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Marquez narrates the circumstances both characters go through before they are reunited.
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The Marques LITTOC

Kate Chopin's The Awakening (TA) and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera (LITTOC), both narrate a story mainly about love and suffering. These topics are timeless and universal topics. Love in the Time of Cholera was written in 1985, in Spanish. It narrates a story of Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza, who were initially engaged. However, they were separated before marriage and Fermina marries Dr. Urbino. Marquez narrates the circumstances both characters go through before they are reunited.
How and why they differ in:
1) Knowledge and understanding:
Since The Awakening was written in 1899, it was written in a time when a woman was not encouraged to become independent from her man,hence enhancing low understanding,poor structure and lack of meaning towards the topic in relations to its analysis that was brought about by intimidation.Relatively,this enhanced low prewriting strategies low organization and generation of ideas, making her as a 1889 writer,becoming frustrated with low ideas thus stuck, thus a junior character in the play. Additonally,while Edna who longs to live a meaningful life she could not due to lack of commitment, brought about by low understanding and being less knowledgable to her dream thus clashing with her friends and family. Had Marquez written his Love in the Time of Cholera novel in 1950, and bearing in mind that man was encouraged to become independent, and due to present times advancement in ideas, enhanced prewriting strategies and high organization and generation of ideas, making differ greatly in Knowledge and understanding from her as of from 1889,hence differing in understanding criterials in events and perceptions significantly changed because the writers were heavily influenced by these time.          
2)Response to the Question and language
One of the numerous factors that influenced the Response to the Question of Kate Chopin's TA and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's LITTOC, is the time in which they wrote in.Since Marquez grew up in a small town in Colombia with his maternal grandparents. In the mid nineteen fifties, with the advancement of technology,Marquez moved to Paris and was influenced by the openness of life,political stability in comparison to the conservative life and political turmoil in Columbia,where first it became a challenge due to language barrier.He was enforced to learn french to enhance hi writting skills.This greatly influenced Marquez in his article Love in the Time of Cholera in 1950, and openness of life in france political that enhanced stability education bringing about enhancement in response to the questions of the conservative lives he would most likely not have been portrayed by Ferminas article in reference to Colombia.Those times,question of religion in Columbia (and Mexico), was central and dominated many aspects of people's dailylives than in France where there was excellent understanding of the expectations towards lives of its citizens.Infering to the question of the sexual revolutionwhich took hold in 1960s in North America, everyone, especially females in South American countries, brought about nengative response since they were enforced to adhere to religion,that was total different from France where openness of life,freedom of religion and democratic politics was executed.This enhanced the quotations questions such as "the hell with archbishop" that were bound to enhance understanding of the expectations towards religion and show modernity in her since she was not religious.This is the time, after the sexual revolution of the1960s, where Marquez already in his thirties, is inspired from. In addition, Marquez described many women in the novel as less focused and with less insights towards life due to their sexual freedom and describing themselves as prostitutes. He analysed question of indulgement in sexual activity s for pleasure.This created a nengative response which would not normally be accepted in the 1950's. However, writing in 1985 influenced him to describe women like that since women as a whole were not taken respectably in Columbia. Certainly,entire women citizens class did not play a significant large roles in the Colombian society,since women were brought up and taught cooking and childcare skills and going to church. These are the duties expected from them as mothers and taking care of the practical and spiritual needs of her family as the prime role........
3)Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features
Infering from Love in the Time of Cholera he discussed effect of Chopin as a person,who lived in a conservative society, and when she wrote TA in 1899 religious and conservative norms they were having some stylish features as part of the main of character's.He has continued to discuss how Edna Pontellier, as a mother and dutiful wife from Fermina.Edna and her husband are strong Catholics. Women in the late eighteen hundreds had few opportunities to express themselves, when were not financially independent and effective thus were not allowed or encouraged to have sexual desires. Edna's entrapment features and those of Victorian women in general, were the norm and social pressure and prejudice weighed heavily on Edna.The article by and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's,discuses Reisz telling Edna that she must have strong wings if she wnt to effectively act on her love for Robert. She warns: "The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings." (Chopin,92).He discuses Chopin, an independent-minded woman living in Louisiana,very effective while dealing with issues like female sexuality and dissatisfaction with marriage. As a writer, Chopin would probably not be marginalized or limited by the chauvinistic public. Edna's sexual awakening would doubtlessly by a non-event and society would not be moralizing and passing judgments used in 1899 moral codes. Women in the western world was liberated from sexual effects and Edna would rather not drown herself, but would have lived as a single mother, quiet happily and it would be acceptable by society(Chopin,92).She would have had a career, raised her children, and been involved in many modern day activities; for example, in social media. The one hundred and seventeen year difference between the time TA was actually written and today, women's rights in many ways has significantly changed. Namely, women's suffrage in the United States around the 1920 where the legal right of womenwas established, entering jobs that were previously off limits to females likeworking as brokers on thestock exchange floor.
