Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/205750-Xeyanitha----Gisodia
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #205750
Gisodia's race is faced with the impossible when humans land on their planet
         I was sleeping when I heard the terrible noise.
         It startled me awake and it took me a while to register that my baby, Linsopia, was wailing. I shuffled through the house and got to him, cradling him on my tail, which I wrapped around my stomach.
         What in the world was that noise? I thought, and looked out the front door.
         What I saw startled me. A greenish light. Fear struck me when I heard voices. They were strange voices though, I couldn't understand them.
         I made sure that Linsopia was quiet and stepped outside. It was dark, but the greenish light was enough for me to see that they weren't Xeyanithans. My hearts were pounding.
         What was going on? Slowly, I stepped closer, my curiosity getting the best of me. I didn't really feel fear at the moment, although I probably should have. I just kept walking. Entranced by the light, I suddenly realized that I had moved forward too far. The light was on me and I knew that I would be in perfect view. It was time for me to go, now.
         I turned back, starting to run towards my house. But when I tripped I gave a
little screech, and rolled over so I wouldn't crush poor Lins. I knew something was wrong when it was silent. I sat up and saw that the...things...were all staring at me. They seemed to be as dumbfounded as I was. Everyone stood there for a moment, and then all hell broke loose. I was grabbed and taken over to their wrekage or something, millions of thoughts were running through my mind.
         How in the world did they get here? What were they going to do to me? Why were they here? When will they leave?
         I was going with them without a fight, but when they took Linsopia, I started to scream. I had no idea what they were going to do with him and I wasn't letting him out of my sight. They looked shocked at my sudden outburst and almost let me let go. I grabbed at Lins. The alien was shocked and gave him back to me with a shout from another. I took him in my arms and I whipped my tail around, hitting one of them, but not hard
         They backed away from me, circling me. I knew I was trapped. I sat on my tail and waited for them to come at me. One came towards me slowly, palms up. I had no idea what that meant but I didn't move.
         When I am sitting on my tail I can kick very hard and I was hoping that they didn't know that.
         The creature was weird. He had two of everything. Two hands, legs, arms, feet, eyes. Its skin was peachy, and the fur on its head was a dark, dark color.
         Suddenly, it started to speak to me. I had no idea what it was saying. It pointed to itself and said "Human". Then he pointed to everyone else and said "Human". I didn't react.
         They thought I didn't understand but I'm not stupid, they are calling themselves Humans.
         They kept me like that for a while, and I just waited. What else was I supposed to do? I could either attack and risk my life and Linspoia's, or I could just wait. So long as they didn't try anything it would be ok.
         It didn't take long for ours suns to rise. It seemed that the "Humans" knew they had to let me go.
         I walked away and to my house. I didn't show that I was scared but I was practically hysterical. Once in the house I ran and put Lins in the bed and I laid down on the floor next to it, praying that this was all a dream.


         I woke up with a cramp in my tail, and realized I was laying on the floor. I started to cry. It wasn't a dream! I pulled myself up and gingerly sat on my tail, my pale orange fur was dirty from the floor. I brushed myself off and took Linsopia in my arms. I knew that I had to do something, although I wasn't sure what.
         Slowly, I peered around the corner of the door, to make sure none of the "Humans" were in my house. I didn't see any, nor were any behind me. I rubbed they eye on the back of my head with my hand and padded softly through the kitchen. Maybe I could catch a glimpse of them in the light now, without them seeing me. I was just about to peer through a window when my wall turned on.
         "Ahh!!!" I screamed I turned to the wall and pushed the button. "Hodiso! Don't do that ever again!"
         I heard laughter and then Hodiso's picture came onto the screen. "Sorry! I didn't know you were right there!"
         I wasn't laughing, "Well I am, what do you want?"
         "Jeez!" He said, "Grouchy! I was just wanting to talk."
         I glared, "Don't you even know what's going on?!"
         He looked surprised, "No, what? Is there something wrong with Lins?"
         "No, there's nothing wrong with Lins!" I started to cry, "Its horrible!"
         "Gisodia," He said quietly, "Talk to me, what's wrong?"
         "You wouldn't believe me!" I sobbed, then quietly and more to myself I whispered, "No one will."
         "Try me." He sat back on his tail, and crossed his arms, obviously waiting for some minor problem.
         I sucked up my tears and gave him another glare, looking through the window with my back eye, the humans were out of view.
         "What would you say if I said that there were aliens in my front yard?"
         He actually fell off his tail. Completely out of view, but I could hear him laughing. When he finally came back into the screen the fur on his face was such dark of an orange it looked red. After a few minutes he finally caught his breath and managed to stop laughing. By then I was fuming. Of course he would react like that, what else did I expect?!
         "Woo," He said settling down, "I'd say you had too much bungos sauce!"
         He started roaring with laughter again. "You know for a while you had me going! I really thought something was wrong!" He started to laugh again, but I interrupted.
         "Oh, you think that's funny do you?" I spat out, my blood boiling.
         "What a whoot eh?" I was just about to start ranting and raving when something caught my back eye. A human! I smiled, if he sees if with his own eyes would he believe me?
         I smiled sweetly at him, "You don't believe me?" I asked innocently.
         "No!" He said, bubbling with laughter, "But you are a good actress you know --" He stopping talking when I moved to the side, giving him full view of the human. His eyes bugged out and his tail went limp. "Wha?" Was all he managed before I shut off the screen. He'll be over before I can even finish feeding Lins!


