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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Other · #2170476
Teacher Pet By Nomdreserv (Shrinking)
Teacher Pet

By Nomdreserv

Jennifer Cox stood at the front of the class and frowned. This class had the reputation of being the worst in the school, and she now believed it. There was no question the gang of five she had kept after school and now faced were responsible. She was the third teacher they’d had this year, and she had no intention of failing as the others had. Although these young teens liked to think of themselves as almost adults, she held no such illusions and frequently made her feelings perfectly clear – they were children, still mentally and physically immature, even inferior, and she would accept no more trouble from these young hoodlums.

Ms. Cox was a very attractive young woman in her twenties, a fact which caused some embarrassment for the boys. Even her very proper teacher’s clothes couldn’t hide the sexy, womanly figure beneath, and the brightly colored heels she wore helped draw attention to her legs. Many boys stared openly, and she could see the small bulges their newly active penises made in their clothes. While a considerate teacher would have ignored them, Ms. Cox actually liked to ridicule them about it, laughing at their small size and hopeless outlook. It was very improper behavior, but she thought it put them in their place, contrasting their child-like bodies with their attempted grown up attitudes.

Her young age should have made her a natural favorite and friend of the girls, but her attitude of ridicule extended to them as well. She loved to tease them about their awkwardness, their barely developed breasts and still skinny legs, especially when they tried to dress more maturely. She always reminded them they were children, underdeveloped in body and mind. Size, she liked to say, did matter.

And, if necessary, she would use her size to intimidate the problem kids she faced today. They were kids, and she was smarter, bigger and stronger – maybe they needed to have this made more obvious. Then they could discuss class behavior. There were three girls, Missy, Kim, and Brittany, and two boys, Bobby and Ricky. The boys were typical leering young adolescents, but the girls were more mysterious, always whispering together and barely acknowledging her presence, let alone her authority.

Well, that was about to change.

Ms. Cox rapped a ruler on her desk to get their attention. They turned, sly, smiling faces to her, with an almost eager expression on the boys’ faces that took her back a bit.

“We are here to establish my authority and the new order for the rest of the semester,” she announced. “I will no longer tolerate class time disruptions.”

One of the girls giggled.

“Missy!” Ms. Cox barked. “Up here, now!” She waved the ruler threateningly as the girl approached. Missy looked like a typical student in her white knee socks, pastel uniform, and yellow hat, but had a superior smirk that infuriated the teacher. “Since you find this amusing, perhaps you can explain how a little girl like you feels she can challenge a woman like me?” She towered menacingly over the young girl, at least 8 inches taller thanks in part to her 2 inch heels, and crossed her arms over her full breasts, as though to contrast the small bumps barely pushing out Missy’s demure school uniform.

Missy exchanged glances with her friends, then nodded as though a decision had been made.

“Sure, Ms. Cox. We’re practicing witches, and you’re just a pompous bimbo.”

At first, it appeared Ms. Cox would strike her, but she controlled the impulse. Don’t descend to their level.

“Witches?” the teacher laughed. “Oh please. You’ve been watching too much TV. It’s affected your little schoolgirl minds.”

“No, Ms. Cox.” Missy smiled serenely. “We know many spells, but we especially like the ones we’ve learned about Koonago.” She stared intently into the tall woman’s eyes, and Ms. Cox felt a strange shiver. “I think the best course is to show you. Here.”

She turned to the chalkboard and wrote out several sentences in Japanese, including the word “Koonago” at the end, then turned back and bowed with mock respect.

“This is an incantation we learned from Toyogub himself. Since you like to tell us how much smarter you are, show us by translating it.”

It was a challenge, no mistake. Ms. Cox had frequently boasted that she knew six languages, including Japanese, and it seemed they had decided to test her claim. Although not fluent, she decided to accept the challenge, refusing to concede even a small victory by ignoring their opening move. When she bested them here, SHE could set the tone with her own challenge. She began to diagram the sentence, writing in the translation beneath.