4)Organization and development
Marquez written LITTOC, in 1950,outlining his intrinsic organization of his character,he noted Florentino Ariza, would probably not have possessed modern traits. These modern organiztional traits acted as a free thinker,illustrating how promiscuous, and how it went against the norms of society back then. Florentino surprisingly downplyed development towards the social norms of his society, which included settling down and getting married pppp. He embraced modern think models as he did not really believe in sex before marriage and had many lovers over the years. Florentino then developed a nengative character of sexual games. At the beginning Florentino had developed many relationships with women, but he was discreet about these affairs. To the extent, his discretion caused people to start rumors that he was gay. In fact, his boss refurbished his office, when he caught Florentino hooking up with a woman in it. His boss wanted Florentino to feel more comfortable and bring all his girlfriends to the office.Had Marquez written this novel in the 1950s, being gay might have put Florentino's life in danger, and Marquezmay not have thought of the idea, of being gay, in the first place. Because Marquez wrote LITTOC in 1985, it was acceptable to write about being gay.
Conclusively, in this development of literature, an essential element which was intended audience the author was writing for in LITTOC and TA, the audience changed drastically, especially in TA, had Kate Chopin in 1899. For LITTOC, Marques then wrote it in 1950 where his intended audience was also different. Kate and Oscar Chopin traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe on their honeymoon. Kate developed a progressive world-view on women and eventually brought about the hardships and struggles. Over the years of traveling and living in a society that oppressed womenThis made Chopin to develop a character where they started using her literature to bring women's issues, racial disparity, and social inequalities to light, something her critics did not accept.Chopin, born around 1851, did not have a supportive audience, as she is a woman writing about a woman trying to break free of the shackles of society and social norms that would limit her. Chopin is writing about a woman how she might wants to have freedom and who doesn't want a man to dictate her. Organised revolts against tradition and authority were many of Chopin's themes, focusing on women's search for selfhood and self-discovery.  In 1899, the love triangle developed affair Chopin was writing about was considered extremely scandalous and unheard of, therefore, as a writer she did not have many followers. Since Chopin is writing in a conservative time frame, the language is not highly descriptive when it showed how she involved sexual scenes or situations because of her audience.Had she been writing TA in1950, her novels would have a bigger audience. Today, people are more accepting how romance stories that include sex scenes, and may find it dull if these scenes were not heavily detailed. She would not be criticized or prevented from writing about that specific topic using vivid language. In addition, Chopin would not be fearful for her life and how writing exactly what she desires since modern day audiences are much more open. She would be considered a feminist, highlighting the truth about gender inequality today on many levels has developed of contradictory or complex, such as a woman's relationship with her husband, who may also be her boss, for example. Chopin's reader list would grow and her story would especially attract romance story lovers. During the 1950s, was when feminism started to appearing strongly in many themes, Chopin's audience was accepting organization and development of her stories; they started to appreciate it not only as a romance novel but as a novel that carries great social issues that she and every woman faced in1899. For Marquez his audience in 1950 would have been scandalized as well, but not to such a degree as Chopin's audience because social change in the West, started to break new ground in the 1950's. Women's issues, especially sexuality and the development evolution of feminism, began to take hold and discussed at length.In LITTOC, Florentino's escapades, every detail was minutely described between him and the women. Quotations such as "she had to suck on an infant\s pacifier while they made love" (Marquez, 197) were included with Florentino's affairs. Even fetishes and foreplay scenesthat Florentino once shared with one of his many lovers were included, " Then Florentino Ariza extended his index finger, wet with brandy, so that she could suck on it, as she had liked to do in the past during preambles to love."(Marquez, 201) Marquez, writing in 1985 and a male, was more open to illustrate such scenes in his writing and hints of modernity are apparent.
Writers then developed an influencial elements such as time and audience of their era. Even though people considered Chopin's writing scandalous, it was only because of her organized writing criterias,where articles she was writing, was a conservative and religious. Marquez, who wrote in 1985, dates his story back to a round the same timeframe as Chopin's however with many hints of modern perceptions about female sexuality. If he had written in 1950 then he may not have these thoughts and would write according to the norms influencing society at that time.


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