Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2057432-Getting-Help
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Adult · #2057432
18+ when an accident is anything but an accident. Based on a true story.

-Getting Help-
by Keaton Foster

*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

She lay
The accident
I witnessed it all
Terrifying second
Horrible consequence
I was sure
That I had just seen
Another being die
What I might see
Still I decided
That I must help
Or at least try
Down into a ditch
Into a stand of trees
At frightening speed
Never did she
Touch the brakes
No seatbelt
Was she wearing
Her car exploded
Into many pieces
Her body
Did the same
I have no doubt
That every bone
In her small frame
On a minute
And major level
Was broken
In some way
Blood oozed
From each orifice
Her eyes
Facing up
Frozen forward
Her skin was pale
Still did her chest
Rise and fall
She was at the edge
Upon the precipice
Of life and death
I’ve seen it before
A few times in war
I know it well
It’s unmistakable
And undeniable
She was going over
She was going to fall
Further down than most
Because I fear
This was no accident
This was intentional
It was suicide
By motor vehicle
A two thousand pound
Bullet fired right at her
Never did she
Touch the brakes
Never did she
Turn the wheel
The road curved slight
And she went straight
Down into the ditch
Into a stand of trees
Her small car
Disintegrated upon impact
There was no fire
Just total obliteration
The difference between
Going fast and stopping
So instant
Her body flew
Through the air
Smashing into trees
Pinging from one
To the very next
Ripping off limbs
Like twigs
As she went
She came to rest
In the ditch
Her blond hair
Was soaked red
Did I lose count
Of her grievous wounds
I reached down
For her empty hand
Clasping it tight
I whispered
Into her ear
I’m here
You are not alone
You won’t die
In this place
By yourself
No matter the reason
I saw what you did
And I see what
You’ve become
I will not judge
To sin is human
To error is divine
Even the greatest of sins
Can somehow be forgiven
They must
To you I can relate
That for the most part
Life is just
Too damn much
By motor vehicle
More of
An original idea
Than most
Sure you could
Not be certain
Maybe you’d survive
Maybe someone
Would be getting help
And if so
Maybe you would
Stand some kind
Of a significant chance
But I am well aware
That a chance
Is what you wish
Least of all
This was intentional
This was planned
You knew what
You were doing
Somehow I feel
As if
You always have
That all being said
I can promise you this
I won’t be
Getting help
In no way
In no shape or form
I’m gonna stay here
Right by your side
No one should
Have to die alone
I won’t follow you
Into the light
But what I will do
Is give you a nudge
Tender the push
After you are gone
I’ll go back to the road
Call for the police
And let them know
What it is I did see
I’ll shadow the facts
Leave out some detail
Maybe they’ll figure it out
And maybe they won’t
I’ll protect the sanctity
Of your decision
Getting help
Is what I should do
But I won’t
Because this
Was no accident
You don’t wish
Have no desire
To be saved
And to that
I myself
Can certainly relate
There are times when
Getting help
Would be pointless…

Getting Help
Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2015.

© Copyright 2015 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2057432-Getting-Help