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Rated: E · Draft · Action/Adventure · #2132268
fantasy contintued thiller
A point of conjecture , insignificant turn or event that in time given, spreads. Then spark to the beginning of a new event ;a beginning, one period to the next, continuing on in this never ending. Although this repeating aspect of something that's formless and is aspect to change in this present moment. The understanding of the un-explainable, not knowing the present though torn from indifference of that which has not come to pass in the world that some can never understand or comprehend. Written rules of a world that has no rules - from one place to the other marked from what was written in the mind of a creator( realm of that of magic or supernatural sense of ability) or the sum of ideas of thoughts to something tangible . Thoughts are not congealed but personal , though for this person all is free to feel and experience. Hearing the thoughts from those around them and those who walk the threshold of life or death , as well those whom are about to be. Seeing those from the past and as well from the future , as though the veal of time is lifted for them to see. This all comes to pass from the time of childhood , for these special people call the gifted but to others they are called the wicked. Ripped from those who protected her and her gifts …. only to be a drifter not knowing whom to trust. But for the moment. The lofty prospects of heaven and the more grounded reality of earthly body to the dark stain in those who turn from the light. The cast of the Pendulum are factors of those whom balance the light and those in the shadows. She has been hidden from those of the light of the Veal and Nors of the Dark. Those of the highest of the Counsel search for this for the true source of their magic … the sorcerers of light; origin of the Casters , those whom use light and dark abilities . Those who are man who seek the magic to rule those of the world and ravish away the balance of nature … for their own means end and corrupt all that is good with help of the Nors of the Dark… The elder known as Easric …..wicked through and through …..

The Pendulum protect the wick of the tree the source of light in the world . Others want that it.. but the eight sisters of the tree, those whom believe the tale took the tree to the plane of New haven a world between this one and other. To keep the those from haunting the power of tree and also balancing the both the dark and light they left behind the wick of the great tree. Through time man has left behind though of magic and sought out the sense of sciences…. though the Pendulum as protect those of special abilities and practice of magic secret from the world, modern in all its ways … instruments were crafted to protect and defend the light - through the dark as grown strong , they were select groups followed the dark ways called dark light. Now they have come together overwhelming the Pendulum but the sister factions

The night, dark and cold as well as ruthlessly and unforgiven. A danger lingers with her insight to her situation , and her life at stake . As well as aware of those whom want to harm her , fearsome but vigorously shadowed figures straft about. Dark shadow on the hunt- rumbling cadences of horses galloping through the forest . As exhausted as she rushes through the woods … Her hair in her face as the wind ruffling from behind her - in her torn dress. And the inflorescences of her skin and the flickering embers spontaneously around her. As though the strand of time stretched as she runs - she moves faster than those behind her , a point which time stops - moving forward as everything else stays stillness as she runs, everything and everyone slows down.

In this transforming preputial phenomenon all the while surrounding all round her. All encompassing awareness and feeling, rumbling and dirt churning in this dark sea of nothingness before her , casting forth light and shadow. Casting itself as this mysterious beauty of substance and weight holding itself all together.

When in all gasping puzzlement and confusion to what's happening, this dark unescaping void ,into an answer that is easily absorbed is the truth of nature of things. What is a moment measure and the purity of trees, the forest , the earthly creatures and that of one's nature ? In the prospect to when it comes to an act of grace, or in its presences, for a moment only last for so long. Though in Nature it can be unpleasant but beautiful to all who know too well. Ungiven, in its vicious grasp and it also has its elegance. There's both sides to a coin, but look closely this is only temporary, like a falling leaf off a tree - each leaf last for instance. Though some things are far from poise, like one's inner self, their soul - if wounded or not it can't be seen. pour out of that mold is the act of someone's true nature, the act of pure pain or betrayal -like a scar upon one's true self either pain or in turn for grace, whether or not darkness lies in all of us? Though this is of her nature and her power and willingness let her overcome her predicament

A broken detached - deteriorating dark soul quivering between place to place . The forest peaking in the summer with a lively brilliance . The trees chatter throughout the forest ( as though alive ) on this calmy wind ... a deer runs free in the bush and the birds flap across the sky. A cross clear blue sky a crow flies off to a limb off a tree - its dead old morus bark hides something within it, a dark aura. This trees was alive once - some wretched event caused this oblong circle in the ground baron of life; which surrounds the tree.. This was many ages ago and as time passed years gone by .... the crows sits still on the limb and rolls it eyes back and forth as it picks its feathers and flies off .. while this share glent of light off the sun and behind that is this old white house off into the distance.

