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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2079477
The Hoshidan royals want to see who is really the strongest. Lilith has a solution.
The pungent aroma of meats and vegetables descended over the mess hall. Heat wafted from a fire at the northern end of the room. Half of Corrin’s army sat in the warm light, waiting for a hearty meal, including Corrin himself. Ordinarily the Hoshidan militia would eat in the Astral Realm the night before a great battle, but this time they were indulging their appetites in celebration. Corrin, Azura, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura were all seated around a rectangular table, chatting and laughing as they relayed tales of adventure and battle. A familiar blue dragon, no larger than Ryoma’s mane of hair, hovered over the table balancing a stack of six plates in her claws. Lilith bore gifts of fish, beef, daikon, peppers, and radishes, evenly distributing each type of food to its corresponding devourer. Corrin, Hinoka, and Ryoma mercilessly devoured their meals, while Azura, Takumi, and Sakura all took modest bites.

Hinoka swallowed her last gulp and slammed her fork on the table, stifling a short belch. Corrin and Ryoma, seated on either side of her, winced. “Mm! All done! Thanks a lot, Lilith! Maybe you should’ve made less, though…” She laid her hands on her brothers’ backs and giggled. “These guys don’t have much of an appetite.”

Ryoma smiled and folded his arms, feigning offense. “Come now, sister. If Corrin & I knew this was an eating contest, you probably would’ve come in dead last.”

Corrin chuckled, earning him a glare from Hinoka. The crimson-haired princess stood up and pointed squarely at the hovering astral dragon. “Lilith! Go grab three more plates. Let’s do this.”

Lilith cocked her head. “Um… Are you sure about this?”

Hinoka sat back down. The three siblings looked at each other and simultaneously nodded in agreement. They offered their mostly empty plates to Lilith, who sighed and gathered them up. “I’m in, too,” Takumi announced, giving his plate to the dragon as well. Lilith looked at Azura and Sakura, who both shook their heads. “I’m not sure if I should eat much more,” Azura said, patting her stomach, which swelled not with food, but with an unborn fetus. Sakura silently nodded in agreement, but before she could say anything, Hinoka had already grabbed her arm. “Come on, Sakura, join us! This is a contest for the whole family, and you didn’t even touch your plate!”

Sakura’s lip quivered. “Um… O-okay…”

After an equal serving of fish, rice, and daikon was set before the five contestants, Azura sat up and joined the rest of the militia. The mess hall’s guests formed a circle around the five, eager to see which of their lords and ladies would prove victorious. Lilith floated above the table, catching everyone’s eyes. “Well, I suppose you nobles will need someone to serve as a judge… So, on your marks… Get set… Go!”

The contest went by faster than anyone had expected. Whether it was his dragon blood or his fierce determination, Corrin came out on top, prompting a chorus of cheers from his many supporters. More than a little tipsy, his lover Felicia was quick to wrap her arms around his neck and plant a sloppy kiss over his cheek. Hinoka and Ryoma were neck and neck, with the former finishing just a few seconds earlier. Takumi, struggling to keep pace with his siblings’ chewing and swallowing rhythm, came in fourth. Sakura forfeited the moment Lilith fired the proverbial starting gun. Licking her lips and rubbing her moderately bulging belly, Hinoka laughed. “Ha! Told ya I could beat you!”

Ryoma shrugged. “Hmph. So, you don’t care that your younger brother was the ultimate victor?”

Hinoka looked over at Corrin, whose stomach was still as trim as ever. He smiled and patted his growling abdomen. “It’s nothing, really.”

“Come on, Corrin,” Hinoka cupped her palm around her chin, “You did great! I can’t believe a guy as skinny as you can pack away so much… It’s gotta be your dragon ancestry, huh?”

Corrin shrugged, but Ryoma chuckled. “Perhaps,” the eldest brother said, “but we all hold some of that power.”

“Yeah,” Hinoka patted Takumi on the back, “but it can’t compensate for a lack of strength.”

Takumi groaned and turned from his siblings. Hinoka's smile faded, replaced by a concerned frown. “Oh no, I’m sorry Takumi… I was just kidding. Aw, I didn’t want to sound mean…”

“Hmph. It’s fine, you’re right. I just wish there was a way I could prove my strength to you guys...”

Lilith lowered herself between the five siblings. “You know… There might just be a way to prove that, Takumi.”