         After I cut Hodiso off, I put Linsopia on my back and went down the path behind my house, so I could meet him before the humans saw him.
         What are they doing? I thought, as I looked back. They were working on something but I couldn't tell what it was. I was frightened, what are they going to do to us? Why are they here?
         I met Hodiso down at the end of the path, he still looked dumbfounded but skeptical also. He probably thought this was just one big prank. I wish it was.
         "They are called humans." I said simply and walked back toward my house, he followed.
         "But, how?" He blabbered. That's the same question I had, how did they get here? We knew that there was a galaxy outside of our planet but we had never been able to go up there. Never developed something like that. These humans
must have way better technology, or maybe they had just been around longer.
         When we neared the house, I knew something was wrong. There was a light coming from inside my house. A human came out of my back door, pointed to us and shouted something. Without a single hesitation, Hodiso and I turned around and ran, but I could hear the humans behind us. They were fast!
         I was off balance with Linsopia on my back. I saw the human come very close. Then it snatched Lins off of my back. I stopped dead in my tracks and got on my tail, prepared to kick.
         "Give me Linsopia!" I shouted at him. Lins was crying, and the human seemed confused. Behind me Hodiso stopped. He came and walked back, but I could tell he was ready to run.
         "Linsopia!" I shouted again, pointing to my baby.
         "Linsopia?" He said, he pointed to Lins.
         "Linsopia." I said calmer but tears in my eyes, I reached for him. The human handed me back Lins, and I cradled him in my arms.
         Hodiso came beside me and I back up. I was ready to kick when I saw another human walking towards us with some sort of box in his hands. It was the one that talked to me before, the one that taught me "human". I knew because of his dark hair.
         The two humans talked I only understood "Linsopia". The human with the dark hair pointed to my baby and said "Linsopia". I nodded, then said "Linsopia."
         He lifted the box that he was holding and Hodiso kicked. The box crashed to the ground the human held his wrist, shouting at us. We ran a little then stopped, looking back. The human was hollaring something at the other human then he gingerly picked up the box and looked it over. I eyed him carefully, and said a quick "Good Job" to Hodiso. He just nodded.
         The human came towards us with the box up, and his palms out like he had them the night before. Then he took the box and held it out slowly. One palm was still out. He then pushed a button on the side. He started to speak to us.
         "What's he saying?" Hodiso asked me, bewildered.
         "How am I supposed to know?" I shot back at him. But the same question was running through my mind.
         "What should we do?" He asked, his voice wavered, he was scared to death.
         "I don't know." I answered, and looked at the human, he smiled then pushed a different button on the box, lifted it to his mouth, and spoke again. With a shock I realized that a voice was coming out of the box. The human was speaking to us.
         And this time we understood him.


         "Can you understand me?" He asked in our language. Hodiso and I stared. The human pushed another button and held out the box.
         "Gisodia?" Hodiso said, "How in the world did he do that?!"
         "I..." I started, holding Lins tight, "I don't know!"
         The human smiled and spoke again. "It's a translator," he said smoothly, "It will translate any language."
         "A translator?" I asked, completely baffled, "But...?"
         The human shook his head, impatient. "Listen, my name is Jeffery, I need to talk to your leader."
         "Our leader?" Hodiso said, looking at me. "Does he mean Pedloria?"
         "Pedloria," The human repeated, looking excited, "Is that your president?"
         "Pedloria is out king." I said, "But what are you doing here? Where did you come from?"
         The human waved the questions aside. "I can't answer any of that now, I just need to speak to your king."
         "What should we do Hodiso?" I asked quietly, I wasn't sure if the human could hear. Hodiso shook his head. I looked at the human.
         "All right...Jeffery...I can get you in contact with Pedloria."
         "Lead the way!" The human said, grinning. I walked in front of him and walked back to my house, my back eye watching Jeffery’s every move.