“That which was tall, soon to be small … she who is …”

She concentrated. Most of the phrases were easy, a simple poetry, and translated quickly. She absent-mindedly tugged at her loose skirt as she wrote, bringing it back up to her waist. Funny, it must have been stretched at the cleaners. She also had to keep tugging at her jacket sleeves as they began to slide over her hands, and her stylish red high heels wobbled a bit on too small feet.

Bobby hadn’t been sure what to expect when the girls had told him and Ricky to be ready for a surprise. Something really big, they’d laughed. And get ready to live that fantasy. He didn’t know what they were talking about. The only fantasy he and Ricky had mentioned was one about fucking their hot teacher, but that was totally ridiculous. Attitude aside, she was so intimidating, so much bigger…

Or was she? Bobby watched open-mouthed as Ms. Cox pushed her glasses back onto her nose yet again. They just wouldn’t seem to sit right and kept sliding down. He had assumed Ms. Cox was bending over as she worked, but when she turned slightly now, he could see she was standing up straight. Yet she was barely taller than 13 year old Missy, smirking behind her. Now he noticed how loose her peach colored jacket and skirt looked on her, clearly a few sizes too big, with the sleeves hiding her hands at rest. Her skirt had slipped several inches below her knees, and her feet slipped with each step in her too large shoes. She looked like one of her own students playing dress up in teacher’s clothes. It was impossible, but Ms. Cox was smaller, and seemed to still be shrinking!

Ms. Cox still noticed nothing, engrossed in her translation. Her glasses slipped again, and she pushed them up angrily once more, but couldn’t find a comfortable position. It almost felt like the times as a little girl when she’d tried on her mother’s glasses. She absently rolled up her sleeves to clear her hands, almost finished with the translation, not noticing that her words were written lower and lower on the chalkboard. She came to the last word, “Koonago.”

She stood, puzzled, her skirt barely hanging on to her hips, oblivious as a suddenly taller Missy came to peer easily over the shrinking teacher’s shoulder.

“It means ‘shrinking woman,’” Missy suggested helpfully, barely able to stifle a laugh at her child-sized teacher’s appearance.

“Ah,” Ms. Cox replied in a high voice. “Shrinking. I should have …EEK!” Her chalk left a trail on the board as she grabbed futilely at her skirt which had finally lost its hold and slipped to the floor. Feeling a cool breeze, she lifted her jacket in back, and in complete shock, realized her panties had followed the skirt to her feet, now leaving her very naked ass revealed to the air - and an audience, as a few mirthful comments made clear. She turned around with a confused, almost fearful expression, made comical by the oversized glasses which had again slipped to the end of her nose. She wobbled as she turned, her tiny feet sliding unsteadily in ridiculously over-large shoes that almost fell off despite her care. A gasp now escaped her lips as she found herself looking UP into her young student’s face.

“Awesome!” Missy pronounced. “Believe us now, teach?”

Ms. Cox stared in disbelief as Missy seemed to still grow before her eyes.

“No … it’s … it’s impossible!” she declared in a high-pitched voice that dismayed her. Her voice had become more girlish than her students. She stared with wide eyes as the other girls, equally imposing in size, walked up appraisingly.

The boys stared with mouths still open, their teacher’s predicament – not to mention her naked behind – making their cocks take notice. Suddenly, Ms. Cox looked far from imposing to Bobby. In fact, she looked downright inviting. Her small size, exposed behind, the clothes puddled at her feet, all combined to present his teacher in a new light of apparent helplessness. Her loss of stature made his own aggression rise, and many remembered insults fueled him further. This was going to be fun.

“Told you her panties would be white,” Brittany declared, indicating the underwear visible at her feet. “How boring.”

Ms. Cox realized how exposed she was and let her jacket drop again. Bobby and Ricky were disappointed to lose their view, but realized with growing confidence that she could do nothing to stop them if they chose to look again – or do more.

Ms. Cox meanwhile tried to pull the jacket close around her small body. Her hands were completely lost in the sleeves, and she could feel the oversize garment begin to slide over her small shoulders. Her glasses dangled uselessly by their strap around her neck. She watched in increasing fear as the giant girls surrounded her.