“What are you talking about, Lilith?”

She floated away and beckoned the Hoshidans toward the door. “Follow me, everyone… I will explain everything outside.”

The five siblings walked after the dragon and were led to a patio overlooking a nearby pond. They stood against the warm night’s sky, by a railing that framed the moon’s reflection in the calm waters. Soft gales blew through their hair. Lilith nodded and floated up above the railing. “Thank you for coming, everyone. I… Am about to impart some knowledge that can only be known to dragons, and those who are connected to the dragons.”

“Wow,” Corrin said, “Sounds pretty heavy. But if this knowledge is for dragon-blooded, why aren’t you telling Azura? Are you afraid it would hurt her?”

“Oh, not at all! Well, she is pregnant, so I suppose this could hurt her child…”

“So it’s physical? A new power?” Takumi asked, inching forward, “Well, get to it!”

“It is a power unknown to you. And it would be used in a contest, not unlike the one you just participated in. You see, we dragons can eat… Well, we can eat quite a lot. For example,” Lilith flew back into the mess hall through a window and emerged clutching a watermelon as large as her body. She set it on a table and landed in front of it. The Hoshidan siblings watched closely, and their jaws dropped as Lilith’s jaws expanded past its normal limits. Her teeth stretched over the tip of the watermelon. She began moving forward, drawing more of the fruit into her mouth as she gulped it into her throat. Her belly distended like a scaly balloon. More of the green oval was assimilated by the blue mass until her lips were at the halfway point. With a loud, sudden gulp, what remained of the watermelon disappeared into her stomach.

Corrin’s eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of his skull. “What… Did you just do?”

“Tee-hee! Isn’t it –urp- obvious? Er… Just a moment,” Lilith’s stomach bubbled and churned, quickly breaking down the watermelon. Her bulbous belly shrank until there was no sign it had been there to begin with. “See, we dragons can stretch out bodies around enormous meals. It’s a combination of biology and magic.”

Hinoka looked at her own modest potbelly. “Are you… Are you saying we are capable of what you just did?”

Lilith cutely winked. “Yup! You could even eat another living creature alive.”

“To be devoured whole by a foe,” Ryoma contemplated, “Hm… Quite a grizzly fate.”

“Indeed,” Lilith agreed, “though you can choose whether to digest your meal, as I did, and… Dragons cannot digest other dragons of the same power level.”

“Hm,” Corrin thought, “So if we ate each other-“”Whoa,” Sakura interrupted, “C-Corrin you’re kind of thinking… A little far ahead, right?”

“Not at all,” Lilith said, “As I was eluding to, there is a traditional contest of strength among dragons.”

Sakura whimpered. “Oh… I don’t like where this is going…”

Lilith giggled. “Oh, but it’s really quite fun! Whoever eats the most of their foes wins!”

“What if we were to hide from one another,” Takumi asked. “is there any precaution?”

“The game ends in one hour, and whoever has eaten the most by that time wins! But if everyone has eaten the same number of dragons, then whoever has eaten the fewest wins. Which is why the contest must be done with an odd number of folks, like you Hoshidans.”

“Hm,” Hinoka remarked, “another reason to leave Azura out.”

Lilith nodded floating forward. “I know this revelation might be a little strange for you nobles. But the competition, part of its purpose is to teach dragons how to hunt and eat with instinct and strength alone. Which reminds me, no weapons and no offensive or regenerative magic are allowed.”

Takumi smirked. “Heh, I like that. That’ll mean whoever wins…”

Ryoma grinned. “…Is the greatest among us, full stop.”

“Yup,” Lilith chirped, “That’s the idea! So, are all of you in?”

The five siblings formed a circle around Lilith. Corrin reached into the center. “Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Ryoma laid his hand on Corrin’s. “A test of strength sounds enjoyable.”

Hinoka’s hand came next. “Yeah, definitely.”

Takumi joined the pile. “Sounds like fun!”

Everyone looked toward Sakura, who sheepishly added her hand. “I-I’ll do my best at… Um… Eating people…”

Lilith rose up. “Then it’s settled. Everyone, go and get some rest. Meet me at the bathhouse… The 1st Hoshido Royal Family Eating Contest begins tomorrow morning as soon as the sun rises.”

“The bathhouse,” Corrin asked, “isn’t that a little small?”

