Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2060261-What-I-did-over-spring-break
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2060261
A young man recalls the strange way he met his wife
This is NOT a true story. No part of it contains a shred of truth. This story is based on a dream I had last night, probably from eating too much before bed.

My college roommate, Chase, and I were next door neighbors growing up, and we had been best friends for as long as I could remember. Our ambition at the time was to go to the beach during the spring break of our freshman year at Garrett State. My roommate had everything planned; fake ID's: check, sunglasses: check, pen and paper for writing phone numbers of cute girls: check. Nothing was going to keep us from having the best time of our lives. Through summer jobs over the years we had amassed enough money to pay for gas and food, but we wouldn't be able to afford a nice motel room; we'd have to find a cheap place to stay. We didn't care, considering we wouldn't spend much time in the room, anyway.
We packed everything we could remember to. This wasn't easy; I was always forgetting something, whether it be homework, feeding the goldfish (oops!), or the name of that cute girl who sat next to me in my World History class. We rode in my car. The car was messy; pizza boxes and soda cans slid along the floor and out the door as my roommate opened the passenger side door. Two free guys on the road to the beach; no parents to tell us what to do, no alarm clocks to wake up to, it was finally time to enjoy ourselves after working hard at school.
It took us almost ten hours to get to the beach, but the trip was worth it. This was the culmination of everything we had worked for. This was the moment we had dreamt about since we were teenagers. We could smell the saltwater and hear loud music blaring echoing from the other cars. "Spring Break!" we said in unison.
As soon as we got into town, we found the nearest, cheapest motel. At $30 a night, we figured there wouldn't be anywhere else to stay that would be any cheaper. We opened the door to the motel lobby and approached the front desk. Sitting behind the counter was a nineteen year old girl, with a nose ring, reading Cosmopolitan magazine and chatting on the phone with her friend. I rang the bell. She looked up from her magazine and in an irritated tone said, "What do you want?" I sheepishly replied, "I'd like to rent a room, please, with two beds." "All of our double rooms are booked, but I can set you up in a single room with a foldout couch," she replied. "That's great!" I answered. She sighed and muttered, "OK. How long are you staying?" "All week!" I declared. "Great," she stated sarcastically, "checkout time's at 8 AM. Don't expect a wake up call; I don't do them. There's a free continental breakfast: milk, cereal, juice, you know. Your going to be in room fifteen. If you take a right as you leave the lobby, it will be the next to last one at the end of the building, right across from the pool." "Thank You!" I replied graciously.
We went to room fifteen, and opened the door. We gasped in horror as we saw a man passed out in the bed. The man reeked of beer and liquor. "She double-booked," we thought as we walked back to the lobby.
The girl at the front desk was still reading her magazine as we approached the desk. "What do you want?" she yelled. "You double-booked our room, we want another one," I whispered. She belligerently agreed to give us another one. "Ok," she mumbled, "you're room is number twelve. It's three doors down from room fifteen, duh!"
We went to room twelve and opened the door. It was a fairly nice room. It didn't have a TV, but we didn't care. There was a small closet and chest of drawers to the left side of the room, as you walked in. There was a large bathroom with a sink, small end table and shower. There was a door that locked from the inside (bathroom side). The foldout couch and bed were arranged in the shape of an L. I wished I could have stayed in the queen sized bed, but I was nice and let my friend sleep in the bed while I slept on the foldout couch.
We were worn out from our long trip, so we decided to leave our luggage in the car. We decided we would come out for it as we needed it.
We drove to the beach. As we were walking down the shoreline, two cute girls approached us, with fliers in their hands. We found out later that the tall, supermodel like girl was named Heather and her friend was named Beth. "We're having a spring break block party!" Heather exclaimed. "You're both invited, and if you have any friends, bring them along, too. This is a way for our sorority to reach out to our community." We took the fliers, and continued walking down the beach.