         I took Jeff, as he asked me to call him, to the wall in my home and pushed the button. He said that he was surprised we were this advanced, which earned a glare from Hodiso and I.
         Who does he think he is? Sure maybe he has space travel but that doesn't mean we are that inferior! It make me want to stop right there, but we were outnumbered and I was scared.
         With a few push of the buttons, I accessed the kings screen. When he and the queen came on, I made sure the humans were out of sight.
         "Pedloria," I said, bending low with my tail straight out, a custom. "Julocus," I repeated the step to the queen. Then straightening, I got right down to business.
         "My name is Gisodia, I live on the outer edge of Mizoden, right near the peninsula." I paused, they apparently didn't find this fascinating, so I continued. "Do you know what happened last night?"
         The king and queen looked at eachother, then Julocus answered with a crisp "No." I could tell that they were waiting for the chance to hang up on me, so I rapidly continued.
         "Last night I was woken by a loud noise that came from my front yard, any idea what that would be?"
         Pedloria glared. "We know nothing that went on in your front yard Gisodia, ending with a question each time is not going to make us suddenly know. If this is not serious, we are very busy!"
         I blushed and bowed my head, then I straightened up and gathered my courage. "Fine, let me be blunt then." I paused long enough to let the king give a snort. "Last night aliens landed in my front yard."
         The reaction of the king and queen was opposite of Hodiso's. They did not fall off of their tails laughing, in fact they weren't laughing at all. They looked furious.
         "Gisodia!!! Pranks like this are NOT accepted!" Julocus spat out, her beautiful strawberry orange fur bristled with anger. "I cannot believe that a citizen would lay such a prank! Pedloria, we are leaving now, I'm calling the authorities, this type of behavior is not accepted in Xeyanitha!"
         "I wouldn't leave if I were you Queen." Jeff's voice came out raspy through the "translator". Julocus turned on her tail, ready for another crude remark and stopped dead. Her jaw hanging open. She blinked a couple of times and then talked to me again.
         "This is a joke?" This time her voice was shaky and hopeful.
         I sadly shook my head. "They call themselves humans." I said, pointing to Jeff. "This one is Jeffery, I believe he is the leader of them."
         She sat down hard on her tail, stunned. "I don't understand..." She just sat there. Pedloria wasn't much help, he was just staring at the humans, mouth hanging open.
         "We need to talk to you Julocus, Pedloria. We have some things to discuss." Jeff said, with a smirk. That's when a thought dawned on me. Talk to them? Is there something wrong with their space craft? Or....is it something else? I looked worriedly over at Jeff but he didn't notice.
         "Yes..." She nodded, apparently she was more in charge of things than her husband. "Yes. Gisodia? Where did you say you lived again?" I filled her in with everything and after a few more words from Jeff and I, they said they would be over immediately.
         That's when Jeff asked if we could talk, about the Xeyanthians. I hesitated for a moment before looking at Jeff. He seemed nice enough, and with a glance around the room I said that it was fine with me as long as Hodiso was there. I couldn't say no, but I wasn't going to be left alone with aliens!


         Jeff talked alot about his planet and people. He said they lived on a planet called Earth, which was in a different galaxy. The planet used to be perfect, he mentioned, but now it was ruined with pollution and they were out of water. A thing called Global Warming had started and alot of their cities were underwater. But they were able to live underwater.
         I was fascinated. I suddenly didn't have any fears about them. At least not immediate ones, I was still wary of course. But curiosity had gotten the best of me once again. That's how it usually was with Xeyanthians.
         He said that they were very overpopulated and didn't have enough food to go around. No one died of diseases anymore, there was a cure for everything. So deaths were from starvation and old age mostly.
         I told him of our planet, there wasn't much to tell. I figured out that our planets were alike. We had large bodies of water, most of the planet. About the same atmospheres too. Jeff mentioned that it must be a perfect place to live, almost like a new Earth. I agreed.
         When the Queen and King got there, I left. It wasn't until I went to bed that night that I thought about what Jeff had really said. Jeff's planet was a mess, completely ruined.
         I blinked and sat up. But our planet is perfect. "Like a whole new Earth."