Lilith giggled. “Hehehe… You’ll see!” As she fluttered away, the five Hoshidan siblings went their separate ways, except for Sakura, who clung to Corrin and asked him a question as soon as the others were out of earshot…

The next morning…

All five Hoshidan siblings arrived at the same time, and beheld a much larger bathhouse than what they were used to. With its rising central tower and shining blue shingles it almost resembled a castle within the castle, with steam billowing out of a trio of chimneys. “Wow,” Corrin remarked, “I guess I underestimated Lilith’s control over this realm.”

“Indeed,” Lilith said, startling the whole group as she suddenly appeared next to Corrin, “The bathhouse has been temporarily expanded and restructured for the contest! Come on, follow me inside!”

After the siblings were all gathered in the foyer, Lilith instructed each of them to strip down to their swimsuits. She then guided them to each stand on a special panel, which transformed their bodies into light particles and whisked them off to their own corners of the bathhouse where they rematerialized. While in energy form they were still able to view the halls they passed through, giving them an overview of the interior. The halls were arranged in a large square surrounding a smaller square, connected by four short halls at the middle of each of the four lines. Within the smaller square, steam billowed from four doorways. The main bath laid there, a boiling, bubbling rectangular pool.

“Alright, everyone,” Lilith announced, her voice echoing through the halls, “let the 1st Hoshido Royal Family Eating Contest… Commence!”

Things began rather simply for Takumi. He stalked the steamy halls, careful to keep close to the walls, using the various statues and decorative plants for cover. Having trained in the art of stealth alongside the ninja Kagero, he figured that he would take a subtle approach. What better way was there to get the drop on one of his siblings, after all? He lacked their raw physical power, but he would make up for it with his cleverness. Once he got their heads into his mouth they would be nothing but food. Truth be told, Takumi couldn’t wait to cram one of his unsuspecting siblings into his gullet. He licked his lips, slurping excess saliva back into his mouth as he wondered who he would taste first. Perhaps it would be Corrin… His brother and eternal rival, soon to be his food. He always thought his messy cream-colored hair looked like the icing on a cake. Mmh… Hopefully he would taste that good. Takumi’s mouth almost overflowed with saliva when he thought about Sakura. Little pink-haired Sakura… He could almost taste her fruity pink hair. He imagined her shrunken, her cubbish face peeking out of a plump, juicy strawberry, nestled in his palm, begging to be savored and devoured…

Takumi snapped himself out of his fantasy. He was in cover next to one of the doorways leading into the main baths. Slowly inching his upper body around the corner, Takumi peered into the room. Aside from steam and shimmering, simmering water, the room was empty. No one seemed to be inside. Makes sense, he thought, no one would stand out in the open like that… Wait, what’s that? Takumi caught a glimpse of a tall, muscular, curvaceous silhouette walking in front of the door opposite his own. The short red bob on the figure’s head confirmed her identity. It was his tough-as-nails big sister.

Hinoka… A fitting first meal, Takumi thought. She and Ryoma would be the most challenging targets, as they were the largest, strongest, and most experienced. It was a sound strategy to get them into his gut first. Takumi was also driven by sibling rivalry, which had extended to his need to be the dominant one for once. As much as he loved her, Hinoka always seemed so self-righteous and overconfident flying around on her Pegasus. Takumi gleefully giggled at the thought of Hinoka, that majestic, red-haired warrior-beauty, reduced to a pathetic squirming bulge in his throat. He imagined her long, muscly legs, kicking uselessly at the air, her thighs swiftly sliding into his mouth with a single gulp, her spicy flavor flooding his palate…

“Alright big sis… I hope you’re ready to be dinner… Hehehe-“before Takumi finished his thought and rounded the corner, he ran face-first into the rock-hard pectoral muscles of Ryoma. He staggered backward and fell onto his rear. “B-big brother!”

Ryoma crossed his arms and shook his head, stepping out of the steamy chamber, planting his feet before his brother’s. “Takumi… Your problem always lied in your refusal to tackle a challenge directly.”

The young archer’s blood ran cold. “Uh- um- h-hey, let’s not be too hasty,” Takumi began crawling backward away from Ryoma. Yet the eldest of the Hoshidan Royal Family kept pace with ease. He grinned and chuckled. “I was hoping Hinoka would put you in your place first, but I suppose having you as my first meal doesn’t hurt either.”

