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It's the four days after The Feast that are the best for the humans on Noritte. |
The Feast is Only the Beginning “Most planets celebrate holidays worldwide, but some are like ours. We celebrate this one, almost all of them, by ourselves.” Instructor Corgan leaned back on his desk in front of a group of Learners. “That wasn’t the Home Study Assignment that I gave you before our Seasonal Session ended. Your assignment was to write a paper on what happened after The Feast ended. I am looking forward to hearing all of your papers on it.” “The Feast is my second favorite holiday, but the four days that followed is what I wanted to hear all about. I know your other Instructors are interested in papers about The Feast - and how you celebrated it. That’s why I decided to give you this assignment instead.” Corgan walked around his disorganized Learners as he said that. <<<<<>>>>> Sahhra stood in the center of the Learning Room, but she moved around as if on a rotating circle as she read her paper out loud. “Why is it called Red Day. It’s because it’s the first day after The Feast. The day the prices on everything is Xed out in red, and the prices are dropped by up to point fifty off.” “I love this holiday because I love to shop. Yes, I know that’s how almost everyone my age feels, but it’s different for me. I’m better than all of you. My parents can afford to buy me anything I want, and they do. It’s even better when it’s on Red Day because I can get up to twice as much for the same cost. That pleases my parents too. “The only drawback from it, and the next three days, is because I have to spend it with my parents. It would be a lot easier if they just me the Units and let me go out on my own. Only they won’t. Probably because they know I would spend three times what they give me if I do.” Sahra spent the next fifteen minutes telling everyone how great being above them financially. Despite the moans and groans, not to mention the boos and sneers, she finished her paper. After it ended Morrine, Corgan’s Assistant, thanked her. “That was a very interesting paper. Who’s next?” <<<<<>>>>> Robith had just finished his paper on Red Day, but paused for a minute before he continued. He had his paper in his hands. Only he didn’t read from it. “After Red Day comes Transport Day. It’s not as big of a shopping day for us as it is for our parents. In several years it will be once we are old enough to Control a Transport. Until then it doesn’t mean much to us.” “Our parents can buy a Transport year round, and they do, but most of them wait until Transport Day to do it because they can get them for half off. I like that because it means they have more Units to spend on me. What I don’t like about it is that I have to go with them.” Robith moved around in the unseen circle too. The rest of his paper continued on the way it had up until then. It took him another ten minutes to finish it. Each Learner had twenty minutes to give their papers. So far most of them had. Once again after he finished reading it Morrine thanked him. “I liked that paper a lot. Good job. Who wants to go next?” <<<<<>>>>> Jassini paused before she continued on. She happened to be very shy. In fact, she almost got a ‘failed’ on her paper because of it. Jassini wrote her paper, but she didn’t want to read it out loud in front of everyone. Thanks to Corgan and Morrine, and her fellow Learners, encouraging her she did it. She had just finished Red Day and Transport Day – and she’s ready to start Credit Day. “I like Credit Day because it’s the best day of the year to get Shopping Credit. Almost anyone can get it. It didn’t matter how well you lived, Sahhra, it depended on how much you could get. At age thirteen I couldn’t get much, but even I got some. The best part is that our parents can get a lot more – and the more they got the more they have to spend on us.” After she finished her last day Morrine walked up to her – and took her paper. Right there in front of the other Learners she gave Jassini her ‘Pass or Fail’ – she Passed. Then she showed it to the rest of the Learners like she had with all the other papers so far. “That was very good. Who is going to be next?” <<<<<>>>>> Wordan had just finished reading the first three days when he suddenly stopped. He looked at the other Learners before he continued. “The best day of these four days is Global Day. It’s when you can get connected to the world and buy almost anything there is on Noritte.” “Of course, you have to be careful when you’re on Global. There are a lot of Predators out there you will steal you Units and your lives, but if you are you can find something new you have never seen before or somethings you can’t get around here. I found a lot on Global this year.” That speech went on another few minutes. Once done Wordan gave his paper to Morrine before she could take it from him. “You did a very good job with your paper. I think I am going to pick the next one to give their speech.” <<<<<>>>>> Morrine leaned against the desk as she spoke to the Learners. “you all did excellent work on your papers as usual.” On the monitors in front of you, you will find your next assignment. I’m sure you will give it your best too.” As Morrine returned to her desk she heard a bunch of heavy sighs. |