Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2119687-Cindy-And-Mr-Buttons
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2119687
Childrens short story about a little girl and her garden.

Cindy_And_Mr_Buttons_html_m3ef5d787.pngCINDY AND Mr. BUTTONSCindy_And_Mr_Buttons_html_m398ce5dc.png

Cindy loved to play outside. Cindy's favorite thing to do outside was help her mom in the garden. Cindy was very excited to go to the store with her mom to pick out seeds to plant in their garden. They bought tomato seeds, cucumber seeds and carrot seeds. Cindy helped her mom make small holes in the soil and dropped a few seeds in each hole. Then they watered the seeds and made sure they had plenty of sunshine so they would grow big and strong. Everyday Cindy would go outside and check to see if anything had started to grow. She would make sure to give the plants plenty of water.

One morning a few weeks later Cindy ran outside and was so excited to see something starting to grow in the garden. Tiny little green sprouts were popping up out of the ground. Soon the tomato and cucumber vines were as tall as Cindy was, and the carrot stalks were getting bigger.

A few days later Cindy went to check on the carrots in the garden but all she saw was empty holes. MOM! MOM! COME QUICK! Cindy yelled. Where are all the carrots? Cindy asked. Cindy's mom said look on the ground, that looks like a rabbit's paw print in the garden. A rabbit had taken the carrots that Cindy worked so hard to grow. Cindy was very upset. Later that day Cindy sat under a big oak tree trying to figure out why a bunny rabbit would steel her carrots. She heard a funny noise coming from the other side of the tree. Cindy walked around the big tree and saw a hole and inside the hole there were 4 rabbits. A mommy rabbit, a daddy rabbit and two small rabbits and they were all eating Cindy's carrots. The daddy rabbit walked up to Cindy and said hello my name is Mr. Buttons. At first Cindy was mad and wanted to know why Mr. Buttons would steel her carrot's she had worked so hard to grow. Cindy said "Mr. Buttons those carrots you took are from my garden and I worked very hard to make sure they grew big and strong why did you steal them"? Mr. Buttons looked at Cindy and said I am very sorry for taking your carrots without asking, but they looked so delicious and I wanted to share them with my family. I wanted to make carrot soup said Cindy. Cindy thought for a moment and said why don't I grow more carrots and this time we can share them? Oh what a wonderful idea said Mr. Buttons.

So Cindy and her mom planted more carrot seeds and a few weeks later when the carrots were ready to be picked out of the ground Cindy brought a whole bushel of carrots to Mr. Buttons and his family. The Buttons family had a carrot feast and Cindy and her mom made carrot soup for dinner.

Written by L.J.

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