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This story frames a post modern lab report that creates a monster in a present day. |
These ceremonies usually go the same, they give me an award, they ask about my inspiration and then questions about my childhood about why I am deformed. They ask why a great researcher in the field of biology can solve the problem of cancer but can't find the key to fixing his own deformities. This was the worst part of being a scientist, because all I want to do is better humanity and make it the most superior race, but the drama that takes place after the matter is just ridiculous and takes the pleasure out of biology. Today I was receiving another award for discovering a cure for prostate cancer which was very similar to the other forms of cancer except for the fact that the organ is different and the regular treatment just requires a slight modification so that it eliminates the cancer cells without destroying the prostate. A simple process for any idiot with the research I have already collected but clearly no one has the skills to unlock the secret of curing cancer. These politicians only care about getting their name in the paper and being with people who make great discoveries. In a perfect world the scientists would be able to do their research with no interference with these rancid politicians and ceremonies. They are extremely inconvenient and tedious. After the ceremony I returned to the lab and found my senior supervisor in the lab doing tests on breast cancer. He did not attend the ceremony for the same reasons that I despise them. The supervisor took me aside and told me that breast cancer had taken him and that it was fatal. She only had one day to live and that when he passed I would take his place. I took him to the hospital and got him in a bed, and stayed with him all night. The doctor said she had only hours left so she gave me her personal journal that has all of her projects and life's work inside. She told me that the answer to my deformities lie within the book. I was then taken out of the room and that night I sifted through the journal. I came across many discoveries that she had made and that those before her made. There were pages upon pages of research and a map with labs on it. I continued flipping through the book examining each page until I got to the last page of the journal and saw and old ancient artifact. It was titled Manufactured existence. I opened it up and it wasn't a lab report or award it was a journal written in old english. I decided to read it and wondered if this is what my supervisor was talking about. Manufactured Existence Christopher Blenkarn November 2nd, 17-86 I had just awoken to intercept the aggressive downpour of the river, that has cursed the morning. The lightning was violently thrashing amongst the dark sky. I had begun to ponder how life could have ever decided to come to form in such a wretched place. I began pondering the thought of electricity, and rapidly contemplated the experiments conducted by Mr. Benjamin Franklin. I have been observing the most interesting research regarding the prospects of Galvanism. They have managed to fool the uneducated, by forcing their hand so that they can resurrect people back to life using electricity. The reality of this grand misconception is it is just a muscle contraction. I can now comprehend where many large advancements, in the art that is natural science were hereby influenced. November 5th, 17-86 I continued to comprehend the attempts that of the true brilliance, that is the scientific studies of galvanism. I have begun to wonder if the world that is alive currently, would have the advancements that could suffice in actually re-creating the beauty that is life. Many people have researched in the field of stem cells and prosthetic limbs. I may attempt to use this bewitched technology in the creation of life. It may be a positive outcome that has the potential to accomplish things none others could accomplish. Such creation could be the beginning of something new in the realm of natural science. November 8th, 17-86 I have began to look into the beauty that is stem cells. The creation of prosthesis is possible, but it is a road with a mountain on it and thus we cannot pass because to bring life into this world one must sacrifice the parts thus required as a new host to create the beauty of life. Perhaps it would be possible to grow the body parts using these so-called stem cells and the remains required to uncover this crime of our Creator must be found in other means. This could be impossible for most but since none are to the caliber of genius I withhold it shall be achieved and will be remembered with high honour till the end of time. November 12th, 17-86 I have attained the vilel rodents and have begun the production of the small parts required to create a new human, but to attain the parts the rodents must pass from one life to the next in order to create the substance of the new. The majority of the creation shall be more confusing and will require more study, because the rodents aren't substantial enough to grow the more required limbs, so I shall observe another means of attaining them. This shall pose a substantial barrier to overcome and is essential to create this exceptional invention. I will perhaps require to use a few more mechanical parts and prosthetic parts. I shall conduct more substantial research if there is no other means that I can get the essential parts. As for the internal organs the production of them is underway and in the name of science many organ donors have gifted them for "Research" so in that department we are well underway. As for key organs that are unable to be acquired before death, well, they have been acquired as people die. I will receive the organs that we have requested in great generosity of these once proud organ carriers. November 20th, 17-86 All progression on attaining large body parts has come to a halt for the reality of attaining them is too challenging and too time consuming in a way that could be considered ethical. I have just recently attained an article regarding the research of super sensitive electronic skin. I will have to read and comprehend further into this but I am confident it may solve the problem that we hath faced. I could create a robotic exoskeleton and layer it with this electronic skin to fool many uneducated people. I will have to ponder and review this and decide what the further course of action shall be taken. November 28th, 17-86 After a large deal of revisiting and weighing out the possible outcomes and what I want to achieve I have decided the use of a robotic exoskeleton isn't powerful enough to create life. It is creating a false human that is actually robotic which could be potentially terrifying to many which is not what I have set out to accomplish. Therefore, I have decided to advance with my original success. I will have all of the parts I require to create such a brilliant Idea. December 2nd, 17-86 To my delight the cold and depression of the seasons hath not yet landed and merely only approaches which allows the earth to cease its freeze now. I have obtained all of the parts I require to begin assembling my masterpiece. The horrific limbs I collected were all in proportion to that of a normal