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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2120765
Shrinking based story, in which a man becomes reduced to a toy for his goddess.
A Note From The Author:
Hello everyone, my name is cleverfairy. I'm a little new
around here but I'm here to write about my certain kinks
or fetishes, as well as your own, this is my very own
story series that I'm going to start writing every so often.
If you'd ever like to contact me to write a story or anything
else that may come to mind, feel free to message my email.
All characters in this story are of my creation, and I will soon
post what they look like and they're personalities. Thank
you and enjoy!

Louis Johnson, was an average male for his family. He was six foot, five, had a muscular build, took after his father with his rugged good looks, hell he even got himself a nice girlfriend with his charming attitude! Her name was Katie and my god was she beautiful. A small little girl, just barely reaching five foot three, she had long curly blonde hair, cute little freckles all over her nicely tanned body, not to mention her great beautiful round ass and even better her large breasts that he could just bury his head in and fall asleep, ah she was perfect. He actually had a lot of...sexual fantasies involving her, usually bent over something as he fucks her tight ass or even her nice pussy as she moans for him to give her more or do it harder.

This was Louis's favorite past time activity, sitting in his room while his parents were gone for the weekend and jacking off to images of his girlfriend flashing through his mind until he finally reached his own orgasm and laid back in bliss. This was all he wanted in life, mindless sex with a beautiful, hot, sexy girl! To Louis, he was truly living the dream...now Katie on the other hand... Katie wanted more from their relationship than just mindless sex! Katie wanted things that she knew Louis would never be able to give her (an orgasm of her own is one of the things on the list), so she knew things had to change. And change they would, just in a way that they both never had expected them to.

It was an average day, Louis and Katie were hanging out together at Louis's own home, he was starting to move his hand along the inside of her thigh, "Louis...can you stop please, I think we need to talk about where our relationship is going...." Katie stated, firm in her decision as she removed his hand from her inner thigh, Louis frowned. Of course she wanted to talk about this right now and kill his mood! "Sure Katie, what's up?" He asked trying not to sound impatient but she could see right through his words, "I just don't think we're going anywhere...all we do is have sex and even then its only ever you getting to orgasm! Our relationship is starting to feel really more or less like friends with benefits and not anything else....like there's nothing I can look forwards to." She sighed looking at him sternly.

Louis just looked at her as if she had given him the most complicated math problem in the world, did she really feel this way? "Awe c'mon Katie! Just give me a chance I promise I can change!" He pleaded with her taking her hands in his own looking into her eyes as sincere as possible. She looked at him, disappointment clear in her blue eyes, "One day. You have one day to change and if you don't then we're through." She stated as she got up and left his house. Louis watched her leave, what in the hell was he going to do now? He sighed and turned on his television, as if by some dumb luck it was on a shopping channel, advertising exactly what he needed!

A woman with light blue hair appeared on the screen with a big bright smile, "Boys have you ever pissed off your girlfriend to the point of no return? Has she warned you that this is the last straw? Is she about to dump you?" The girl asked, "Yes, yes, and yes!" Louis answered to the TV, well he wasn't exactly the brightest bulb now was he? The woman on the TV grinned again, "Well then I have just the thing for you! Doctor Seductions Love Potion! Guaranteed to get into any girls pants, now available for the low low price of just five dollars! Can you believe that!? We're basically giving these things away! In fact order now and you'll get three potions absolutely free, heck why stop there? Tell our operator's your story and we'll make sure you get a life time supply and a number to a hotline just waiting to give advice on how to please!" The woman said with a seductive wink.

Louis couldn't run fast enough to the phone, "Yeah hi I'd love to buy a dozen of your love potions please! Oh and while I'm at it let me tell you all about why I'm calling today...." He stated a smirk finding its way across his features, thinking he had just made the best decision of his life...


Meanwhile at Doctor Seduction Headquarters....

A woman with dark purple hair sat behind her desk, scrolling through her business sales that had skyrocketed since the last hour, a certain sale caught her attention however. Someone named, Louis Johnson had just bought a dozen of her "love" potions! She grinned and picked up her private phone, "Cindy, it's your boss. On Louis Johnson's order, put my personal number on his order....I have a feeling that things are going to be especially interesting with him..." She mused, her voice silky and smooth just like her. With that she hung up the phone and stood up, oh yes. She certainly felt that things were going to be very interesting....


