I remember the last time she got new underwear before we broke up she bought quite a few simple “jockey” briefs “Size 10 XXLG”

Feel free to ask questions about her, I will gladly answer.
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