Takumi hopped up to his feet and tried bolting off to his left, but he was immediately yanked back into Ryoma’s embrace. His brother’s maw was already expanding into a shimmering red abyss, strands of saliva snapping, his tongue snaking out, his uvula dancing with each excited breath. “WAI-“before Takumi could finish the first syllable of his protest, his head was already engulfed by Ryoma’s gullet. The throat muscles tightened around his face in a vice grip as a loud gulp slurped him further inside. Takumi felt Ryoma’s lips form an airtight seal over his shoulders. Another meaty gulp sucked him further down. Slippery viscera now slithered over his forearms, pinning his arms to his sides. He thrashed and wiggled his body, determined to stay out of his brother’s stomach, but he barely had any space to move. “N-no,” he whined, frozen as the rippling walls of flesh squeezed him down into Ryoma’s chest cavity, “I didn’t get to eat anyone… Have I… Already lost?”

Ryoma had already swallowed Takumi’s whole chest. His arms were almost gone, with only his hands remaining outside, pinned to his hips. Ryoma was enjoying the sensation of pure physical domination over another creature, but he also felt rather disappointed. Takumi’s struggles were pathetic. He was devouring him so quickly and easily that he felt little satisfaction. Ryoma grabbed Takumi’s hips and lifted him off the floor, gulping him down at a faster rate than before. The bulge in his throat and upper chest pumped and undulated as Takumi’s body began filling his stomach. He angled Takumi upward and allowed gravity to hasten the swallowing. Before long only his feet remained in Ryoma’s mouth, his legs futilely twitching and kicking inside his throat. The warrior threw his head back and shut his mouth, gulping the rest of Takumi down. One final bulge slipped behind his collarbone as his torso readjusted to its ordinary shape.

Ryoma’s stomach bloated massively, hanging past his knees, distending in an imperfect egg shape. “Ah,” the warrior hummed and rubbed his hands over his outstretched belly, “you tasted alright, brother. A little sour and bitter, but I suppose that’s what happens when you’re a sore loser.” Takumi’s only reply was a weak kick outward, which appeared as a short-lived swell on the surface of the peach dome cradling his frame. “Ha. You’ll have to fight harder than that, brother. Hmph. I suppose I’ll have to find the rest of my meals, then.”

Ryoma’s words boomed around Takumi’s sticky, sweltering prison. The young prince was curled into a ball by the muscly stomach folds. His knees were nestled against his chest while his arms were pinned to his sides. Digestive fluids secreted from the ceiling, matting Takumi’s already soaked hair to his scalp. He gnashed his teeth and thrashed back and forth. He threw out angry kicks and tried to strike with his immovable arms, but all his struggles seemed to be contained and restrained by the visceral sack. “Damn you, brother,” he silently swore,” when I get out of here, I’m going to humiliate you. Urgh… But I have to find a way out of here first.” He began wiggling his arms to free them from their awkward limitations, only for the organic chamber to tremble and begin moving from side to side.

Takumi was confused, but back outside his brother had begun walking into the bath chamber, his man-sized belly swaying with each step. Ryoma kept his wits about him as he passed through the billowing steam shrouding the doorway. As he cut through the white barrier, he saw that the pool appeared to be empty. He scanned the room from left to right. Nothing… Then he heard a splash. He spotted a familiar bob of red hair appearing on the surface of the bathwater near the left side of the room. Hinoka’s head rose up from the depths. She sat back against the pool’s edge squirted a jet of water from her lips. Her eyes caught sight of Ryoma as she smiled. She stretched her arms and sighed. As she reclined, her red bikini-covered breasts emerged from the water. “Heya, brother.”

“Hinoka,” he affirmed, with a hint of embarrassment, as though he’d never seen her in her swimwear before. He had seen her naked on a few occasions so this was nothing shocking. Truthfully, he was more flustered by the fact that she seemed to have been expecting him. For all I know, Ryoma thought, she could’ve been watching me this whole time.

“I see you got Takumi,” she observed, gesturing toward his engorged stomach, “I was gonna eat him myself. Cocky ‘lil worm thought he could get the jump on me. Didn’tcha, little brother?”

Takumi screamed something muffled and incomprehensible. The blubbery belly squirmed and twisted, as if Ryoma’s digestive system had broken into an anti-Hinoka rant.

The redheaded princess snorted and giggled. “Hehehe… I love it when he gets mad like that!”