Louis smoothed his hair back, Katie would be at his home any moment and he had just finished taking at least two bottles of the potion he had bought from Doctor Seduction. He found it strange that the instructions clearly said for him to take the potion, it was supposed to be a love potion right? Well, whatever, it didn't matter, he was so going to get laid tonight thanks to this little love potion of his! He sat down on his bed, a warm feeling filling his stomach, he just passed it off as arousal, Louis closed his eyes in pure bliss. When he opened them again, he wasn't sure how much time had passed since he had closed them, but he was extremely aware that he was no longer the same height that he originally was.

In fact he was much smaller! He couldn't have been more than four inches high, something was definitely wrong here, but Louis didn't have time to think about his unfortunate situation because he heard the door open and in walked his girlfriend, Katie wearing a small dress, that definitely showed off some lingerie. "Louis? Where are you? I've been looking for you all around and I can't...." She trailed off as her eyes landed on the tiny figure of Louis laying on his bed. "Oh my goodness, Louis is that you?" She asked astounded, her hand reaching down to pick him up, he sat there terrified as her hand loomed down onto him, grabbing his form and bringing it closer to her face. "Y-yes? I-I-It was f-for your s-surprise....th-there should b-be a number to c-call." He stuttered fearful of her giant mouth, "Okay, well I'll call it and hopefully they can fix you right?" She stated as she found the paper misplaced on his nightstand.

Katie dialed the phone and almost immediately the phone was answered, "Hi, my name is Katie and I'm calling on behalf of my boyfriend, Louis Johnson." She began "You mean your new toy right?" A sultry voice of a woman answered, Katie became confused, "What do you mean?" She asked, if she had been talking face to face with this woman she would have seen a wide grin spread across her face. "Darling take a look at him, he's tiny isn't he? He's not your boyfriend anymore, he's your toy. He willingly took the love potion, anything to give you the pleasure you deserved right? The pleasure you wanted." The voice replied, Katie cast a glance down towards her used to be boyfriend. "Use him however you want, he can't die and he certainly can't be broken. You're his goddess from now on, treat him like the toy he is." She mused then Katie spoke up once more.

"Of course, now um it says here that in extreme cases a worker will come to the house to 'help'...can I assume you'll be here soon?" She asked, a faint blush spreading across her face as her mind began to run wild with all of the possibilities that she could now explore with her new toy, a faint laugh was heard from the other end of the line, "I'll be there in at least an hour darling, I hope you'll have tested him out by then." The woman stated before hanging up the home. Katie grinned, "S-so a-am I stuck like this?" Louis's meek voice asked from her hand, she sighed, "I'm afraid there's no hope in holding back the information, you're not changing back ever, I'm not your girlfriend anymore, you are my toy to do with whatever I please." She mused tossing his little form on his bed as she stripped of her dress, revealing some lavender lacy lingerie, Louis stared up in fear, he could already see her arousal building up in her panties as her thighs rested on either space of him, effectively trapping him.

"I am your goddess, you will worship me." She mused, eyes closing as one hand moved to her panties, the other grasping Louis. He struggled in her hand, "KATIE PLEASE NO PLEASE!" He begged screaming, as she slowly tugged the panties off, revealing her wet pussy, that seemed to grow even more wetter as he was rubbed along the outer lips, he sobbed out as her arousal seeped into his mouth, she tasted like honey and flowers, and he hated it. Above she moaned in pleasure, her hips lowering to the bed, her eyes opened in half lidded pleasure as she laid onto her back, placing him close enough to her pussy, "Worship me toy." She demanded the feeling having complete control of the situation for once sending her lust filled body into overdrive. Louis stared at her pussy, it was overpowering with heat and the smell oh lord the smell.

