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Biography for my characters
Leona Clemington (nee Ryder)
         Born-August 12
         Occupation-CEO of Ryder Reels, a film company for independent artists to come together to create films. She went to school for film, but quit when she realized her retail job was doing better than her grades. As she moved up the managerial ladder, she realized that she could combine the two, and her schooling would not have been for nothing. She goes back to school for business, and ends up with a Doctorate in Business with a minor in film. As she was going through college, and making money from her manager job, she slowly started to create her new business which is to gather local film artists together to create movies. Searching Directors/Producers all the way down to best boys and script sups come to her company to work together. Her company provides funding and connections while getting back 30% of profits from films, and an entrance fee from aspiring artists. Her company has now grown nationwide and provides film connections all over the United States.
         Family Members-Virginia Ryder (Mother) and Augustus Eurice (Father)
         Married to-Gerry Clemington
         Personality Traits-Creative, Passionate, Generous, Warm hearted, Cheerful, Humorous, Arrogant, Stubborn, Self centered, Lazy, Inflexible.
         Character History-Leona grew up as an only child, which separated her from the world for a long time, but it grew her love for attention and adventure. It took her until her early twenties to realize who she was. She let other people guide her, but once she became a manager for the first time, she had a taste of control and power and she loved it ever since. Her father wasn't very prominent in her life, mostly being taken care of by her mother. Her mother became a strong woman figure in her life and Leona vowed to be like her mother, and also find a way to help her mother. Now that she is CEO of her own company, she helps her mother pay bills since her mother is very sick, and the rest of her family had conditions. She grew up with little and was taught that she could achieve anything if she tried, so she did. Most of the reason she left college was because she kept having emotional breakdowns and not showing up to classes. She was frightened by her classmates, but now they respect her and submit to her company. She tried to kill herself freshman year, but ended up surviving which made everything she gained that much better, but that much harder in college. No one looked at her the same, and after her breakup with Ari, she was too exposed and depressed at the thought of college, so she left to pursue management at her job. Once she became store manager, she went back to school for business (different school) and after her undergraduate years, started creating her company through masters and doctorate years for her thesis and herself. She now lives in Texas with her husband, Gerry, and their two kids, Taylor and Caeden.
         Physical Traits-Leona is short, and curvy. She has long hair that she dyes unnatural colors that change every few months (and she has been doing this since she was a freshman in college her first time around). She has many tattoos and piercings, brown eyes, and wears glasses. She looks young for her age, and has a very simple, sweet feeling about her. Warm face, that looks concerned often.
         Biggest Motivator-Her family (born to, created, and found through friends)
         Biggest Fear-Resorting back to her old self, or her father's ways. Not being loved, and being alone.
         Likes-Horror, Art, Movies, Spending weekends away, Summer time, Animals.
         Dislikes-Lies, Video games, anime, laziness (even though she herself can be lazy), the cold, winter, her in laws political views.

Ari Benton
         Born-March 28
         Occupation-Regional manager of a chain restaurant by day, sings jingles for tv commercials by night. Doesn't make enough money to only do one. Wanted to be a singer for a band, but each band kept falling apart, and no studio would take him solo because he wasn't quite good enough.
         Family Members- 6 siblings, mother, and father.
         Married to-Agnes Benton (nee Finn) after finding out she was pregnant at 20. They are miserable, but make it work for their child.
         Personality Traits-Ignorant, Stubborn, Liar, Determined, Confident, Impatient, Moody, Short Tempered,Impulsive, Aggressive.
         Character History-Was number 6 of 7 children, so he wasn't as cared about growing up. When he was 10, he went to a parade with two of his older brothers who ended up ditching him, and he then was raped by a group of older men with a van. He turned to drugs, and this started his career as a professional liar. He would go to rehab often, but always resorted back to drugs and lying. He met Leora when she was in college and saw how lost she was, so he preyed on her until he could find better. He used her to build his confidence back and advocated for the refusal of drugs in their household. He met Agnes about a year into their relationship, and while building the relationship with her, left Leora. Since he still needed someone to prey on, but didn't want Agnes to leave him, he kept preying on Leora. He felt helpless and lost as she grew more confident and found Gerry. Agnes got pregnant a year after they started dating so he married her before the baby bumps started showing. This was also when Ari started to get bored with Agnes, and Agnes replaced Leora as prey shortly after the baby was born. However, they are both devout Christians and don't believe in divorce. But now, if you look under Anges' clothes, she's covered in bruises.
         Highest Level of Education-High school diploma
         Physical Traits-GTall, lean, beedy blue eyes, hard lines, brown hair.
         Biggest Motivator-Hate
         Biggest Fear-Dying
         Likes-Music, his child.
         Dislikes-Leora, people, losing, being subordinate

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