Ryoma slapped the area of his belly where he assumed Takumi’s head was. Regardless of where he struck, it seemed to shut the prince up. He then looked back at Hinoka, who was still eyeballing him. Ryoma groaned in discomfort. He knew Hinoka was perceptive, but she seemed to have seen everything, which terrified him. She would be a difficult opponent, especially with his reduced mobility from his stomach, along with Takumi’s annoying struggles. I knew I should’ve eaten her first… Damn. I have make small talk. “Er, how’s the water, my dear sister?”

“It’s wonderful, actually,” Hinoka smiled as her torso sank back into the water, her leg emerging from the shimmering surface. She playfully curled her toes and laughed. Her gaze never broke from Ryoma. “It feels so good… You should join me, brother! Remember when we were kids and we would wrestle in the castle hot spring?”

Ryoma shuddered at the thought. “Yes, I remember you almost drowning me.”

Hinoka turned around, resting her muscular arms on the tilework at the water’s brink. She cupped her chin in her hands and offered her brother a cheeky grin. “Aw, you’re such a baby! It wasn’t even that bad!”

Ryoma crossed his arms. “I’m not going in there, Hinoka.”

“Aw…” The princess slowly sank back into the water. She then grabbed the slippery wet tiles at the edge of the pool and began climbing out. Her small, firm breasts jiggled lightly as she pushed her chest up and out of the water. Her trim stomach, covered by a firm set of abs, emerged next. They grabbed Ryoma’s gaze, a reminder of his sister’s strength. Her mighty thigh swung over the wall, and with a single skillful motion, she slipped out of the water and stood up onto the floor. Her crimson bikini bottom seemed to be thrust forth, the spearhead of her pelvic core, rounded out by her thick, muscular thighs. Hinoka began sauntering on toward before Ryoma with a hand on her hip, water running down her curves and dripping off the impressions of her nipples. She licked her upper lip so quickly that Ryoma would’ve missed it if he’d blinked. He hadn’t seen his sister quite so playful since they were children.

“Thought I could get ya like sea monster, heh.”

“But this way we’ll finally find out which one of us is really stronger.”


Hinoka stopped just three meters from Ryoma. She was grinning from ear to ear, while his lip was straight as a board. He looked upon Hinoka as he would any other foe. Hinoka chuckled. “I think you’re taking this a little too seriously, brother.”

“Why wouldn’t I? We’re competing, after all.”

“Well,” Hinoka began, kneeling and spreading her arms, laying her open palms on the tiles, “If you keep yourself so tense, you might lack…” Without warning Hinoka sprang at Ryoma. He tried dodging to his left and intercepting his sister’s approach, but not only did his belly throw his maneuver off balance, his opponent was one step ahead of him. The moment her foot struck the moist tiles she hopped to her right, throwing her arms around Ryoma’s neck. The prince grunted as his sister’s legs wrapped around his waist, sliding neatly beneath his stomach. Her arms squeezed around his neck, trapping Ryoma in a headlock. “…Flexibility,” she whispered into her brother’s ear.

Ryoma heard a slimy crack as Hinoka’s saliva-filled jaw unhinged, drooling all over his shoulder. He felt her hot breath wash over his neck. She raised her neck, preparing to close her jaws over the prince’s head. Ryoma tried to wiggle out of Hinoka’s arms to pry her vice-grip off of him, to no avail. The princess’s powerful tongue slathered Ryoma’s ear as her looming maw drew closer to slurping up his head. The prince responded by backing up into the wall behind him, slamming Hinoka into the tilework. She used the impact to propel her open mouth forward, slurping up the top of his fuzzy mane. She gulped, swallowing all his hair at once, bringing his scalp into her lips. However, Hinoka had failed to notice her loosened grip around Ryoma’s neck and waist, and he was about to take advantage of her error.

The almighty prince of Hoshido lurched forward, throwing Hinoka off his back. She landed with a heavy wet thud, her brother’s hair slipping out of her enlarged maw. Ryoma’s mane was now soaked in his sister’s saliva. It clung annoyingly to his face, spreading a modest coat of spit over his chin. Ryoma brushed his hair behind his back and saw that Hinoka was still recovering, lying on her back with her head near the pool’s edge. Now or never! Ryoma leapt forth. He landed atop his sister, his fat belly pinning her midsection to the floor. She squirmed uselessly against the heavy fleshy mass, snarling through gritted teeth, her upper body whipping madly about. Damn, Hinoka blushed, I thought that his stupid stomach was gonna be his downfall, now he’s-before the princess could finish her thought, Ryoma’s hands lunged toward her arms.

