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Newsletter about the Power Group
*Partyhatr**Gifto**Cupcakey*WDC POWER REVIEWERS *Cupcakey**Gifto**Partyhatr*

*Bookstack* Hello, Power Reviewers! *Bookstack*

Read this newsletter to the end, then give the newsletter item a review of 500 characters or more, and I will credit it with 1000 gps from now until the end of this month. I'd love feedback from you so that we could improve future newsletters.

Do you believe it's 2017 already? Last year was a great year for our group, and this year will be even better.

This year marks the tenth anniversary for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. The upper staff and I would like to take this time to thank everyone for all you do. Keep up the good work, and most importantly, have fun. You are ALL important to us, and we hope that you will all have a happy and healthy year.


Raiders of the Year

Congratulations to the following loyal, bright and enthusiastic 2016 Review Raid Reviewers:

We look forward to seeing who will make the list in 2017.

 Invalid Item Open in new Window. []

by A Guest Visitor


10th Anniversary Celebration

Happy 10th Anniversary to
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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Open in new Window. [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann Author Icon

Our group will turn ten this August.
We wish to celebrate the decade of our wonderful group with monthly activities.
Please join in the FUN.

The following is the list of activities which we have so far.
Most of the activities are fun events for your entertainment.

We could use a few more fundraising activities thrown into the mix, as our group funds are dwindling quickly. We are a very large group, which gives out tremendous amounts of gps. It would be bad to run too low on gps during our anniversary year.

If you think you might have a 'Powerful' fundraiser you'd like to add, please let one of the upper staff know and we'll add it in. We'd love to have two activities each month.

10 Anniversary Activity List Schedule
January -- Maryann Author Icon "Praise A Member of The Power GroupOpen in new Window.

February -- Lornda Author Icon - fun reviewing activity

March -- A E Willcox Author Icon - Write One, Review One and A Cinquain Chain -
Campfire Creative.

April -- (1) runningwolf04 Auction - donations in March, auction running in April to raise funds.
         (2) THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author Icon Interactive fun!

May -- Starr Phenix Author Icon Blind Item Challenge

June -- (1) Andy~hating university Author Icon - treasure hunt
         (2) Sum1's Home! Author Icon - Photo auction

July -- Choconut Author Icon - some kind of quiz about Power Captains, maybe based on favourite books/authors?

August (NB: GoT month) -- eyestar~* Author Icon something for our actual birthday week

September -- kerrimiller - Possibly a K. J. Miller Special! TBA! *Smirk*

October -- Nixie 🦊 Author Icon Power Reviewer Auction Fundraiser

November -- ~ Aqua ~ Author Icon - TBA *Thought2*

December -- (1) ember_rain - Bringing the Jail-a-thon back Proceeds will all go to Power Reviewers
         (2) eyestar~* Author Icon


Power's Honor Item

To kick off "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.'s Party Celebration Year, we put together the following item:

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Praise A Member of The Power Group Open in new Window. [E]
It's Power's 10th anniversary year! Appreciate a member of the day. Open to EVERYONE.
by Maryann Author Icon

The Power Crew Upper staff and I searched through HUNDREDS of Powerful members to carefully choose the most 'power participating' members to add on that page.

*Starfishb**Starfishy*Did we accidentally leave you out, and you feel you should be added in?
We didn't mean to. Please send us a note, and we will fix that asap.
January 31th is our final Praise item BIG PARTY BASH DAY.
It would be our pleasure to add those active members, along with our other favorites who are already listed, to that day.
Join the party and join the FUN!

Criteria to keep in mind:

~~Have you been a very loyal and active Power member through the years?
*Have you reviewed a lot for our group?
*Have you participated in most Power Review Raids and mini challenges?
*Have you played on Power's Martel team in Game of Thrones?
*Have you hosted fundraisers to support the Power Group?
*Have you donated to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. and supported/participated in "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.'s fundraisers.

~~Are you a new, active member to our group, or an already existing member who is now very active in 2017?
Bring it to our attention, and we'll gladly add you to the PARTY DAY of January 31st. *Balloon*


Thank You Fabulous Power Captains

Let's have a big round of applauds for our very amazing "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. Captains.

I'd like to also personally thank Power's Senior Staff:

Maryann Author IconMail Icon ~~ Senior Captain
Lornda Author IconMail Icon ~~ Senior Captain
eyestar~* Author IconMail Icon ~~ PR Com Link Captain
Nixie 🦊 Author IconMail Icon ~~ PR Camaraderie Captain
Tiggy Author IconMail Icon ~~ Special Operations Captain
ember_rain ~~ Special Operations Captain

The combined efforts of the Senior Staff, the wonderful group captains, and (of course) everyone of our terrific group members, made our group what it is today.

