Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2146533-Survival-of-the-Saddest
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #2146533
Evolution of losing someone and surviving that loss. From tragedy, renewal springs forth.
"Survival of the Saddest"

He left. Therefore,
crackling found its path into the brain. Deafening sounds.

Like a panicked spider building its web, fissures spread
at a rapid pace overtaking Mind's capabilities.
Thoughts and memories slid off the brink of understanding.

Then sounds suddenly quieted. Questionable silence spoke
to the avalanche of cognition. The initial noise crept
into the crevices and died there. Hope resigned itself lost
in the abyss. Heart witnessed the tragedy with darkest despair.

Tributaries of tears flowed from Heart's heart while internal
wailing reverberated against walls of the black hole within Self.
Known only to Self. Scrambling, Spirit clawed her way
in search of a foothold, any possible step promising ascension.

Resignation of Love's demise settled in for the duration
of Life's winter season, accepting inevitable death of kinship.

Flowing through the veil of Body's conception of its own
sleeping graveyard, and rising from cracks exposing
blanched bones, broken, and forsaken,
Mother Time, Father Sun, and Sister Moon passed
into another realm and claimed renewed states of being.

Heart awoke to awareness of a budding plant clinging
to the edge of Hope's shoulder, a shelf to stand on, strong
in the midst of resurrection. The flower, a living thing,
survived as a signal to Mind, Heart, and Spirit. Silence
found and spoke its voice of clarity. All shall be well again.

Therefore, Self survived.

line count 26
free verse
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