Hinoka responded swiftly, catching Ryoma’s hands with hers. He began pushing against her with all his power. She grimaced, her eyes going wide as her arms trembled and buckled against Ryoma’s overwhelming strength. Not only was she crushed under the weight of her brother’s belly, but he was physically stronger than her. He knew it too. He was smiling. “It’s only a matter of time, sister. It looks like your ‘flexibility’ didn’t serve you so well in the end. Now… Be a good sibling and join Takumi where you belong!” With that he unhinged his jaw and began descending upon her head. Hinoka was given a front-row seat to the hot, pink void growing before her. The opposing rows of gleaming white teeth framed the organic cavity’s shape. The elastic, shimmering cheek flesh wobbled like a solid net of viscera to be cast over her. The dangling uvula swayed over the squelching throathole, like a signpost pointing her towards her final destination, somewhere beyond the gushing gateway into the black abyss.

“Grrr…!” The Hoshidan princess felt her strength fading. The muscles in her quivering arms felt like jelly. They burned with the painful effort it took to keep her hungry brother at bay. The more she pushed him away, the closer his admittedly handsome (albeit distorted) visage came. His expanding maw now completely dominated her forward vision. His hot breath washed over her face. She could smell the faint, zesty aroma of whatever he had eaten for breakfast. Only by turning her head and looking to either side could she still view the room. Suddenly, as though they had a mind of their own, Ryoma’s lips stretched forth, engulfing her face, suckling it toward his throat. Half her head was now inside Ryoma’s mouth, held firmly by the vacuum seal of his lips. She remembered the rules. If her head was halfway in, then she was halfway to ending up as a midmorning snack. Hinoka’s arms were crying out in agony. “Damn you,” she shouted into the fleshy pit that scrunched her cheeks together, only to hear a deep chuckle arise from the throat. There must be something I can do… Come on! Think!

Hinoka reeled her head back in a single, decisive motion. She popped the airtight seal of Ryoma’s lips, bringing her face back into the outside air. “Impressive, sister,” he admitted, “but you’ve only delayed the inevitable.” As much as Hinoka hated to admit it, Ryoma was probably right. Her mighty arms, defiant to the very end, felt like twigs supporting an elephant. Her brother would have no trouble gulping her down once her last ounces of resistance were spent…

…Then a thought hit her. She hadn’t used her legs this entire time. They were still full of energy, ready to accept her adrenaline-charged commands. Hinoka glanced behind her head. Steamy, glittering waters stretched out like the ocean. It was a long shot, but it just might work. Her frightened frown transformed back into a cocky grin. “What’s the matter,” Ryoma taunted, “accepted your fate?”

Hinoka snorted and giggled. “Far from it, brother!” The princess suddenly let her arms go limp. Ryoma gasped, his upper body falling forward. His face fell into hers, giving Hinoka an opening for a headbutt. Ryoma was dazed by the attack, his face resting against his sister’s. She giggled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, winking before putting her legs to work. She bent her knees upward, forming a wedge between Ryoma’s stomach and his pelvis. She lifted him off the ground with all her strength, kneeing him right in his groin. Ryoma grunted in shock, realizing his sister was using the leverage of her upper back, combined with the strength of her beefy thighs, to carry him through the air in a backward judo throw. Her face was now at a comfortable talking distance, rather than a tantalizing swallowing distance as it had been before. But he only had a brief chance to see Hinoka’s admittedly beautiful countenance before he was dunked into the pool with a resounding splash.

The Hoshidan princess had no time to think. She flipped over, crawled on all fours, and leapt into the pool after Ryoma. She landed with a smaller splash and immediately dove under the surface. As the warm water immersed her body, she assessed her situation. There was only one stairway out of the pool, and it was on the opposite corner from where they were. Hinoka knew he would be unable to climb the sides with his huge gut getting in the way, so he would have to make a dangerous journey across the water. Unfortunately for him, a dangerous sea predator now prowled the waves. And that’s me! Hehehehe…

Ryoma recovered quickly and breached the water’s surface. He scanned his surroundings. There was nothing to see but water; no sign of Hinoka. Frustrated, he began trudging through the water, toward the stairs on the opposite end of the pool. “Hinoka,” he announced, “don’t think this’ll be easy! You were running on fumes when we were grappling, and even if you got to me, you’d have a meal of two men to contend with!” Of course, Hinoka couldn’t hear her brother underwater, but unbeknownst to him she already had a plan to deal with the weight and mass of her prey. She watched his legs waddle awkwardly through the water, waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

That moment came sooner than she had expected. She saw the underside of Ryoma’s stomach begin to twitch and jostle about. Apparently, Takumi had begun struggling again with newfound energy. Back above water, Ryoma was beyond agitated. “Takumi! Quit- urgh- quit squirming! You’re making it harder to move!”