He couldn't believe this was happening, "No! Katie I am your boyfriend not some kind of slave for you to just play with!" He shouted up to her turning away from her, she sighed in annoyance, "I figured I'd have to work myself to orgasm." She grumbled as she reached her hand down to his body dragging him closer, "NO NO NO STOP PLEASE!" He cried trying to grab onto the bed sheets, but it was too late, his feet touched her body and she shivered, a bit of arousal dripping onto him, giving him more lubrication to slide in, "Oh fuck that feels good!" She moaned as his feet slipped into her, this renewed his struggle, screaming and thrashing as he was pulled deeper and deeper into her, he was up to his waist already! "PLEASE KATIE THERE'S GOTTA BE SOME OTHER WAY!" He cried, but it fell on deaf ears as a moan elicited from her once more, her hand hanging over head rubbing her clit furiously, "Need....more...." She moaned out, her hand moving to rest on top of his head.

Louis sobbed as she began to apply pressure on his head, sending him into her depths, his head squeezing in her body, she moaned as his head slipped all the way into her. Finally...this is exactly what she had been wanting all along. Power. "FUCK!" She screamed out as he began to struggle sending her into a frenzy of pleasure, bucking her hips into the air while she begins to finger herself, letting her moans get the better of her, "OH GOD YES! KEEP SQUIRMING FOR YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!" She cried out as she continued to furiously masturbate with her boy...no...her toy inside of her. A malicious grin appeared on her face, yes, he was her toy now and nothing more. She was his goddess, and he would only be her toy now and forever. Inside of the moaning woman, Louis was thrashing, struggling to get out while also being pushed by Katie's fingers to go deeper into her and give her more pleasure.

He cried as he reached as far as he could go, being pressed all the way against her cervix, here he could finally hear her thundering heartbeat and moans as she tried to give herself more pleasure. The walls were getting slicker and he was pretty sure that he was going to drown in her cum if she didn't orgasm soon, he was also starting to get claustrophobic with how her body would squeeze him for everything that he was worth. Outside he was sure he could hear another voice but he wasn't certain, until two sets of moans hit his ears, he turned his body as much as he could to try and see what was making the other moans but it was far too dark to see anything. That's when it happened, a skip of the heartbeat, a loud scream of pleasure, and a wave of cum sent him spiraling out of Katie's pussy and on to another one, that spews just as much, if not more cum as his own goddesses.

Wait what? Did he really just think that Katie was his goddess? He shook his head and looked up at Katie and whomever's pussy he was stuck to, he was greeted with the face of Katie looking very pleased in her post-orgasm glow and the face of a woman whom he had never met before. She had long dark purple hair, bright red eyes, and round breasts that put Katie's to shame. "Looks like he's stuck to your pussy, Ariel." Katie chuckled, the woman known as Ariel smiled at her, "That he is, now I wouldn't want him to get sucked up back in now would I?" She mused her hand coming down to rest on his head as she cast Katie a sultry look, "No..." She trailed off, Ariel began to remove Louis but Katie stopped her. "No....I-I've always wanted to try this...." She admitted meekly, motioning for her to lay down. She happily obliged already knowing what Katie had in plan, Louis was confused until 'Ariel' laid down and spread her legs, revealing her wet pussy to Katie.

She licked her lips and drew her face closer to her body, Louis screamed, his throat sore from screaming and begging for Katie to let him out of her pussy. It was too late for him, her tongue came down on the pussy and licked him, pushing him once again into his own personal hell. Ariel moaned happily at the stimulation from the woman below her, if she was this good, she might take her with her. Louis sobbed into the pink flesh as he was pushed further and further into the pussy, by the tongue behind him. He sobbed as the cycle started over again, the pulling into the depths, the loud heartbeat, the loud moans, and finally the skip of the heartbeat, the screaming about pleasure and the wave of cum. What changed was the fact that he didn't fall onto the bed or onto Katie's pussy, instead he landed on her tongue.

He panted, caked in cum from both of the women, out of breath. Katie moved away, showing Louis off to Ariel. She grinned at her, "Do it." She whispered, a sadistic grin forming at her face. "Do wha-?" Louis began before Katie's tongue pulled him inside her mouth. Panic rose in his body once more, but before he could do anything, she swallowed, sending him down her throat and to what he believed would be his doom. He dropped into her stomach, the cum washing off of his body as he was dumped into the chamber. He sobbed and began banging on the fleshy walls, "PLEASE KATIE I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" He cried, "Oh don't be such a child, you won't be digested." A muffled voice came through, it sounded like Ariel. "YOU'RE NOT THE ONE STUCK IN ACID!" He shouted, "Relax, due to you consuming the love potion which I hope by now you've figured out is actually a shrinking potion. It makes you immune to any form of danger, which would include the acid in Katie's stomach. You should be thanking your goddess for giving you a new view of her majestic body." As Ariel spoke, Louis heard a moan.

