Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2158178-Voraggretsuko-Chapter-1
by Ghost
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2158178
Fallowing Fenneko's advice, Haida decides to tell Retsuko his secret.
NOTE: I DO NOT OWN Aggretsuko or any of it's characters. This is fanfiction. This also a KINK STORY. If you dislike those kind of stores, DO NOT READ. END OF NOTE




         "You know you should tell her."
         "What?" Haida was currently leaning by Fenneko's desk thinking, as she typed away on her computer, when she suddenly spoke.
         "You know you should tell her." she repeated in the same tone.
         "Tell... who?"
         "Retsuko, you should tell her."
         Haida chuckled, "Look, I know we're not moving fast and we still haven't gone on a single date, but I already told her I love her." he said, giving Fenneko a smug smile.

         "I was talking about your secret." she states.
         "Secret? Fenneko, besides not being able to tell her my feelings for the longest time, I don't have any secrets."
         Fenneko slowly turns her head towards Haida but keeps typing, almost at a faster pace and asks "Are you sure?"
         Haida flinched, and nervously replies "Well... I.... what do you mean?"

         Fenneko turns their head back to the computer and responds with, "After work on every Friday you pass though the red light district and stop at-" she grabbed her phone and opens one of the posts showing it to Haida, "-this store."
         Sure enough, in the background of a selfie, he is shown walking into a building and Fenneko starts scrolling down showing other times he's gone there. "I also have a shot of you leaving with a bag of odd looking pills taken one day before you got sick."
         Haida started to remember just how scary she was as he looked at her in shock.

         "The most unique thing about this store is I can't seem to find what they sale and no one is talking about the place online so I checked it out myself yesterday."
         Fenneko then turns fully to face Haida. Beads of sweat roll down his face, how did this happen, no one was supposed know. "Haida, what are you buying at a specialty sex shop?"
         He breathed in and out for what felt like a hour, but was really about 6 seconds.

         Haida finally said "Th-that will b-be between me and Retsuko."
         To be honest, he mite have looked confident if he wasn't still sweating bullets. Fenneko turns back and go's back to work, but says "That's good because I told her to talk to you after work today."


         Haida was trying to calm down as he waited for Retsuko by the park. 'Freaking Fenneko' he thought, 'of course she would find something about me to investigate and hang over my head.'
         He let out a sigh, 'But, she is right, if I don't tell Retsuko about ... "that" now, she mite find out later at a bad time.' He started to dig in he's pocket for a mint to eat to pass the time.

         "I guess telling Retsuko 'it' now is for the best."
         "Tell me what?"
         Haida completely spaced out and didn't notice Retsuko standing there. He soon regained some of his composure and spoke, "O-oh hay R-Retsuko I didn't see you there."
         Retsuko just smiled, "It's okay, I know Fenneko set this up, are you sure you want to talk about... whatever you ware going to tell me?"
         He really, REALLY would like to say no, but the small part of himself that trusted Retsuko won out.

         "Yeah but, can we head into the park, so um... no one else hears it?" Haida wished he made that sound less creepy, but it looks like Retsuko doesn't mind.
         "Sure, I know a far away spot in there." she said, taking his hand and leads them through the park.
         "You've been here before?"
         "Yeah I come here sometimes wh-, I mean, to be alone with my thoughts... yeah..." it's phrases like that, that make him sometimes think she's hiding something, only sometimes though.

         About five minuets later they arrive at an old park bench, surrounded by trees and way off the path. "Well this is it." Retsuko exclaims, "It's part of the old path, so not a lot of people know about it."
         She takes a seat and so does Haida, as he lets out a sigh, "Okay, so I think I figured out how to explain my... secret."
         She can see he's still nervous about this, so she grabs his hand, "Take your time."

         Haida took a deep breath and started, "Okay, did your school have like, a class on Intelligence vs instinct and the-".
         "The evolution of species in society?" interrupted Retsuko, wondering were this was going, "It was mandatory."
         "Oh, well did they show 'the video' too?"
         She shuddered, "Yeah, wish I could forget."

         Intelligence vs instinct and the evolution of species in society, is a course about how the people of this world evolved from more beast like creatures. The course also has a video portion, showing what happens when people lose themselves to their instinct. "Remember when the female dingo swallowed her son?" asked Haida.
         Retsuko shivered and wrapped her arms around him, "The zoom in on her stomach when the kid presses on it from the inside gave me nightmares.".

         Haida puts one arm around Retsuko quickly, "Sorry! I didn't mean to bring up a bad memory."
         "What does all that have to do with you?", she asked, growing increasingly upset.
         "I...I got... 'turned on' by it." he manages to say.
         "..... what?" she is completely stunned by what she just hared.

         Haida covered his face, "I saw that seen and got an erection."
         Retsuko blushed and slow realized what his secret was, "You have a fetish."
         "It's called... vore and yes, it's a...weird one", he slowly takes his hands off face and holds them together.
         Retsuko slowly pulls herself closer to him, "Okay, what exactly... 'turns you on', in that seen?"

         Haida turns his head away from Retsuko, "Well two things, the way the dingo played with her stomach as her son tried to escape-"
         Retsuko remembered, the dingo looked like she was almost sexuality pleased by it.
         He continued, "-and the way she thought her son was responding to it."
         That seen was a vary odd part of the video, it showed that the dingo thought she was playing with her son and keeping him safe.

         Retsuko decides to ask one more question, "So, why where you buying those pills in the pictures that Fenneko showed me?"
         Haida let out a sigh, "They make parts of my body more elastic, so I can... swallow... someone whole, but also prevents me from... digesting them"
         Retsuko's eyes widen, "You want... to eat... people... even... me?"
         Just as he was about to answer his stomach lets out a deep growl, he blushes and covers his face as she covers her mouth in shock in fear.

         Retsuko never would have guessed that this was Haida's secret, she thought the pills where an aphrodisiac or Viagra. She was vary afraid, but at the same time, 'This is Haida I'm thinking about, the same man who said he loves me.'
         Slowly, the fear leaves her and concern takes it's place, 'He's opened up to me about this, he needs to know if I'll still stay.'
         The part of herself saying to run from him was quickly silenced by the rage she felt about that thought.

         Retsuko heard the metal pounding in her head. She reaches and pulls Haida's hands off his face, leans in close and kisses him on the lips. Haida is shocked, but soon wraps his arms around her and returns the favor. They share this tender moment for a little longer, till his stomach growls louder then before.

         "Sorry, I... really want you..." Haida didn't seem to mind how that came out.
         Retsuko just smiled, "Not tonight, okay?"
         He nods and sighs in relief, "I'm just happy you didn't, I don't know, run away, screaming that I was a blood thirsty monster."
         She giggles, "No, I would never do that... besides, um... you aren't the only with a secret.".

         That somehow caught him of guard, "R-really, what is it?"
         Retsuko thought for a moment before saying, "I'll show you, after work tomorrow, just know it's not as big as your secret."
         Haida agrees to that, sharing one last hug before they part ways. As he makes his back home, he can't help but think about Retsuko, 'Not, tonight.... well, maybe she'll actually agree to, next ti-' his stomach growls again, "shut up you!"

End of Chapter 1

NOTE:Okay Internet, hit me with your best shot. END OF NOTE

1  advice on writing freestyle lyrics is greatly needed

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