How wonderful it is to approach our Anniversary Year as a 2016 Quill Nominee. Well done. *Thumbsup*

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards


Fun and Fundraising

While I'm thanking the fantastic members of our group...

A big (((THANK YOU))) to those of you who have donated or hosted fundraising activities for our group.

We remember, and we dearly appreciate your strong efforts.

Donations are always welcome...Send what you can to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. whenever you wish, and please remember to add us as a beneficiary to your fundraisers.

Image used in fundraising activities


Reviewing Tips

*Starfishb* This is a repeat posting of some reviewing tips which I have sent out in the past.*Starfishb*
Several members have asked me recently for reviewing ideas, so I decided it might be good to add some in this newsletter.

If you go to the left side of your screen, and click on 'my account', you will be able to then click on 'my review tool' and follow the prompts to create a template. This will make your reviewing much easier.

You will then be able to concentrate only on doing each review, rather than having to set it up each and every time. ..And the reviews might be quicker and easier to do because it's like a 'guide' to your thoughts.

You can get creative and make any template you want...I think there's a nice link to templates at "Helping LinksOpen in new Window. ... but here's a quick one here which you can copy and use or change around the way you'd like (...adding colors, centering, different image, no image, more ideas, etc.):

Hello {suser:}

{b}My Thoughts:{/b}

{b}My Favorite Part:{/b}

{b}My Suggestions:{/b}

{center}Write On!!{/center}



*Star*If you notice in the template above, there is an opening greeting, followed by thoughts. You might take the opportunity to say something really nice in your opening thoughts:
--How did this piece make you feel?
--Did it remind you of something?
--Continue being honest, positive, encouraging and helpful throughout your review.

*Star*You will notice in the next part of the template, you mention your favorite parts of the item. Even if the piece you read was incredibly terrible, you can always find something positive to say.
--Was their idea creative?
--Did their descriptions make you smile? Cry?
--Did something about it really touch you in some way?
If the piece was so perfect that you can't think of anything that might improve it, let the author know that. Letting the author know that you really loved the piece is also a big help. You are saying that the author is on the right track.

*Star*The next area in the sample template is the suggestion area. This is where you can truly shine and be helpful. It's always a great feeling to know that you are able to really help a writer.
--Try not to be rude. We don't want to send anyone away in tears...We want to get them excited about the new ways you pointed out that might improve their work.
--Did you notice anything about the story plot that might be improved?
--Was the rhyme of the poem off?
--Could more descriptions eliminate confusion?
--Did you notice any spelling/grammar errors?

- The above were just a few quick suggestions. The captains and I will give you more help and ideas from time to time. In the meantime, don't hesitate to post on "Superpower Reviewers HUBOpen in new Window. if you have any questions. One or more of your fellow power members or captains will be glad to answer your posts.


Member Items, Group links, and Staff Picks

The following are a few Power links and links to a couple of member activities.
Please don't get upset if your item isn't listed. It's impossible to list thousands of wonderful member items in this little space.

Master Book of Shared Group Images Open in new Window. [E]
This is a gathering of most WDC Power Reviewers Images all in one place.
by Maryann Author Icon

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Superpower Reviewers HUB Open in new Window. [E]
Chat and Check what's happening!
by Maryann Author Icon

"Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. by A Guest Visitor
"The Contest Challenge"  Open in new Window. by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon
"Anniversary Reviews"  Open in new Window. by Annette Author Icon
"Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. by A Guest Visitor
"The Carousel : 2016 Quills nominee"  Open in new Window. by Lady Elf Author Icon
"Behold, The Bread Tie Bandit"  Open in new Window. by ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
"Star Stuck"  Open in new Window. by RainbowFish Author Icon
"Haiku and other small poems"  Open in new Window. by GabriellaR45 Author Icon
"Dear me"  Open in new Window. by Sammie Ham Author Icon
"Santarina Clause"  Open in new Window. by the Wordy Jay Author Icon
"Adventures at Swamp River Ranch "  Open in new Window. by Dee Author Icon
"The Mystery of Bo's Obsession"  Open in new Window. by Jeannie💕 Author Icon
"Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. by A Guest Visitor
"Jenny's cNote Shop"  Open in new Window. by Jellyfish Author Icon
"My Community Notes Collection"  Open in new Window. by PureSciFi Author Icon
"The Memory Chest"  Open in new Window. by Choconut Author Icon

*Bulletr* *Toy* *Bulletr*
*Bulletr* *Cool* *Bulletr*
WDC Power Reviewer

Another 'Maryann' image
© Copyright 2017 Maryann (mhicks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2109363-January-Sr-Captains-Power-Newsletter