A short time later, we drove down to the block party. This was awesome: there was a DJ with his own live band, free food and cute girls. We didn't have to wait long before a guy in a letterman jacket approached us. "Hey guys, welcome to our block party. This is a nice way for my fraternity and our sister sorority to reach out to the community, don't you think. What will y'all have to drink?" he inquired. "Two beers, please." The guy walked off, and we began to walk around. We quickly ran into the girls we had seen at the beach. "Thanks for coming, guys!" Heather exclaimed. "Thanks for inviting us," we replied, "would you ladies like to dance?" "Sure!" she answered. The guy from the fraternity brought us our drinks, and we began sipping on them. We began talking to the girls, and it wasn't long before they began flirting with us. "Would you like to get out of here?" Heather inquired, "there's an awesome bar downtown, you guys do have your ID's on you?" I was always forgetting things; this time was no exception. I quickly realized that I had forgotten my wallet at the motel room. "Hey Chase, I'll catch up with you. I've got to run back to the room," I stated.
Before I left, the girls gave me directions to the bar. They told me to meet them in one hour. It took about ten minutes to get back to the room. Wanting to make a good impression, I decided to get some clothes, deodorant, my toothbrush and toothpaste out of the back seat so I could take a bath and get freshened up. I walked into the room and placed my keys on the chest of drawers. I stripped down and walked into the bathroom, placing my clothes and deodorant on the end table and my toothbrush and toothpaste on the bathroom sink. I grabbed a wash cloth and walked into the shower. Thankfully, there was complimentary soap and shampoo; I had forgotten both of them at home. As I was in the shower, I heard the motel room door open. I quickly shut off the water and went to investigate. Thinking no one would walk in on me, I had left the door to the bathroom open. As I got out of the shower, my face went completely blank as I saw, standing at the side of the bed, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Frightened, she ran out of the motel room yelling, "There's a strange, perverted boy in my room... and he's naked." I quickly shut the door and locked it behind me. As soon as I did, I could hear someone pounding fiercely on the door. They tried to do everything in their power to either unlock the door or beat it down; they even tried to jiggle the handle. Scared out of my mind, I decided I had to escape. "Is her boyfriend on the other side of this door ready to beat me up?" I wondered. "Is she going to get the key to open the bathroom door?" I puzzled. I put my ear to the door, trying to listen for the faintest hint of noise in the bedroom. I decided as soon as it got completely silent, I would grab my keys and wallet and run out the door. I dried myself off, and clothed myself. I put my toothbrush and toothpaste back in the bag I was carrying it in, and placed my wallet in my right back pocket. "One, two, three," I screamed as I threw open the door, making sure to grab my keys as I ran out of the room.
I had made it out alive. I quickly got into the car. As I drove off, I made sure to stop at the front desk, once again. "You double-booked our room, again!" I yelled.
Spring Break quickly drew to a close, and we returned to school. About two weeks later, as I was walking to class I ran into the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her face was familiar, as if I had seen it before. "You're the boy in the bathroom," she stated, "my name's Michelle. I'm a business major; what's your name." "Harvey," I replied bashfully, "I'm an accounting major." Michelle and I quickly became friends, and I eventually got up the nerve to ask her out. Two years later, I proposed to her, and, after graduation, we got married at the courthouse. I worked in accounting for a little while, but soon got the urge to go back to school and become a marriage counselor.
My best friend, Chase, became a famous Hollywood action star, as he had always wanted to do. His new movie is currently under production, and is set to be out next year. He's married a Hollywood actress, and they have two beautiful children, Ashley, who's eight years old, and Tyler, who's three years old.
One of the main points I try to get across to all of my clients is to be cautious of marrying someone you meet at a bar. Spring break is a time when many college students frequent bars, therefore it's not surprising that many of my clients laugh when I tell them where my wife and I met. "We met during spring break," I reply jokingly.
© Copyright 2015 John Glover (johnkoehler at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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