         When I woke up, I figured out that the news of the humans had spread rapidly. Turning on the screen, I got the current events. That was the only thing that they talked about. Mutant seabass could have developed legs and taken over Gopisla, and they would still be talking about what's in my front yard.
         When the King and Queen came on, I listened closely, keeping my back eye on the yard. What Julocus and Pedloria said, startled and disturbed me greatly, and yet I expected it. Jeff just chatted at first, but then he was blunt.
         Basically the humans wanted our Xeyanitha. And they wanted us off of it. They offered a trade, Xeyanitha for Earth.
         I almost dropped poor Lins when I heard that. Xeyanitha for Earth?! Is Jeff nuts?! He just told me that Earth was wreckage! I fearfully listened to the rest.
         Julocus and Pedloria hadn't agreed but they said that Jeff had said it was like Xeyanitha, only more water and only one sun. They said the Humans offered a good deal. We would be getting alot of their technology. Things that we didn't have and we could really benefit from.
         My hearts stopped. "No way." I said aloud. My mind was racing. Did that mean that Jeff conveniently forgot to say that Earth was ruined?
         I took Linsopia and held him in my tail, then stomped out to talk to Jeff. When the humans saw me coming, I knew they could tell I was mad. They didn't try to stop me, I just heard someone call into the craft for Jeff. By the time Jeff was out I was at the front I was fuming.
         "Jeff!" I shouted, "How in the world could you say something like that?!" Jeff just smiled and grabbed the translator, handing it to me. I ripped it from his hand and repeated what I said before.
         "Say what?" He replied.
         "You know VERY WELL what I mean!" I shouted into the box, it made a slight screeching noise. I quieted down a little, controlling my rage.
         "You offered that trade, and you didn't say a thing about pollution?!"
         "I offered the trade yes. I'm sure that I mentioned the condition of Earth though..." Jeff
said with a smirk. He calmly handed back the translator.
         "Jeff, you little..." I pulled the translator away to let out a string of swear words, he seemed surprised.
         "You think your really something else don't you? You big high and mighty humans who can fly through space can do whatever they want right? Wrong alien!" I glared at him. He seemed a little stunned, I don't think he expected something like that from me.
         "You can't just come onto Xeyanitha and say, 'Hmm...I like this place, bye everyone who lives here!' this is our planet and we are taking good care of it, go back to your Earth." I threw the translator at him and walked off, my tail swinging. Lins was crying so I cradled him in my hand. Jeff came running up by me and stopped me.
         "What?" I spat, he didn't understand but that wouldn't have mattered. He held the translator to his lips,
         "Want to know what? I CAN say that 'I like this place, its mine.' and you can watch me do it."


         When I got inside I screened up the king and queen immediately. When they said that they were busy, I started screaming and raving until they let me on. Pedloria was shocked at my behavior.
         "Gisodia! What has gotten into you?!"
         I calmed myself down enough to spit out everything that Jeff had told me. I didn't say anything about the confrontation that I just had. When they heard that they were silent.
         "Are you sure?" Pedloria asked quietly.
         "YES." I said firmly, and I watched the realization dawn on them. Julocus paled to a pink shade, and Pedloria boiled to a red shade.
         "I can't believe we almost believed that alien SCUM!" The king ranted slamming his fist on
the table. "There is no way that we are taking that offer, what were we thinking anyway?!" He stormed off of the screen and Julocus asked me to get Jeff.
         "No," I said, "I'm not bringing that ... THING...into my home again."
         She nodded her understanding and asked that I would go out there and tell them that the offer was over. "With pleasure." I snarled and made my way out.
         I quickly walked across the yard and stopped right outside their door. I ignored all of the looks from the other humans.
         "JEFF!!!" I yelled, when his head peeked out, I shouted "OFFER REJECTED!!!" The shocked look on all of the human faces was priceless, because I just spoke their language.


         I was sleeping when I heard the terrible noise. I looked out of my window and saw another craft landing.
         "Oh my god." I grabbed Lins and ran outside. Thunder rumbled and it began to rain. I ignored it and saw that there were twice as many humans. Half of them didn't know what I was. I was about to be grabbed when Jeff came.
         "Stop," he said to them and looked at me. "Yes?" He said innocently. He didn't hand over the translator right away, as if he was waiting for me to speak their language again, I snatched if from his hands.
         "What is going on?" I asked, looking around something seemed different about the new humans, but I couldn't place it.
         "What do you mean?" He asked, cruel laughter came from all of the humans within hearing distance. Rain pounded down on my fur.
         "Jeff quit being a bumiper!" He looked confused, he didn't realize what that meant, and I didn't translate. "Why are there more humans? We refused the offer."
         "I know you refused the offer, I heard you. Any other questions?" He smirked and more chuckles were heard through the group. Tears welled up in my eyes. It was a good thing it was raining.
         "Jeff, come on!" I screeched, losing control.
         "Where are we going, can I drive?" He replied cockily.
         I stamped my foot, "Jeff, fine I'm sorry about what I said earlier, just tell me what's going on!" I looked into his eyes. He blinked. That was all I needed.
         I turned around and ran back to the house, I needed to call the king and queen right away.
         I figured out what was different about the new humans. They all had the same outfit on, and I just knew they were from an army.
         There was going to be a war.