“Pl … please. Change me back,” she pleaded. “You can’t do this.”

“Already did,” Kim rejoined, pulling at the teacher’s baggy jacket experimentally. “Why don’t you tell us again about how stupid kids are, and how much smarter you are.”

“Or make another joke about how small our breasts are,” Brittany put in, easily overcoming the shrunken teacher’s resistance and pulling the jacket open to peer inside. “Doesn’t look like yours are anything to brag about anymore.”

Ms. Cox tried to draw her jacket together again, but the effort made her stumble out of her too large shoes, losing another couple of inches of relative height and revealing wrinkled stocking toes flopping over her feet.

“Yeah, let’s see whose bigger now,” Missy decided, grabbing an overlong jacket sleeve and twisting the teacher’s arm easily up. Ms. Cox fought hard to keep the jacket on – in the process feeling her blouse and bra become disarranged to expose her upper body, while her hose slipped loosely down and off her legs – but the young girl was too strong for her, and Missy soon stripped the jacket off. Her silk blouse and one bra strap had also slipped over a shoulder in the struggle, and Ms. Cox had to clasp the oversize garments against her to maintain even a shred of modesty.

“That bra looks pretty useless,” Kim mused. “Take it off, Ms. Cox.” She paused and giggled. “It seems stupid to call someone so small Ms. How about just Jenny, huh? Lose your shirt too, Jenny.”

“N…no. Please,” the teacher begged, arms wrapped tightly around her chest.

“OK, girls,” Kim grinned. “Let’s help her.”

Ms. Cox fought, kicked and cried, but soon the blouse and bra joined the puddle of oversize clothes at her feet. She knelt in the clothes, sobbing and ashamed as the girls made remarks about how small her boobs were now, and about her taste in clothes.

“Wow,” they heard Bobby sigh as he stared at her barely concealed naked form.

“Hey, guys,” Brittany chirped. “You wanted to see Ms. Cox naked, right? You boys are always talking about her. And what an opportunity. Bet you’ve never seen a grown woman naked in person, have you?”

They shook their heads, mesmerized.

“Jenny here will be happy to show you everything, right Jenny? You can give them an interactive tour.”

Ms. Cox, three feet tall and increasingly desperate, had managed to slip the bra back on, but it looked completely ridiculous on her tiny form, and she couldn’t properly arrange it to cover her breasts. She stopped trying and looked at them desperately, then broke for the door, screaming for help and not bothering with any of her other clothes. Unfortunately, there was no one nearby to hear her, and she badly misjudged where the door handle would be. By the time she recovered and started to scrabble at it, the girls were on her.

“Hold her!” Kim demanded.

She squirmed uselessly in her captors’ grasps. Brittany found herself holding the loose bra strap in her hand. She started to strip it off, then got a wicked gleam in her eye.

“Hey, watch this.”

She pulled the loose strap several inches from Ms. Cox’s body, then several more until it stretched tight, then let it go with a loud snap. The teacher yelped, then again and again as the girls took turns snapping it, giggling at her helplessness.

“Well, you wanted to wear it,” Kim taunted, letting a particularly loud snap loose. “Ready to lose it yet?”

Ms. Cox finally nodded desperately, anything to avoid the painful lashes. Sobbing, she let them pull off the bra, then collapsed to the floor.

“Stand up and show the boys your body,” Brittany ordered.

The teacher huddled and shook her head.

“I said stand up!” Brittany repeated, slapping the teacher’s behind with a resounding crack. Ms. Cox gasped and jumped up, covering her burning ass with her hands. The boys were rewarded with a full frontal view of their naked teacher, enjoying the small but perfect breasts and neatly trimmed bush. Seeing them stare there, Ms. Cox tried to cover he pubes with her hands.

“No hiding!” Brittany scolded, swatting her hard enough to make her jump again. “Little girls don’t get to be modest.”

“I’m not a little girl … OWW!” The teacher’s protest was cut off by another loud swat that brought tears to her eyes. The girls seemed amazingly strong, and each spank was much worse than any she could remember.

