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Just something that I came up with. |
You will never see what's inside of me you will merely glimpse it you will only have the idea of what you think I am by what you judge me to be you will take in my actions how I talk to you to others how I do the things you see and what you perceive me to be you will absorb all of this and determine who I am but that won't be who I am that won't be me that will just be your version of me like watching a tv show and getting an idea about the characters in the beginning you think you know what they will do who they will become and then the twist hits you see the deeper side what drives them or made them who they are and your opinion changes that's me that's everyone you get an idea about them and you conrete that in your mind that's who they are until something changes something happens these changes either make or break you they can shatter your view of them of the world and you blame them for changing something inside of you but, it was you who caused that change you who built this false foundation because you judged them and put them in this place solidified the idea inside your mind about who they were but, you never thought to ask them who they are what made them who they became just a simple question but we chose to make up our own minds rather than sit and talk and find out the demons the angels the shadows and the light anything can change who you are just one small thing can alter the road you are on think about that the next time someone you know changes who they are find out what sparked that change rather than chastizing and judging what you thought they were you never know what someone is going through without ever asking |