Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2106980-Working-the-Room
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2106980
Three Minute Read
Working the Room

The new year’s party was in full swing, it was late and everyone was keeping an eye on the clock, waiting for midnight. John looked around at the crowd, bored. He probably shouldn’t have come at all, he’d been laying low for a while, but he’d gotten more than stir-crazy and felt he’d blend in this crowd. Now, it was so close to midnight, he’d stayed. Many were dancing, most tipsy, everyone was happy, or at least pretending to be. Suddenly he noticed a woman standing in the corner alone.

She didn’t seem to be interacting at all, just standing there. As he watched, she pulled a small piece of paper out of her purse and glanced at it. Then she began looking around the crowd. Looking at each person within her sight, she held for a moment and then looked at another, almost as if she were looking for someone. Finally finding something interesting, he stood watching the woman, fascinated. Eventually, she looked directly at him.

Tempted to look away, somehow he couldn’t. Her eyes looked directly into his as if she had been searching just for him. After a moment, she smiled and started walking over. When she arrived, she said, “You’re John, aren’t you, John Casey, right?” He was shocked! He was sure he had never met this woman before.

“Ah, yes…?” he sputtered, “do I know you?”

She laughed, “No, I just have your picture.” And she held up the piece of paper which turned out to be a snapshot of him at the company picnic last year.

“I’m confused; why do you have my picture?”

She laughed again, “So I could find you at this party of course! Happy New Year John Casey!” she said, brightly, holding out an official looking envelope. “You’ve been served.”
© Copyright 2016 Jacky (cliffjack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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