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by Nini
Rated: E · Essay · Environment · #2131057
The Sun was Shining...
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By Nina

The Sun was shining, spreading its light and printing them into China's magnificent Great Wall. The sky is yellow, dotted with fluffy clouds, telling people that another day is starting. Under the sun the Great Wall is printed orange and red as if telling the terrible, sorrowful battle that happened in the past, and the wound that will never fade. Thousands of years ago, tribes of Nomads led by Genghis Khan, the greatest man of all time, entered China and destroyed everything, every village, and every house they went by until they reached the Great Wall in Beijing. There was then four years of killing, and invasion, along with citizen suffer in calamities brought by the brutal war. This threatening invasion marked the end of the Song dynasty.
The Great Wall stands steadfastly on the mountain, like a soldier that will never falter, and will never lose its loyalty to its country. The Great Wall helped and saved us in old time by preventing Nomads from the North and making invasions hard on our enemies. Surrounding the Great Wall are grasses, covered by droplets of rain from the pasting night, with no other trees. Every year, millions and millions of people come to visit the Great Wall, walking through the pass that our ancestors had once done. Standing on the Great Wall feeling the mild wind brushing through your hairs, bringing a moment of relief, walking on the Great Wall, feeling stronger than ever, like a fearless soldier who protects its own country and try to be braver than before.
Standing on the Great Wall, you can scene the smell of bitter, like green olive, experience the pain and suffer that our ancestors did. Standing on the Great Wall you can smell the sun, like mint chocolate, warm but also cool. Standing on the Great Wall you can taste the mild wind, filled with dry straws, help you to experience the taste of nature.
Even though building the Great Wall caused millions and millions of innocent people to die, but when it is finished, the Great Wall saved millions and millions of innocent people from outside invasion. When I look at the magnificent Great Wall of China, this is what I will see, not how much harm it brought to the people be constructing it, but how much the Great Wall saved the people and remain loyal to its country.

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