         When I woke up the King and Queen in the middle of the night they weren't happy. But they forgot all of their sleepiness when I told them what happened.
         "What do you mean war?" Pedloria said groggily.
         "War, as in fighting. The Humans vs. The Xeyanithans. Get it?" I said snobbishly, "These people mean business."
         "But...they wouldn't just wage war like that! It would be completely irrational!" Julocus declared but when I shook my head, her tail limped.
         "I don't think that these humans ARE rational. Their planet is destroyed. So they want to come here and destroy ours. Plain and simple. They don't care about anyone else."
         Julocus looked around the room, as though the answer would suddenly appear. "But, we can't negotiate?"
         "I don't think so. I think its either their way, or no way." I said sadly, looking at Lins. Pedloria sighed and took Julocus' hand.
         "I think we need to gather troops."


         I never got to sleep that night. I just sat in the kitchen in the dark, watching the humans trudge around in the now muddy ground from the hard rain. I called Hodiso, but he wasn't any help, he refused to believe me. He's just scared.
         I watched Jeff mostly, just thinking 'how could he do something like this to us?' and other non-helpful thoughts.
         When our suns rose, so did I. The rain had stopped not long ago and I went outside once again. This time Jeff came to me.
         "What do you want?" He asked with a tired voice. I didn't feel even the tiniest bit of pity.
         "Peace." I said simply.
         "Well, we aren't going to have it so get over it." He was blunt and it stung but I took it without flinching.
         "Why not Jeff? Why war?" He seemed startled that I knew war was going to start.
         "War? What gives you that idea?" He asked his voice slightly shaky.
         I gave a bitter laugh. "We may not have the best technology, alien, but we aren't stupid."
         He straightened it shoulders and looked me in the eye, he didn't blink this time. "Well, the sooner you know accept the truth the sooner you can get over it."
         "Does war have to be the way?" I asked in a pleading way. We both knew if there was war. The Xeyanithan's didn't have much of a chance.
         "Yes." He said.
         Tears stung my eyes when I thought that Linsopia wouldn't grow up to live in a peaceful world. My baby may never grow up.
         "Fine." I managed to choke out. "Good-bye Jeff." I handed him the translator and walked back to my house.
         I knew that was the last time I would speak to Jeff, that was a real good-bye.


         Over the next few days more humans came. I never went out and talked to Jeff again. They came at my door but I pretended that I wasn't there.
         After 3 days there was a total of 14 crafts. More humans than I could count. I cried when I saw them start to line up. They pulled out these...things. I heard them talking and I think they were called guns. They practiced firing these "guns" and I cried harder. We didn't have anything like that. We had these things that fired but nothing like that. Their was nothing more than a beam of light that came out that incinerated trees and other things.
         The Xeyanithan's were preparing also, but I knew it was futile. I didn't talk with Hodiso. I think he was still in denial. That was why I was surprised when he came over. He just walked in the back door and hugged me. Then we just sat and watched the humans.
         I knew that the next day was the last day of peace that I would ever see.


         It was just dawn when I saw them lining up. But they were lining up different. They were facing the city and not the sea. Tears streamed down my face as I gave Linsopia to Hodiso.
         I walked outside the suns rose. It was going to prove to be beautiful day. I stepped in the front of the line. Jeff was in the lead.
         "Gisodia. Move." Jeff's scratchy voice came through the translator.
         I shook my head, standing defient before them all. They were a different race, they were something from somewhere that I couldn't even imagine. But, they had feelings and thoughts, just like us. They were like us.
         A single tear leaked out of my eye and got swallowed by my fur. Jeff lifted the translator to his lips and was about to say something when a shot rang out and I felt a stab in my stomach. I put my hands to my middle and saw the purple-ish blood pouring out. Shock took over my body as my energy drained fast. I looked up at Jeff and saw shock in his eyes too.
         "Nuyin n Felos" I said, then my tail muscles relaxed and I fell to the ground.

         The war had begun.

To find out the fate of Xeyanitha and what "Nuyin n Felos" means, you'll have to read "Xeyanitha -- Jeffery, Jeffery's point of view!
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