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What do they look like? Hieronymus Clangor '6 tall, golden blond hair, ice blue eyes with a solid, rugged build, very Nordic features. Working man's hands. Liam 'Hiss' McCrumb '5"10, dark brown hair, deep emerald green eyes, slim athletic build, pneumatic prosthetic arm and hand that 'hisses' when used- which his nickname 'Hiss' is derived from. What is their history is? Hieronymus Clangor is the son of immigrants from the Netherlands. He was born aboard the lighter than air ship his parents arrived in Chicago on. He is the epitome of a renaissance man. Capable, smart, and intuitive. He trained as an engineer, but due to a natural wanderlust and for the times, an unhealthy rebellion towards authority, he left school just prior to attaining his degree. He has held numerous jobs, done a little bit of everything to earn money to finance his tinkering. However, his father's recent suspicious demise, he has focused his energy on finding those responsible for his father's death and being able to reliably fiance his mother's support. Liam 'Hiss' McCrumb is the consummate confidence man but due to an accident that has left him with a very noticeable marker- his 'hissing' pneumatic right arm and hand, he is looking for a more reliable source of income. He has an almost unnatural talent for persuasion and gaining a mark's trust. He thinks fast on his feet and reads people to a "t". He gets an offer that is almost too good to be true- befriend Hieronymus Clangor, become his confidant and all he has to do is make occasional reports on Clangor's investigation regarding his father. Hieronymus Clangor gets a private investigator's license and with his gadget creations, he is a fairly successful one, but he felt the need for a partner and someone to help shoulder the work load while he worked on his own personal case- the mysterious death of his father. Hiss presents himself as a financially stable mentor and partner and the agency of Clangor and Hiss is established. What are their connections to all things steampunk? The alternate universe that Clangor and Hiss' Chicago is in, runs on steam/pneumatic power. Clangor fits under the mechanic archetype in the Steampunk world while Hiss is more of a criminal adventurer. Is their story set in alternate history Victorian England or Americana Wild West? This story is set in alternate history America. Hieronymus Clangor's father, Njord Clangor, was a lighter-than-air ship pilot tasked with supplying south western territories with goods. The American Civil War never happened in this alternate America- slavery was never practiced here. |