The march of the day passes as the light slowly draws back , as though fading away - what a moment , the lights warmth.. bright but dark, but so brilliant in its colors- between falling and rising as if still . though the grass warm and the air - the light reflects of the sheen of the white paint and it flakes ( the glare and specs of dust ) of the house and the windows. the scent of the air fresh of lavender and green leaf also tall grass . This house has a lot of history to it and character . Fore the instance an eerie sense, apparent by the act of wind sweeping across the grass. Those whom lived there ,through the times but one thing is that all who know this secret. fear bewilder them. This secret . Those dare to talk about it, about the witches of deer cove, beauty sometimes hide deceit.

Standing before this house in silence, though the fields and the forest barren , no whisper of life. A dark mist manifest itself from whispering smoke gathered from millions of individual mosquito. A form protrudes from this mist and thousand strikes of lightning churn into many forks of current . Out of this mist. A woman appears walking on the warm grass. this rare occurrence slowly fades - her white embroidered sheer dress bright but brilliant in appearance and translucent from the sun behind her. The sun falls at a certain time of day - for a time it like time stood still. Her dress bright yellow glow tattered with dirt soiled with mud , like a halo around her figure and the kiss of her warm skin. the sun behind her , as though she was enchanted and her hazel eyes overwhelming . A gush of wind , blowing softly against her hair feathered by the air and her dress sails as she walks towards the house. A howling of wind as though a voice , eerie, as if it was out of nowhere all around and no specific point of origin. Her bare feet.

There inside the house, there in the hallway - cool and welcoming. The air condition on the wall running through the house. In the kitchen, chopping of the knife against chopping board - cutting of green peppers. On the stove , pots cooking , the aroma of spicy . This man is stirring a the pot with a wood spoon. Well he hears something outside and makes his way to the door and he walks into hall filled with pictures of his family going back many years .
And there at the door upon opening the door.

"What the ....." what in the name of .....she pauses and recollects her thoughts." what's going on here ? " In the mind of michael, well doesn't believe his eyes ,a woman - of all place in front of his house . well random things are going off in his mind. As if she was walking into this time into the present her clothing and the old wagon and horse behind as a fade transparent in and out . she steps foot on the porch as it squeaked- wet and exhausted from the spell she casted - as she shifts her weight to the other foot with her arms to her side - with this lively look in her eyes and her burnt amber color hair . her body steaming and the top half of her dress wet , her eyes fade white and the (like a energy released from her though in a stressed state) porch window implodes and the boards aggressively shake forwards and wooden burst into ashes and fire amber flakes fall. As she slowly falls as though she has exhausted all her energy- micheal runs to her and holds her up and her head falls on his shoulder.
her chest full and and soft and apparent to michael's eyes and the feel up against him, hes fluster about what's going on , while this ambered dust falls and time as passed like it was magic , though time stop for a moment and there she is . A moment became a glance and for that glance stretched came night …. a woman (a pretty but exotic look to her ) in blue checkered shirt and blue jeans and dark boots in a car pulled into this house on michael's driveway - there michael not knowing what is going on. Walking around in front of his place wondering where this mystery woman was from and where she came from -trying to fathom what went on. Alice appeared out of nowhere that how michael saw it , "I saw this light and i was calling you , i couldn't get you at all" “so I came over “ Michael is puzzled looking out with a blank stare then turns his head forwards to alice "What ,you were calling me " “Yeah are dull in the head or something” under her breath “idiot” like she telling herself reassuring her feelings “ what, did you say?” “nothing at all you're just an idiot thats all ” “really” "You look off or something “ the light flickers while Alice walking towards michael upon the porch … “wait who's this girl " "well hmm , wait she appeared and the light and my watch stopped , it did something it even…….now its night and all of sudden you're here " “blah blah you’re not making sense ” “I don't believe you at all” “ she came out of nowhere …., lights and mist ah - so she fainted on the porch” “I put her here on the bench” “well she very pretty though- u didnt” “what are you saying ? No?” " oh i see you have something or other with her or i can't stand this ... well hmm, i am gone " Alice frustrated walks off the porch “ one night stands or something be real - ah shes is a call girl ” " i thought you were different " this mystery woman starts to talk under her breath she faints again. alice turns around “ waits talked she sounds foreign or sort ” alice walks towards the porch pushing passed micheal. "awh , is she ok, what, she doesn't look good" "what happened here" as they walk her in the house in michaels harms they help her into the house , michael puts her onto the coach “ I get her some water and a rag or something or nother” “ ah down the hall to your left” “ I don't need any directions, okay - the night you were drunk and i hmmm what ever ” !!call the ambulance!!
the ambulance is riding towards the hospital and get call from dispatch that a call from deer cove. they turn around and turn on the alarm as wells as the sirens they race from uptown to middletown. Well the police arrive on the scene and the ambulance ... "well sir where is she .. ?" " well she's right this way " " ok" the ambulance technicians " ok what happened here" " i don't know" women come in with medical bag " michael , what going on here "
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