“To hell with that,” came the young one’s muffled reply, “I’m not letting you win after you humiliated me! And if that means winding up in Hinoka’s belly when I had planned on eating her, then so be it!”

“Urgh! You little saboteur! If I could digest you right no-“Ryoma was cut off by an explosion of water behind his back. He couldn’t turn fast enough to see Hinoka’s gaping maw eagerly bearing down on his immobilized form. With what seemed like a single bite she swallowed his entire soaking mane. She then fell backward into the water, her throat muscles gripping the column of hair tightly, reeling it into her roaring belly. Dragged backward by an unseen assailant, Ryoma toppled over. But while he expected his head to splash under the water, he ended up plopping into an amorphous bed of salivating flesh instead. Damn, his eyes looked from side to side, catching brief glimpses of the encroaching teeth, I’m in her mouth already!? He looked upward watched the ceiling rush by as he was slurped further inside of Hinoka. Her lips and teeth drew over his vision like a curtain. He looked back and saw Hinoka’s expanding gullet. Water rushed into the meaty tube as it dilated open like a drain, sucking his head inside.

Ryoma floated atop the water on his bloated raft of a belly, partly supported by Hinoka’s hands. He might have looked like he was lounging in the pool if not for the fact that his head was between the bulging lips of his red-haired sister. Ryoma’s head was joined by his shoulders as Hinoka gulped again, reducing his head to a bulge in the girl’s submerged neck. His hands desperately grasped at anything to keep him from sliding further inside, but all they found was liquid and air. He truly had nowhere to go but down his sister’s gutter-gullet. Hinoka, meanwhile, was still mostly submerged, save for her mouth poking out of the water. The rest of her body was floating underwater, even as her once-trim stomach began to expand into a fleshy dome to contain her massive meal. Hinoka greedily swallowed up Ryoma’s pecs and shivered a little as his bushy mane tickled the inside of her belly. She gulped again, bringing her lip-seal to the border between Ryoma’s torso and the curvature of his stomach. Then the princess stopped, wondering just how she would cram something so big down her throat, which already felt rather strained.

The prince noticed the princess’s hesitation. His head knocked against the final sphincter, but it refused to open up and accept him, meaning there was still a chance he could escape. I knew Hinoka wouldn’t have the stomach for this, he laughed. Then the ring of condensed muscle began dilating. Wh-what!? How can this be? Ryoma felt his entire world shift vertically. Water ran down alongside his body and poured into the stomach. He felt Hinoka’s lips slowly but surely creeping up his bulbous belly- the cold, wet flesh engulfed his skin, giving him goosebumps. Her lips had become like a funnel at the center of a whirlpool. His head poked past the sphincter and he felt his shoulders quickly follow, lubricated by water and saliva and aided by gravity. But how!? How can she continue after all that fighting!?

Back outside, Hinoka was enacting her master plan. With her brother between her jaws, she dove under the water’s surface and allowed his entire overstuffed stomach to simply slide inside. Thanks to the weight reduction from the water, she required only half the strength of her burdened throat muscles. Before long her mouth had engulfed his belly button and was on its way to sealing over his waist. Her throat had ballooned outward to a ludicrous degree- a peach-colored blob of flesh shrouding the bodies of her brothers. The fleshy mass peeking above the water produced large waves as it twitched and convulsed to squeeze its meal down. So… Tight… But it feels so good. Somehow the feeling of her throat stretched to bursting became quite pleasant to Hinoka, when earlier she had felt some difficulty in swallowing just a tuft of hair. It felt as though a limit had been broken, like when training. It felt like she was exercising a muscle she had neglected.

