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Women and Stem
Women and stem
stem are Ackerman’s for science technology engineering and math matics stem is an important part of education in a competitive global market place
AAU empowering women since 1881 says: Our society tells girls and women that they don’t belong in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. As early as first grade, children have already developed a sense of gender identity, and most have developed unconscious bias associating boys with math. Toys still reinforce rigid, highly gendered stereotypes that encourage only boys to build or engineer. And even kids’ clothing still proclaims that girls are bad at math.
At almost every step of the STEM education ladder, we see girls walk away. By seventh grade, many girls are ambivalent about these fields, and by the end of high school, fewer girls than boys plan to pursue STEM in college. Especially in engineering, physics, and computing, female college students are likely to be outnumbered by men in their programs. With some important exceptions, schools dedicate few resources to recruiting and retaining students in fields that are non-traditional for their gender. Women who do graduate with a STEM degree enter a workforce that is historically unfriendly to them. And once they get there, stereotypes, gender bias, and the climate of academic departments and workplaces continue to block women’s participation and progress.

About Us – STEM women

We began on Google+ in 2012, helping the public to connect with women who work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). With this website, we want to reach out beyond Google+, and create a safe place for people of all genders to discuss how we can work together to make STEM more inclusive.
The scientific literature has shown that there are inequalities between women and men in STEM. Denying that a problem exists is the single biggest obstacle in promoting gender equity in science. The way to move forward is to start off from the position that things are unequal; so what are we going to do about it?
Many women eventually drop out of STEM fields because of organisational barriers to career progression, lack of career guidance and support, and family commitments. The same is not true for men who work in STEM. Although many women scientists successfully balance their careers and family responsibilities, there are still institutional obstacles for women in STEM. Having women role models and good mentors are powerful simulators for change.
Our Aims
Make women in STEM more visible to the public, with a special focus on women scientists on Google+
Promote careers for women in STEM
Highlight issues of gender inequality
Address solutions to improve women’s participation, inclusion, leadership and recognition in STEM

How many women get STEM degrees

Study explores where high numbers of women earn STEM degrees says: (Phys.org) —There have been concerted efforts in recent years to determine how more women can be involved in science, technology, engineering and mathematics—the so-called STEM fields. Research from the University of Kansas shows that master's degree institutions that are doing the best in granting degrees to women in those fields are also the best at employing women in leadership positions within the disciplines.

Amanda Ostreko, program director of graduate enrollment in the Office of Graduate Studies, co-authored a study with Austin Ryland and Sara Tomek of the University of Alabama, examining predictors of graduate STEM degree production for women at U.S. master's degree granting institutions. In some, but not all of the STEM fields, having high numbers of female faculty and administrators was positively correlated with higher numbers of women who received masters' degrees in the fields.

Soures: https://phys.org/news/2014-05-explores-high-women-stem-degrees.html / http://www.stemwomen.net/about/ / https://svc.aauw.org/forms/orderlabel/index_wp.cfm / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEM_fields

By Abena
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