"Oh please Ariel, if anyone's a goddess it's you! You've taught me that I deserve more pleasure than my toy, and he should be doing whatever I want him to!" Katie giggled, Louis felt like vomiting, did they really expect him to submit?! Hell no! He should be the one that's a giant, he should be the one that has women worshipping his cock! He growled, "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOU'LL BOTH PAY FOR THIS!" He shouted banging on the walls of the stomach, he could hear a giggle, "Sure sure, now we gotta go get ready for the main event, so keep struggling it feels sooooo good." Katie sighed, then they were both silent for a long time as Katie's body began the natural process of dealing with Louis, and just as Ariel had said, the acid hadn't killed him, and he was squeezed through her lower intestines until he ended up right in her ass.

The smell was unbearable even though it was surprisingly clean, then suddenly gravity changed on him and he was being forced out of her anus, past her round cheeks, and onto the hand of Ariel. "LET ME GO! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" He shouted struggling in her hand. "Shut it toy." Katie commanded, but he was still thoroughly pissed and not willing to back down from what he had started, "NO YOU LISTEN HERE KATIE! YOU ARE A BITCH AND I'M THROUGH WITH YOU! CHANGE ME BACK RIGHT NOW!" He shouted angrily, both women scowled at him, "I don't think he's snapped yet..." Katie sighed, Ariel nodded in agreement. "I think it's time.." She whispered putting a hand on Katie's waist, the girls shared a smug look and Katie moved back to the bed, laying on all fours, sticking her ass in the air, Louis looked at it with pure terror. Still being defiant he shakily called up to Ariel, "H-Ha! Y-y-you think h-her ass scares m-me? I've a-already dealt with i-it once, what m-makes you think I-I can't do i-i-it again?"

This cause Ariel to laugh, "Oh you little naive toy, that's not where you're going..." She mused, laughing as she swung Louis back towards her pussy. Her other hand came down and waved a little symbol at it before touching her clit lightly, soon a cock began to grow from her clit, "THIS, is where you're going." She mused, he watched in terror as the cock kept growing, and growing and growing, it grew until it towered over Louis. "Here, why don't you have a closer look." Ariel mused, dragging him up along the side of her cock until he got to the slit. "See? It's just waiting for you~" She laughed, he cried out, as she began to push him in against his will, his feet slipped in first, she stopped pushing him in when her cock had swallowed him up to his waist, she the moved forward, towards Katie. "I hope you don't mind but I've left him hanging out so you can feel me pounding him into you." She chuckled, "Oh yes! Please just fuck me!" Ariel cried wiggling her hips, trying to get Ariel to fuck her already.

"As you wish." Ariel purred, bringing her hips closer. She slid her cock close to Katie's anus, pressing Louis as close to it as possible, this couldn't be happening right? No, it was...he had been reduced to nothing but a toy for his goddess, he couldn't deny it any longer, as Ariel pushed forward he shuddered felling the anus pass over his head. It didn't last long though because soon Ariel was thrusting as hard as she could moaning as Louis sank further into her cock with each thrust until he was sliding down to her balls. He was emptied into the sloshing chamber, cum soaking his body as he was jostled about, listening to the moans of both of the goddesses as they had rough glorious sex until the sloshing stopped and the cum emptied the chamber, dragging him along for the ride as he was shot into the ass of his beautiful and lovely goddess that owned him. As soon as the cock left the flooded ass he began to massage the walls, his goddess deserved pleasure at all times.

"Oh my..." Katie purred, Ariel looked at her, "Let me guess, he's finally submitted and pleasuring you?" She asked rubbing her ass gently, she nodded with a pleased hum, "Wonderful, now if you need anything else, you have my personal number." Ariel mused before she disappeared in a thick cloud of black smoke. Katie watched her go with a sigh, she was wonderful. But for now...now she needed to be treated like the goddess, she squeezed out her toy as well as a decent amount of cum, her face glowing as she spread her legs. "Okay toy, time to show how much you love your goddess....''

© Copyright 2017 cleverfairy (cleverfairy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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