“Oh, that’s right,” Missy smirked. “You’re a great, big grown up aren’t you? In that case, why don’t you show the boys how a woman’s body is different from a girl’s. I want you to show them EVERYTHING.”

Ms. Cox paled.

“What do you think, boys? Want a little live demonstration for sex education?”

Bobby and Ricky swallowed hard, but the small tents in their pants had already answered. Seeing their teacher naked and helpless was a wet dream come true, and each was secretly wondering how far they could go.

“NOO!” Ms. Cox cried, struggling to free herself once more. A series of stinging spanks left her howling and totally defeated, and soon she began an impromptu and – at the girls’ insistence – very graphic explanation of female sexual characteristics.

“Nothing teaches better than actually doing it,” Kim said cheerfully when Ms. Cox finished. “How about it, boys – interested?”

“No, no, NO!” Ms. Cox screamed, shaking her head wildly and immediately drawing another series of stinging blows.

“You will not speak until spoken to,” Missy ordered. The she broke into a lopsided smile. “It is so cool to say that to a teacher.”

“OK, guys,” Brittany said. “We’re gonna leave you alone for a while. Have fun.”

The boys looked eagerly strained but still hesitant.

“Come on,” Kim coaxed. “It’s not like we can tell anyone. You’ll never get another chance like this. Remember how she liked to make fun of you?”

“Don’t disappoint us,” Missy put in. “And maybe we’ll play together some more.”

The girls left them, insisting the boys take their places holding the teacher. Ricky found that actually touching her soft skin aroused him even further. Bobby was already tentatively fondling a breast.

“Stop it!” Ms. Cox cried, attempting to push his hand away, trying to resurrect a shred of her old authority.

Instead, it made him grin. She was so weak and helpless. He could overpower her without even trying. She only came to just above waist level, making her under three feet in height and proportionately even weaker given her slim adult frame. He grabbed her breasts much more roughly and squeezed.


“Quiet, bitch!” he growled, feeling increasingly dominant and scornful of the shrunken woman. His once haughty teacher was now a basically a toy for his pleasure.

He started to move a finger around her bottom, hesitant since he’d never actually touched a woman before, then found the slit she had been forced to show them. When she felt the violation, she struggled again, uselessly. In fact, the movements only served to rub her naked body against Bobby’s cock through his pants, nearly making him blow his load immediately. The extra stimulation decided him.

“I’m gonna do it,” he announced, starting to unbuckle his pants.

“Bobby!” Ricky protested, still holding back.

“Why not? She’s been asking for it with her teasing and laughing. I’ve wanted to fuck her since I found out how it was done by watching that video at Paul’s.”

As his pants and underwear hit the floor, Ms. Cox found herself almost eye level to his jutting cock. It was erect, but otherwise more a boy’s than a man’s – almost no pubic hair and quite small. Well, it would have been small on her old scale. She realized Bobby probably measured no more than four inches in the normal world, but at her size, he looked to be at least eight, and as big around as anyone she had ever taken.

“Suck me!” he ordered.

She set her mouth defiantly, only to find her arm twisted painfully behind her back.

“Do it, or I’ll break it,” he warned.

Sobbing as best she could around the large shaft filling her mouth, she submitted, crying in shame as her former student easily manhandled her. Bobby enjoyed her mouth for several minutes while Ricky looked on enviously, then pulled his slick penis out with a sigh. He turned her over and pulled her ass against his pelvis, actually lifting her off the ground in the process. She felt so light, he hardly had to strain to keep her there.

“You know what you’re doing?” Ricky asked, mentally taking notes for his turn.

“Sure. You just got to … ahh.”

Ms. Cox screamed again as he found her tight cunt, forcing his shaft into her. She found herself impaled and suspended above the floor as he pumped into her, roughly grasping her hips and rocking them to increase his pleasure. Bobby grunted and worked fitfully, his enthusiasm quickly overcoming his lack of expertise.