specimen. This was to maintain the look and feel of normality and this can be achieved because it is less challenging to connect veins and small organs as it once was. This is due to the evolution of science that has allowed the implements of x-rays and small cameras to allow vision of what occurs within the creation. I am very excited to begin production of this pure scientific genius. December 8th, 17-86 I have began assembly of the creation that will no doubt change the planet, from which will result in the construct of life without requiring a mate. I began by attaching the major limbs together, to form a human like figure where I will begin the assembly of life. I first sewed the head to the torso which was trying because for the artificial human to have the ability to move it's head the stitches would come out so this "human" will not have the ability to move it's head, but alive nonetheless! Then came the arms, once again because they were sewed to the torso movement was only capable from the forearms down. Finally, the legs were sutured, but because they pose the same issue as the head and arms the capability to walk will be limited to no walking capability at all. For now this will suffice, but despite the misfortune that has come to this being it will be alive and all that matters is that life was created. December 27th, 17-86 The body has been assembled all that must be completed is the attachment of the of the internal organs that were generously donated by various people. The body is under a CAT scan apparatus to view what the specimen's internal systems appear to be. I cut the being open and began to attach the internal organs in their correct location, an example diagram has been provided to how this shall appear normally. This was the most challenging process due to the sheer number of systems required within the normal human body. After the internal parts were attached, the nose and ears were fastened to the body. This was done last because it was easier to attach them if the rest of the body's systems were functioning. March 22nd, 17-87 These past few months I have had little to no sleep because I have been working so diligently on my creation. Inside I don't want to go to sleep in fear he might come to life and walk away. This would be the worst possible thing because then someone else will take the credit and I won't get my award. For this reason I have sacrificed sleep in order to protect and create this amalgamation of life. March 27th, 17-87 I have decided how I shall bring a breath into my creation, it shall work because it makes the most logical sense. I shall place a defibrillator to start the heart and begin pumping blood, but simultaneously I shall send electrical impulses through the brain just as if they were brain signals. This makes the being come to life because if all of the systems are working then it theoretically should rise up and capture the spark of what once was the elixir of life. April 1st, 17-87 This isn't a birthday because birth was not given on this day only life. My pure inarguable genius has worked, the being is alive!. After the first attempt I created the electrical impulses to be in closer intervals which was enough power to restart the systems and yes, life has now been created. April 2nd, 17-87 He hath fled. My creation of pure scientific genius has been stolen just as I hath feared, it is the men in suits. They consistently steal my creations, and create billions of them. My creativity and fame is stolen and to reduced quality. They keep me alive by nurturing me. In return they steal my ideas, and produce them as their own to feed their consumption of constant entertainment. Why must i continuously be this lab rat? I have become their invention. In the way that I attempt to create fame off my inventions, they create fame off me. There is no purpose on continuing this wretched world. Where the creation's life began, mine shall conclude. Why would my boss give me this? This must just be a misunderstanding and the part that is supposed to be for me is all of these great scientific discoveries. I must have been given them to spark new ideas so I can continue to help the planet and rid it of all diseases. This journal entry is the one item that does not follow the trend of a scientific discovery. But as curing cancer is a scientific discovery is creating life not? What if I was meant to read this in an attempt to create a better humanity. Perhaps the disease is not the disease itself, maybe it is humanity that plagues the planet. It is possible that nature is trying to cleanse itself of the disease that has plagued it. I was given this collection of discoveries to come to the realization that perhaps this book is just the barrier that mother nature has to climb over. I could also be a defiance of god, and this man made being is sent to cleanse us of the plague that is humanity. What if this responsibility has been left to me? I am a terrific scientist and I have the knowledge to do something that would solve everything. I must sleep on this to comprehend what I have just learned. I have just returned from the office to hear the most peculiar thing. A fellow co-worker just asked me about my deformities again, but that reminded me of what I had read in the journal. The man made monster was put together with random body parts. I do not remember getting these deformities so is it possible that I am the creation the journal spoke of. Perhaps I have been created to fix what my creator had started. My creator defied god and I shall be the one to fix the mistake that god has done, which is solving the problem that is humanity. What if one was to discover my plan and what would be done to me? What if I am just playing a game in my head and this is just one big mistake. I must hide the secret of my creation or else terrible things would happen. I have spent my life work trying to make my race the most superior to all of the others on the planet, but I have only made the humans more strong. But, if I am not human what am I? I was raised by humans and taught by humans and I work with humans so does that not make me human? I believe it does but what if they don't see it that way what if they see me as a plague and they cure me by eradicating me. I must keep this a secret because if anyone were to find out terrible things would happen and my life currently is magnificent except for this cursed journal. What must I do the stress is so significant that I can't work and that is suspicious because that is all I do. What if there was another way? A way that involved the humans not discovering who I am because I am no longer with them. I glanced at the journal and as I read the last few entries, it dawned upon me. The only way life can be created is through birth, but I was not born I was created. Therefor if I disappeared the same as my creator it would not be death or suicide, it would just be nothing. My time is up, there is no point on being caught and being returned to the fate of my creator. I will do it myself for I am a creation. This is the last plague to rid of this wretched place before I am through. My achievements are not of man so as I disappear so do they, this is the last mark on the planet that I shal make. I am including this in the book as my final breathe and discovery. |