Before long only Ryoma’s legs remained. A person observing the scene from dry land would’ve seen a pair of legs sticking vertically out of the water, only to suddenly sink down and vanish, followed by a storm of bubbles from below. Then at the opposite wall of the pool a beautiful young woman with short, fiery hair emerged from the waters. First her head, then her breasts and arms, then her upper sternum, which curved into a monstrous belly two times her mass, spilling out into the water and bobbing on its surface like a peach-colored balloon. It floated, gurgled, and groaned, its digestive soundscape a dark auditory mirror to the waves splashing against the lady’s delicate, creamy skin.


Victorious, the princess stretched and yawned. Her arms were still sore from wrestling with Ryoma and the warm water eased her muscles after a hard-fought battle. Fortunately, her strategy for eating him required minimal usage of them, and now she could truly relax. “Two down,” she smirked, slapping her monstrous belly, slightly greater in volume than her trim frame, “two to go!” That slap seemed to rouse a bout of gurgling and squelching within the princess’s volatile digestive system. Hinoka thought that it sounded like a thundercloud before a storm. Her comparison would prove rather apt, as the watery orchestra swelled to a grand, bubbling crescendo, sending a dense packet of moist oxygen slithering up her gullet. Hinoka’s mouth opened, unleashing the loudest, wettest, most unladylike belch that had ever left her body.


“Ouf! Excuse me!” Hinoka playfully rubbed the distended mass bobbing above the water- her skin. There was something quite empowering about looking upon so much organic matter and recognizing, That’s all a part of me… Hinoka’s delight was enhanced further by the knowledge that her dear brothers- whom she loved so very much- were sloshing about inside her body. She reflected on Ryoma’s flavor by running her tongue across the roof of her mouth, but the amount of water she had swallowed seemed to have washed most of it away. Still, she enjoyed what she could get, and felt obliged to let her belly’s guest know that. “Mm-mm… You were pretty tasty, Ryoma. Comfy in there?””

Deep inside his sister’s heaving bowels, the defeated prince sat in a soupy mixture of gastric juices and water. Hinoka’s sopping stomach folds clung tightly to his bulbous belly, which still contained another defeated prince within its slimy confines. To his sides Ryoma noticed two rather large cavities in the organic chamber. The elastic viscera had wrapped around the circumference of his belly but failed to “seal” over the rest of his body, so it formed two taut walls leading back toward Hinoka’s waist. His belly floated and bobbed a slight bit in the liquid. His legs were given just enough space in the viscous mixture to not be smashed under the weight of his stomach. Ryoma’s butt was at a bit of an awkward angle, so he pushed his feet into the oily floor and tried to correct himself.

Hinoka felt her stomach’s occupant shift around in the sloshy juices. She shivered in pleasure when his feet pressed down into her stomach folds. That pleasure only increased when his toes curled into the slimy muscle. He seemed to find an adequate position, where his back reclined into the soft bed of muscle parallel with her pelvic region. “I suppose I’m comfortable now,” he said, his voice muffled as though it came from behind a closed door.

“Hehe, I’m glad. This may be a competition, but I don’t want my belly feeling like a torture pit, right?”

“Hmph… Well, it is far more pleasant than I could have expected. I suppose there are worse fates than being inside your stomach.”

“Whoa, really? I thought you were gonna be thrashing and struggling like crazy in there.”

“Well, I can’t move much in here, and I think you deserve your victory. You took advantage of a tactical error and beat me fair and square. I won’t sabotage you and ruin your chances,” he slapped Takumi through his flesh, “so you can win by your skills as a warrior.”

“Aw… Thanks, Ryoma!” She leaned forward and hugged with her brother’s bulging form, “I love you…”

Ryoma felt the stomach folds squeeze around his head. He smiled and crossed his arms. “The feeling is mutual, dear sister.”

“Hm,” Hinoka began thinking, releasing her hug and letting her elbow sink into her puffy stomach. She cupped her hand around her chin. “Corrin and Sakura… I doubt Sakura will be any problem, but with the rules of this game anything’s possible. I’m more afraid of Corrin, to be totally honest.”

“He would be the stronger of the two,” Ryoma agreed, “but you could easily overwhelm his strength in the water.”

“You’re right,” she said, “only problem is this big damn gut of mine. I kinda get why you lost now… But then again, this can totally serve as a good defense if I can use it correctly.”

“I thought so too, remember. Just keep your wits about you.”


“Oh, hello, Hinoka,” a familiar voice called from the halls, “Am I interrupting something?”

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