Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2135198-Those-Little-Things-In-Life
by Harry
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2135198
A free-verse poem about the little things we often fail to appreciate. What's your list?
Those little things that fill our life:
that hurried kiss with our spouse
as one leaves the house for work,
a child’s telling of their day at school,
a warm smile and hug from the spouse
upon arriving home,
the blooming of each new flower,
hummingbirds’ dazzling aerial displays,
the warmth of a wood fire in the fireplace
on a bitter cold wintry day,
the purr of a cat as you stroke it,
the joy of a dog happy to see you
and the peacefulness of a dog
snuggled beside you on the sofa,
the beauty so abundant in nature,
the pleasure in music and the arts,
the love and caring exchanged freely
among family and friends,
laughter shared with others --
these things and dozens more daily.

Such little things are often ignored
when one is young and laser-focused
on the bigger, “more important” aspects
of schooling, building a career, finding
a mate, growing a family, gaining “success.”

Once one confronts the fragility of life
and the assuredness of one’s mortality --
often from a health scare or advancing age --
the din and rush of the business of living
fades enough to reveal how much these
little things add to the quality of our life,
and their true importance is noticed.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all were
to notice and treasure these little things
all throughout our life? Unfortunately,
appreciation of the little things in life
all too often comes for many rather late
in their life ... if it ever comes at all.

I invite you to please check out my eleven books:
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2135198-Those-Little-Things-In-Life