The teacher wept in shame as the boy’s penis pounded her. Raped by a student, a boy, barely able to rise to the act, she could feel his bare cock ram into her. Worse, her body betrayed her, and she felt herself become wet at his violation, even feeling a humiliating pleasure at his motion. She couldn’t decide which was worse – that this young boy could so easily overpower her, or that his tiny cock now filled her, almost beyond capacity.

She thought her shame couldn’t be worse, but then she felt a large, warm pressure on her lips. She looked in horror at Ricky’s cock, poised to violate her a second time. His rigid six inches loomed like a thick, foot-long monster, but his face showed no hint that she could refuse. Resigned, she tried to force her mouth open wide enough to accommodate it, eventually succeeding in taking in about half before gagging. Bobby’s thrusts provided all the motion needed to move it in and out, to Ricky’s delight.

Bobby couldn’t believe the scene, pounding his teacher’s tight little pussy while Ricky raped her mouth, and came immediately. Both he and Ms. Cox moaned – Bobby in orgiastic pleasure, and she at the shame of feeling his sperm fill her.

Spent, Bobby let her slip off with a wet pop, but her relief was momentary. Ricky immediately pulled out of her mouth, then spun her around. With ease, he hoisted her light body, and she was impaled again, this time filled beyond capacity, making her cry out yet again. Despite her bulging vagina, a full inch of Ricky’s penis remained exposed, her pussy lips stretched tightly around it. He began ramming in and out painfully, heedless of her cries, squeezing her plum-sized breasts as he held her against him, feet still dangling in the air. He pounded her several times, to the point that she thought she would split, then began twisting her around on his shaft. She felt the explosion as he came, the semen seeming to fill her pelvis to a round bulging.

Ricky let her drop. Her aching pussy gushed what seemed a gallon of cum as she slumped to the floor, soaked in sweat and sperm, a discarded sex toy to a couple of boys so recently scorned. She wept emptily. It couldn’t get worse.

Or could it? Suddenly, she felt a wave of dizziness, and found herself floundering in a pool of sticky, warm fluid that completely covered her body, soaking her skin and hair. She opened her eyes and screamed again. Five smiling faces, all giants as large as her body, loomed above her. With a sickening wrench, she realized they’d shrunk her again.

Sure enough, she was now a doll-sized woman lying in a lake of cum that had so recently been inside her, and was now large enough to engulf her. She tried to sit up, but the sticky mess held her down.

“Aww, teacher’s stuck,” Brittany laughed.

“And such a mess, too,” Missy scolded. She reached down and fingers large as legs surrounded Ms. Cox’s naked body. She kicked and screamed as the girl pulled her free, then swung her on a dizzying flight. “Look, guys. Barbie’s new sister.”

“Can’t be a Barbie, not with such puny boobs,” Kim countered, poking the teacher’s grape-sized breasts scornfully. She flicked them with a finger, making Ms. Cox wince. “Pretty squishy, too. Ooh, but look – her little nipples are stiff. Guess she likes it, huh?”

“Hey, Jenny,” Bobby laughed, taking the teacher in hand. “Want another ride?”

He placed the teacher on his once-again stiff penis, now as wide as her whole body. She sat astride it like a log, then started to slip because of her wet skin. She scrambled to hold on, to Bobby’s obvious delight, but lost her hold and screamed again as she fell.

“Not woman enough anymore,” Kim said scornfully, catching her just before she hit the ground. “What should we do with her?”

Missy and Brittany smiled. They each rubbed beneath their dresses.

“She’s the perfect size for us, now. Let’s make her give us another sex education lesson – she can show us how a real woman pleasures another.”

“Yeah,” Kim agreed. “Let’s take her home and show her how we play with our ‘dolls.’ If she’s good enough, she can join the … collection.”


The next week saw another teacher finally assigned to cover for the missing Ms. Cox. She introduced herself and explained that Ms. Cox apparently had not proved satisfactory. The gang of five smiled mysteriously. She had, after all, proved very satisfactory indeed.

Copyright 1999 by Nomdreserv
© Copyright 2018 man (littleman9002 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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